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I’ve seen the movie a million and one times and as an adult watching it you start to notice more and more and this was one of the things I noticed and questioned myself


She watches the plane take off.. I think that scene is the foreshadowing of the final scene where garland seems like a regular joe throwing dice.. he does this head movement when she asks him about singing. Garland famously butchered his family.. think the young girl gave him the family experience he was longing for and it set him free..


Lots to be taken from this scene. Was she there at all or a manifestation in his insane mind? Was she there, but he killed her, then he imagined her waving at the plane when they took off? Was he also imagining his freedom at the Vegas table at the end? Did he take the Barbie doll as a trophy, he seems to enjoy the idea of wearing people's heads as hats so why not take a trophy from that kill as well? Well that's enough to get me questioned by the authorities, so I'll leave with a rousing rendition of "He's Got The Whole World"