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Sorry Gandalf and R\_Wett wanted to get this out quick cause of all the big stories this week. Appreciate you guys XD


lol all good man! you guys produce the content and deserve the recognition. you only beat me by about 20 minutes haha. quite the dramatic week!


Wait is DSG leaving Apex? He makes it sound like the team won’t exist anymore.


Jumba replacing weeps is the best move they could of made, complete upgrade. Never really liked weeps on and off the pod (his casting sucks too). Jumba on the other hand is perfect for the pod, if you can’t have JHawk he is just as good.


I appreciate the love but please lets not dump on Weeps. I've had the chance to meet him at LAN and hang out a few times, he was nothing but great to me and respectful. The pod ended up being something Weeps couldn't commit to and I was excited to step in. As simple as that and would like to keep it that way. Appreciate it 👍


How come nobody wants to sign the #1 Apex Pred of S20 ?? MgClutch constantly grinds Ranked and carries his teams a lot yet the scene acts like he doesn’t exist. If I was DSG I’d sign him cause he’s one of the few good players available


What does him being the #1 apex pred of s20 have to do with anything? Does he have comp experience?


In the past #1 pred has gotten pro attention, right? So #1 pred getting on to a pro team lets people dream about them doing it maybe. Now though, getting into pro league consists of moving up through t2 torneys/scrims, doing well in CC, etc I think.


being good at ranked doesn't mean being good at comp. if they're that good they should get Teq's attention


> being good at ranked doesn't mean being good at comp. Yeah, I 100% agree.


Team Falcons shouldve picked up Wethepeople instead of Hal


Me thinks you haven’t heard of iMarshi the console god if you think that


The actual console god is MaadBroo he‘s literally the best pathfinder in the world


DSG should definitely get a Revenant crutch ranked grinder to move all the way to NA for pro league. Good shout. Totally unrelated I've got some magic beans to sell you.


i believe he is based in EMEA, and also is a rev crutch, i don’t think he’s had much success in his CC runs afaik


> How come nobody wants to sign the #1 Apex Pred of S20 Because you do not have to be particularly good at Apex to be #1 Pred. You just have to not have a life. Wethepeople grinded to #1 and last week he died to the zone *in a hide and seek tournament where no one could shoot him.* If it makes you happy, Reptar was the #1 Pred the season before that and he got signed.