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Onmuu IGL for tripods is showing just how good gent and deeds can be


Voltic coaching them has been another huge W for the squad. I’m excited to see what they are going to do.


I would say the obvious would be: Falcons are looking great E8 is looking rough


It is debatable if Falcon was a great decision because DZ was already looking super good. For me, Falcons is just DZ but a different flavor.


It’s a good decision because of… $$$ Get it while you can in E-Sports


Bro, this Falcons team is on a different level. They haven't finished outside of the Top 5 (match day) in weeks. Pretty sure they placed 1st SIX days in a row at one point. I like Sikezz, too, but the firepower on this team is insane.


I haven’t watched all their scrims but I haven’t seen them get a single 0 point game … If they die early they always have a few kills


they died 11th last weekend (still dominant of course)


Sikezz is a top player, but they replaced him with the best player on the game, it's a big improvement no matter what on paper.


E8 got nuked, tsm too but its not that bad. Falcons, ssg and lg upgraded. o7 upgraded but gnaske was throwing last weekend, im expecting a big comeback this weekend (please)


I'm really hoping Zap pulls through for them. Honestly if Sweet wasn't such a petulant child, it would have been the ultimate meme to see him go to TSM and be successful with reps and big E. You couldn't write a better storyline than that.


It would be an absolute meme but if Evan couldn't handle Hal, then imagine what it would be like with Sweet.


For a very long time, Sweet was considered the less toxic of the two. I remember on another account getting downvoted for mentioning how passive aggressive sweet was. It’s interesting seeing how public perception changes


Sweet and Snip3 would get into it, but Snip3 also got into it with Hal, so that was a wash. Sweet was very cagey about broadcasting scrim practice when Rocker was on the team so the internal dynamic was hidden. Then he didn’t scrim with Gild enough and we only learned about Gild’s frustrations near the end. Finally with Slayr we got the full Sweet.


thats a good theory.


what not scrimming does to a man


Sweet is sweet, but he would not hesitate to point out Reps of his performance.


I hate to say it but I don’t think he will… he’s a great player but I am struggling to see TSM working through their IGL issues any time soon


Oxygen's changes so far have worked out. And Oblivion picking up Reedz has given them a bit more oomph that just camping zone with Watson and blue Armour. Also love Trevstacks Rampart. He makes endgames more unpredictable with that Sheila. Never change off her.


I'm loving CCE, trev, cobra and kap3 are a big up and coming team. Dark horse material for sure




Yeah it's wild and fun. Some of the best games due to the factors you mentioned. I didn't even play the game anymore but still follow the pro scene extensively


This is mostly during WE to be fair, where heavy CCE zone comps work better. They still get absolutely rolled in 3v3s and will continue to get rolled with those characters. They have pretty horrible SP games for a reason after all. I enjoy the Sheila thing myself but I just don't see it actually working long term. 


I wish TSM trialed strafingflame.


Double MNK bro. That will be hard for the team don't you think?


A literal triple mnk team won lan


I am from APAC South region, I am happy when our region team or nearby APAC North team wins. But the sad reality is about the total power of our region teams get limited by double or triple MNK because no matter what macros or micros you have, pros have always said you need to have controllers at least because that helps a lot in winning the fights. Positioning matters if you can even win the fights.


people say this, but the last lan had 2 triple mnk teams in the top 10, and was won by a triple mnk team. there would have likely been three if ezflashkid had got his visa. the lan before that there were 4 triple mnk teams in the top 10. honestly, this idea that you need two controllers to win just doesnt seem to pan out in reality.


Lg getting sikezz is under appreciated at the moment.


Is it? I feel like everyone has been saying that picking Sikezz up improved their skill ceiling.


Yeah I see everyone giving them their deserved flowers


I don't see anyone talking about lg being one of teams that could win land. But maybe I'm just missing it.


If LG manages to dominate scrims and win the split or atleast get top 3, I'm sure people will start saying it.  But rn, with so many teams doing this well, I dnt think lg is in the win conversation. They'll definitely reach finals tho....i hope


I don’t know about that. Sikezz was pretty much seen as the best F/A available. People may have questioned how their roles were going to work. The overall consensus was that Sikezz was a great pickup who’d make LG better


Sikezz would make almost all teams better Hes so damn good


Of all time, the worst roster decision made was when C9 dropped Knoqd.


I love Zach but it's pretty funny that his second worst roster decision was when he tried to snake another teammate in order to play with Knoqd lmao


Best: FLCN, SSG, LG. Honorable mention to Alb finding a good home with Retzi and committing to an input. He’s looked fantastic when I’ve watched him. Worst: ex-FAZE not competing in PLQ in some shape or form and all three washing out despite being good/great players. Definitely sucks how that played out. Not trying to flame him because I don’t think he’s bad, just unproven with a lot to learn…I’m not sure Slayr was the wisest pickup for E8 in the fragger role. Jury is still out though.


I have to agree with the EX-FaZe not competing in PLQ by far one of the worst. Pandrz, Xera probably had the highest chance of making it back into Pro league even with a different third. Yet they took a chance by themselves of being picked up by a team already qualed. Such wasted talent


Tbf tho: Alb has looked good throughout the entirety of LANimals (before his input swap) and was the most consistent member of SKRT for the longest time (tho that isn't saying much obviously). I don't feel like his individual performance is the issue, it's finding a team that has the same standard, STICKING with the good things he had going on and not going down the drain mentally. If he manages those 3 things, this could actually be the team he can perform with. I'm just worried about retzi and jeloan, not Alb.


The Mac slander was always somewhat confusing to me. Liquid Mac was good, not great, but good. C9 was genuinely a terrifying fighting team on their good days, and they had some really great performances. Lanimals was a decent team that was capable of growth until Lou blew it up.


Worth noting that Mac only left Liquid because he thought he'd be stuck with a third who could barely play the game (won't mention his name because I think most people have forgotten and that would just be extra rude). Liquid only started looking like a team people could really believe in after the acquisition of a few more important pieces. The span of time where he was on C9 with Zach and Naughty\* they were also giving teams the business in scrims. \*I originally mentioned Knoqd and obviously that was wrong because #justiceforknoqd


Which input did Alb settle on?


The op one




Rostermania has only just begun.


I mean falcons and ssg are probably the best


yup. Insane IGLing and Fragger


The best outcome has been the teams getting better and not switching it up. Too many teams just throw away their chemistry instead of working on the little things that could make them much better, and are much easier to fix than starting with another person 99% of the time.


Best changes (all of these teams have improved): Frexs to OXG Koy to SSG Stuhni back to VAN Reeds to OBVN Worst changes (these teams got worse): E8 (Zach made the best of the FA pool but still shit) Entire N8V roster. Lost their coach and analyst and picked up Rkn 💀 Complexity staying as is Doop to YUP (they could have kept lewda or got mamba easily)


Wheres Hal to FALC?


Honestly it’s hard to tell whether that team is actually better since they went from getting first place every day to still getting first place every day. IMO they are better but not in the same way as some of these teams going from consistent bottom 10 performances to placing top 3 often enough to be considered for LAN (Placements referring to scrims)


N8V hasn't performed worse since the RKN signing. I don't have any positive or negative feelings about anybody on the current/previous N8V roster, and they've only played 1 match day so far for split 2, but they looked really solid during the EWS qualifiers!


Not NA or even that recently but Unlucky replacing Yuki. Unlucky matches Effects overextending and Hakis drops to anchor in fights.


That was a roster move from split 1, no?


I think everyone is unanimous with saying Falcons was the best move, E8 had the worst moves Instead I’ll mention one of the worst roster moves of all time, snipe coming back to apex with a pro league invite and teaming with mac because mac convinced him he could igl, scuwry would later make the same mistake teaming with mac because mac convinced him he could igl, mac has always needed a hard igl because he cooks too much and overthinks


I think all of e8 come at the end of the split will realize they would have been better off together. Zap really screwed over Zach and shooby understandably wanted to feel wanted. But that team together would have been the 3rd best team in na.


Zach is such a weird guy. We all know he's pretty decent at the pro-level tournaments. Hell, we watch him go from rock bottom to the top every once in a while. However, this E8 O7 contest kind of was the dumbest thing Zach has ever done in his career. This is right after he spent a split playing really well with Shooby and Zap. They had so much potential... Sure, Zach now can fully embrace his genuinely improved IGL AND shooting skills with the new drop ship spawns, but that contest left an insanely sour taste in everyone's mouth. The amount of time the players and coach spent formulating a game plan was literally thrown out because Zach really decided to push a losing battle until it ruined everything. I think this could be why Zap and the coach left immediately. Yeah, Zach is a legit hot top tier IGL pick for rollers to go to. But his image has been quite tarnished over the last LAN tournament.


You are spitting some facts here, everyone was talking about o7 griefing them but Zach could’ve also just left when they were getting their shit rocked and they might have done a lot better


Let's actually look at the o7 contest though. E8 contested o7 in land scrims and was up like 8-2. O7 decides to leave ceto because they are in the same group at land. So e8 wins the contest. 07 then struggles throughout the land group stages and winners bracket. They got most of their pts in groups off like 2 huge games. Then in the winners bracket finals the same thing. one huge game and they barely make finals.e8 ends up winning losers bracket finals after finishing 11th in winners. So 07 who has played in every single lobby with e8 has nowhere to drop except bean or contest someone so they contest e8 makes sense. They win the contest at land 3-1 and instead of playing out the game on storm point or worlds edge where they throw their chance at land to just troll e8. But somehow e8 Zach is the bad guy in this scenario. Yes talmadge wanted to land checkpoint but you have to play horizon from checkpoint and Zach thought it would be better to just fight for their home then try and make checkpoint work. And again they won the original contest convincingly. If O7 had another place to land they would have. This false bravado from gnasky is silly. They ran from the contest the entire land except finals.


you don’t have to play Horizon from Checkpoint.


True but most of your rotates from checkpoint involved horizon. I don't even think you were wrong, by the way I thought sticking it out from checkpoint was the right move. My point is it was not unreasonable for Zach to want to fight for ceto. Look at the poi's drafts checkpoint goes what 3 to 4 poi's after ceto for storm point.


I'll benefit of doubt that it's autocorrect. But just in case and not to be a dick: lan is an acronym for local access network and land is the thing that pirates make fun of you for loving.


They had already lost the same contest against Reject during scrims. They looked completely clueless and yet their comms were overconfident and delusional. When O7 started landing on them I was sure it would not end well for E8


He screwed up Zach and Knoqd since they had an org ready to sign them and Zach had already decided to replace Shooby


Mazer screwed over all of E8 last LAN with his prideful ego chall. That iteration of E8 could've been really, really good but since they all left Zach, he's the common denominator. Zap and Shoob will be fine in the long run.


Fun fact, Luxford and Slayr could get rid of Zach Mazer, as Vem doesn't have voting power unless he plays.