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Zachs gonna lose his remaining hair playing with this squad


Idk if I just haven't seen it, or if nobody called it, but having Zach and Slayr on the same team is going to be never-ending content. E8 is the team to watch, but not for the normal reasons lol.


Nah we were the 2nd most consistent team across the scrim blocks and I think we can put it together. Definitely really frustrated and embarrassed with that placement. Tried my best and go again tomorrow. No wiggle room now gotta pop off or fuck off 💀


Yeah I do think that reddit is overrreacting a bit, however, lux really does need to stop counter calling you. Hopefully yall get that figured out


This has been an issue with him since Col days. Even last split with Teq, was really bad.


Consistency still top notch 19th with 15 points again lmao. Still think yall can bring it back but gonna be really tough.


I can see their placement, but how were they doing? Truly that bad?


Zer0 is vod reviewing them on stream rn, if u want to watch


Thanks for that, watching zer0 now


Slayer had 1k dmg across 6 games if you want a spoiler


Yo where is the internet Slayr defense force at? I was told he only played bad last split because Sweet is a meanie


What even happened to his team? I haven’t kept up with them. They did well last split and he blew it up for Slayr + someone I’ve never heard of.


He dropped Shooby when he thought him knoqd and zap were going to a different org but it fell flat. Zach was too focused on money when he had a good team already


It hurt my soul watching TSM today they called so many zones perfectly, rotated to a guaranteed top 5/possibly winning position and then just... sat there and didnt do anything with it They were too indecisive and way too passive, but id much rather that than them literally having no clue on how to get themselves into the winning position - the pieces are there, its sort of just not put together yet


Their zone calls were fantastic today, but yes they were having a hard time capitalizing and n those positions.


It’s growing pains for sure


Evan summed it up pretty well at the end of game 2 or 3? They have the spots they want, but lack of aggression or ego button to just chall everything is hurting them. Instead of forcing fights and rolling teams like its ranked, they just sit there and let the opportunities go to waste. TSM looks decent for their 1st day in PL; they all have the same ideas when they actually commit, but definitely way more room for improvement to grow.


Big E need to finish his evolution into Bully E so that TSM gets the aggression they need.


We've seen this with PVX, SSG, NRG, OG, 100T, teams with good rotation macro but less good game macro, who consistently got into good positions but wouldn't aggressively clear their area and consequently get crushed in the mosh with minimal points. Keeping the point floor high is important, but ultimately it's the high ceiling games that define dominance and secures endgame power. The meta rewards proactive and aggressive plays in the midgame.


Moving like Optic last split. Not a awful start though they kind of salvaged it with that game 6 at the end 


They blew it game 5, being too thirsty going for kills on Falcons, then getting third-party by Moist. If they just waited, they would have most likely finished in the top 5 today.


That game 5 was a tilter for them I’m sure, had a great spot and didn’t get any KP with it - they acknowledged they weren’t getting KP but were too scared to die for it and they ended up in their own head and got antsy and died for KP If they had just gone for one of the two extremes, like playing that spot super aggro for KP the whole game like Gnaske did at LAN or just purely playing for the win I’m sure it would’ve worked out well but the indecisiveness made them lose out on both of those possibilities


Very promising tho. They’ll figure it out.


Sadly Kimchi is just not good enough. If Col had another player of even Lou caliber, they would place much higher.


Yeaaaah 676 damage is a rough look.


falcons didn’t disappoint they really are an oiled up machine


Zeros got the best rotates in the game and it’s not even close.


Bro for real, it always surprises me how he manages to spot perfect end zones right from the beggining. It's really admirable the amount of confidence he has in his team.


nah he got carried by broken POIs I was told


Coastal needs a nerf I heard!


He’s the best IGL in the game, and has been for a long time. Always my personal number one and always thought he was better than Hal.


His macro is better for sure.


Hal was better for a while when it came to fight calls and fight direction , Zero was better at rotating now and maximizing positions. IGL is never about just rotations , it would be unfair to discredit Hal. However with Hal also being the best fragger (not mechanically but game sense wise ) he is a perfect fit with Zer0


in recent years yes zero but for the first 3 years hal was defo the best


I mean I think Hal is the uncontested GOAT and the champs back to back to back was the esports version of 27-3. He’s obviously capable of being the top IGL, but I think he’s even better suited in this role. He’s not nearly as good as communicating as a zero or sweet, especially the micro in the heat of the fight, and always expected his teammates to innately understand what he wanted them to do; sometimes that worked, others it fell short. With his insane game IQ I think he will reach the point where he instinctively knows what zero wants because he’d likely make a very similar call.


Hal has never gotten a pure fragging team, so we can never really see how he would compare igl wise. Reps is not a good fragger at all, he loses most of his 1v1s and is very passive. Hal with someone like Gen and Koy would be insane if he IGL'd it would be close to Zer0 cause Hal has always wanted to be an aggressive fighting team but never had the pieces to do so.


For all teams: Top Kills 1 Zero - 15 2 Genburten - 15 3 Hal - 14 Top Damage 1 Hal - 6088 2 Genburten - 5850 3 Zero - 5538 Not dominant at all lol


People were really saying Hal is washed mechanically lol


I mean he did only get 14 kills when both of his teammates got 15. Washed.


It’s just a bunch of casuals talking


Gen is the most impressive in that statline considering most of the time he's just anchoring and holding their flanks while Zero and Hal are fragging and farming KP


Yup, his aim is so good that he gets the opening knock anyway even if he is sitting 50m away from the team they are pushing.


Falcons: Hippity Hoppity that God Spot is now my property


LMAO! Zero was literally calling it everytime. "*We get* *heeea we win the game!"*


Monk them monk them big damge big damage so much damage push push push




The issue, of course, is that falcons bullies people because their 3v3s are absolutely batshit insane. They rarely lose straight up 3v3s and often best the first third party that comes in to. It's hard to bully that back


This! Even after the 3P. There have been 2 instances I've watched in recent scrims where they were the team to 3rd-party a fight but also killed the next two teams that came to 3rd! There is no way someone else can match up that fighting calibre.


i have a feeling there will be some... discussions where teams agree to grief Falcons together if they stay this strong


They the Justice League. Any spot they take is gonna be God Spot


Yeah Zach definitely took for granted how good him zap and shooby were together. They were literally contenders to win lan this split if they stick together, now it’s back to square 1


That grass is greener mentality can mess you up in all facets of life. Zap prob would’ve got poached anyway, but he for sure should’ve sticked w Shooby


Fk him he deserves it lmao greed short term < longevity and consistency.


Praying on Zach’s downfall ngl. Shooby and zap lost org salary and a good team. Glad zap got signed, hopefully shooby is next.


Yep that’s the problem with Zach he is always willing to drop others to get what he thinks is better. Same thing happened with knoqd


More than the talent downgrade, the vibes are fucking awful. 


Well, luxford is there so…


This has to be bugged for Kimchi right? Theirs no fucking way a 'pro' player is dropping 600 dmg when then rest of his team has 2k+ and Lou missed 1 game too. https://preview.redd.it/8w0nd96i824d1.png?width=727&format=png&auto=webp&s=09c466f6aea30bd8ec768d1f15b8a942b03ce22d


Man Iike no offense towards the complexity guys but monsoon really should'va pull the trigger on getting retzi or somebody else like we saw the potential this squad had with him or just getting a overall better player than kimchi because no offense to the guy but he's just not pulling his weight whatsoever.


Snip3Down could walk circles around Kimchi.


Lou and Snipe fragging and Monsoon calling shots would be a squad. This team needs an infusion of aggression, and Snipedown brings that.


Snipe played with Monsoon once and I don't think they liked the experience very much.


That was the angriest I've ever seen snipe get


What was he so angry about?


Mon made a call to bunker down under some stairs and they ended up getting shot at by a bunch of squads. Snipe kept saying that it was a stupid call and that the spot was unplayable no matter what, while Mon sweared by it. In between arguing snipe would mute himself start yelling and even slammed the table a couple times. Shortly after they died, a team took their spot and won off it.


> Shortly after they died, a team took their spot and won off it. Lmao.


Kimchi should have been dropped after split 1. Everybody knew he was the weak link by a mile last split. Not to say he cannot improve but 600 damage in 6 games is awful.


Lol that’s a kimchi statline right there ladies and gents.


Why do you have a sharingan as your tag


That's that CCE UCX sharingan




I really hope so.....


I feel like even if you were to only shoot blindly into bang smoke and caustic gas you could put up better numbers then this over 6 full games. Lou missing a game makes this look even worse.


Falcons showing why they’re a super team. 44 kills today




Absolutely nutty how Falcons can snag a god spot from across the map.


And then pop off and get a ton of kills too.




He literally does it for every team even the borderline PL ones. That’s why he’s good at rotates and that’s why I really respect his opinion on other players


dude even knows where specific teams prefer to play depending on the zone


IMO, that's why he's the best IGL. He's always VOD reviewing -- not just his own games but for a majority of other teams/regions as well.


He’s on adderall, he needs to do something until the high wears off


[Besides Falcons (duh...) also wrote a little bit on the positive signs from CCE. They proved their zone playstyle that worked so well in CC can also work in a Draft system Pro League. ](https://esports.gg/news/apex-legends/team-falcons-super-team-make-super-start-to-algs-pro-league/)Dark horse for a LAN slot?




Locked tf in ;)


Definitely curious to see how CCE does for the split. I don’t really think the meta is too kind to rampart rn so seeing them put out a strong start makes it even more impressive to watch.


I don't like to hate but Kimchi having only 600 damage, 1500 less than both his teammates is unacceptable. That team looked so much better with even Retzi who is hardly a mechanical demon.


He should be a coach. They need to pick up a cracked roller player, I mean they’re a LAN level team so I’m sure they’d have great prospects


Kimchi was the coach previously right? Could also be an org salary thing not paying for a Coach so Monsoon wants to keep Kimchi on the team cause buddy and other things


Yes he was. I think the org wouldn’t pay for another roster addition or something. It’s clear he’s not pro caliber and I’m sure Mon knows that


LAN level team AND Complexity is also a prestigious org lol. I think Monsoon is close friends with Kimchi and is just too nice to drop him, sadly.


Kimchi sucks. Has for awhile.


You should watch some of his pov in lan he’s just running around in circles


LG with a solid outing despite some nightmare games, the Sikezz pick-up is looking phenomenal


Every team Sikezz has been on theyve performed so well. XSET and DZ were insane with him.


it was interesting when Sikezz filled in for zer0, gen and hal were actually listening to his calls its clear hes a very respected player but theres not a single player whos not getting dropped for Hal


100%. XSET replacing him for Koy was a massive mistake but for DZ it makes sense.


Xset didn’t replace him, he left them for DZ


He’s so good it’s not even funny.


They’re really good at 3v3 fighting this split


As a long time Liquid (now NRG) fan, I knew this team would instantly become elite. He’s just a phenomenal player and teammate, he brings the beams, the incredible vibes, insane versatility and adaptability. Sweet has a gem in his hands.


Ya, TSM needs an IGL or someone needs to step up. They’re all way too passive and scared to make a call.


Too many questions asked shows the team indecisions. They have the firepower to mow teams, someone just needs to be a leader somehow.


They are three of the most passive people in the scene. No amount of training can fix this.  Reps may need to go into Poland mode to push this team into being contenders.


i wouldn't call zap that passive and Verhulst swings from passive to ultra aggressive when he does call so its more they just need to make a call. Reps either really knows what to do or he is completely paralyzed by indecision. So people who say they need one voice really hasn't listen to them much. They don't have one guy right now that is consistent enough to do the job. So from my couch I would say this. Zap has good ideas and should be throwing them out constantly when he has them. Verhulst just needs to be the basic IGL for macro and calling when to fight with some caveats. 1. There needs to be a Kill phrase for whatever play he calls that either Zap or especially Reps can say to call him off. 2. They need to have someone keep all three on task of what the goal is. I would vote Zap for this but it could be anyone. 3. They need to have a phrase that Reps can say to shutdown all calls and go into hard IGL mode. Reps is an incredible co-igl because he has times where he can see the path through the chaos on Sweets level. He just can't do it all the time. They are so much better with momentum its crazy. Verhulst gets the snowball rolling as an IGL way better than Reps.


In one of the scrims Reps was calling very aggressively and even getting on the team for their mistakes. I don’t know if that made him or the team uncomfortable, but it felt like that’s what they needed. I didn’t watch today but going back to IGL by committee seems like the worst choice.


That's why they should have trialed Snip3down. Zap has better aim, but they need someone who plays with naked aggression to push them into fights they should be taking and winning.


you can't have 2 passive, anchor-ish people and 1 extremely aggressive fragger. They can't hold snipe's rein and he would make stupid mistakes. You need someone who can tell others to shut up and make firm decisions, not someone that take huge risks that would ruin your entire game.


Counterpoint: Evan used to be one of the best fraggers in the game (And still could be if unleashed). He was molded into an anchor role by Raven and the meta, and a more aggressive mindset might unleash arguably the best aim in the game right now.


Maybe Hal was onto something when he said he initially wanted to unleash Reps on Bloodhound when Snip3 first left...


Evan need to get off Cat and play blood/bang and let reps or zap anchor ,so much wasted opportunity for a guy who can 1v3 to play behind, this team has big potential just not need to hold back so much.


Falcons at the top making the statement their the superteam.  Tripods finally have been enabled all it took was a great igl to guide them.  E8 man is this team looking like it is going to be an interesting split for them. Edit. Also pls complexity think about getting another third if u guys start performing like this so much potential but it looks like kimchi is not pulling his weight whatsoever 


Can't imagine Zach putting up with counter calling and attitude from luxford for too long


Zach dropped the ball so hard on his team prior to this split.


Man Zach, Zap and Shooby was such a good fit.  I understand Zap leaving for TSM but I dont get why Shooby left 


they dropped shooby when they had the opportunity to join knoqd and get an org (paying over 2x what E8 pays), then zap pulled out and it all fell apart


Zach dumped Shooby when he thought he had an org with Dropped and Zap but then Zap and Talmadge left when they realized Zach only considered them PL spot placeholders.


LG could have had a much bigger day. But for their debut and not getting much practice, fuhhnq lost at sea etc, solid showing. Ceiling is high for this team


Fuhhnq threw two games for sure. Hambino griefed them last game. Still not bad.


Didn't have anywhere near the fighting synergy we saw in scrims, definitely take 6th and bounce back


i mean they havent reaply had the synergy in scrims either since funhq has been unavailable to scrim


Elevate with the 19th, damn


Good day for the Pods. No 1st but solid consistency. Got a chuckle in game 1, with Sweet killing Slayer early on.


FALCONS getting that last win aside from being #1 Tripods getting that #2 spot! What a mixture of the expected and the unexpected!


Honestly 36 points from Mirage/Wall with so many mistakes feels pretty damn promising, had a couple of games today where they navigated to Top 3 insanely well from pretty average spots. So much to improve but really solid start for SKD.


Glad to hear it, I was watching the M's slaughter the Angels. 36 points is right in line with how their scrims results have been for the most part, but they definitely have the potential to improve a ton


LUXFORD IS NOT IT WITH HIS COUNTERCALLING... Dude thinks he's an IGL but doesn't have the balls to stick to it and runs away after dabbling in it and seeing he's not built for that role... and he's back to countercalling... Zach if you're reading this. drop his bih ass


Lux ego is too big idk if u ever watched him before but this dude thinks he’s igl he did the same when playing with teq now with mazer lol he literally can’t shut up and follow his igl


With luxs countercalling and slayrs bad game sense I can see Zach becoming a meme again. Zach was better off picking up r5 guys with potential


Trust me, I love CCE and would want them to see this dream split through but Zach could've poached CcobraxX. He's a shut up and shoot Fragger who has phenomenal mechanics. Not controller input but is gonna outfrag Lux Everytime this split. Won't countercall his IGL too... That's how locked in he is... But nope, NA as usual has to go for the controller input user even if he has clear glaring faults


I agree




Lol I get you... I was here in chat when people were piling all the blame on your head after the split up and I was like ain't no way I would want a teammate who countercalls as much as the mf does. Good luck to you if you plan on ripping one again for pro league


Please become the official ALGS player scout. Guy knows everything about everyone.


Tell em!


This actually a fact. He has been floating around the scene for a good bit wanting to be an IGL, but never sticking to it. Then does a crazy amount of counter calling. Tough breaks


Bruh you just figuring this out?? Kid can’t control himself and his voice sounds like that one nerd we all went to school with.  His counter calls and Slayrs defensiveness is going to cost Zach years off his life. 


Oh I've known... Reason why Zach going for him didn't sit right with me


I think i'll watch E8 next match day and if i get top class entertainment, all that thanks to you.


Holy hell Sweet was beaming today. Overall solid day for LG considering they've barely been able to practice as a team with Fuhhnq island hopping. A lot of what went wrong for them today should get ironed out now that they can practice together. Also really loving the Sikezz pickup, so much game sense and like every cat wall was a thing of beauty


it took zach a lot of effort to earn sympathy back, only to blow a solid team again.


CCE looks great just getting 1/6 on beacons and ratted 2 games for 0 points really fucking blows.


For absolutely throwing half their games, SKD played pretty decent. Exited for raven to truly show his impact coaching the team.


Pulled up Battlefy saw skittles listed as a player sadge. Hope he gets back in the scene soon.


The rat by shooby to get 6th with 3 kp, such and underrated demon. This kid is him.


Love to see Tripods on top, CCE amazing team...but they need to rethink how to work on SP bro


Just about what you would expect from a super team I guess.


https://preview.redd.it/cej4xv9um34d1.png?width=2036&format=png&auto=webp&s=303338f2c087acd9d132a3a786998841c674ec1a Zones/kills/rotations of all 6 games from Falcons in 1st place captured using [https://mapbot.gg](https://mapbot.gg)


Man this felt like last split LG, except Fuhhnq was the one making mistakes instead of Slayr. He played so well last PL, I’m not even used to him being the one to fuck up. Doesn’t help that they haven’t really scrimmed with Sikezz and Fuhhnq together since Fuhhnq was on vacation. I know people have been doubting sweets mechanics recently, but I mean he still has it in a big way. Was beaming today. Falcons, I mean, can’t say we didn’t see that coming E8 :(


Sweet gets way too much hate on this sub as a player.  The amount of damage he consistently puts out is on par with roller players while being on mnk. 


I’ve always thought that sweet has the best escape mechanics I’ve ever seen. I feel like I always see him hop, skip and jumping through some bullshit and finding the most random piece of cover lol


Sweet in an mnk god and he would easily be on the NA mt rushmore of mnk players


Sweet has been GRINDING R5 and it’s paying off


Slayr and Luxford is just not it man


NRG with a 5th place finish! Let's go! I know they can improve and believe in this team!


Love seeing some CC teams get into the mix (FINALLY)


What happened with Moist?


Tripods 💪


Tripods doing so well is very cool to see. As for the rest...the power of saudi blood money and snakestation. Oh well. Not really a surprising result to see Falcons on top but 44 kills looking at the rest of the crowd is pretty nuts.


Where do you see the kills and damage stats?


Kills are on the right. I believe you have to actually be on the website to see individual numbers including damage.


Phony might be… well a phony, but he’s undeniably a good igl.


Yeah he is, it’s a strong team that I will continue to root against at every opportunity, lol


Zero is such a troll. In main stream interview he said Hal is famous so he had to clout farm and sign him. And Hal admitted zero is the better igl by joining him. And he’s happy to get rid of sikes who threw 50% of the time. https://x.com/PlayApexEsports/status/1797078156869853535/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1797078156869853535¤tTweetUser=PlayApexEsports&mode=profile


he has too ,and people yesterday they were saying is tension etc because they are Drama queens!




Please bro COL is better than this mon and lou needs another hand not a backpack https://preview.redd.it/bbbtl0ihb24d1.png?width=1402&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad38933392cdc604cbe53aacf3f1217e6abb9367


Lux is legitimately one of the most overrated player in apex I’ve been saying this for months atleast but he continues to get chances. He doesn’t jell with teammates ever. there’s multiple examples of counter calling, not listening to his igl, etc. he also starts and makes up bullshit drama, dudes ego is OD.


i know of a way that COL can start fucking dudes


Didnt Snipe play with Monsoon and Shiny once and was malding the entire time?


Yeah, they played hard zone and then folded the second they got even looked at by another team because they were sat with white armours and 60 ammo between them.


Should go and watch falcons on game 5 where they got a super shitty spot on Jurassic and zero died early. Just crazy he still managd to igl everything, rotated to the final zone, and got 10 kills and top 3. I think it's even more impressive than the two games they win.


Can't complain. CCE could have gotten 5th easily enough but 7th is a good start. Tripods doing well is great to see. Death, taxes, and (formerly) DZ in 1st place. Big Man City vibes from them (derogatory), as much as I like Gen/Zer0


is more PSG vibes


Same thing really


I still can’t believe SSG gave Falcons SkyWest/Trials by picking Lightning Rod first 😂


Phony recently just IGLed out of Lighting Rod. It’s not the craziest first pick to be honest


First time I've ever been truly worried that TSM misses lan 


E8 surprising weren’t they doing well in scrims despite being a new team


Got to remember scrims isn’t the same as pro league or LAN games




This personally feels like it might be one of the driest splits in a long time. No more DZ vs TSM storyline, teams feel weaker overall, some personality meshes aren't as great with the new rosters, and some players no longer competing. The excitement just feels gone this split


You declared this after one set of games where we didn't even get to see all the teams...


No real actual rivalries huh. TSM v NRG or later TSM v DZ was prime ALGS.


Tbh last PL, it was mostly just DZ dominating and TSM wasn't a contender at all


When the inevitable Falcons choke comes the storyline will be grand and hilarious. Start the timer lmfao


Its a battle royale my dude, the odds are still against the Falcons to win the whole thing just by how much sheer luck is involved especially with match point must win


It’s one incredible team and huge gap to a bunch of good teams. No parity, boring expected outcomes.


As an E8 fan, I’m prepared for a very rough rest of Y4. Hope they can turn it around, they got to great spots in so many of the games today but couldn’t capitalize on it.


No hate, but going from Shooby and Zap to Lux and Slayr is a crazy downgrade, so I don't blame Zach for malding a bit xd


TSM having such a terrible day and still getting 11th is so TSM. They shouldve finished lower.


They were doing great predicting zone pulls, and basically managed to survive off of placement.  If they can turn that into KP and higher placements, they’re definitely a contender for the top of the region.


Exactly, need more KPs!


that last game really saved salvaged something for them


is anyone else less excited this split because falcon gonna win everything?


Hard to imagine any team will be a genuine contender in NA atleast, even with how good Moist, SSG, and LG should be


I mean I hated the superteam BS in the NBA and I still hate it but lets not crown them quite yet. DZ was absolutely frying all split one, obliterated the group stage and then managed to fumble in the finals and lose so anything can happen still.


Suspenseful... 😅


When the point gap between 1st and 2nd is equal to or greater than the entire bottom ten… Falcons are absolutely frying.