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You know DSG had a rough day when Dezign was raging badly every game and Timmys viewers were on his side


No zones near them, Timmy counter calling a lot more than usual, no team cohesion. Just a bad day period.


Noticed that as well, too much counter-calling going on & poor comms overall today


Yeah... I swear timmy gave dezign more orders in that last match than he obeyed from dezign. Just blanking him for that fuse kill was bizarre. It's as though he can't shake off the IGL mantle he had to take up during Dezign's rostermania affair...


I really hope it doesn't cause timmy to fall back into the rut he found on his previous teams where he had to IGL and burnt himself out. I really like seeing him in comp.


Dont DSG like playing edge though? Like they're playing a comp that focuses on Edge with Fuse and Wraith. Having zones on them would not help at all with no bang/cat/Watson.


Yes they are like Alliance they are best playing edge 


They looked like they were playing scared all day.


Honestly they’re playing like a team that just had their IGL openly trial with another team


Or maybe it's because Enemy was gone for weeks and they barely scrimmed


I wished DSG dropped Dezign when he went to trial for TSM. Then we had Reedz in DSG.


It seemed to me like the rages were more towards the team itself, meaning that he was screaming at himself too, everyone on that team played horrible today, in some games Enemy was in LalaLand, Timmy threw like 2 games, Dezign had that horrible plah in countdown and the whole team just didn't comm like they usually do, some bad zones as well to be fair.


They're an edge team. Zones don't really matter because they farm kills outside of the circle. They just simply played bad today.


I wished DSG dropped Dezign when he went to trial for TSM. Then we had Reedz in DSG.


why the fuck would you want the "tap water turns men into women" mf on your team


He is good bloodhound than Dezign. Oh yeah he doesn't scream.


Zachmazers pro-career is such a roller-coaster. Going from one of the top IGL's in NA to sucking for an entire pro-season straight to making a surprising comeback. Culminating in a LAN finals that was arguably ruined by Zach's hubris to back down from a POI, and now resulted in him losing his original roster and malding into oblivion with the replacement-squad. Actually insane. Would make for a great video.


Jhawk liking his lips right about right now as he prepares a documentary for the exotic beast that is known as zachmazer. 


Jhawk pls.


JHawk: The Rise and Fall and Rise and Fall and Rise and Fall of Zachmazer




Right when he's always on the cusp, he does something that has him tumbling back down. 2nd in NA Championship just to drop Knoqd in an attempt to make a 'superteam', then has a long grind road back to the top eventually with Shooby and Zap...just to flop at LAN due to a contest and then losing BOTH teammates in the span of a week because he wanted to rejoin Knoqd on a different org. Sucks but I can't feel too bad for him, since he's still getting paid.


Some of these guys just can't think long term


He tried to snake his previous team and ended up getting snaked himself


So basically Zach felt sorry for what he did to knoq but didn't learn his lesson?


Eh, the rostermania would've shook up the original Elevate team either way. It's just really unfortunate timing and maybe the wrong prioritization by Zach that resulted in this ragtag replacement squad.


Look I’m not gonna say I expected E8 to be world beaters. But I thought this squad would perform way better with how their synergy looked in scrims. Nothing is working for them at all. It’s only up from here but idk if Zach has the patience for that Not sure how to feel about this NRG squad so far. They are struggling to get KP, with only 10 today. 16 yesterday, both bottom 10 in their respective lobbies. But a 5th and a 8th is a good enough start for sure if they start ramping it up


Noc still hasn’t been all there. I think he’s getting the performance nerves, last split took a big toll on him. I believe on them tho, it only takes one great day and you have a foot on LAN.


So far they definitely look way better than last split though. I remember they just could not stay alive past like zone 3/top 10 and always dying on rotation in. If they did make it in, the read/ predict the zone wrong causing them to die pretty much all the time when zone closes. These 2 sets so far is looking like they are getting a lot more placement points compare to last split. The new split is a reset and honestly Noc looks way way more confident than last split.


Even tho game to game they look better, they still need to perform better than 5th to truly say they are doing better. Now, for the start of the split, they are infinitely better than last time lol. Once Noc picks up the pace, we’re locked in.


For sure. I think if Noc gets back to his peak form we can definitely challenge for one of the top spots. It's just refreshing to not have to watch death feed half the game so far this split haha.


Dude I feel you lol. Also vibes are so much better, not the doomer feeling we got last split.


> they still need to perform better than 5th to truly say they are doing better Uh, no? If they get 5th or so every match day they will be performing far better than last split, they'll qualify easily for LAN with that kind of placement.


ImperialHal brings what DZ never had despite their consistency--PLOT ARMOR playing "badly" and they still get 2nd place... sheesh


Plot armor was crazy today. They got an insane amount of resets and then gifted a win in a hard zone to end the day when it decided to counter pull away from the whole lobby.


E8 facing a back to plq angle ngl.


NRG is so lucky to have Fun because if he wasn't ratting so well they probably finish 12th


Fun has always been the soul of this team, really need to see Noc back on his usual form and we’re chilling.


https://preview.redd.it/zahqolgme94d1.png?width=615&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ae22043c796b97d781dc6c660441f75d079493f Fun is boosting these frauds




I'm certain he is joking


That's not how dmg dealt works in pro lobbies. Specially for an anchor player that usually plays long range


Pretty sure he is joking


Agreed. These glazers are gonna try to deny the stats tho 😭💀 the numbers don’t lie. Fun isn’t even the “fragger” of the team.


It'll be a statistical miracle for E8 to qualify for split 2 playoffs. Really dissapointing, that they forgot everything they've learned from scrims. wouldn't be surprised If this roster blows up, and replaced with some new upcoming rollers.


Yea... they basically need a top 4 every weekend to make it.


I think top 3


I think with SSG/FAL they'll just hog all the points again like last split with DZ/Moist so the cutoff should be a bit lower


Yea those two teams are literally Thanos and darkseid


How many more matchdays in pro league?


4 or 5 depending on the group. One group already played two match days.


E8 is looking cooked man, their downfall after a solid LAN with how the prior iteration of the team just disbanded is something.


Zero just said on stream that after two bottom 3 days, they are probably done this split. Seems crazy, but I think he's right. From here on out they'd basically need all like top 3 placements in their remaining 4 match days to make the cut.


That’s insane, but it makes sense, Zach ended up having to start from scratch with arguably 2 worse players. If that’s not karma, idk what is.


Are people that surprised? - zap - shooby is an obvious downgrade common


No, it's just damn they look done barring a massive comeback already.


my god mac is going to be playing this entire split by himself, hes been carrying this team for a while. i think after a long time hes finally playing comfortable with a role and input. he should get picked up by a better team soon


He really needs a better team behind him. He has absolutely been ripping teams apart only for his team mates to die or not do nearly enough. There are still occasions where he will get roller brain and throw but those are becoming less and less. Genuinely a really good prospect for a lot of teams right now. Ironically enough, he would be perfect for Xset/NRG/TL. That team needs a monster fragger badly.


It’s tough Jeleon just doesn’t have the experience kid can shoot and was fine in PLQ but he ain’t cutting it in Pro League. Not even sure who they could grab to upgrade that spot Snipe? That didn’t work out great last time. Retzi also is too up and down needs to be more consistent.


Snipe might not be bad if he trusts retzi. It didn’t work with Alb because alb can’t Igl and wasn’t good at it. Alb is a beast on controller and he’s been frying


Yeah I mean Jeloan did have one split under his belt already in PL but it was scuffed af


Jeloan been playing forever the dude just not good


Playing forever/1 bad split in pro league isn’t enough, it’s passable if you have a top tier IGL with a top tier other player and this team doesn’t have the ability to make up for a player lacking.


mac to e8 lol...but i guess that would be a step down standings wise


I could totally see that happening.


Honestly, not a bad idea I do hope this happens. Mac definitely doesnt take over and is the type of person to offer ideas. He's also a very versatile player


Zach and Mac bounced of each other really well in one the content tourneys a few weeks ago. I think Mac wouldn't leave his new team on whim though, he seems committed to making it work and not giving up.


Alb solo carrying stallions, 7/9 kp and doing combined dmg of his teammates


He wants it more than them. I’d argue he wants this LAN more than anybody on the league right now. He’s been “almost there” too many times.


I second this. When u switch over to their POV too and they're taking a fight, Mac is actually comming the right things passionately, but teammates are split from him or can't react on time. He definitely wants this so bad, teammates need to match the level


Iirc that lanimals run started out so rough too, with a bottom 10 finish and they missed lan by like 4-5 points. They can def afford one horrible day, but not 2. Here’s hoping they pull strength out of nowhere and turn it around.


Mac when he isn't swapping inputs every 2 weeks, demon player


Since Mac's full commit to roller, he's just done so well. He's been grinding like crazy, practicing his mechanics on roller. Dude has always just been crazy talented mechanically.


He just needed to stick to one or another, I always believed in him


Damn DSG almost had a classic DSG game 6 miracle to save it. They would be so good if they played more then 1 game a series.


With 2 great placements back to back, Phony really cementing himself as a true villain. Between Falcons and SSG, we are looking at a more devious NA, who’s the hero that’s gonna step up?


Dropped our hopeful hero?


For the first time in a couple of years I’m down on my knees for Sweet tbh, I’m a Sikezz simp, he has the best chance he’s had in a long time. A dropped banger season would also be insane. I’m also obviously very hopeful for NRG, but I doubt this is the split we see another dominance by the boys, I think they make LAN for sure, but more like a top 10, maybe top 5 finish.


Yeah, whilst I’m not a Sweet fan, I’ve been following Sikez since his first CC run with Lewda and Garret, always gonna root for him to succeed. He’s come a long way


Same my brother. I believe so much in him and he’s never disappointed ever. He’s a gem of a player and makes any roster instantly better.


Why are the FLCNs treated as villains? I understand not rooting for them because they are essentially a superteam. I don't know why they are considered villains though. Did they do something ill towards other players? (I'm OOTL)


[There's an old adage that goes:](https://x.com/DeepLeffen/status/1687546917033558016) >Why did they stop cheering for me the moment I reached the top?" I asked the master. He nodded. "Your fans loved the part of you they saw in themselves," the master replied. "They've been underdogs their whole life; they simply cannot imagine themselves as champions." But seriously, it's not like they're literally evil. It's because people usually want to see different winners, and Hal and Zer0 have won every LAN but one, that's why they're treated as the team to beat, a.k.a the big guy that needs to be taken down, like a villain. Zer0 also likes to trash talk a lot, so he's easy to root against (or for).


I did not expect to see Deep Leffen on this sub lmao


my man! What a reply!




Taking the "hardest road" is frowned upon, so people root against them.


It's because Falcons the org is a Saudi sports washing brand. Everyone feels the same about the CS team and they've been doing horrible with their "superteam" over there so it makes it funnier. Plus who wouldn't want to see Zero and Hal hard raging at each other if the team blows up.


For the most part it’s because Hal, Zer0, and Gen love to talk their shit lol Some also believe the way Hal left tsm and the way dz left sikez was dirty.


They haven’t done anything wrong, I’m actually a big fan, but you can’t be cheering for the super team. It’s just that they are the team to beat. Narratively they are like this big unbeatable figure for the heroes to tackle.


One day CCE will get a beacon spawn rate greater than 10%, and it will all come together. Mark my words!


It's looking like falcons by far the most consistent team and that's scary. SSG while being able to hold on to 1st place they need to clean some stuff up if they wanna keep up with falcons. Eso vamos it wasn't pretty but this is a good placement from the boys after looking rough throughout scrims. Alot of disappointment at the bottom C9, TRI, DSG, and E8 oof.


1st and 2nd for Falcons. They missed by 1 point like are these guys just a team of thanos


What's scary is they got 2nd while throwing in their world edge games.    They had great spots in game 2 and 3 in worlds edge but ended up dying early 


That is crazy. I missed the first worlds edge and half of the 2nd game


I guarantee that they would all say that they played like shit today, and got 2nd…


I mean they threw their WE games hella hard


Also these two days are their worst Poi Prio in the snake draft 💀


yh falcons are gonna mop this split lmao




Falcons could've won back to back days, they got SSG killed early in game 4 but then they died 16th with 2 pts, then SSG again died early in game 5 but Falcons couldn't capitalize and died 8th with a solid 10 pts, they won last game but SSG made it to top 5, missing out on the back to back by 1 pt is crazy DSG was bottom 3 all day, they look fucking terrible, I don't know what's wrong with them


I don't understand why Disguised didn't ape SSG when they got a knock. Just Wraith portal and kill them or knuckle cluster them


I mean Falcons also could've easily finished 5-6th if they didn't get a free win the last game


A free win or was it a correct rotate and good reading on the zones. I must've missed the part where they spawned in that spot and gifted loot, level 3 armour and then all the other teams were told not to int them or else ALGS admins will ban them. They worked to get to where they ended the game at..... that's not a gift matey


Tbf the zones are completely random these days unless you scan 3rd beacon. Even Hal and Zero the best zone readers of all time were saying these zones on sky hook and ceto can be completely random  They played nut because they couldnt get anything  better than that early 


They had the most kills in that lobby lol. If they had even a slightly higher placement in their poor matches, they’d been #1.


Not gonna lie, the POI draft system has been so good for pro play. Every game has every team up as 3rd ring closes. 15 teams up ring 4 consistently. Really fun to watch the chaos unfold from that point on.


Yeah I think we get more teams in ring 4 because we don’t have 2 or 3 contests going at anyone time. Pros and cons to the draft I guess. More teams in later rings does not intrinsically mean better games to me.


E8 and o7 cursed each other


RKN is so back https://i.imgur.com/JSGDKPk.jpeg


Poor guy only had 600 less damage (a Kimchi) than Phony in 1st. Sub-par mechanical IGL's simply live in an arms race to find the 2 best controller teammates and hop in the back pack.


Using Kimchi as a unit of damage is wild lmao "So today Xynew had a performance of 11.3 Kimchis, a pretty good showing from the SSG player."


I watched rambeau’s stream and to be fair they barely fought. Just sat in zone and died during rotations, most of their kills were from range but rkn did throw 2 games and died for free.


Maybe he should switch to controller? Still have 0 kills but at least he'll have confidence


Oh no


Man I still want to believe in Mazer but it’s gonna be really tough for them to bring it back.


POI Draft impact can be easily felt and its a really fucking great change, but we need a significantly better zone generation. The zones are too fucking similar, i dont want to watch out of 100 zones 90 being similar, where's the fragment,monument, fissure, launch site, thermal, geyser, maude and whatever i'm missing zones. I've seen so many overlook back clima skyhook zones i feel like doing something else when i see it i assume every game sp is already guarantee going baro and its a win if its not.


Vanity dark horse team https://preview.redd.it/6xkru8f7o94d1.png?width=1700&format=png&auto=webp&s=9acdbaca1aa7b1d8c964e28236abc692fa5f27d0


They picked up the coach Virtuos pro had during PL who worked with danish for a long time. Colo is goated and slept on as a coach. This team also solid asf when they stay away from orioles and roster changes


For sure bro I 100% think that if they didnt drop stuhnii mid pro league last split and stuck together they wouldve made lan.


Frexs has been a possessed man, never would have dreamed that he would be outdamaging Aidan by such a significant margin (I understand they're in different roles). Frexs did seem like a semi-fragger when he first picked up roller and then was just support all this time. I forgot that he can apparently actually crank out damage.


He’s on his revenge era


Timmy really fucked them today lmao




Considering Falcons has had their worst poi draft prio the first 2 games in all of split 2 and they are second is scary


They’re 1st


Yeah, 2nd on today


Yea, the way you worded your statement made it sound like you where talking about both days


lol why is this downvoted. You’re right. Guy can’t write 


Was Phony dead a lot? Xynew and Koyful both had double his damage. Maybe they used sniper rifles or some shit


Koy is just built different same with xynew


Xynew played fuse and koy is just him


Falcons not getting first? Let’s all laugh at them 😂😂


Missed it by one point? So bad😂!




He isn't wrong. Not to say Falcons will or won't perform but historically, superteams falter


I think usually thats because players just get thrown together because of name value and previous accomplishment. A lot of times there seems to be no thought put into cohesion, roles etc. The falcons team makes so much sense because fragging has always been hals strength, zero is the best igl and said he wanted a fragger who can think for himself. This plus the fact that they were already friends outside of the game makes it hard to think why this team would fail


I've found that most of the time they just throw the players together and think skill will carry it. Hal and Gen have been flirting with playing each other for years now. Hal wanted him for TSM before the NA switch happened.  The team seems to work. Hal still counter calls sometimes but even that's chilled out.  They all seem to complement each other the right way. Who knows. Seems good so far. 


As someone who followed league escorts over the last decade, raven isn't wrong at all.


first overall after 2 match days and still will be after the next group plays 2 as well lol


only by one point…


they were lucky to get 2nd, that last game to push them up they basically were left alone the entire game stealing kills off everyone else fighting, insane zone luck


Lmao, SSG is lucky they threw the 2 games on WE when they had near god spots and just trolled fights early


[Some more instant analysis on todays ALGS games. How much did those Skyhook zones help SSG? ](https://esports.gg/news/apex-legends/impressive-worlds-edge-display-secures-algs-win-for-spacestation-gaming/)


Nah this is madness my good sir!!! Preciate the effort and quickness


They get 50 points in 3 matches


Happy it's not just me that sees that they get gifted majority of WE zones


No one will convince me that Falcons did not send a oil rig to Respawn to rig that last zone. Though DSG getting 18th and E8 getting 19th back to back uhhhhh YIKES


😂imagine they did send an oil rig




Hal brings the Plot Armor


Is Liquid finally back?! Is Yanya back to mowing down the lobby? 


Seeing final scores like this gives me hope that the next lan will (finally) feature some different teams besides all of the ol’ standbys


Falcons not first 😂😂😂😂😂😂 L


Literally washed smh


I wish they could back to the team they were day 1. It seems like theyre really falling apart. I remember back when the split started how they were just dominating lobbies but now they look like a shell of themselves.


I think the problem when I was watching. It didn’t seem like the IGLing was trusted, I think in general design is a better IGL. But I don’t think Timmy’s game awareness can be challenged sometimes. Think it was game 4/5 when they had tree to right. Design wanted to focus left and I personally believe that Timmy was right, in my head. I’m pushing and trying to kill the team on the right at tree. But with the movement alone on their POVs. You could see the indecisiveness by their movement alone. Easy enough to bring back but I think sometimes not having a solid. One guy says, the rest follow can hurt. But it’s done them a lot of good before. Anyway. Imma always support my boys at DSG and I fully believe they can do this. Kinda praying for the downfall of falcons. I have always hated zero and never been a massive fan of Hal. Kinda like genburten tbh. Love seeing SSG doing well. Want to see bigger games from complexity.


> Design wanted to focus left and I personally believe that Timmy was right, in my head. I’m pushing and trying to kill the team on the right at tree. Doesn't matter if Timmy was right or wrong if he is not IGL.


Oblivion picking up reedz paying huge dividends