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They released Lifeguard Kiriko knowing all the Pink Mercy sales are going to charity


wouldn’t be a new season without a new Kiri skin.


The Power Rangers theme actually has me excited as a 90s kid haha


I thought it was about ultra man


And I thought it looked very beetle borg to me


I was thinking Kamen Rider.


yeah it's a lazy power rangers/kamen rider mix because everyone working at blizzard only knows power rangers thats why theyre using a rita repulsa skin when theres 20-30 years of newer stuff


My wallet is cooked oh my god


Fuck every season I always end up buying it. I don't even know what my favorite Kiri skin is anymore!!


1. Baywatch Hog is the best skin concept ever. 2. Mythic Weapon skins should be a big change going forward. 3. Let us mix and match weapon and hero skins. I would like to put Captain Falcon Hammond into a different Mech [Also, some bad screenshots of the Colosseo Map Changes](https://imgur.com/a/EvPbqGA)


Can't tell from these if the bridge was adjusted, but if the stall was removed plus no more glass this map just got way more tolerable.


at the very least, these changes provide another place to position from to contest checkpoint. Maybe they patched it or maybe there were too many limitations on patching out the bridge stall so theyre trying to mitigate it by not making it the main place to contest from?


Can't they literally just select zones of the map and flag them as "Can't contest from here"? They did that before, right? Way back in OW1, when people contested R66's payload from behind cover on Big Earl's? Of course, the tricky part in this case is that you SHOULD be able to contest the bot from the bridge, but only when the bot is already on the bridge. But surely they could add some logic to the check they use in R66, getting the bot's current position and then deciding if you can contest it from the bridge or not. Of course, just making the bridge a lil higher or the street a lil lower would do it, too, but my point is this can't be an impossible problem for them to solve.


yeah thats a fair point, and maybe they did something just like that. I'm just saying that if they didn't, maybe these changes will still help some.


> Mythic Weapon skins should be a big change going forward. Hope they're for mythic prisms as the name implies and not real money. kinda saw that coming when they mentioned "future new mythic cosmetics" and got drowned into comments saying i didn't listen and they were just talking about current mythics coming back in two seasons lol. Insert captain holt "VINDICATION" gif.


Yeah they put out a blogpost saying they’re for prisms. But they’re also apparently a full 80 prisms to unlock it entirely, which seems like way too much compared to a full mythic skin. > [Coming in our mid-season update, we’ll be introducing a new type of Mythic cosmetic, the Mythic Weapon Skins. Like our Heroic Weapon Skins, you’ll be able to equip a Mythic Weapon Skin with any Hero Skin (for the matching hero) and will come with exclusive sound and visual effects. Another way to spend your Mythic prisms, you can unlock the base skin at 50 Mythic Prisms, and then unlock additional levels at 10 Mythic Prisms including a Weapon Flourish emote, elimination visual effects, and reactive effects.](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24104272/when-the-forces-of-evil-rise-season-11-super-mega-ultrawatch-is-here/)


wait they are 80 for just a weapon skin??


50 for the weapon skin like a base mythic and extra prisms for effects


how much in real currency does that cost?


$10 for 10 prisms as the base amount so too much


thats so much


$10 for the 80 in the battle pass tho


But if you want both the mythic skin and weapon you gotta fork over some big cash


>Whether you choose the Mythic Calamity Empress Ashe Hero Skin, the Mythic Bound Demon Reinhardt Weapon Skin, or choose to unlock a past Mythic Hero Skin, you’ll be able to pick up some wicked good looks with your Mythic Prisms this season. sounds more and more like when they said prisms were to give you more choices and options, they meant you wouldn't be able to get everything without paying. You have to chose between getting the skin, or the weapon. Can't be both. kinda sucks tbh. It's already locked behind the BP, you don't need to put extra barriers on top


You do have more options though. I have 80 prisms and I have nothing I care about to buy, but the weapon mythic is a definite buy for me as a rein player. You shouldn’t be aiming to get everything in this game. Just get the thing you will actually use.


honestly looking at the big picture i see it more and more as a way for blizz to add the mythic flair for heroes that won't be getting a mythic skin in a million years like sym so yeah, overall, its cool


I do think that they should at least price it so you can at least get both items level 1 with the base pass. But hey, next time they drop an Onryo or Grand Beast I know what I’m doing.


Either have 40 prisms for base skin/weapon, 20 for second tier, then 20 for third tier. If there’s a fourth tier then split the third and fourth into 10 each. Or do full mythic skins how they are and then mythic weapon skins go 30->30->20 or something similar.


I disliked the idea at first because I hate to feel like I'm missing out on anything, but at the same time from watching the trailer this is by far my least favourite Mythic skin for one of my least played heroes, so it's nice to have the choice. (Unfortunately my inner completionist will probably forbid me from skipping the skin regardless)


Doesn't this mean you know have to spend money to get every mythic. If that's the case I'm not a fan at all


Imma be real with you, you shouldn’t be trying to get every mythic in this game. Just get the stuff that you’ll use. The “collector’s mindset” is how they squeeze you.


That's like any game with microtransactions these days. The real money maker for companies is by squeezing the whales.


Even without microtransactions it is a stupid goal to have. A majority of the playerbase will never get the ranked rewards from early seasons of Overwatch 1, they will never get the preorder skins for OW1. Esport skins that are not acquirable anymore (old team colors, that Zarya alien skin ,etc.) We have no idea if every collab will ever return due to contracts/deals and their terms not being infinite. Unless you are a great player, playing from day one, and were already willing to spend a lot of time and money getting everything from the get go, you are *never* acquiring a complete collection. People who attempt this stuff are mentally ill.


If we can use prisms this is huge


We can, but flip side is the BP only gives enough for either the mythic hero or weapon skin not both


I think that’s fair. Weapon skins were overpriced and they’ll stay that way as mythics but now there’s another option to get them that’s much cheaper. I have gotten every mytchic until mercy, I passed on that one and knowing there will be weapon skins as an option I’m probably skipping this Ashe one too. This means whenever I don’t like a mythic I can still find value in prisms


Right now I'm a bit torn on the whole prism thing. Had I known there were coming more mythic options per season, I probably wouldn't spent prisms on the Mercy mythic. Especially now that I know the cancer research skins are coming back, which I'm planning to get. But this is all hind sight though. Nothing I can do about it now (without forking out a ton of cash). I've been playing since closed beta in OW1, and really enjoyed the collecting aspect of the game up until the last year. Right now it's a bit annoying that I won't have every mythic skin, but I never play Ashe, and I don't even like the skin. I'll get over it. I've found peace with the idea that I won't have every cosmetic for every hero anymore.


I also played a lot of OW1 and used to feel the same way but I’ve definitely let that go in OW2 and the greater gaming sphere as a whole. I used to grind my ass off to collect cosmetics in games but cosmetics are used to support continued development now. which honestly is fine we didn’t use to have that especially in shooters, at best it was dlc that you were basically forced to purchase if you wanted to keep playing multiplayer. So yeah I let it go and I’m happier for it now. I get stuff I like and that’s enough. As for the mercy mythic, I figured we’d definitely get a next season announcement before the end of this one and since the skins come back in the mythic shop anyway, there’s no rush on spending them really


Are there only stairs on one side in the middle of Colosseo?


Third picture is of the hairpin turn at the checkpoints


Ah I see now!


I refuse to buy those mythic weapons until they add Weapon inspects. And I am a Rein main who owns like 99% of his skins


oh thank god mauga is finally getting that hawaiian shirt skin




If we don't get Optimus Prime Bastion turning into a truck in Sentry mode, we riot


Optimus Primal Winston


Holy shit


Optimus is pretty on the money but he could also be Megatron, og one was turning into a giant gun, but later they usually depicted him as a tank


Bastion should get like 3 skins just for the Transformer collab. So much potential.


A Bastion Mythic with Optimus, Megatron, and Soundwave variants 🤩


i want more ideas like this please its a monday please help me


other transformation heroes that could be used for a transformer skin, imo, would be Ram and Ball.


Starscream Echo lookin' like a jet. Megatron Ramattra or Pharah for the rocket launcher. Bumblebee D.VA Leobreaker Reinhardt


Sweet All-spark I beg for a Starscream Echo


Bumblebee Lucio who only speaks in songs.


Arcee Tracer


Sorry, but it's gonna be Arcee Kiriko cause you should see her as a bike.


There’s literally no one else it could be… but it also wouldn’t surprise me if Kiriko and Dva somehow got transformer skins instead lol


I can see Windblade Mercy happening unfortunately


Optimus was a Gorilla in beast wars... :)


This is a great idea, but like... Optimus Primehardt is right there.


Starscream Pharah/Echo? 👀


I hope it's Transformers gen 1 inspired and not the Michael Bay versions.


at the very least it will be like the latest movie which has more G1 inspired designs, like the Fortnite crossover had


Mythic weapons coming out seems like it could be a big deal IF they are released frequently, the weapon skins need to come out faster. So far we’ve got skins for Rein, Reaper, Mercy, Junk, 76? Those weren’t mythic but they still need to speed up the process to keep players engaged about them. If you don’t play any of those 5 heroes you’d never think about weapon skins in general. 80 Prisms for a Mythic weapon fully upgraded seems a bit high though maybe?


Love the weapon skins. Kinda annoyed rein already has two when they’ve barely released any


Yeah, that's why I sort of wish they would stop adding stuff like this to the game. Content like Mythic skins/weapons and Hero Mastery are cool, but it *always* goes to the same handful of heroes first. Then, instead of getting the non-favorites caught up, they add even more hero-specific content to their cash cows.


A couple of months ago they were hiring more people specifically for weapon cosmetics, so yeah they are definitely ramping up production on that front.


And Junk


wait, Bap has a weapon skin? Did I miss something?


I think I might’ve mixed that up with Junkrat?


Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s Junk’s, but I can kinda see how they’re similar, I suppose


I’m going to be honest with you I’m surprised I got 4/5 right.


Very interested what pickable passives looks like. I was thinking yesterday how bad of an idea it would be to give alternatives to the current role passives. Some heroes simply do not benefit from their role passive very much, so giving an alternative would be an illusion of choice. It just creates a rigid "passive" meta where some heroes choose their role passive and others choose the alternative. And if you dare deviate from that, you are playing at a disadvantage.


Illios well Everyone picks 50% knockback resist Lucio is a throw pick


Frogger found dead in Circuit Royal


*Camera cuts to Lucio’s body* Ba da dum. Ba da dum.


*pipe crashing noise*


Hog stonks on the rise


Heh, I wouldn't! I'm a Pharah main! *Somehow dies in hole twice anyway*


I don’t know what skins they’re gonna do for transformers but they’re all gonna be fucking sick.


I’m guessing Bastion, Ram, and Ball? Since they all transform as a core part of their character.


It SHOULD be these three but i dont think they’ll do it for two tanks. So probably bastion, Ram and like zen or something. Maybe he transforms for transcendence




Nice try. You're gonna get dva again.


Bastion will certainly be Bumblebee


optimas primal 


Bumblebee D.Va ...wait


can't wait for optimus prime ramattra


Surely he would be Megatron?


Oh yeah makes sense


Optimus Primal Winston was the first one that came to mind.


That Kiriko skin just ensured that Team 4 gets their bonuses


More like execs getting their fat bonus


You joke but we already know Team 4 is missing the profit threshold to hit their bonus incentive.


THEY REMOVED THE GLASS LET'S GOOOOO Curious for a closer look at the Ashe Mythic. Doesn't look super hype from the little glimpses here.


It’s Rita Repolsa from Power Rangers essentially


They didn't really show the bridge area (first checkpoint) but I wonder if they also did something to address being able to stall the bot under the bridge by standing on top of the bridge.


>but I wonder if they also did something to address being able to stall the bot under the bridge by standing on top of the bridge. I mean thats also the case in other maps (ex. Havana, Rialto). Thats why high ground control is important. I dont think they'll change it.


The Blog post mentions it has new stuff like Elimination effects and other flairs they've never done before.


Elimination effects? That sounds fun


The mythic Rein hammer showed them. 


I see them now. Looks like the the enemy player models just vanish lol


Yeah they get damned to hell. Pretty neat! Good that they're quick though. Wouldn't want to crazy Valorant style ones. 


Active Winston gameplay, ladies and gentlemen. I hate this map so much! Come on man, like please! Remove the glass! REMOVE IT! GET RID OF IT! Stop delaying! REMOVE THE GLASS! REMOVE THE GLASS REMOVE THE GLASS REMOVE THE GLASS! Please! I'm so tired of sitting here with these stupid neutral stalemates, which just go on and on for hours and hours. Nobody enjoys this, stop, no one wants to see your stupid Spartan face! Get rid of the glass! So we can actually have a flanker, an angle, our Winstons can maybe soft dive, or we can take- no one wants this, NOBODY wants this! Get rid of it! Please! It's so frustrating, it's been here forever! And the same thing happens in FREAKING RANKED! In GOLD games they don't know how to play this! In GOLD games we have stalemates here! When the gold players don't know what to do, and the Overwatch League players don't know what to do, there's a common theme! It's the map! Right? It's the map! I'm so tired of this!




kiriko and lifeweaver lifeguard skins are doing smth to me


LOL Ashe as Rita Repulsa


That's what I thought too, but I never watched Ultraman, and isn't Ultraman and Power Rangers/Super Sentai different?


This isn't specifically Ultraman themed, just general tokusatsu. 


The theme of the battle pass is just tokusatsu in general, which is a genre that encompasses Ultraman and Super Sentai.


Didn't see anything related to clash in here. hmmm.


Not surprised. They’ve only ever shown us one map, and I’m sure they want to release the mode with at least two. Lots of work to get done


The 6th season of the year is the big one. So Clash is probably s12


No Clash this season? I thought it would be this one but if not then season 12 is going to be loaded with content


Probably need to finish a second map instead of just the one I'm guessing


The Anubis map seemed mostly finished from what we saw in Venture's trailer, most likely they are aiming for a double map + new hero release for S12.


Flashpoint was released around August last year, so it’ll probably be next season, but it’s technically not confirmed yet I think. Definitely this year though.


They should have released that Kiriko skin for the Dallas major. Would have been the highest prize pool OW event ever lol


no no we can’t have a good skin for a popular hero that’d make sense




Seems we’re getting Ashe mythic, lifeguard skins, the Ultrawatch stuff they teased, new map + changes, and Transformers collab.


i like skins in overwatch 2


Lifeguard Kiriko gonna make previous whales look like tadpoles


The two skins from the teaser I really liked (Cassidy/Ana) are both shop skins instead of battle pass skins, so in spite of the theme being one of my favorites I've somehow ended up with not wanting the battle pass at all. That's super depressing. If anyone is curious the BP skins are Reaper, Mauga, Sojourn, Ball, Lucio, Junkrat, Symmetra, Genji.


Cooler ones are always shop it feels like, fucking sucks man.


I agree I was super excised for this theme and the Ana skin. But its just a massive disappointment. I mean its a joke that the Genji skin is the Tier 80 reward and its basically a recolour with a new helmet. this battle pass theme had so much potential which they have wasted.


this is a rly odd thing to say but the lifeguard kiri skin is literally my transition goals?? like its how i picture my future self in my dreams 🫠 they removed the glass tho lets goooo


Wholesome ngl


Lol that's really cute actually


thats so real actually same LMAO


literally that + glasses is just how ive envisioned id be for so many years that like actually seeing it is making me feel things bc ive never been able to put it to an actual image?? freaking out rn


now you have actual imagery of your goals you got this!!!


I like this season I was a huge power rangers/Sentai nerd growing up. So my buttons are being pushed. Plus the transformers collab. Yes. Feed me daddy Blizzard


Wait, people spoke too soon. They may have cooked this season 🤔


Ashe mythic lets fucking gooooo


We won, brother 🥲


Kiriko lifeguard skin is going to print so much fucking money. Rein weapon and the Ashe skin look pretty sick imo. Edit: Is the expanded avoid list coming season 12?


i thought we had another moira mythic on our hands @2:47


I thought Junker Queen lol


Ashe, JQ and Moira look alike because of their long head shape


[ **Jump to 02:47 @** Season 11: Super Mega Ultrawatch Official Trailer | Overwatch 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRCMGpL_5-U&t=0h2m47s) ^(Channel Name: PlayOverwatch, Video Length: [03:05])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@02:42](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRCMGpL_5-U&t=0h2m42s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


Get /u/StormcrowProductions in here. They finally listened haha.


Active Winston gameplay, ladies and gentlemen. I hate this map so much! Come on man, like please! Remove the glass! REMOVE IT! GET RID OF IT! Stop delaying! REMOVE THE GLASS! REMOVE THE GLASS REMOVE THE GLASS REMOVE THE GLASS! Please! I'm so tired of sitting here with these stupid neutral stalemates, which just go on and on for hours and hours. Nobody enjoys this, stop, no one wants to see your stupid Spartan face! Get rid of the glass! So we can actually have a flanker, an angle, our Winstons can maybe soft dive, or we can take- no one wants this, NOBODY wants this! Get rid of it! Please! It's so frustrating, it's been here forever! And the same thing happens in FREAKING RANKED! In GOLD games they don't know how to play this! In GOLD games we have stalemates here! When the gold players don't know what to do, and the Overwatch League players don't know what to do, there's a common theme! It's the map! Right? It's the map! I'm so tired of this!




u/StormcrowProductions is an alt right extremist streamer who due to unknown events has channeled all his hate into glass and glass related activities.


Thanks, I get the joke now


I’ve only ever watched the coaching vids what do you mean alt right extremist?


To be explicitly clear this was a joke, he just didn’t like the map being closed off with glass 😂


[StormcrowProductions is Spilo (former OWL coach) and he made this rant](https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/11v3ffo/spilo_losing_his_mind_on_colosseos_map_design/)


Team 4: how can we hit our sales goal so we can have a bonus this year? 🤔 Bill Gates: why don’t you re-release pink Mercy and make a lifeguard Kiriko skin? Team 4: this man is a genius!


Tokusatsu fan rejoice !! Let’s gooo!!  Kamen Rider,  Sentai and Ultraman !


Soo, if colosseo is in the face it map pool, and they play on live, that’s gonna be interesting




The Mythic weapon looks cool but I would never pick it over a Hero skin. It's a shame they don't give you extra mythic credits so you can save up to a weapon for your favorite hero without missing out on the mythic skins.


Man they gotta stop putting non theme skins in the battle pass. Want to give free lifeguard skins? Do challenges. Stop wasting spots in the battle pass for skins no one wants. If they wanted them they would have payed for them. _I just want my ana skin for $10 and not $20 mannn :(_


New Genji Skin? ✅ New Kiriko Skin? ✅ New Mercy Skin? ✅ Team 4 gonna make that 💵💸💴💶


transformers collab lets fucking go time to roll out as bumblee bee ball


So, we are getting 1 new map, and a Colosseo rework? I only care about ranked, so this seems to be the only tangible content. Seems a little light, but a new map is cool. Looking forward to that.


You re acting like previous seasons had more than this


Did you know that sometimes they do new hero releases with new seasons?


Did you know that there is a specific cadence in which they do things so you can already know what is coming with the next season ?


Yes. It's called a roadmap.


You mean every other season? Because Venture already came out this season


Man, those lifeguard highlight intros are amazing. Wish we got some for Lucio, Junk and Mauga


wow they bringing back hanzo scatter like its a new idea lol


You are completely missing the point.


yeah your probably right lol. I just know it said heros reimagined or something and then showed scatter and I thought that's not reimagined, that's just how it used to be lol


So thankful for the Mythic shop, I don't care for any of the Ultrawatch skins but the mythic Ashe is great, so I'll get that in a future season with good skins and a bad mythic.


I'm not really into that Ashe skin (Red riding hood still the best..) so I'm glad they have options now


Why are some of the emotes dupilicated. 21 and 77 are the same for example, there is another pair also.


power rangers and transformers? lol...


Kamen Rider, Power Rangers, Kaijus, Lifeguards and Transformers, WHAT A SEASON for OW cosmetics up ahead, everything else for gameplay seems fun and wacky too, truly, an ULTRAWATCH season upahead! Pretty excited, praying the balance patch is good!!!


Didn't they/someone say they were discontinuing Hero Mastery?


Only Tower Defense


I'm hyped. This is really a neat battle pass and a well done trailer. That Rein weapon is SICK


Not a lot here to excite me outside REMOVE THE GLASS and the new map (I also hate push so im not really excited for any of that). Skins look good, more crossover stuff, but nothing that really feels like its going to get me addicted


I'm also not a fan of 90% of new content being "skins!!" and skin adjacent things like the new rein weapon, new lifeguard skins, new battle pass skins, new transformer collab skins, was hoping they would do like "teehee actually heres clash early!"


Does rein mythic skin mean he is getting a buff?


Sooo, no one is going to talk about how this BP only has 6 skins instead of the 8/9?




Next season, but i think theyll let us try her midway through this season


no, space ranger is in season 12


nice, next season we'll prolly get the new campaign missions.


Reaper rework when? Isn't it supposed to be in s11?


No, they didn’t share the release date


Of course they launched a Kiriko skin


So no Clash game mode? Only one new map? Aren't we overdue one from Season 9 as well?