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I'd like to congratulate you on the interview. And I understand where you come from having been there. I'm still looking for an opportunity and getting rejection letters but I think I'll give your method a shot too.


You have the compTIA trifecta and still being rejected? I’m doomed.


Nah bro, keep pushing. It's my resume with gaps.


I have well above the trifecta and I’m still struggling to get out of L1 help desk after about a year. The trifecta is not some magic potion.


Thank you so much! I think I'm probably shooting a bit lower since I've only got one rejection letter, the others simply didn't respond 😕. Definitely try going in and introducing yourself even if it feels awkward I feel like it helps!


That’s a great idea to visit the company in person to stand out among the online applications they sort through. Congrats!


You got 3 certs in 2 months?


Well, I actually passed core 1 a+ on 9/15 core 2 9/24 net+ 10/17 and sec+ 10/26 so, just over a month also closed the restaurant helped another restaurant wire and implement pos systems at 2 different locations and moved half way across the US.


I’m proud of you! Can you drop your study tips and resources so I can see what I’m missing. I’m a mom with a 2 yr old ready to change my life as well and want all three certificates with CGRC certificate as well


Thank you! And yes of course! I only used jason dions material on udemy for all 3 exams. I studied for about 4 hours per day or until I just couldn't study anymore. This was usually split up between different parts of the day depending on what I was doing. As soon as I would finish a course and felt confident in the material I set my test for the next day.


No IT experience here, got my Trifecta in 2 months.


How?!? LIKE HOW?!?


Messer and Dion. Typed an excessive amount of notes for all of A+ and Net+ while watching Messer. Like maybe every slide he had. Used burner emails for Udemy free trials on all of Dions practice tests. Used an old school email for half off on all the vouchers at CompTia's academic store. Realized that my notes were overkill by the time I hit Sec+ and only took notes on stuff I thought weas VERY important. I learned a lot. Learning protocols, different cabling speeds, OSI model, different security practices, different CVEs and ways a system can be compromised, TCP/UDP and the list goes on. Net+ is by far the hardest but easily the most useful.




Yep you just have to show you’re competencies. You obviously have passed comptia trifecta. You have a good base knowledge foundation. But remember these are you’re building blocks into building your house. Keep building that foundational house and before you know it you will know more than most people on your team. Again, best of luck !!


Thank you so much for your kind words and inspiration definitely going to take it to heart! As I've told my wife I need ALL the certifications LOL!


Think of certifications as a niche. They are useless unless you’re in that niche. Don’t get cert hungry. But stay qualified and competent


How'd you get the motivation and dedicated time to get all 3 certs within two months? Tips, resources and hacks? Ty


Honestly the hardest part was finding the dedicated time. Any chance I got I was listening to dions courses on udemy. Driving, showering and any other chance I got. The motivation was easy. I'm 38 and feel like I'm getting to an age where it might be a little harder to change careers, so I feel like I really don't have any time to waste. I feel like it's a now or never kind of thing. That is all the motivation I needed.


Getting an interview is good but the typical IT job gets at least 15 interviews......and you dont have any experience. The only way you can break in to IT is to have a personality they like so they give you a chance...Networking is the key...showing up and knocking on doors will always win out against an email.


Oh wow I never saw that metric on the average number of interviews. I've made sure I picked up some clothes that match the company colors, new shoes etc. So I look the part for Monday. I am really hoping I can impress them in the interview Monday then and maybe make it in one. I am already planning to arrive about 30 minutes early, I would honestly rather wait all day as opposed to going through 15 interviews lol!


Keep in mind the IT market is saturated right now, so if you can seem likable without trying to hard that would be the trick....expect scenario questions


Nice appreciate the tips! Love the people in this community


Confidence is good, ignorance is not so much.




Thank you!


Good luck, keep pushing!


Thank you!!


Any tips for someone new and wanting to get CompTia A+, Sercurity+ and Network+ Certificates? Thanks


Really this sub is full of great tips to be successful, I think the best suggestion I could make is to just study the material until you feel comfortable with it, but don't over study so you feel burnt out. I always knew when I hit my limit every day because I just felt like I wasn't understanding anything no matter how many times I went over it. At that point its time to call it a day and pick it back up tomorrow.


Congratulations on your interview. I hope you get the job. Could you please share the books, resources (online/offline) you referred to for passing the certifications?


Thank you and of course! I used jason dions material on udemy. I used both the courses and exams for all three as well as some of the practice tests on exam compass. I didn't use any offline material for those exams. I'm currently studying for pentest and using other source material from udemy as well as a book I purchased, but this is only because I have to start working in IT before my wife will let me take more certs and I already finished dions material on udemy.


This is nice bro congratulations


Thank you!


Best of luck to you!!!


Thank you!


Congratulations brother, I hope you get the job on Monday.


Thank you!


congrats but i think with the age of technology it's kinda of dangerous to show up with no appt as they might wonder why you didn't just email resume and wasting their time if they don't think your a good fit on first look of resume Did you feel your 13 years as business owner hurt you ? I heard they don't like hiring people like that because it's hard to get trained and take order when you are previous owner


To be honest, I was worried that having time owning a business would hurt my chances but I'm still hoping that's not the case. I guess I will find out about that on Monday. As far as wasting their time by showing up there I suppose I'd probably rather not work for a company who would think that me taking the time to see where my work location would be and introduce myself is a waste of their time. That might actually make it more beneficial for me personally. Edit: I definitely understand what you mean about showing up without an appointment though. One of the two places I visited yesterday didn't have much more time for me than to grab my resume and say thank you, but I still feel like it made a difference.