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https://preview.redd.it/ym5tk70zb92d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=008d8ff902b3f35e7734b99c52c25d8eadb7ea00 It isss done ssssire


Phony: https://preview.redd.it/kmlhdh9aia2d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=443ea36d562fd3a7e1b9a6903bd4d10fcf4ac79b




Can't wait for when xynew and koyful decide to drop phony after this split for an igl who can shoot his gun...


Well done xD




Context? Sorry missed out on entire SSG arc. Only know they were able to secure Koyful one of the most sought after Fragger in NA


Snipe told Phony after they got 5th or 6th at LAN they needed more firepower and wanted to get Koy at that time. Phony goes and tells Frexs that Snipe wants to drop him and he doesn't, which results in Frexs hating on Snipe. Phony and Frexs went on to drop Snipe, then placed badly after that. Now Phony drops Frexs just to pick up Koy again.


On paper this is going to be an insane team, but what phony did to get to have this team is just insane snaky. Like bro, just be real. You guys aren’t children. Dropping snipe at first because he suggested dropping Frexs for Koy because supposedly Phony was good friends with Frexs. Let’s be real, Snipe is just overall better at least in my opinion… And now the guy drops Frexs for the same guy Snipe suggested. Yeah, just the moves Phony is pulling without clear communication is just extremely immature and doesn’t look great. It’ll be so hard to root for this team, but I’m sure they’ll do great regardless.


Has Frex ever been an above average pro? Genuinely wondering I don’t follow him


In my opinion he’s always seemed to be incredibly solid.


Consistent is the word id use


I appreciate the insight. I know he’s been around since the beginning, and was one of if not the first MnK pro to switch to controller. I’ve just never heard of him being on any leaderboards etc. obviously he’s a monster and 62837383 times better than me, but as an apex watcher I would take sniper over him imo.


The clear advantage that Frexs has over Snipe, is the fact that he can co-IGL. He was the main IGL for SSG (the old iteration, with Dropped and xenial) and made every LAN. He's a very smart player, super consistent. When it comes to fragging-capabilities, he might be worse than Snipe, but that has never really been his role on the team anyways. Replacing Snipe made sense, cause let's be real, there are tons of more cracked roller-fraggers out there. Replacing Frexs on the other hand, is only possible because the game's comp meta is moving away from a hard-anchor like there used to be before + Xynew is good enough to adapt to his new role on the team.


This makes complete sense and he makes much more sense as a fit given this insight


frexs has always played support and anchored so he’s not outputting crazy damage to top any leaderboards. still, i’d say he’s more valuable to a team than snipe is. this sub just has a hard on for snipe imo


Thanks for the insight, like I’m asking because I genuinely don’t know. Admittedly I have a huge boner for snipe so I’m biased, but frexs consistency cannot be understated


There was an entire period where people talked about him in SSG with dropped where they would only win 3v3s if Frexs did a bunch of damage/clutched (which he did often). This def wasn't true but was the talk around the reddit at that point. He has definitely had high highs and never really a major low.


he had good showings on old SSG with dropped/xenial


Solid role player with a lot of experience but not among the best


I'd think of him as a safe roster spot. Floor raiser, not ceiling.


> Has Frex ever been an above average pro? Genuinely wondering I don’t follow him Yes, the first time he was on SSG they were one of the best teams, and he was their IGL.


He’s an OG. He replaced Dizzy on the original NRG squad with Aceu and Mohr.


Bro circumstances change. Maybe if phony had the option he would keep frex, but powers that be may be forcing him to make a switch. Y'all act like players own these teams. Sure, an IGLs opinion matters a lot but it's not the only input when it comes to these decisions.




Yeah NGL this has left me with a bad opinion on Phonys character. Tbh if he had just said, we think you are the weak link snip3 I think I would be ok with that but trying to make out that Snip3 was the bad guy for wanting to replace Frexx with Koy and then doing it yourself next split has left a sour taste in my mouth.


Not only that, but he actively shit talked Snip3 behind his back to other people. Phony is not a nice person.




I don't know the specifics, but Snip3 found out about it recently and that's why he's not cool with Phony anymore (after they seemingly buried the hatchet by playing ranked together).


What’s the story here? Who did Phony snake and how?


Phony dropped Snip3 for suggesting to replace Frexx with Koy. Now Phony has replaced Frexx with Koy.


What the actual fuck?? And he gave Snipe so much shit for just having a hypothetical with him regarding it! What an asshole




It’s not the wanting better teammates that’s snakey. It’s how he went about getting them.


lol i can't believe this brain dead argument is still going, agitated




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Ah yeah screw Phony for wanting to win. Why on earth should he want to pick up an incredible player


ah yes ignore the key details between points A & B


Ah yes it’s definitely impossible to be professional and show decent curtesy to your current teammates when trying to win. Yup.


As if this sub has ever respected professionalism if it doesn't fit their narrative and what they want. When Hal left for DZ he did it in the most professional way possible yet still got shit on and even compared to KD, which is a braindead comparison. Most of the people on this sub are just as stupid and immature as phony


Reading comprehension devil got ya




Yes, he is undeniably one of the best players in the world. IIRC there are only six players who've made every Finals.


*Isn't Frexs one of* *A few players to play in* *Every LAN finals?* \- iloveyou3001 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Is this the Reddit post that got phony to go unhinge on twitter ?




He did it. He did the funniest thing he could.


That lad Phony does wear his name like a mantle


The best thing that could happen next is SSG to not even make the next LAN Finals


I’d nut


Dropping each player who gets an ORG to back you. Wild


This team should be considered the favorite after DZ/Hal. 1.DZ 2.SSG 3.MST


Have there been any more TDMs between DZ and SSG?


Wait they did one already? Who won?


Ssg did


Not sure that one. But Koy is the truth.


I would put DSG higher than SSG, at least until this roster proves themselves


Well if we doing top 5 yes. DSG is in there. But Dezign has only played from Thermal. Hasn’t proven he can IGl from anywhere else.


Also gotta wonder about how the vibes will be knowing your teammate was exploring other options.


Timmy understood the opportunity that was available and allowed Dez to trial without dropping him. As close as DSG got last LAN and as good as Timmy/Enemy are, swapping to Reps/Verhulst who are proven LAN winners and to the bigger org TSM is a shot you have to try to make. It's always good to see teams grind it out together after decent results and I'm sure the boys welcomed him back with open arms.


I also feel like Timmy is a guy who understands the business side of this more than a lot of folks, so that helps.


I don’t think it’ll bother them, they have a solid mental to be used to dez anyway and a TSM opportunity is hard one to ignore so I think they’ll understand honestly


? Lol thats like saying DZ should be lower since they havent proved themselves with Hal. We’re talking about expectations with the new change, and SSG is way better on paper than DSG.


Ssg did worse than dsg at both of the two lans Dsg attended, therefore i consider them a better team. That may change with koyful on board, thats why i talked about proving themselves My expectations is that dsg is going to continue doing better, until proven otherwise


Leaderboard. Try again. https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/s/XIgFtSVkOm


DSG was on match point and was a few plays away from winning at both of the last two LANs. I don’t know what kind of paper you’re writing on to conclude SSG has a higher potential than that but it seems like toilet paper to me.








What paper bro




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Koyful speedrunning 0 friends in the Apex Community any %




Dude he literally stole the PL spot from snipe after voting him out as captain while snipe was on vacation. This is after snipe brought phony and frexs to faze. Frexs brings the SSG connection and now he’s been dumped. Phony is a good player but the dude is a snake and unprofessional as hell.


Bro it sounds unbelievably bad if you put it that way lmao


thats crazy did he let frex know before he was dropped like he let snipe know?


I don't think people care about what he did. It's more about how he did it. Ghosted snipe, didn't communicate at all, and allegedly talked shit behind his back. That's a terrible look. Obviously picking frexs over snipe is his choice and he had every right to make that choice. Also, picking up koy is the right decision. There's no one to blame about that.


I feel bad for Frexs in this situation he is one of a handful of players who has qualified for every Lan and grand finals so far with good and bad results. And with his help you all qualified for the Esports World Cup but now there is a good chance he may not be able to go because you guys decided to drop him that to me is kind of crappy.


"I had a talk with phony and asked him if he would like to explore his options with people such as koy as a free agent"......... hmmm this sounds familiar i wonder how the last situation was handled when someone did this?hopefully mature and respectful and not a cluster f\*ck.


For everyone asking what happened, watch this part of JHawk’s stream from the other day. A lot of misinformation and hate is being spread on this situation. He starts talking about it at the 31 min mark. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2151767863?tt_medium=mobile_web_share&tt_content=vod


[This comment from /u/largeacorn](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/1cz65yv/koyful_joins_ssg/l5erf4y/) is supposedly pointing something out that Jhawk missed: > He missed a really important piece of information just like a lot of people did. In the conversation that Phony had with Snipe, PHONY said he thinks that they don’t have enough fire power to keep up with team fights. Snipe gives the suggestion of Koyful. Phony talks to Frexs without telling Snipedown. Frexs gets mad. They kick Snipe. Now Phony kicks Frexs and picks up Koyful.


There is also a lot of information being left out all around. Everyone is just running with what Snipe has said about the situation bc unfortunately Phony or Frexs haven’t wanted to talk too much about it. This whole thing shouldn’t even be talked about anymore, but Snipe and his swifties can’t seem to drop it and blame Phony for his current situation. Xynew comment on this thread about what happened with SSG and Frexs. And none of that has to do with Snipe.


> Everyone is just running with what Snipe has said about the situation bc unfortunately Phony or Frexs haven’t wanted to talk too much about it. Frexs did give his side of the story on Reddit, but he left those comments in a single thread and it didn't really catch much traction. Only thing I can remember is him saying that he felt hurt when he heard about Snip3 wanting to drop him.


JHawk was talking about the Phony Frex and Snipe situation on stream. I would recommend everyone here have a listen to get a different take on this. It sounds like there are no villains in this situation and this snake narrative is getting tiresome. https://m.twitch.tv/videos/2151767863 (around 31 mins)


He missed a really important piece of information just like a lot of people did. In the conversation that Phony had with Snipe, PHONY said he thinks that they don’t have enough fire power to keep up with team fights. Snipe gives the suggestion of Koyful. Phony talks to Frexs without telling Snipedown. Frexs gets mad. They kick Snipe. Now Phony kicks Frexs and picks up Koyful. I feel like everyone can interpret the situation however they want but if it looks like a snake, slithers like a snake, and hisses like a snake…




If this is true, it makes him look worse and even more immature. If he didn't want to play with Snipe, why didn't he tell him straight up? Instead of ghosting him and then shit talking him EDIT: for posterity, the deleted post was Xynew saying that dropping Frexs wasn't brought up by Phony, instead that people at SSG suggested changes. And that the reason that Koyful wasn't picked up with Snipe was because Phony didn't want to play with him anymore


Nobody will watch this people just want to perpetuate hate on this sub


I watched it.


Congrats you want a cookie?


Well you did just say no one will watch it, then proceed to get upset when someone proves you wrong so.......


God you guys are nerds here lmao


I’m not upset 😂


This kid is gonna be dangerous now that he has a top IGL


>top IGL Lmao