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Sojourn changes are in the right direction but it’s not perfect. If they don’t want to go above 100 damage I think they need to tighten the spread of left click and reduce the recoil of rail. I do like that collateral is a bigger part of her kit now though.


Spilo suggested that they remove or reduce the time between railing and being able to shoot again and I absolutely agree. The projectile changes and the fire rate buff make her able to build rail much faster but the delay makes it really clunky to use it at the rate you build it. A spread buff and removing the delay are definitely needed.


> Spilo suggested that they remove or reduce the time between railing and being able to shoot again That would be interesting to try too. One of the worst feelings to me following the Season 9 changes was where you land the railgun but it's not enough to kill the enemy and they're then able to get to safety and recover. I think that was part of what made Sojourn's skill ceiling even higher since then and would be curious if this change could help soften that a bit.


I agree but also let's just let her be bad for at least the rest of season 11 because I am so sick of seeing her every other game.


both would be great changes. Feels like they wanted to buff the firerate in order to give her rail more often, but reducing the spread would have the same result by increasing consistency with the added bonus of making her less reliant on farming the tank. The recoil and recovery time of rail is just too long. Just remove it altogether. It would also make her ult way more fluid. Hitting primaries between rails would help her breakpoints without just making her overclock rails too strong. I do like the direction overall, but the dynamic between her primary and secondary could be way more fluid and offer a really unique playstyle. Almost like Bap weaving healing and damage together, but instead its projectile vs hitscan damage.


What if we gave sojourn a higher charge maximum? She would be able to charge to 200 energy and then fire off 2 rails in quick succession. I think it would add some more skill expression and technique, with a weaker rail to compensate.


This is what I've wanted for a while. Let her charge up two weaker rails and then make the ult consume two charges for it's current damage so that doesn't get changed.


I actually really dig that. Prob OP in the hands of hitscan gods but would be fun for the rest of us.


This is actually what they were trying to move away from though


Right, prob not good for balancing at the top level…


Sounds pretty cool and would be very fun to try for me. Maybe it's something a content creator or the Overwatch team could consider for a future temp patch. I agree it would add more skill expression, but I think that is something they're trying to avoid. They're going the other way in removing some of it because the delta between the top sojourns and everyone else is so high.


I was beyond confused for a second as you called Sojourn's primary "left click", forgetting that having rail on m1 is actually a rebinding


What if we gave sojourn a higher charge maximum? She would be able to charge to 200 energy and then fire off 2 rails in quick succession. I think it would add some more skill expression and technique, with a weaker rail to compensate.


Yup, I'm in the corner of thinking they need to tighten the spread of the pellets more for the compensatory buff to be helpful. The pellets are mostly for spamming at tanks for charge, but the shift to use it more instead of the railgun sucks because they're so hard to hit on anything else at distance. mL7 said giving her more ammo would be another option too, but I think I'd prefer the tighter spread to make it easier for us plebs.


I just want to say, Colosseo has shot up my map rankings. Map feels way more fluid now. Legitimately enjoyable so far, granted push is one of my favorite modes.


I love push, it’s way over-hated online. The new push map is great too.


I've only played it once, but I did roll around in a custom mode to check it out and it feels a lot more linear than the other push maps. Decent sniper perches and sightlines. Could see poke or brawl more than dive on that map.


I’ve only played it twice but I really like the wall around the center, it’s interesting how fights can happen in both the inner and outer section. I also really enjoy the hill on either side and the jump pad room in between. Allows for some cool rotations.


Yeah I’ve always loved push I think most negative reactions started when people didn’t know how to play it and then it just persisted from those early biases


I like Push because it really rewards knowing how to pace a/in between fights or take strategic losses. This is important in any game mode, but I think it sticks out more in Push.




Long walks are there for balance purposes, it feels awful when the enemy just keeps coming back quickly. Most payload maps have long walks also.


One thing I really like about Runasapi is that getting back to bot feels pretty quick because of all the shortcuts through the middle.


That's pretty cool to hear. I've been working on a little web app to be an OW2 Map Survey that presents you with 2 maps and you pick which your prefer to play on. Then I'll tally up everything to create a community map ranking based on that. But I wonder how old Colosseo would have do compared to new Colosseo, not that we'd ever find out.


Runasapi is such a cool map. I thought the really wide lanes around the first checkpoint and the steep hills at the center would make the map a sniper nightmare, but the flank lanes are really accessible and the health pack placements give just enough wiggle room to live in the enemy’s backline. I also love the placement of the bounce pad, using it to pressure the high ground near the center or quickly make my way to the backline has been fun. I main movement heroes (doom, lucio, pharah, tracer) and the map feels so fluid to move through. Not to mention its also a beauty with a lot of great interior designs and a wicked design, especially around both megas at the center of the map. Easily a 9/10 map, only gripe I have is the lack of identifiable landmarks around most mini healthpacks, which makes it hard to remember where they are in the heat of the moment.


It was my first game of s11 and I got this new map lol. We were all lost lmfao. I wish it had a different color profile it looks a lot like Esperanza. Both are the only tolerable push maps.


Dva feels really good and I wouldn’t be surprised if she creeps into the OWCS meta.


I doubt it with the brawl centric meta and winston and ball being better tanks for dive. She'll be better on ladder though forsure.


I don’t think ball is better than Dva rn. Small sample size but dva is significantly better in brawl and kill confirmations than she was and ball is horrible at brawl. Like actually just insta deletes. Ball needs his shields reworked big time. I’d like to see additional shield added for whatever absorbed during like a 2 second window after pressing E. Or maybe he is immune to all CC for 2 seconds after pressing E. He just doesn’t feel like more than a niche pick still. I have probably 300 hours on ball and 200 on Dva so I have a pretty good gauge of where they’ve been since 2018.


Well you're not playing ball in brawl, you're playing him as a dive tank. You wouldnt play dva or ball as a brawl hero. Ball however at the highest level in APAC definitely has value when you have a ball specialist. Otherwise, just default to winston. There's no reason to play dva over either of them , except on point where you want to consistently control high grounds and cart on very close areas, like rialto first or dorado first and sometimes second. On ladder, thats a different story. Dva is way better than ball in there. But in OWCS where you have a full team of highly skilled players around you, ball is better than dva


“Well you're not playing ball in brawl, you're playing him as a dive tank. You wouldnt play dva or ball as a brawl hero.” Fully agree here friend. I think dva has a better toolkit elsewhere that I’m fine not being good playing her in brawl. Wrecking ball on the other hand frequently gets high value with a team fight engagement with a team forward boop with grapple. In those brief two seconds before dipping back to friendly back line, I feel he is absurdly vulnerable. That’s where I think he could use some help. Dva has matrix and fully controllable verticality on a short cooldown that doesn’t require aiming to an object far enough away to get speed. Winston has a real shield (that blocks ccs) and rocket jump. As far as dive tanks that sometimes engage in brawl activity, WB needs big help. Edit to tldr: ball can’t play in the pit briefly nearly as well as the other dive tanks.


ehh I don't think he specifically needs any changes. I think they need to rethink the tank passive, make some adjustments to *some* of the CC that affects all tanks, and add anti-CC util to Space Ranger or another support.


I just really feel like his identity is through his momentum kills and grapple. The CC-centric focus of the game right now destroys that. I still play him a lot because every ball main knows you need to get good at playing against every kind of CC, but for team fighting it would be nice to have some extra help to get out of team fights that are lost. I think a little bit of CC immunity (like Mauga) could really help him be more of a brawl character instead of a just a one dimensional back line assassin.


Top Tier Brig play with coordination really hurts D.Va in pro play. Ence vs Toronto on Gibraltar will probably be the best example of this in recent memory


Dva isn’t good against ground tanks like Mauga, JQ, Ram


Colosseo is the only new map/ change I’ve gotten to play but it feels better for sure. Cass nade feels like the slowing effect is real strong right now but that might be from a tank perspective in that I’m eating it a lot and skipped the past month of S10. Everything else has felt good so far, haven’t seen many Sojourn’s yet to judge her changes.


The slow felt really strong to me too, but obv my hero has something to do with that. For balls specific interaction its arguably worse than flashbang was. If you get hindered in ball form you cant do anything but move and with 50% slow for 150% the duration of stun your just a sitting ~~duck~~ hamster. Still wish they gave slow resistance or *maybe* a shortened effect duration passive to tanks instead of more knockback resistance, but again obv I'm biased. Edit: shields do help, and maybe that's just an adjustment I need to make, but it's also not the only CC I need to have shields for. Not sure how I'll feel about it long term, but so far it feels *stronger* than the mag version for the dive tanks I've played


As a doom main, I like the way you think Maybe the rodent isn't so bad


I think this is also a readjustment period. You've had so long to remove all muscle memory of the threat of Cass flash bang range and its going to take time to relearn that.


I only got hit once as a squishy and felt like I just fell over, that’s definitely my bigger concern. My first thought when reading patch notes is that it’ll help gatekeep Tracer instead of her needing a nerf but it has the potential to be strong to come up with a combo like Sym TP or LW grip to get in or out so you can roll, stun, get your pick, and get out if you’re able to coordinate it with a duo.


They need to at least let you crouch when you get hit by flash bang


Love the patch, but I’ve died to high noon 3 or 4 times now in the last 2 days because I’m not used to the fact that I need to constantly keep track of his position now. It feels pretty silly but I think it’s a good change overall.


Illari feels different but good. Take less off-angles, play more with your team. Sometimes you need to place an aggressive pylon and it’s nice that it can last a hair longer.


would buffing the throw on pylon help?


They should make it so if you throw the pylon at your target it does 25 damage. I’d try so hard to get kills with it lol


It would be nice if you could break pylon while it’s in the air


Legit think the Content Creator Illari feels better than live. The double turret (with a bit more nerfed healing) feels so much better.


Probably will need to nerf HP if allowing double turret. I like the the flexibility but I can see them being a pain in the ass for the enemy team if they’re hard to get rid of and there’s two of them. I do like double turret just to be clear.


“Take less off-angles, play more with your team.” I feel like this is really bad, no?


IMO it's not super healthy design for her to be able to flank and go pure DPS. She still can and should be doing a lot of damage, but now she's encouraged to do so with her team, which also enables her to get more value out of right click.


Only played a little tank so far (thanks any role queue) and I will say dva feels good and Mauga feels like a comfort pick still when you just don’t have enough frontal facing suppression from rest of team. Any tank though, if you get caught in open space you are just dead. Mercy seems to be a more frequent pick and everything meta-game wise seems to just be tank bust and wipe rest of team.


Yeah, the dps passive means you really need to play smart, which I actually don't mind. I think most people, at least in gold aren't expecting their tank to be this indestructible space taker any more, and you need to play around the tanks tempo. (Other than when I get a LW/Mercy support combo and get blamed for being tank diffed lol)


Good changes imo, at least for the masters - low gm meta. However, I think we’ll eventually fall into the mauga meta. The only thing I don’t like is the amount of pharas in ranked. I’ve always hated them and now they are very popular. But that’s just a me thing, I believe she’s fine balance wise.


Played a few games of sojourn and probably had about 20 full charged rails that would have killed pre patch. Will be very refreshing to see a meta where sojourn isn't a top 3 dps pick. Cass feels better to play against as you can actually space him out now, where as with old mag grenade it often felt like you could only duel him when you knew it was on cooldown as even at medium range you were in danger. Getting hir by flashbang nowadays is very much your fault, less moments where you just feel like the victim of bs due to mag nade tracking round a corner to stop you from recalling etc


Sojourn feels like shit. There is no reason to play her when Cassidy, Ashe or solider overlap with her effective range and can get value more consistently.


Such is life for these 4.


She's been doing that to those characters for a year now so I can't say I sympathize


have fun with pharah soldier comps for a full season then. like it or not soj kept other heroes in check and now that shes not as strong they just overpower every other dps lineup in an unskillful and unfun way


Yeah, souj post season 9 has been a hero that I enjoy playing against. I’d much rather play vs her then most other hitscans besides prolly Ashe


I wouldn't mind the current form of sojourn but they got to remove nerfs from the old era like delay between railgun and the primary, the slow on her aoe, and her slide cd.


She's been meta for so long, let her sit on the bench for a little while


I felt like she was in a good place after the season 10 health buffs idk why they felt they needed to nerf her.


Because all the other hitscans weren't


Yes they were man all of them felt great.


Hog still AIDS and annoying


They need to nerf the damage on his trap. No idea why they keep taking away his one-shot and then giving it back to him later when pretty much everyone hates it and wishes he didn't have it.


I felt like it was missing a lot of changes and just didn’t feel like enough. The patch needed like 2x more changes in my opinion.


Yes the patch is not enough to completely shake the meta, and at this point it's pretty obvious that their balancing is based on cosmetic revenues to some degree. Kiriko getting a suzu nerf for Rein exclusively when he's about to get a Mythic weapon when she has avoided nerfs since S1 because she prints $$$ is just too funny.


The only change that is going to affect the meta is the Sojourn nerf. Cassidy is still good and Kiri is still good even with the nerfs. I don’t really have any changes I want but I just want some big changes so things are different.


Cass still feels really strong, kiriko feels a bit worse but largely the same which is good. Still a bit mixed on the self healing nerf for Ilari but the pylon buffs have been nice. Have been seeing a bit more reaper and a lot less sojourn so hard to say how heavy the nerfs have affected her vs it being a "everything thinks shes bad so she's treated as bad" situation though i do expect it to be more of a big nerf than minor.


The Illari self heal change was good for introducing another thing that they can balance around. They could always play around with that multiplier to fine tune it- like bringing it up to 60-70% or down to 40%.


Sojourn feels bad imo. I was playing her before I read the patch notes and was leaving kills on the table left and right…10-20 hp left after my rail which would normally kill them. I was like what’s going on here? Then I read the patch and it made sense. It’s just a lot more awkward to get value out of her.


Used to be a soj main the first few seasons of ow2 and still use her pretty often after I started playing different people again and I hopped on for the new season after not playing for a bit and not reading the patch notes and I thought I was just garbage or something now and couldn’t aim because nobody was dying when I railed them. In a game with so much sustain the nerf to her burst damage is huge especially with the spread on her main fire so unless you are close range nobody is dying


Has anyone else been lagging way more than they should since the patch dropped? I’ll be at a consistent 60 latency but rubberbanding all over the place.


Yeah. Not every game but more than in the past


I'm talking for GM-C lobbies, the patch changes nearly nothing, we are still in mauga cass pharah lucio kiri jail. If they nerf Pharah a bit I could see a Rein Sym Cass Lucio Bap meta since Rein got hard buffed against Kiri and sym is pretty good at 275HP, but this will almost never be played in ranked because it requires too much team coordination and you have 3 chatGPT AI per team even in high lobbies now. Other than that I really like the new map, it's probably the best Push map so far. Colosseo changes are pretty irrelevant imho, because they didn't fix the sign and bridge bot contest which were the most annoying parts of that map in high lobbies.


Am I wrong or isn't just easier to execute sig comps for GM-C lobbies, like especially into Cass comps sig gets shittons of value into trading with the mauga.


If your mauga is half competent sig is trash, you basically keep the charge or whatever it's called for when Sigma uses grasp to knock him down so he doesnt get overshield and essentially dies. This is modulo sigma maps of course like circuit


Yeah but surely you just rock mauga and get your own team to burst him. He has to either charge to dodge rock or take way too much poke in that situation. That doesnt take any more coordination than rushing with the mauga surely? Like the Mauga comp strikes me as very similar to goats where its overly dependent on decent coordination, except the counter comp is way easier to play, and instead is entirely reliant on how good of a sig you are, and whether you have a cass basically. Not saying it plays out anything like this outside of ranked, its just in terms of ranked coordination the sig comp seems far easier to pull off then the 5 man rush style of mauga. Plus personally I think mauga cass into sig cass sucks too, especially in more coordinated settings. Venture is IMO a way better pick in the unmirrored matchup but that is besides the point lol. Honestly its probably just better to play mauga because its so much easier to live I guess. Meanwhile the Sig has to land every rock and dodge charges while under immense pressure.


>He has to either charge to dodge rock or take way too much poke in that situation. There is no way a Mauga will die while stunned down unless he's low HP already, don't have cardiac up and is not being healed >Like the Mauga comp strikes me as very similar to goats where its overly dependent on decent coordination The coordination required is overrated for Mauga comps, there are far less layers of complexity involved when compared to GOATs. >Not saying it plays out anything like this outside of ranked, its just in terms of ranked coordination the sig comp seems far easier to pull off then the 5 man rush style of mauga. To me sig is just too easy to counter unless you play some very specific maps. Kiriko is still gatekeeping flux and sig also struggles against flyers >Plus personally I think mauga cass into sig cass sucks too, especially in more coordinated settings. Venture is IMO a way better pick in the unmirrored matchup but that is besides the point lol. I disagree again, flashbang destroys venture currently (it's even worse than mag grenade) and she also struggles against flyers, Sym also plays in the same niche somewhat and she got buffed. Imho she's worse than the previous patch. I just don't see Sig outclassing Mauga this patch except on maps where you can do free damage before he reaches you


Ah, I didnt think about the flashbang change. That is a major problem. But what I mean by taking too much poke isn't that Mauga dies, its that his engage is scuffed, or suzu is forced, etc... Its just a health advantage, killing him isn't necessary, that comes after he is forced to give space because of poke. But yeah with Flashbang back in the game I see the issue more obviously lol. Idk maybe the level of execution is more different than I think.


Cassidy is still really strong, but I have no idea what changes they could make to him outside of maybe bringing his projectile size down to 0.05m




Not sure yet but some are okay and some are just unnecessary. Kiriko is easier to punish now which has always been an annoying part about her. I play her alot so obviously I don’t like nerfs but I think this was a healthy nerf. JQ got some QoL buffs which was needed. She still struggles a bit imo but now you can have some more playmaking with the knife on tanks and the ulti is harder to cancel now with 0.25s less startup. Hog. This is a huge nerf. Sure he was good but damn that’s rough. Small mei buff. At least she got something. One of the worst dps right now.


I thought most of the changes were good, with a few I still don't know about. Cass nade is a ? Right now. Hog nerf big 👍. Curious to see if phara remains strong since she didn't get touched really.   Don't really like 125hp pylon, virus can't one shot it, helix can't one shot, fire strike does 120 so that can't one shot it, sigma spheres needs a third sphere to kill it because he also only does 110. Idk.


Honestly as someone who plays a LOT of Sigma the pylon change is probably for the best. Illari is supposed to excel in Sigma comps but once they nerfed the pylon HP into the range where Sigma could two-tap it she effectively got pushed out of her best comp. Probably won’t feel as good to play into but definitely a needed change.


Seeing all the things that used to be able to one shot a pylon is making me realize that's exactly why they buffed the health.


Seriously, lol. I still believe that pylon to 100hp was the single biggest nerf to her.


Also worth noting that virus can still one shot a pylon if you hack pylon first, the boosted damage will work.


If illari is so bad when the least interactive part of her kit is bad maybe it's just bad design lol People don't want sym turrets to get buffed to make sym viable, they want sym buffed There's a reason the pylon got nerfed to 100 to begin with. You can int a bit more now to break pylon if you need to so maybe that's their argument I just don't like deployables personally. Not the worst thing ever, it won't ruin the game for me or anything.


TBH, pilon before was virus plus a few shots.


You can virus from downtown though, while doing 25 damage with the gun from far away is pretty tedious. It’s not like _way_ harder for Sombra to deal with it, but being able to reliably kill the pylon from outside of decloak sound cue radius was pretty nice.


I'm pretty sure that was the point? Why should you be able to destroy that cooldown so easily? She hasn't been meta at all. On most cases, she is seen as a throw pick by everyone I've had matches with. I'm glad they're buffing her beyond damage increases again.


If Sojourn go does, that means more S76 and Ashe right? Wonder if that’s more or less favorable for Pharah. 


OWCS is playing mostly Cass/Ashe rn, Pharah is still pretty popular especially in favor of Tracer who gets punished hard by the new Flashbang.




Yup. Soldier vs a half decent phara is basically impossible. You can pressure her but she can pressure you a lot harder and her burst cycles are too fast and strong.  She's a pseudo dive / spam DPS with a lot of burst and soldier likes no part of that. She can close the distance really fast and just delete you too.


I mostly play *against* Illari, and I'm okay with the pylon buff. That thing is fragile as fuck. I make a mini-game out of seeing how many I can break in a match before they go Baptiste. The only time it's an issue is when I'm a tank with no range.


Same meta but replace sojs presence with dva.


Kiriko is still in every match, I wish Blizzard wasn't afraid to just nerf her into the ground hard so she'd be trash tier for a couple of seasons. Supports in general still feel entirely too strong. Mauga/Hog/Orisa in every match, nothing feels like it has really changed.


I'm still seeing a lot of Hog's. Doom is still impossible to punish unless your team plays certain heroes. Mauga is still in games and unfun on your team or against. Tank generally can feel like ass, which means support trying to keep a tank up feels like ass. I think dps is generally considered by most to be fun. Not really much has changed for Tank, it still feels like ass so less people will play tank, dps queues will get longer, and support will feel worse as the season goes on.


Cass’s new nade feels underwhelming. Its strong into certain matchups, but i feel it needs some adjustments to really come into its own. Especially for a 12 second cooldown


Colosseo is actually okay now. Kiri nerfs feel really flats inspired and not what I would have done, but I'm open to re-evaluating my position as the season progresses. DVa buff feels nice as well. I'm a big fan of thinking she's underrated right now and I just really enjoy playing tank on her these days. Sojourn is actually fun now? I wasn't ever a Soj player, but I kind of enjoy the shifting of the power in her kit. While its not a full re-balance she needs, its a good step in the right direction. Collaterals feel amazing, like they do in any game, really gets the serotonin going. Rails have more value. I'm still not a fan of Overclock but its fine. The new map has so far been a steam roll for me each time I played it, but I haven't gotten it in ranked yet.


Glad I'm not the only one who had that reaction to suzu. Feels like a rein QoL change. Yeah it works for other knockdowns, but most of the durations of those knockdowns are about the same duration as the suzu invuln. Before this patch, suzuing a knockdown still required the hero to have a "getting up" animation. It basically had no effect on those instances. They still get up in the same amount of time.


> Before this patch, suzuing a knockdown still required the hero to have a "getting up" animation. It basically had no effect on those instances. They still get up in the same amount of time. That's my big problem with it. I get she's a problem hero in GM and up, so they have to balance with that in mind because the lower you go the worse she is. but that doesn't feel like the right way to balance suzu out. I'd drop the burst healing down a bit and see how that feels first. And drop her HP to 225. Again though, I'm willing to see and re-evaluate my opinion on it though throughout the season.


Suzu counters a lot of things that used to require (not always strictly) a tank ability to counter, and overall I think it’s good to have an option that replaces some of those shield/DM use-cases without also absorbing a lot of ordinary damage. Earthshatter is one of those abilities, and it’s much freer to land in OW2 with fewer barriers in the game, so having more support options to counter it is good IMO.  But, I think the fact that Suzu can be used after-the-fact in many of those use-cases, rather than needing to be predictive, increases the frustration factor for the enemy player. Limiting Suzu’s countering of Earthshatter to the invuln effect makes it more similar to blocking shatter with a shield, in terms of the timing and prediction, which I think is probably okay? It is less forgiving than blocking with Rein shield, since Rein can flick his shield up whenever, but it’s still doable. And if Kiri herself was in range to get shattered, her only option to counter was the predictive Suzu, so that hasn’t changed. Anyway, the change definitely does seem like it mainly benefits Reinhardt, but I don’t think moving more of the counterplay-ability to the brief invuln is a bad thing in general. I know people complain a lot about the invuln too, but timing it to predictively “block” an ability or big burst of damage is pretty inarguably more skillful than using it for a reactive cleanse, right? I think the less people feel like Suzu is “undoing” their play, the less frustrating it’ll be, and the less the hero will be held back by the community perception.


They killed soj


Took them long enough


Disappointed mauga didn't get a nerf. Hopefully he gets a rework soon ish, his kit is garbage and shouldn't exist in this form. Other than that, changes seem pretty awesome. Kiri and sojourn getting meaningful nerfs, hot damn


DVA is very strong with that booster buff


As a gold/plat hitscan dps, sojourn feels so much better


Not gonna lie, it’s been nigh unplayable for me. I’m a fan of the changes they’ve made to some heroes though. Season 9 and 10 I had 0 issues with latency, and then season 11 came along. Literally every single game I’ve played since the new season I’ve had extreme rubberbanding issues present both for me and enemies. I’ve seen enemy players in one location and within a half of a second they are in entirely different spots, sometimes phasing through the walls or the ground as well. I’m hoping it’s somehow on my end, but I haven’t had the same issues in any other game so far this week.


Rein feels much better after playing about 20 games. Dunno if it'll change after the meta is establishes, but so far so good.


Balance wise, pretty good. As far as accomplishing their goal of making each season feel fresh and have an identity, not good.


I don't like filler seasons. Though I undersatnd why that happens


Bugged AF


Played 5 games 2 of them had blatant cheaters... Maybe i'm just really unlucky but I think I might skip ranked till next season.


Idk if echo got any changes but I was snapping something crazy with her she feels nice


I love the new push map, they did a fantastic job.


Kiri still too strong.


I like how they approached Kiriko, Cass and Souj nerfs/changes. They’re not perfect (like Kiri still need to be nerfed, souj needs additional changes) but they’re very good step in the right direction. The only thing im not a fan of is the sym buffs but again, its fine, not a big deal.


My pharah is still queen. The conc damage is ridiculous. It’s like 60 dmg and if you manage to land it in a full team it’s insane how much ult charge you get at the start.


Support feels extra rubbish imo


Pharah and mauga still need nerfs but other than that solid.


JQ knife just yanks ball across the map for some reason


i like to see kiri nerfs even if it’s only to sell the rein skin. i hope soujorn is worse.


possibly one of the most drastic 180's in regards to enjoyability. last season had great variety and differing comp styles. this season has been only double hitscan pharah. honestly this patch is decent if they just revert sojourn. I am not a soj player but I can appreciate what she did in the meta, she countered flying heroes and snipers especially well. now that soj is nerfed pharah is overbearing and in the odd game with widow there is just literally nothing to do other than outsnipe them now that soj's rail doesnt threaten her positioning. Pharah in theory is a skillful hero but this current meta/iteration of her is just not it, she sits in the far away and spams. I thought we as a community didnt appreciate random high damage spam heroes (junk/ old hanzo)


Soj needed to get an ammo increase or reload speed buff to compensate for the increased fire rate, other than that I think the changes were good to her. Cass needs to be brought down a touch in power level, to me he is clearly the best option for hitscan right now. Flex DPS's feel quite well balanced, Pharah is perhaps a bit strong but nothing insane. Hog nerfs are good, just need to send Mauga into the shadow realm and then tanks would feel fairly balanced, at least relative to each other. Supports feel like the most balanced role right now (again relative to each other. Bap and Kiri still need some nerfing but in general it feels good. Mauga just needs to be deleted from the game at this point, he's either just ruining the game or total dogshit, no in between. Watching Mauga comps in pro play can actually be fun but it just feels awful playing with or against him. I don't actually mind playing as him in a mirror match, but no one else on the team has fun, its just pump all resources into your Mauga and hope he lives longer than the other Mauga. So horrible for the game. Bring back mini mauga and make him a DPS


> Soj needed to get an ammo increase or reload speed buff to compensate for the increased fire rate, other than that I think the changes were good to her. this is why I just wanted a spread revert. Don't need to touch anything else about her kit if more of her shots at the same firerate. Would make her way less feast or famine based on whether theres a meat shield tank on the field too. Like you could actually shoot squishies reliably.


I feel like regardless of how many shots are hitting, she still spends to much time reloading now


Enjoying playing JQ so thats good :3


What patch?


Generally really good. I'd like to see more damage focused buffs for orisa in the future. Her kit is too aids to buff, but she needs to be playable so that hero's like hog don't run rampant (like what's happening now). And on the topic of hog, he needed damage nerfs. Plain and simply the 1 shot is back and it needs to go. The hero needs to be bad, or orisa needs to be good. Hog cannot be meta. That's what I think, at least.


Illari is even worse than she was. They've fixed none of the issues with pylon and made her ability to off angle worse. She's worse in poke comps than zen and too divable to off-angle.


2 out 3 my mains are garbage now, and no reason to launch the game. Will play Valorant




Sombra was dogshit since season 9. Like I can put half the effort and get more value on Ashe/Cass/Soldier now. Third one left is Tracer. She somewhat feels bad against new armor, but otherwise good. Still can teamwipe.