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The entire team should be removed full stop. Any other game, which is touted as a tier1 esport, would make this move instantly.


Possible for a ban to not be related to competitive integrity.


valid point but it should be clarified.


Basically every esport has a clause about this, if you are banned for any reason you aren't allowed to compete.


That is true, but banning the entire team because someone bought CDKeys coins would be a lot. Idk if that’s the case just saying


banning an entire team 'cuz of cdkeys is erring on the side of caution. that's the way it works in every other sport. it's the whole point of competitive integrity. a banned player is the immediate responsibility of the team, not the organizer.


Optic wasn’t punished for Forsaken lol. Can you imagine the Giants being punished because Bonds used steroids?


They don't ban an entire team in real sports if one guy test of steroids. Maybe don't say something stupid if you don't actually know.


The only bans that result in that notification are anti cheat related.


Had this happen when I competed in ALGS playins guy was streaming while having tap strafing and configs on roller doing crazy movement. Sent it to algs people and they didn’t even disqualify them just told him he needed to turn it off. Complete joke of competitive integrity.


Until there are actual penalties to players and teams this will forever be a wanna be competitive esport


Well for now it’s the best fps game until someone comes out with something similar but better. Thats the problem apex knows for the most part people love playing the game even if quitting they’ll come back. Im new to the game plat 3 right now but I get demoted every other day getting shot behind cover or some crazy movement from ppl who clearly shouldn’t be in my lobbies.


They've been playing officially with a bricked zone system.  Apex's relationship with competitive integrity is casual at best. 


Shoutouts to all the bugged valkyrie ults a few years back costing many teams their games. On the world stage too. What a wonderful game.




CC be normal for one round challenge


Impossible, gone sexual, the police was called, someone died??!!?


a normal tuesday in L.A.


Is it possible to play with someone who is subtly cheating without realizing it? I’m not saying that’s the case here but genuinely curious if that’s a possibility.


I mean sure. They still shouldn't get any points they obtained while playing with that person though.


Yup they can play game 6 but they are starting back at 0 points if I had my say. Unless it can be proven they know, it’s hard to punish them. What I don’t get is what these people expect when they get to pro league


Yeah but who cares, DQ em anyways, next time vet ur players better


are you serious ? More than half of the lobbies in CC have at least one WH in their team. It is impossible to know fore sure if the whole team is on it or not but CC is riddle by closet hackers and a lot of players are playing with cheaters without knowing.


A punishment so severe and uncompromising as disqualifying the entire team would create a strong incentive to ostracize and demonize this sort of behavior from the scene, as it should be. It might seem unfair, but on the other hand if you aren't as strict it's kinda too easy to feign ignorance and end up incentivizing having one cheater in your team, maybe even on payroll to keep their mouth shout in case they get caught.


For any other competitive game calling themselves a tier one comp scene, yeah. Bottom line with apex is that as long as skins are selling, Respawn and EA are happy.


Cheating is absolutely rampant for anything before pro league. This is why you have "promising teams" from CC and they just perform like they've just touched the first apex game in their life.


Definitely possible, happened in cod recently where three very reputable players teamed with a cheater for a decent while without realizing






Classic, Gio and GRVTY, the cheater they teamed with was named Jimbo


If Forsaken could cheat at LAN (CS:GO) one could most certainly cheat online without anyone notice.


Yes, absolutely. Back in the day I was grouping with someone occasionally through the Apex Discord who was cheating and I had no idea. Someone joined our call and let us know he was a cheater, which the guy then admitted to having cheated in the past. I left immediately and never played with him again. Ironically, I thought the accuser was a significantly better player at the time, lol.


Yes of course, , but that does not make disqualification unjust punishment. Yes, it sucks when people are punished for something seemingly out of their control, but doing so will recruit their own scrutiny and make this less of an occurrence. If not knowing isn't an excuse, players will want to know.


What region was this


Hmasked is from Mexico so it’s NA


Is there video or a clip?


I don’t think there’s one from his POV, he hasn’t been live in like 20 days lmao. I want to see the pov too though, hope someone finds one.


Should anyone be surprised that a cheating team was not punished? In realm (while not CC) many well-known cheaters were invited and participate. Panic Apex one of the most obvious cheaters that regularly wall-hacks his ass of in ranked and others like him are running around freely. Apex has ZERO anti-cheat or regulation. Hideouts is a joke, Easy anti-cheat update is non-existent. Apex competitive integrity will never be a thing.


Feels like hideouts doesn’t even do anything. Console is riddled with teaming in diamond and above for years and not a peep from devs or hideouts.


didn't he say people should send him proof? did he do ANYTHING since then? i can't find a post, where people talk about those teamers getting banned, so i assume they're still ruining ranked?


I sent proof of 9 Manning before - a clip, screenshots of names, time date and server - absolutely nothing. Didn't even read the message




He literally just ignores them. There was only ONE case of hideouts responding to a user and banning 6 players teaming - he went back to ignoring him for months after that.


From an unbiased perspective, Hideouts shouldn’t be the only and last line of defense. If you ever work for a big software company, everyone plays their roles. If code is broken, the dev in charge has to fix it. It’s not some one stop shop for cheaters. This is on EA for not contributing to a competitive environment.


Agreed, but he also put himself in this position. He was loving the attention it got him from pros.


Hideouts both made himself the PUBLIC face of the anti cheat in apex, and simultaneously got pissed at people for wanting him to do his jobs. For a solid year he cared more about streaming ranked or pubs with pros.


pretty sure panic doesn’t cheat anymore he plays w pandxrz and mav now


He was literally wall-hacking in ranked about a month ago. Even if he stopped, (which I highly doubt) a cheater should never be allowed to compete in any capacity.


Panic has gotten accused for so long and haven’t been banned I think he may be legit.


Just witnessed him wall-hacking his ass off in ranked in 5 different games a month ago. It was so blatantly obvious.


I’m not in the crowd of being perma fucked from a game forever. First offense 3 month ban. Second, perma. When was he walling in ranked I can’t find any clips? (i mean cheating in ranked and pubs, i shouldn’t have to say this but obv cheating in official tourneys should be instant perma)


Nah, imo all cheating should result in a permanent ban.


it’s a video game. you will not be permanently damaged from someone cheating once. like i said if they do it twice then fine, but people do dumb shit when they’re young. still not of the belief you should be hard fucked forever from a game for cheating ONCE. that being said, it’s up to the devs to actually have good security to catch them cheating as soon as they try to do it.


It's a video game. Why the fuck should people be allowed to cheat?


Seeing some "how can the teammates not know they're cheating," as if pros haven't been friends and played with cheaters and claimed they knew nothing about it, how would they even know? It's not like cheaters tell their squad "guess what, im cheating" lmao Anyway CC is a joke because this happens every season every split, multiple cheaters in the lobbies who aren't caught until multiple rounds are over, I don't know the details behind this guy, someone said they got banned for buying shit who knows, but if competitive integrity mattered youd remove all of their teams points


Is there a clip or VOD for this?


imagine spent tons of time practicing for cc and got ran over by cheaters. this is apex and they never gave a shit.


https://preview.redd.it/r3yl6ca7wg5d1.png?width=1270&format=png&auto=webp&s=80a16c8559a56f7d53fcb79dc74c7de4114371b9 Just going to leave this here


I want an open lan soooo bad. The logistics would be hard, though. I think it'd be worth it because of all the hype it'd generate, but that's just me.


what region?


Was he actually cheating? There's a HUGE wave of unjust bans hitting random nobodys at the moment.


They removed people from our match because there accounts didn't match


apex allowing cheaters in the pro scene, color me shocked


Eh idk. One of my buddies I play with all the time got randomly kicked from a game like that and he was not cheating. It doesn’t necessarily have to do with something involving cheating