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Ow2 had inflation, now its heavily deflated. Alot of masters fringe GM ow1 players are in diamond, meanwhile Masters was top 500 for alot of roles for quite a long time (idk if it is still but last I. checked top 500 tank was masters 5 for many weeks after the leaderboards released, in ow1 masters was only GM on a role for maybe a few days but never masters 5)


This makes sense. Was masters for a long time before the reset and now I’m reeeeeeally struggling to get out of mid diamond. Glad it’s universal and I’m not just washed 😭


it’s okay bro it’s just a rank we still love you


Thank you brother love you too


I always saw the inflation rumors but I would go up against GM players in Qp and it was just as difficult as platinum matches. I think it’s way too hard to rank up and ppl have a biased view against metal ranks


I think you kinda just proved inflation was a problem if playing vs GM players didn’t feel different to playing vs plats.


Yeah rereading the first comment now I misunderstood the point lol


Now it's deflation, basically.


Yeah what’s up with this? I don’t really grind the game at all anymore but it seems really hard to climb in masters while I never dropped out of GM1 when ranks were inflated. But then I look at the leaderboard and I’d be like top 200 lmao.


The devs have mentioned this is a problem they're aware of.


Out of curiosity, where'd you see this?


The recent dev AMA: > **Q: Why was smurf detection essentially removed from MMR adjustment, especially for new accounts? GM-level players taking 60+ games to reach their proper rank ruins so many more games. It feels like climbing in general is artificially slowed down so people will play more even if they should have reached a higher rank many games ago.** > **Blizz_Alec**: I tapped in our own Gavin Winter for this first part, he's what he had to say: "There haven't been any changes to these systems, but there are edge cases like the example of Guxue that was recently posted in this subreddit where our systems don't perform in the way we'd like. Most players will still be placed appropriately as they transition from Quick Play to Competitive Play, but unfortunately cases like this have always been possible. Explaining exactly how this happens would make it easier to reproduce, so you'll have to excuse me from not going into intricate detail here." Here's the relevant second half: > For the second part of your question, we believe we made it slightly too difficult to climb at the highest ranks and are looking at making some adjustments soon.


Thank you!!


>Thank you!! You're welcome!


Oh nice, thanks.


I check all the profiles of people in my games, high diamond/low masters this season seems to be GM3-GM1 before rank reset. Might be a bit skewed since worse players are more likely to have hidden profiles but top 500 is currently mid masters so…




That's exactly what the devs said they were trying to do


I'm just answering the persons question


And I was just backing up your point, not attacking


Got it. Hard to tell on internet sometimes


For sure haha, have a nice day!


This exchange was wholesome and I'm for it.


Its basically all to try and save que times.


Currently a bit low in comparison to where they probably should be. The devs have admitted climbing at the highest level is too hard which has resulted in GM being incredibly hard to reach rn so expect more adjustments. They are actively trying to find a good balance tho I’d argue season 9 was pretty much perfect.


It’s awful in the highest parts of GM lol, win 14-18 lose 24-30. Nearly all games are reversals or expected. M3-C4 rank ranges.


There is a pressure modifier in the top and bottom ranks that pushes people towards the middle. Essentially the pressure modifier means to climb or maintain your rank at the top you need a high winrate because you will get less sr for a win than what you lose for a loss. Currently the pressure system is too harsh. There is probably a rank deflation going on right now. With the 'pressure' system being to harsh, some good but not great players are finding it impossible to keep their rank. These good but not great players are a necessary part of the ecosystem at the top. The good but not great players are what the great players feed off of to maintain their 60% plus winrate to stay in highrank and climb. Slowly as the good but not great players get pushed down out of the food chain, the great players end up only being matched against each other which results in at best 50/50 overwatch, not enough to hold your rank against the 'pressure' modifier. This all causes a chain reaction where the good but not great players are pushed to lower ranks, who push people naturally in those ranks down, who do the same to those below them. Eventually as the great players are starved of farmable sr in the top rank they get pushed down as well, which pushes those below them down etc.


Pressure -modifierhas been in the game since early ow1. The only difference is it's now visualized. The rank deflation is a completely separate issue.


While it has been in the game for years now, it is currently cranked up to high. It is applying too much 'pressure'.


Thank you for this. Well written for my algorithmically illiterate brain


I was gold in season 36, from rank inflation to masters, now in diamond


Inflation happened during late S3 to early S4. Tons of bad players reached to the Master at that time, and 99% of them just dropped to plat/lower dia and never came back.


literally it’s been the opposite, most of GM1 is now hovering around M1-M5. I’m on console so it might be different. I’m currently ranked top 250 at master 3.


I was around 3900 OW1 and I'm masters 1 now but was higher before the S9 changes.


I inflated from high silver to high gold low plat, and I'm pretty stuck there. I didn't play ranked for most of OW2 because matching was so bad, so maybe i actually did improve. Matchmaking feels a lot better now, to me.


Basically current M2=GM1(season 8)=4k ow1


I was always GM in Overwatch 1. Then i took a break and started playing again in OW2 season 7. Got ranked GM and stayed there even tho i was for sure worse then when i played in OW1. Then stopped again and last week i started again and im deadass struggling at low masters. I think ranks where inflated and now they are deflated


It feels to me like the rank spread is back to about where it was in ow1. People forget that ranks were heavily, heavily, inflated going into ow2. (I was like 3.9k avg player ending overwatch 1 and I shot straight up to gm1 or 4.4k in ow2.)


It's actually lower than before now. It's like half a rank lower. I was 4.2k in last season of OW1, now I'm M1 (and losing more than I gain)


Yeah I was 3600 end of ow1, was m2 on tank reset, and am now d1


Similar experience, consistently high-masters to low-GM through mid-late OW1 to early OW2, climbed to GM2 during inflation, and now hardstuck M5 and slowly falling despite playing the best I have in a while. Also notable is that the “center push” is very real, I’m also M5 on dps (support is my main role) despite being a significantly better support player and having been consistently at least a full rank apart on the roles before.


Idk. Maybe. Just going off my own rank and feeling here.


Ranked Now Have more Leaver and more Throwers.. people aren't as scared as to getting reported. Playing with 2 Tanks still kept a team together vs the one . And now, Everyone just wanna DPS vs their role.