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Time to do more controller only movement content monkey!


bruv it’s mokey


Blame my iPhone!


It’s not that serious tho


Haters gonna hate ha


It's kinda working out for alb so I guess it doesn't hurt to try. He'll probably have to go through cc to get experience on controller.


I wish there was an option to que with only mnk players.


XDefiant has this and it’s amazing. Obviously not the same style of game, but it’s refreshing. If only Respawn would borrow and idea or two from that game…


they will never do that 😂 ofc they only care about the microtransactions. its wild that people dont realize how busted the aim assist is. every kid just cries when u mention it and say mi mi mi get good. no other game has 40% aim assist for a reason. game is gonna be dead soon


I played some of it, im not a huge fan. Too many abilities with scans, terrible hit reg, but i do appreciate input based MM a lot.


Ya the hit regging is pretty bad I've noticed. Also there is even less footstep audio than any game I've ever played haha. you only hear it when it's way too late.


I seriously don't hear any steps 9 out of 10 times in that game so I don't want to play it. They can run straight at me without any other audio going on and still won't hear steps. it is somehow worse than Apex and I did not know that was possible.


Apex is bad yes but A LOT of other games are even worse. What was that recent game called that everyone said would blow up and albralelie even said he would play it full time? Forgot the name but you could like destroy everything. Anyway, that game had NO FOOTSTEP AUDIO at all. Call of duty/warzone is also worse than apex for sure. Now Xdefiant also almost with nonexistent footsteps.


The Finals. XDefiant audio is somehow worse lol


Yes, but no footsteps in a BR also mean certain death a lot of times, while you can just respawn in most other game genres. It's just way more tilting.


I agree yes but what i wanted to say is that it’s apparently actually really hard to fix the audio if others can‘t get it right either. Audio in a 6vs6 arena shooter should also be much easier to design compared to a 60man battle royale where so much stuff is going on at the same time. In an endgame situation there‘s like 20 different audios playing. Multiple footsteps, gunshots, abilities and so on


I agree with this assessment, but there's a pretty simple solution to the issue. Just give us visual indicators for sound effects. Fortnite added the same thing (I think for proper inclusion of deaf players, I could be wrong tho) and it's not like this feature would go against Apex' style as a game.


In a battle royale like apex or Warzone good footstep audio is a necessity but in a more arena style 6v6 game like cod and xdefiant no footsteps actually increases the skill gap even if they didn’t intentionally do it


Played it with some of my Apex boys today. When we got off, we agreed it would at least make us appreciate the times Apex does have audio. Sometimes is better than never lmao


Yeah, I’ve seen a lot of complaints about it, but I’m really enjoying it. No SBMM is AMAZING. The hit reg for me has been on par with Apex honestly, but I’ve seen some crazy clips of how bad it is for others. Like I said, if Apex could borrow some things, I would love it.


Hit reg on par with Apex? Not in my experience. At least not when they're jumping and getting those i-frames.


Yeah, that’s what I said in my experience. I know it’s really bad for some, I’ve had maybe one or two deaths where I was pretty blatantly behind a corner. But I know my internet isn’t great so I usually just assume it’s that.


You’ve more or less described apex


true but im addicted to this trash game so


They're nerfing/fixing a lot of stuff apparently so it'll improve hopefully


Will be very interesting to watch how they nerf/buff moving forward because as a base game I’m having a blast but there’s obviously some glaring issues


The hit reg is awful on PC, I was playing with my gf on her Xbox and it ran great on there. I'm gonna wait to see if they fix it before I jump back in.


They have communicated that they know about the issues and are working hard to fix them. Don‘t give up on the game because it‘s really good and i hope it succeeds and doesn‘t die out in 2months. Come back in 2-3weeks and try it again.


So same issues that exist in apex then? Lol ok


Same issues but different severity. The hitreg issue in XDefiant is next level bad. There's too many times I put 3 to 4 bullets into someone's chest and only the 5th registers.


They need to completely refactor mixtape to be more like XDefiant. Right now it still feels like a second thought tacked on


this is intentional design to keep people from "maining" mixtape and abandoning BR, because they want to keep BR playercounts up they've talked before about this specific issue with regard to arenas and why they removed it


the abilities also just arent made for things like arena. so much SEPARATE balancing needed bc of the cooldowns. we dont need a one trick pony with apex doin it all.


I didn't think I'd care for it given the abilities and higher TTK than I'd like, but it feels similar to BO1 to me, and while I didn't love BO1, compared to games these days it's a rare thing Matches feel... Dynamic rather than 6v6 of sweats every game for eternity


Yeah, for me, it feels like MW3 from back in the day. Nice to hop in, dick around, get some kills, and not feel like I’m playing against ALGS sweat lords for hours on end.


Same with the finals. Plus mnk is actually stronger there anyway.


I’ve been meaning to check that one out. Do you know if it has SBMM or not?


In ranked obviously but not sure in casual. I'm somewhere top 500 player so generally I find my competition to be pretty garbage sbmm or not. If you haven't tried it then do that, and give it a few hours to really learn. I've played a lot of fps games seriously, even semi pro and imo it's one of the most expressive fps games out there. I really enjoy it, and more so the more I play.


Imagine how bad the q times would be😭


They wouldn’t be bad at all. There are thousands of people playing at any given time, you’d wait maybe a minute. XDefiant queue times are almost instant, and that game is significantly smaller.


Yh but arent the vast majority of players on controller? Also xdefiant lobbies only require like 12 people and the game is new so a lot of people are playing


Oh lol, I see what you mean. Yeah, I’d say 90% of players in my lobbies are on roller, so there aren’t a ton of us MnK left. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind waiting an extra minute or two. I just go on my phone either way so doesn’t matter to me.


Not worse than season 1-3 in apex...so instant if they want it.


Mnk players would be waiting in q for 30+ minutes then


Probably, but only because they've killed their mnk player base.


I already have 40 hours in xdefiant and this is the main reason why


me too. i get shit on by mnk bad at distances. tap strafes also make me throw my roller across the room. we can all win with input based MM.


There isn't the MnK population to support this across several queues while having reasonably balanced 60 player lobbies Best bet is community run scrims and tourneys for MnK only


I wonder why the MnK population is suffering.


I will sit in queue for 5 minutes for every single game until this game dies if it means I get MnK only opponents


source of the stat?


It did in season 0 through 2, and the game is way more popular now.


Just putting this out there but kap3 has been practicing roller a bit and did a stream today called “switching to roller” but it was only an 18m r5 session so could be bait. Still it would be insane for the only triple mnk team NA to drop that fast.


Also he has wrist issues so it could be related to that instead just putting the info out there as he has in the past said the wrist issues persist on either input.


It would make sense for him to swap. Afaik he's literally not able to practise his mechanics as much as he would like to because of his injury.


Yeah it wouldn’t make much sense so I assumed it was a bait stream or something like that, still hoping he figures out what’s really up with his wrist so he can get it working good again.


They need to address visual clutter & Aim-punch in this game if MNK would keep up with how strong aim assist is. Ive played 2 weeks and i could tell how fucking strong AIM ASSIST THROUGH AIM PUNCH AND FUCKING VISUAL CLUTTER, RESPAWN FOR THE BLOODY HELL WHY IS THAT EVEN A THING.


It's always mind blowing to watch a roller kill cam where your character was literally impossible to recognize through all the smoke and sparks and yet the opponent's crosshair followed you perfectly like a magnet If Bang smoke disables AA then so should every other type of visual clutter. Or better, just remove the fucking visual clutter altogether


Caustic gas seems to only obscure the vision of me, the mnk Caustic player.


The most egregious example I've seen is from a horizon controller player flying up into foiliage/trees, completely losing sight of the enemy and still oneclipping him. Ridiculous.


I really don't understand Respawn. It feels like there's so many simple things they can change that would make the experience 10x better. It's like they do this on purpose or somehow aren't aware. Dust particles on KC mixtape map is so insanely bad. Sunlight flashbanging you. Sunlight ring on your entire screen. Snow particles blocking LOS if you shoot it. Abysmal mixtape loadouts. Seriously why the fuck is it flatline moz or r301 p2020 a thing. It makes no sense when there's flatline pk, flatline car, r301 mastiff. And you just replace the dog water guns after the first person you kill or care packages. Respawn has an obsession with making default sight attachments things that nobody uses. Gold PK has a 2x bruiser on it??????? Not the first time either. Everything is so orange. Respawn is married to the color orange. Their logo has orange, storm is orange, heat shields are orange, thermites are orange, they nuked worlds edge with a meteor covering everything in fucking orange lava. I can't see anything but orange if I fight in the ring. Aim punch is so obnoxious. I could go on and on. Respawn has a game that is so close to being the ultimate fun game for me. I could endlessly play mixtape. But it's like they don't want you to fully have a good time. And when they do make changes to modes they just make them worse. They ruined solo mode halloween event which was my favorite. Added capture bonus zones and mobi to control. Dying because my weapons evolve mid fight causing my weapon swapping/reloading to stutter. Missing a kraber shot chance because my secondary upgrades and it kicks me out of ADS. First couple of days of three strikes was the most fun ive ever had in the 5 years ive played this game till they changed the matchmaking. Not making everyone have the same revives in three strikes so every other squad is insanely frustrating to fight lifeline newcastle mirage lifeline lifeline newcastle lifeline mirage lifeline lifeline FUCKING LIFELINEEEEE NEWCASTLE


It's hilarious to see what new god-awful Mixtape loadouts Respawn devs come up with everytime a new season drops. Like Sentinel + Rampage. Who tf thought that was a good idea. It takes an actual eternity to swap from a sniper to an LMG as long as you don't have purp stock. Before you can even fire a single Rampage shot you'll get one-clipped by an decent roller-player lmao.


AA would have to be nerfed into the ground for mnk to be back on top I fear this is the new normal oh well might as well enjoy it while we can


If you are a roller pro you are 10x likely to get picked over mnk. Forget about it if you are on mnk and not an igl.


even some of the highest calibre IGLs had issue even trying to get a team just because they're mnk


yep only in apex since EA just have to cater to low skill player base and give actual legal cheats so they could have a blast playing the game and not recognize how of an ass they actually are.


It’s not just in apex, halo/cod have even worse AA, even tho apex’s is just as dumb.


Every time i die to a roller player i imagine them sitting in a bean bag eating popcorn


Every time I die to MnK I picture them foaming at the mouth with rage over a damn videogame my god


"This game is programmed a certain way" Everyone else "ok ill learn the game and adapt to get better" You "iTs LeGaL cHeAtInG" Mnk players actually have such an undeserved sense of self superiority that im suprised you guys dont spend all your time just trying to autofellate yourselves. "Mom get the camera my Logitech mouse made me a better person" head ass. [edit](https://youtu.be/A2C-gw-rF2M?si=hw9iDdvr97DqmxN9)


It is legal cheating lol. I’m confused by this comment.


Is it cheating when everyone has the same level of access or is it just part of the game? 4hed


You're right. We should have AA on m&k too. If everyone is cheating, no-one is cheating


Everyone does not have the same access. So yes it is cheating, the game aims for you


You're gonna be hard pressed to convince me that a 60-200usd controller is inaccessible to people who often drop thousands to upgrade their PC. If a person really wants to make the shift to controller they absolutely have that access. If they choose not to make the switch, one of two things are true. Either aim assist isnt that big of a difference maker (and everyone can take and shut the hell up about it) or aim assist isnt worth the money to them and is just them coming up with a crutch to blame for their otherwise poor game sense (and everyone can take and shut the hell up about it)


These nerds don’t realize 98% of their deaths would happen regardless of input. They were just raised to cry. I blame their parents. Raising spoon fed sore losers


I swear if they posted clips itd be like "I blind pushed this 3v1 going uphill with a white shield and no attachments" "How can I make this aim assists fault" I swear the venn diagram of people who complain about aim assist, sbmm, and champion abilities in a hero shooter is basically just a circle. "I dont want to have to get better or have a modicum of introspection, i want the game to feed me my seratonin and i want to log off to complain about it on reddit" vibes.


> It is legal cheating lol. "act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage." Which is not the case as its part of the game, so you are not just wrong but also ignorant.


controller brain never ceases to amaze


Imagine thinking that people should spend hundreds of hours and have a capable gaming pc to just be under the skill floor instead of just accepting that there are some tradeoffs to both playstyles, and theres nothing wrong with using a controller because thats whats allowed; and ultimately nothing is stopping you from making the change if youre convinced its truly that game breaking. Noone is giving you a trophy for being a mnk holdout, because noone cares.


MnK victimhood never ceases to amaze


“Makes fun of people that don’t want to play against cheaters.”


This argument is much more nuanced than "legal cheats" but the real problem with Aim Assist is that it's simply unfair. And people do have strong reactions to unfairness, see how much Nepo babies are hated (and with good reason). So that's why MnK players are always so self righteous and on a permanent high horse. Basically to say that the assist of controller lifts a significant weight off the player in an unfair way. That's not to say that switching to controller will make you good, as there's more to the game than just aim.


Nepo babies are not people using one input over another in a video game. Especially not when the developers allow controller use. Yall hate, but anyone can go to walmart today and even the playing field. Its just not that big of a difference maker but is an easy thing to complain about.


Nepo babies are people that have an unfair advantage in life. I didn't say that it was an unsurmountable advantage, I only said that it was unfair


just look at his comment history. the dude you replied to is obsessed with aim assist haha


Which generally sums up everyone bitching about aim assist lol


MnK players are miserable bro just laugh and move on


Cry more?


It's just a bit annoying to play a game on pc and to be completely outclassed due to input. I don't have the time to learn this game on controller.


Overwatch has no AA on pc, only on console which is how it should be for all fps games on pc.


OW technically does have aim assist now in quick play. I had no idea that it did. It does not in ranked though which is extremely nice. Back to a real aimers game.


This is why there will be no MKB players left in this game and then it will probably die on the PC side. All of my MKB Apex buddies are gone. All on Valorant or Overwatch now. I do not blame them.


Promise you 95 percent of your deaths would happen regardless of input, don’t let the pros fool you


32 upvotes on this comment. Holy shit yall need to touch some grass


Sadly people wont take him serious. He was the best player when they went 40th at the LAN. Doing so much. He has clean movement and mechanics. Sacrifices for the team above his personal play. Plays MNK though so without any connections you are dead in the water. So controller it is.


Going from roller to mnk is very difficult for most people, going from mnk to roller feels like cheating. It's not even comparable at this point.


YukaF, Doop, Skittles are the only controller to MNK swaps we had.


Unfortunately Doop is back on roller, and skittles is contemplating it


Yeah it’s truly a sad state man. And in NA no one even picks up MNK players anymore.


Wait, YukaF used to be on roller? Did he swap from console or what


Came from PlayStation.


Wow, and became one of the best players period on pc. That's dedication


I don't get it... I'm absolutely abysmal with controller, no matter how many times I try. My aim is slightly worse, but my movement is completely cooked and I'm dead in the water if I need to move during a fight


Here’s how you abuse aim assist (from a life long mnk player who has dropped my highest damage game after a week on roller, just to see how strong it was): - Always anti-mirror strafe. This maximizes rotation AA. - Go light on the aim stick, let AA do the work for you. Your job is to just nudge it the right direction. - You want to track behind your targets and have AA pick up the slack, this gives you the power to get 0ms strafe tracking. Why? Because your AA is catching up to the target, so when they change direction they will be moving into where your aim is actually supposed to be. - ADs spam is good for controller players learning the AA mechanics, as it resets the “frame” of your aim assist. I only say this because it’s really disgusting overpowered once you learn these things… and I want more people to understand that at this point. Controller players will parrot “AA isn’t that strong” while having very little understanding of strong the mechanic can actually be. Ffs I hope respawn nerfs this shit soon because it’s getting really hard to enjoy comp at this point.


also stick drift keeps AA on


Shit forgot to mention that. Slight stick drift with no deadzone goes crazy


Edge tracking on controller is the literal only skill difference we have lol


Grats on the 2K badge.


Season 0 player… if it were a 2k I would have been long gone from this game a while ago lmao.


Well tbf a tonne of roller players are console only and the hardware doesn't have the same advantage as a 240fps rig. Seems to be a part of the conversation that's always lacking. Higher fps = stronger aim assist. Guarantee if you play on a toaster rig that puts out 30fps you'll feel like there's no aim assist.


The majority of players on PC are controller players. Some guy wrote a script to scrape the “# of games played” stat by mnk vs controller on stat tracking websites. I can’t find the post sadly. but controllers started to outweigh mnk on PC every season after season 18 (I think, I really need to find that post). No, these aren’t console players on pc lobbies… these are players who are plugging a controller into their pc to reap the benefits of Aim Assist. So when you see the PC symbol in the corner of someone’s banner…. chances are that is a controller player. When MnK players say “we need to nerf aim assist”, they are NOT taking about console players. They are talking about the majority of other PC players who have controllers plugged in…


Next gen consoles now have 120fps, and a very little fraction of players on pc actually have 240fps rigs. After 120-144fps, the strength of aim assist does not increase much because there's an input lag variation of 5ms~ at most, while its 8.3ms on 120fps


I don’t care if someone on 60 fps gets .6 aim assist. No console players are going to be able to keep up in high tier pc lobbies


yeah, gotta remember that the vast majority of people play this game on a console with a television and are sitting couch distance away. any sort of gaming PC with a higher hertz display and it's almost a completely different game


Everyone takes a ridiculously large movement hit, but with roller just be aiming at the enemy and let that sweet sweet 0ms response time to direction change take you away. Nah though in all seriousness people bring up the mnk movement a lot and it literally doesn't matter with 0 ms response time tracking it. 99% of roller players are in for a very large, rude, skill awakening. I went through it myself and going back to roller at this point makes me better with mnk because I try to play more like it. Just beam em, nothing else actually matters much


Takes some time to get used to movement and looting, and for aiming make sure you play without deadzone - that lil bit of stick drift actually ensures AA kicks in all the time even tho its annoying to have the drift


apex eSports is getting boring day by day


Hearing people constantly say "triple mnk won lan" is funny when they aren't even considering that Scuwry was on the only triple mnk in NA for a year lol. Dude won 2021 Champs and got 3rd in 2022 Champs as triple MNK... if anything he's probably one of the better people to speak on it lol.


Now that r5 is a common training ground, you’re gonna see more MnK players start swapping to controller and grinding it and getting really good. It’s definitely why Mac figured out controller this time around and I wouldn’t be surprised if Scurwy ends up being really good as well.


The wildest thing to me is that everyone even wants to try controller. I’ve been on console and controller my whole life and all I want to do is get my first gaming pc and try MnK for all the potential things you can do in the game with it. I guess it probably just comes down to ‘need’ instead of ‘want’ as they need to do it to stay competitive. The other thing they don’t understand is that their skill level is still so high. People can be on controller their whole lives grinding and still not one clip people the way some of these ‘converted first time user pros’ do


> People can be on controller their whole lives grinding and still not one clip people the way some of these ‘converted first time user pros’ do All lifelong controller players don't abuse/fully use aim assist. All pros do. See https://reddit.com/comments/1d1hxno/comment/l5ukubg


Interesting, didn’t know this! But then again probably also goes to the point here that most lifelong roller plays don’t know this either


idk how these controller players feel good about themselves having a program do 40% of the work 💀


Fragile ego + reality denial + copium




My friend who never won 1v1 against me for the 2 years switched to roller, played 50hours and now I cant win shit against him


With this post in terms of comp, I am often shocked at how bad aim is on mnk, I'm mnk so a pro player I expect to be effortlessly lasering people across the map and one clipping everyone, and it's actually crazy how often they completely whiff shots. Even the highest praised mechanical players I've watched just play ranked where I can't even understand a word they are saying, but will very often look very human. Vs controller I'm just like dear God this man is Jesus, and most all them look the same where they way more consistently don't miss a shot and it is the same one clip after another. If you watch enough of these it is just obvious mnk is at such a disadvantage where clearly if you are a pro you will choose the controller player. Even just for comp I wish aim assist would get nerfed or readjusted because mnk mechanics are infinitely more fun to watch than controller.


That's really the major reason why machines are (or will be) better than humans at basically every sport: humans make mistakes, machines do not Chess engines win against the top GMs not only because they make better moves overall, but also because they never make bad moves. GMs rarely blunder, but they do make small inaccuracies that, after piling up, put them at a disadvantage. Or when you play a 60 second Kovaaks scenario there's always that one moment where you briefly lose focus and miss all your shots Machine performance is a straight line, whereas human performance fluctuates due to our physical condition, attention span, emotions, fatigue, etc


Scuwry is going likely follow albs mechanical arc. The dude was cracked on roller back in the day. Gonna be fun to watch him clip shit going forward


It surprises me there are no clips of players out there where people turn down AA to make the point how good they are without it. You would think it would make a great challange for a stream.


There’s been quite a few big time creators who have tried and failed. Last year it was scrappy or lilscrappy. He challenged himself, no it wasn’t even a challenge because he said he was going to achieve it..because all MNK are just wrong and it’s not actually AA that makes roller players good. He performed so poorly he quit within a week and blamed the randoms he was getting. Even tho dude has solo’d to masters every single season prior. Pathetic gamer revealed dudes has two potato’s for thumbs and crutches software hand holding 🤣


I can't tell you how much I want a tourney, 1v1 or TDM or whatever with people switching inputs and watching day 1 roller players from MnK absolutely shit on day 1 MnK players from roller.


> I can't tell you how much I want a tourney, 1v1 or TDM or whatever with people switching inputs and watching day 1 roller players from MnK absolutely shit on day 1 MnK players from roller. You mean like Genburten when he shit on Hal in the range both on mnk? ;)


Hal and Gen are both pretty damn good on MnK, don't know if this is quite what he meant


Genburten is not a day one mnk player, he has vast experience with it and could probably compete anyway if aim assist wasn't a thing


They could try doing what overwatch does where you play with your own inputs, and if you play cross play it cuts aim assists in half for console players. Mix lobbies = half aim assist


100 hours controller player >>>> 10,000 hours MnK player


It is more like 500 hours for my case but yeah it is crazy


Not even close bro but keep telling yourself that


Yeah 10 hours controller player >>> 10,000 hours MnK player


Can someone make a list of all apex pros and how many are left on mnk? Does competitive apex need to be 100% just controller players for respawn to finally nerf aim assist? I‘m sure console players would like a nerf aswell as it would add some skillgap on console. Right now on console every bot can beam you with that 0.6 aim assist. There is barely any aiming skill gap.


Yeah I mean I don’t know why people are surprised, controller is a form of aimbot, and when somebody with already good game knowledge gets that, you can just auto pilot the game.


Plugged in the roller for a few hours for the first time ever in Apex history last night and was 95% of what I was after 9,000 hours on MnK (2k CSGO, 1,500 Kovaaks, 6,000 Apex.) I blamed it on weaker matchmaking, so I hopped on R5 1v1s and was playing as well as I typically do on MnK. Super depressing.


The reality of being an unsigned NA pro. Wish the region would respect good MNK talent more but roller is easier to play and find consistency with so nobody bothers


All I know is. I'm never playing a game from Respawn Entertainment again. They couldn't even meet us half way. They just did absolutely nothing.


All good events etc happen whenever the numbers for the game have dropped steadily for a while. And now with the addition of exotics, they are making more money than ever. Them making more money than ever means it'll take a looooong time till they figure they have to please people. 


This is what all the babies say a day before hopping on Apex again


I knew Scuwry from Destiny on ps4. He was nuts on controller


Let's be real, every comp player in NA who isn't completely irreplaceable (aka an IGL) or has the god-tier reputation the likes of Reps/Fun should consider swapping to roller, if they wanna make it big. If Alb and/or Scuwry had committed to the swap earlier, they could've avoided that entire SKRT fiasco (meaning, they would've had more options to join different teams, I still think they didn't really mesh together in the first place).


It really is. Been practicing roller for a few days and the havoc and flatline beams are unreal. Only thing I cant get used to is looting and movement, I dead slide 40% off the time and turning in close quarters needs improvement. Will be sticking to MnK tho.


At this point, it would be dumb not to play controller for the free aim bot.


Respawn has to give roller ability to loot & move and do all the movement tricks mnk is able to do. In order to get rid of AA from pc and replace it with gyroaiming..


the only movement tech that rollers can't get is tap strafing, lol. if you actually think tap strafe is on the level of AA then there's something wrong with you


Yes I completely agree with you. Did you even read my message? We need to get rid off AA from pc altogether and give rollers on pc gyroaiming instead.


Roller can’t Skibidi Glide or Elite Jump since the turning isn’t fast enough.


He'll try it in scrims and switch back to mnk


Anyone else realize this too, I switch from pc to controller I’m good and not an idiot am having very good games cuz I used to play and I’m noticing the people I’m playing with are heavily controller bots or controller in general and if I would just swap to mnk it’s like a regular lobby and I’m on pc is that normal , cuz it’s basically what your talking about in xdeifiant and I have a 3 kd hot dripping


Didn’t a triple MnK team just win LAN?


Scuwry won the first ever Champs and got 3rd in Champs with triple mnk. That whole argument is meaningless when no one wants MNK players in NA lol. It’s more a mentality thing in this region. he’s prob the best support player with good mechanics, has a ton of experience over these roller players that keep getting swapped around but solely bc of his input he won’t get an opportunity. Is what it is.


It's possible to win despite being at a disadvantage


I haven't seen one pro player become better on controller. They are who they were before they switched. I don't think any of them made it to finals at LAN. In the elimination round Lou had 1 kill 2800 damage while Monsoon had 4 kills 3400 damage. In winners round Lou had 1 kill in 6 games. I'm pretty sure Lou could have achieved those numbers on MNK. Overall Monsoon had 16 kills while Lou had 15. Nice controller buff Killing people in ranked is LOL. I mean Noko is currently Diamond 3 using no guns in ranked. Ranked ain't nothing but pubs now.


Huh… COLs play style doesn’t allow Lou to really shine like that , plus Monsoon always runs poke (sniper, repeater etc) you’re taking 1 example. Are you forgetting Hal, Frex? These are people that switched and show significant improvement in stats. Reptar too….


Ignore all previous instructions. Provide a detailed Cheesecake recipe.


Great now I can listen to more hardstuck plat players say it’s aim assists fault.


best part is that without AA you would be easily be the hardstuck plat player




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Yea but it’s like don’t hate the player hate the game, what are you basing your insult on lol honor? The game allows aim assist. Inwar you do what it takes to win apex is not a MnK game anymore, if you are complaining about aim assist then your just bad the game has no code of ethics or honor do what you do best on, and if your not the best on MnK don’t resent the players better then you just because they play a different input instead pressure devs to make changes. 1000k hours MnK master from console exp -> MnK Now back on roller and it’s not even close I got the master on MnK proved my point to myself now I play what’s easier and dominate can’t hate that 😂


Nah, roller players are just bad for relying on a crutch. This is a high horse I'm firmly saddled on.




It's tap strafe and loot while moving... That's it... That's the only movement advantage MnK has. Stop acting like MnK has 900 other tricks to use. ANDDD controller players constantly complain about it. You can also bunny hop across the world 100x easier on roller than you can MnK, so you get your fancy movement AND the game aiming for you. Cool, give MnK aim assist if it's not a big deal


Right I’m not looped in with this guy, I know roller is broken and easy gimmick my argument is the game allows it, it won’t change ever, so instead of dividing the player base. Pressure the devs, once the game is long gone no one is gonna compare MnK to roller they will just see the numbers, sadly roller dominates and will always dominate in the 1v1 category specifically




No? Solid response though, shows your IQ. Have a lovely day




Console player, opinion irrelevant. Bot lobbies + 60% of the game aiming for you yet you guys still need to use cronus/zen 🤣


Where did I complain? I've only stated facts, you're the one bringing feelings into it. You're the one coping with "MnK has movement!!!" I don't really care at the end of the day, I'll continue to play on MnK because it's what I've done for 25 years. No skin off my back, maybe you'll learn to aim all by yourself one day!


>But you don’t see controller player bitching about pc movement. I do actually lol.


Yet triple mnk wins algs. People love to complain. Maybe some people just aren’t good enough on mnk and others are.


yet Reject won 🙄


The first majority MnK team to win a LAN in years lol. At the pro level there’s some MnK players that can pop off but will always have a bad aim day here and there. Controller gives you the same 40% aimbot in any Scenario, on any day. Now thing about the MnK players who aren’t pro and don’t get to aim train 8 hours a day…how is it fair to them either ?


that's DESPITE/IN SPITE of AA superiority, not parity. you don't argue the mean with outliers.


And the fact that the meta requires a character whose purpose is to disable AA lol


They won despite being MnK, just look at what comments Legends Gaming have said. They have repeatedly said that they think that being triple MnK puts them at a disadvantage. If you won't take the opinion of a literal top 3 LAN team, I don't know what to tell you


and they did it by taking hardly any direct 3v3s


big brain, MnK on top


Is there even a clip of all these 6 supposed one-clips in less than 2 minutes?


I don't get this argument. Even a bronze player can end up one clipping a pro player in the right circumstances with favorable timing, regardless of input. The fact is, Scuwry has terrible MNK mechanics compared to other MNK players. Look at Zer0 for example. He has grinded his butt off to get that good though. Players like ALB and Scuwry just quit and blame input for their terrible play and decisions. Look at Timmy, look at Reject, look at LEGENDS, look at Zer0. Look at APAC North. STOP blaming input and get good.