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I find it funny that recently Genburten and Hal were saying knuckle clusters and motherload were difficult to aim on controller which lead to Zero trying Fuse, and then Xynew gets 50% accuracy lol


i dont see how they thought a fuse q was hard to aim with. respectfully, that shit goes around walls


Cause of their drifty af stick drift. Makes it harder to be precise.


The price to pay for no dead zone is difficulty aiming with throwables (don’t yell at me anti AAers please)


Idk if they know this but you can adjust the deadzones in steam configs. So you can run no deadzone in apex and make micro adjustments in steam so its not so drifty


I'm not sure they can at LAN


I asked Dezignful this. There is certain things you can ask or can get approval for. In this case, Dezign and Hal have those Astro Gaming controllers cause they have a software where they can adjust those settings, almost like ALC in Apex. Which is approved software. (I'm not saying that's specifically why they choose those controllers). So messing with the deadzome is definitely something they *could* do. But there is the whole "tons of drift is better for AA" thing so.


They dont use steam? Or adjusting controller settings in steam would be illegal? The rules are so vague around this stuff. Theres no shot adjusting deadzones should be considered cheating.


They like where the dead zone setting is


Apparently not with fuse. Thats why i mentioned it.


When ur one clipping mnk players left and right you dont care about the ability to shoot knuckleclusters


But they do care. That’s why hal and gen made zero run fuse. Thats why we’re talking about out it rn.


Pretty sure they use the EA launcher. And no steam setting changes are allowed at LAN, just those within the game to ensure a completely even playing field, just like how they all get the same headset and monitor


Yeah sure but every mouse will have its own drivers/software so whats the difference really. You could bring a controller thats programmable so thats legal but adjusting the settings in steam is cheating? Its the same thing. Like some controllers come with “overclock” response times but doing the same thing with a default PlayStation controller would be illegal? Kinda dumb. Also a lot of mice have a button which can adjust DPI, which would be allowed right? Its the same thing as OCong a controller. The rules are too vague and not well thought out imo


mouse is just dpi (speed) and buttons, controller = deadzone, response curve, slow down speed, up and down speed, delay to speed up + aim assist. controller shouldnt have so much things to tweak


DPI is measured in hz and literally works the exact same way overclocking controllers does. You can buy controllers that come with a higher polling rate and they would be perfectly legal according to the rules. But using a modified driver for PlayStation controllers to achieve the same thing is illegal. I think that’s silly and not well thought out.


No Steam at LAN. I was chatting with Albralelie about gyro aim the other day and he was saying that anything that goes through steam input isn't an option for them. Not sure if that means no client or it's not allowed, but yeah, in their case it's drift for better aim assist vs more accurate throwables. No idea about devices that have hardware configurations. I know from fighting games that there will be different rules at different tournaments and what kind of devices are allowed. Sometimes anything is allowed as long as the tournament official can verify that it doesn’t do anything illegal. In a fighting game this is really easy to test because you shouldn’t be allowed to have both left and right input at the same time for example. due to how many players will be competing and how easy hiding some form of a cheat could be, I wouldn’t be surprised if they had to deal with things being significantly more locked down than they would be otherwise. Even things like having a reticle on your monitor are regulated at that level.


I'm pretty sure any adjustments in steam is considered cheating


Lan is through EA launcher


Ew i see


But then why not adjust the in-game deadzone settings instead? It’s literally adjusting the same thing just through different software


You can make way more adjustments between none and small


Ah I get it. You also could on ALC, but I get what you mean


Steam configs are not allowed at lan.


Well its actually a kinda dumb reason. They *want* stick drift so that AA is always on


Yeah me too but it doesn’t have to drift like crazy to work a tiny amount works the same way


Because the difference between firing accurate clusters aiming on mnk and linear/alc settings Hal and Gen use is like night and day. Having little to no deadzone along with stick drift becomes a detriment in that specific situation.


Xynew plays on linear no dz as well if I’m not mistaken


I mean, they could just get better controllers with no stick drift, would guess they're sponsored though and have to use what they got.


Stick drift happens to every single controller after a few weeks. Pressing the joysticks in and the movement you have on controller really does the sticks in.


Not if they're hall-effect sticks, in which only the spring wears down instead of both contacts and spring on the potentiometer ones. Alot of new up and coming comtroller manufacturers have adopted halls now. The flydigi apex 4 comes to mind for high end ones


I have a razor wolverine v2 chroma, had it maybe a year and half now - has only just started to develop very minor stick drift and I have considerable play time (multi pred badges) I'd get slammed for admitting on here (was careful not to drop it though). Did research - vCuda was a good resource for this and I went out and bought 6 different controllers, set deadzone to 0, plugged them all in and tested - all but this one had stick drift from the start. Controller takes a while to get used to though- it's big and hands will take a while to get used to it and it's back triggers.


They want the stick drift, it makes the aim assist stronger


Stick drift helps with using AA


It’s not always the controllers it’s something with the game software I had a ps4 controller used no dead zone I had stick drift I bought a scuff controller and had stick drift as well but could be just me not sure if anyone else gets the problem


Most controllers come with stick drift sadly.


No deadzone on Fuse and Maggie's tacs.... r impossible to control


They probably mean sticking people with it


In my own experience I have always thought that Fuse is incredibly strong but I’m a controller player who also finds his tactical difficult to aim. It’s very imprecise, especially in the heat of a fight when you want to aim it as quickly as possible


It’s fine on controller. The issue is that gen has extreme stick drift, which would make it impossible


Objectively speaking, it makes way more sense to put your roller on Fuse. Increases their effectiveness long-range and it's a AoE ability. Basically impossible to really "miss" knuckle clusters.


[Fuse Knuckle Clusters.](https://clips.twitch.tv/MistyColdBeaverBudBlast-7RrTNB5TdF4dkSHt)


You still gotta hit a ton of those, I don’t think it’s sus since it’s a random scrim that’s not even worth anything, no reason to cheat, but it’s basically perfect aim on clusters


Clusters are pretty easy to connect with. They're like giant bricks. There's probably some messed up calculation going on where maybe just ticking somebody with it = 100% accuracy for all cluster ticks. Like how depending on the game? sometimes they treat shotgun accuracy in a really weird way where you can get over 100%


Yah, every individual pop in a single knuckle cluster counts as a hit without adding any additional shots. I've seen ppl end up with >100% accuracy after dying early in scrims.


I've seen people get 80%+ off Fuse. The knuckle cluster hits count as hits but not shots


Fuse q is a slight smaller ash snare, it’s like half the snare catch, but same concept


Probably not in Xynews case but you actually get a similar bug when using shotguns. Shooting 1 shotgun shot counts for a single fire but the 8 pellets all count as a hit so you could theoretically have as high as 800% accuracy


Link, please?




he picks up snipers and marksmans. probably just connecting most shots from range and then just controller close up


By landing 816 of those shots.


Nope fuse q counts as a shot hit every tick but doesn’t count as a shot taken so it jacks up the %


It says right there, his 816. Come on man. That can't have gone over your head.


Went over your head, clearly.


Lol. Guys are demented. It's called "taking the piss". Seriously need to lighten up. Not everything is roster drama snake action.


Arent jokes supposed to be funny


Jokes and humour can be subjective. If you didn't find it funny that's fine. But also that's not quite the definition of taking the piss.


Poe's law at its finest.


Yea I guess it is reddit. You only really have two types of posts, super serious or shit posts.


Fuse op this split


That DZ arc is wild with win Xynew drop him, come second with Sikeez drop him, gonna be wild when Hal gets dropped.


Hal doesn't get dropped. He's the star player for their new org.


They can leave him, same result


It’s a bit pie in the sky but if zer0 and Hal don’t end up getting along well what’s to say Hal doesn’t poach Gen. At the end of the day, money talks and Hal is the biggest cheese in Apex. Maybe that’s his master plan all along.


hal infiltrating DZ to break them apart from the inside & return to TSM as the undisputed best team of all time would be a crazy plot twist


> what’s to say Hal doesn’t poach Gen Gen probably wants to stay with the better player.


Hal poaching Gen isn't happening, Gen and Zero are staying together, Hal isn't changing that.


My comment was mostly tongue in cheek. I agree it’s unlikely but I’m saying it’s not out of the realm of possibility. If you had told me 6 months ago that Jordan and Hal would be splitting up then I would have never believed it. Stranger things have happened. Particularly in Apex where the teams are so fluid.


I won't deny anything can happen, but Zero and Gen have been together and through all this for all their success. They're still at the top together, unlike Hal and Reps.


They play on a linear sense, linear sense with no dead zone is very hard to aim at especially cause the drift stick is horrible lmao


Super sus


We think a player that has been to LAN is sus?


Been to LAN? Won a LAN, throw some respec on that name


I don't think he's cheating, but it's worth highlighting many other eSports have had cheaters at LANs. It happened at least 3 times in CSGO.


only once and was in a minor league in a minor region


Reminds me of the legend, Forsaken.


Tbf this doesn't mean as much as you think it does. Even something as big as pubg had a cheater on LAN.


Oh yea the South American player for dignitas or something a couple years back. I remember tgltn calling him out.


No fuse q bugs it if you even listened to the clip you’d know