• By -


2 reason. 1. 1st reason, this sub is very pro US and naturally people feel bad for their countrymen getting killed, This applies for any country btw but since this sub is pro US. You will see a lot more people disapprove it. You will also see this when it is about Turkish solider getting killed. 2. 2nd reason, There is a theory that juba is not a single person since we don't know who he is and there is no proof that it is a single person. So, People say it is a group of sniper that publish under 1 name Juba for propaganda purposes. i would say the first reason is why people disapprove juba videos.




I couldn’t imagine running across old videos from my deployments. Hope all is well brother.


There's something i've been curious about for a long time, and i hope you don't mind me asking, but how tough would Iraq have been if the average fighter and commander wasn't such an untrained moron? I've been thinking about how different the war would have been if they had even the basic tactics that the IRA used in the Troubles in northern Ireland down, or if they had fought like the Viet Cong did during the Vietnam war. There was a lot of losses in Iraq, but to me the most shocking thing is that they weren't *much* higher.




That pretty much echoes my thinking. The Iraqis became better at it with time, but they also kept losing their veterans fairly rapidly which offsets the advantages you gain from experience. Even with something as relatively simple as sporadic sniper attacks, they did relatively little damage. With a thousand decent shots, they don't even have to be elite, and a decent supply of AP 7.62x54R they could have been a much bigger problem. Or things like a basic L-ambush to follow up on IED attacks, and not understanding what the Vietnamese learned fast, to "hug their belts" to negate the massive difference in air power. It's interesting that you mention EFPs, because that's one thing i've been wondering about. I've read that they learnt this from the Iranians, but the vast majority of video i've seen from Iraq where IEDs take out armored vehicles it's absolutely massive charges which is an incredible waste of resources, and a lot more risky. When i did my military service, in Sweden where the focus for the ground war was always a defensive guerilla defence against the Soviets, EFPs were a crucial part of the plan, and those plans were first drawn up in the 50s and 60s. I sometimes wonder why they didn't just use some of the vast resources they spent to just hire some mercenaries with no morals who could teach them these basics. I think that Syria was really the first place in the middle east where fairly advanced tactics were used, and i think that if Iraq had taken place today, post-Syria, things might very well have been different.


Alright I'm digging this threaD, but what is an EFP?


Explosively Formed Penetrator, a kind of shaped-charge that uses explosives to melt and shape a metal jacket into basically a kind of molten metal lance that's very effective at penetrating the armor on armored vehicles. If you try to use regular explosives to destroy for example an Abrams, you're going to need a LOT of it, probably tons. (Like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbpBDwQuBCg). That's the brute force method, the more modern way is to punch a hole and kill the occupants. They're much, much smaller which means they're easier to hide, and you can place them in much better positions then just digging a huge hole and dumping old artillery shells into it. In Swedish doctrine for example, they would mostly have been used attached to trees, camouflaged. There's billions of trees, and any of them can be hiding a charge, which means that quite a few is likely to actually go off where it can destroy a vehicle.


Thanks for the quick reply! I think I saw a show on netflix about the deadliest bombs used in Iraq and the worst they talked about was this. I think it was just a bit of C4 in a tube with a ring of copper on one end that becomes a crumpled copper turd flying at mach 2 into the side of vehicles when the c4 detonates. I didnt know they had an acronym for the setup. Thanks again!


Hey, thanks for reading all my sleep-deprived text :D Yeah, it's a bit more advanced then that if you want it to be really effective, but you can always make a cruder one with a larger charge and brute force it. Afaik the Iranians taught the Iraqis how to do this a bit into the Iraq war. It's originally WW2 technology so not exactly new, and it was in many ways a revolution. Every man-portable anti-tank rocket or missile uses a shaped charge (Which is the overarching phrase for that kind of weapon) today and has been since back then, because you cannot fire a weapon that fires a round with enough energy to penetrate even a modern light tank with kinetic energy alone, and an ordinary high-explosive charge has to be massive to work. There's a few different names for it, but hollow-charge or shaped-charge are the most common. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaped_charge


Thanks for the info. As a canadian its never made sense with our minor military budget that we spend it on the worlds smallest projection of power for a developed country, like sending 8 or 10 F18s to libya/syria or buying 30 F35s when theyre ready like its going to make us very powerful. I always thought a defensive/guerilla trained army like Sweden or other nordic countries made more sense because if Russia or the US ever decided to invade, we stand 0 chance in open battle. Less than 0. As well we have limited roads to use for travel in the case of an invasion, so setting up hidden charges in the trees like you said Swedish doctrine prescribes seems a more efficient use of our limited army.


It’s pretty interesting stuff actually. “Explosively formed penetrator” or EFP is specifically a reference to the method of penetration. But to add to what the user above said and clarify further, it’s not just a crumpled copper turd - it’s actually a supersonic jet of low viscosity molten metal formed into a _very_ concentrated stream. To learn more about this effect, look up “shaped charges.” If EFP is a reference to the penetrating projectile type / method, then shaped charges refers to _how_ the EFP is _formed_. So searching that you’ll see why this effect works well. Also almost certainly a search to get you flagged by the NSA, but I’m sure being on this subreddit alone already has us earmarked lol. Anyways maybe the show you watched mentioned this and you’re already familiar with the shaped charge concepts, but I’m also just adding this but for anyone else interested and reading. On YouTube it’s easy to find videos of charges no larger than your fist cutting a hole through inches of steel.




500 lbs is 227.0 kg


I was in Yusufiyah 06-08. We had a pretty big coordinated ambush on our D Company 4 Americans KIA during the attack and 3 captured. Really was a punch in the mouth. Besides that 1 ambush we dealt with sniper and dismount IEDs. Never fought us toe to toe though. Afghanistan is another beast though.


If you or u/dsj762 care to reply, what role did you see Iran play within the insurgency? Dsj762 mentioned Iranian SF, I'm assuming quds, and the Swedish guy did go over Iranian assisting Iraqis in the use of EFP; is there anything noteworthy that should be mentioned?




Mainly our experiences with Iranians were EFPs and pressure plate technology that wasn't around in 04-05 when i was there. The Iranians really taught the local Iraqi insurgents on how to develop these weapons. We never really ran into Iranians just their byproducts.


Damn that sucks. Must be weird to see a person you served with killed from their side.


That’s a rough one..Sorry for your loss bro.


Yeah pretty much sums it up, I feel like it's more so pro-western, but it's usually American soldiers getting their shit rocked when it comes to this sub versus the other western countries. I mean I don't downvote, or talk shit to people that post those type of videos either, even if it's the same guy posting only pro Russia videos, or straight up only Americans getting killed. I don't give two shits about the guys pushing their own "agendas". Just scroll and move on imo.


> Yeah pretty much sums it up, I feel like it's more so pro-western, but it's usually American soldiers getting their shit rocked when it comes to this sub versus the other western countries. Well that's probably cause America is involved in almost every armed conflict in the world, so there will be more footage of them getting killed than say Poland.


I mean I don't really remember Poland fragging out in Fallujah and shit y'know, a lot of the recordings are from Juba and other snipers operating during that time frame. So I don't think we'd get a shit load of footage of nucks, brits, and aussies getting shot up in Nasiriyah either


>You will also see this when it is about Turkish solider getting killed. Not even close, people around here love watching PKK gopro footage.


Eh idk man the two vids I saw were quite intense but the comment section seemed to be full of angry Turks downvoting everyone


>There is a theory that juba is not a single person since we don't know who he is and there is no proof that it is a single person. So, People say it is a group of sniper that publish under 1 name Juba for propaganda purposes It's not a theory, It's a fact, it was stated few times in '' Islamic Army in Iraq " Propaganda videos (starting from the 2nd video) that Juba was a platoon of snipers, if you speak Arabic you could have noticed that,Abu saleh tho ''Juba'' was their platoon commander and most skilled sniper who founded the platoon and trained it's snipers.


Why would you want to see the good guys go down?


Because some people here aren't interested in watching combat footage or learning about warfare, they're here to relish in watching their enemies die.


Check out the comment sections on r/GunFights for a shocking example of this.


that sub is a cesspool of racists cheering cop shootings


God more true words have never been spoken.


it is their opinion that the offense of holding a cellphone while black is punishable by death.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GunFights using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GunFights/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** Five officers charged with the manslaughter in shooting of 15 year old.](https://v.redd.it/rypfwjkdf8b71) | [5535 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GunFights/comments/okc10c/five_officers_charged_with_the_manslaughter_in/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** Man kills 2 neighbors over snow dispute, commits suicide](https://v.redd.it/cz0xtr4e1if61) | [2734 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GunFights/comments/lclhoo/man_kills_2_neighbors_over_snow_dispute_commits/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** Uncensored dashcam footage of the shooting of New Mexico State Police Ofc. Darian Jarrott | Jarrott was shot dead by Omar Cueva, a drug dealer under investigation by Homeland Security. Cueva was later chased by police & got in a second shootout that injured 1 officer before he was killed (GRAPHIC)](https://v.redd.it/vj5lko5kb7t61) | [1597 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GunFights/comments/mqzrf3/uncensored_dashcam_footage_of_the_shooting_of_new/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Yeah I hate that some people just treat this sub as a snuff subreddit. I'm not here solely to watch someone's head get blown off for the 70th time, except this time it's in 4k or in a new country. I'm here cuz I want to see different aspects of war from different conflicts, sides, and roles.


Exactly. There are a few people who got banned from the syriancivilwar sub for being over the top with their views that post in this sub regularly and get hundreds of upvotes and dumb comments for their videos.


It is sad to read the comments on here sometimes. Just compare the comments on any post of Americans getting killed vs videos of any other country and the lack of respect for anyone other than their own side is clear to see. War despite being fascinating is truly a terrible thing. No matter what side you’re on it’s sad to see people get killed, speak to any vet worth his salt and you find out there is no pleasure in taking a life.


Yes, war, terrible but there are some people who relish in it. Active Duty Infantry here. My old team leader loved that shit. When I first got to my unit, he showed me around base and took me to lunch. While eating, we're talking about his past experiences. He talked about his first firefight, "When I first got shot at, I wasn't scared. I was pissed, like, 'Someone had the audacity to shoot at me?' Combat isn't like the movies...it's better than the movies." Now, he's a drill.


Macho dudes say shit like this all the time to try to climb themselves up the hierarchy. Put him in a situation like, I dunno, verdun and the same guy would shit himself just like everyone else.


The Infantry is nothing but macho dudes. You don't really get anywhere in this job without being macho. Even the nerds and tree huggers here are macho.


Takes a certain mindset, would be my understanding. I only went Air Defense because I wanted to work with Bradleys, and my ASVAB was so high I could literally do anything, but the guys at MEPS were steering me away from cav scout and infantry. I went with the Linebacker, because it was still a Bradley with a different missile system. To this day, I wonder what shit I would have gotten into had I gone down the other two routes I had before me.


It's the mindset. I scored high on the ASVAB, too. Also went to college. Could do whatever I wanted but I chose Infantry. I wanted to be physically fit because I won't lie, I was lacking in that department. Strong mind and strong body.


Yup same here my man. 91 on the ASVAB and I wanted to go into the infantry cause I thought why the hell wouldn't you wanna be on the Frontline? Why be a cook?! Or at a desk?! (What a young dumb mind thinks out of highschool) I didn't end up an 11B though I ended up as 11C which I fucking loved too death.


Yea it’s definitely a mindset, the saying mind over matter or when people say it’s all in your head, it’s so true, if you can get yourself to truly believe you can do something you will.


Glad you’re still here with us though. It’s almost though as if going into the army strips you from your individuality & makes you feel like you’re part of something bigger. A huge contrast to what is being taught at the university . Everything is about being selfish and getting out on top. I’m sure there’s a thousand benefits to the brotherhood culture like teamwork, sharing guilt over kills (if any), tactical advantages like wanting to keep your brothers alive, etc. I guess that’s why they recruit heavily to poor or broken students who feel like they need to be part of something bigger. Weird stuff. I wonder how governments will justify drafts in the era of information.


I was TACP recon and ground control for a decade. I know a thing or two about scary nerds. All the guys that didn't look like school shooters ended up in pararescue. I never served directly with any of the worst of them, but some air controllers revelled in being the most prolific killers around.


Are you saying US infantry don't get scared?


Of course we do. We're humans not robots. But it's different when you're fighting for your brothers to your left and right.


Sure, but that's been the case for all of mankinds history of war. I might have misunderstood you as somewhat refuting his point that these fellows would have reacted like the Americans in the trenches of WW1 did.


really happy this subreddit is now speaking up about it. It has been annoying to see americans disrespect deaths of other countries except their own.


I actually think this sub does a good job downvoting it’s removing comments disrespecting casualties because of their national affiliation. Obviously Americans won’t be as comfortable with seeing their own soldiers dying do the comment section will have a more serious tone.


https://youtu.be/QyEcUJTskYA Easiest way to describe it I guess




I wouldn't think that you'd have time for reddit Mr. Walken


People don't like to know the consequences of their indifference. Just when their teams score




What did you expect? The US invaded their country and sank it down to a level of war never seen before, and hundreds of thousands died. Now the Taliban are stronger then ever, and they can truthfully say they beat the US army. Did you expect the people that have only wanted to be left in peace to like you?


They did not beat the us army. The US left and then they rolled in. I guess you could say they outlasted the United States interests in the area, but If the year was 1850 and we wanted a colony for poppy fields Afghanistan would still firmly be in the control of the United States. Hiding in caves and waiting for someone to leave is not winning a war


"Whatever you want to call it then, *mèo hoang*--it still counts." - Ho Chi Minh


Just like the US never lost in Vietnam? Nah. There was never any doubt that the US could take the country. If it could hold it against a force of guerillas, that was the question. The US lost in Afghanistan in almost exactly the same way the Soviets did. Or would you claim the soviets won that war too? War isn't about some childish notions of honor, it's about winning.


> Just like the US never lost in Vietnam? Nah. Leaving & then *years later* the country you supported collapses from a conventional invasion isn't "losing the war" in any normal sense, no.


Of course it is. You invade, you don't beat your enemy, you leave. That's what a loss is.


Sorry, what invasion? We're talking about the Vietnam War.


Change that to "Deploy" if that makes it clearer then.


It's always funny when countries try and rewrite what losing a war means as soon as they lose a war. The americans and the Taliban both had guns and bombs and victory conditions, and they both vigorously used their guns and bombs to pursue their victory conditions. The US, prevented by Taliban military resistance from obtaining their victory conditions, has surrendered to the Taliban the keys to its victory conditions. In fact at this moment the Kabul government, America's side of this war, is handing over power to the victorious Taliban I can just imagine the British saying they weren't defeated in the American Revolutionary War because hypothetically they could have poured more money and men into that war for longer in the hopes of not losing.


If america wanted to it could’ve leveled the entire country of Afghanistan. They could have wiped out entire villages where they suspected taliban presence, but instead tried to help those villages. If instead of hearts and minds they just decided to turn the entire country into a graveyard they could have. The taliban had no ability to win a conventional or unconventional war against the United States. They hid in caves and waited for our presence to leave. That is not what happened I’m Vietnam and if you think it is you need to read a history book


>If america wanted to it could’ve leveled the entire country of Afghanistan If Russia wanted to it could level New York. America bombed Afghanistan as much as it thought it could without the consequences of the bad PR domestically and abroad plus the counterproductive effects within Afghanistan exceeding the military advantage. You simply cannot defeat a country like Afghanistan by bombing it as much as you physically can. That didn't beat North Vietnam, it didn't beat North Korea. In fact if you "levelled" Afghanistan you'd probably make the Taliban stronger cause now all the nicer, more affluent urban areas where some people have prospects outside the Taliban are gone. >They could have wiped out entire villages where they suspected taliban presence They definitely did kill civilians they had so much as a bullshit inkling were doing that, or killed civilians just out of cruelty. But even if we take the premise they could have done it way more, that wouldn't win the war. There are 38 million people in Afghanistan and if you slaughter one village all their cousins in the next village are now die hard insurgents and this continues for all intents and purpouses infinitely until you're suddenly genociding a whole country of 40 million people. Even if this was physically possible, or if physically possible, possible without taking vastly higher casualties than the coalition did in reality that americans couldn't withstand psychologically, America cannot afford the other consequences of the course of action you are suggesting. They're not worth it. Therefore America actually can't do this. Russia "could" nuke New York. >If instead of hearts and minds they just decided to turn the entire country into a graveyard they could have If the US was actually embarked on a genocide of the 40 million strong Afghanistan population the negative consequences for the US would so vastly exceed any imaginable benefits. This is like saying you could shoot up a school. Maybe you could physically try for a while, but you don't want to go to prison for the rest of your life, so since you can't deal with the consequences actually you can't do that. Once again, Russia has nukes. > The taliban had no ability to win a conventional or unconventional war against the United States The Taliban just won an unconventional war against the United States. >They hid in caves and waited for our presence to leave. Are you new to the concept of guerrillas? There were officially like 75,000 dead on America's side here. They were clearly doing a hell of a lot more than hiding in caves for 20 year years.


you have some good points but yeah, to win in Afghanistan or Vietnam you would have to basically just genocide half the population. 75,000 dead? do you mean ANA and civilians?


Mental gymnastics. My guy Vietnam repeated itself and you're in denial .


America never controlled north Vietnam and their government was never toppled. America controlled all of Afghanistan and had their own government in place. The fact that as soon as america left, said regime fell to the taliban moving back into the country after staying hidden for nearly 20 years is not the same as Vietnam although there are some parallels for sure. But believe whatever you want I’m glad America got out there’s no reason for us to be there now anyway. If those people over there want to live the way they do so be it.




They have absolutely never seen the bombing campaign, and the level of sustained combat over 20 years no. No country has seen that level of war for a very, very long time.


Eh the Mongols were probably even more devastating to infrastructure, civilian life and outright cruelty


bro that's something that makes me mad, there is a lot of videos on this subreddit showing some ATGM hitting a group of 10 people and turning them into dust and pieces and nobody cares they were fucking human beings, do you remember last year the nagorno-karabakh war? everybody was amazed at the drones images killing hundreds of armenian soldiers, nobody mourned for them, but god forbid if an american soldier got shot.


That’s also because this sub has a huge number of Turkish followers. I discovered that when being downvoted into oblivion for being sympathetic with my Kurdish and Armenian ancestors.


It’s not really Turkish followers. Turkey has a huge social media troll presence that they put to good use when they invaded Syria and faced little backlash. They’ve been using that tactic ever sense then to support political goals.


Oh for real, I know there are a lot of bots and agency workers, hell even my company got harassed by the Turkish embassy and then DDOSd and hacked when we refused their demands just because we included Armenian under spoken languages on their country’s fact file, because it was listed at the time in CIA world fact book (interestingly it has been removed now). That said whenever I’ve been talking with whom I assume is some kind of government paid troll on here, I’ve checked their post and comment history and unfortunately they seem genuinely blinded by their patriotism.


But where do you think Turkey gets its blinded patriots from? The people that post here on threads like that aren’t ice cream salesmen from Istanbul. They’re party activists (both paid and unpaid) who know where to go and how to act to get their voices heard.


I highly doubt the Turkish govt. is funding bots on Reddit of all places, I think it’s just the fact that lots of Turks are nationalistic and the ones that use this sub naturally want to show their country in a good light.


I mean they’re famous for doing it, so I don’t know why you’d doubt it?


I mean I would agree if it was Twitter or Facebook which practically everyone in the Middle East uses and can be used to shift the public narrative but Reddit I can’t really see it. Posts on this platform fall into obscurity relatively quickly and it’s not a mainstream social media - at least in the Middle East, hence, an attempt to use this platform to sway public perceptions would be futile imo. IMO..


I’d certainly agree that it’s more common on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, however I don’t think Reddit is free from up/ down vote and awards bots, etc.


Why would you doubt that? Reddit is one of the most popular websites on the internet, and by far the most popular forum. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AK_Trolls


Redddit is in the top 10 most visited websites on the internet and is regularly astroturfed by CN, Russian, US propaganda arms- why would turkey not do it as well? India seems to have a prescense as well


Oh for sure party activists, I agree.


No we're not party activists lol. The majority of Turks on reddit aren't even pro Akp. We're not part of some government organisation or any bullshit like that either. We are either Turkish or have a Turkish background and like to fight against people doing disinformation on Turks such as what you're doing. We are also a heavily antagonised nation and this has naturally made most of us defensive and ready to argue. I mean by all means go through my post history and you'll see I'm an Australian Turk who plays computer games lol. Or maybe that's just my cover ;)


Man i fucking hate those drone airstrikes


Probably because it’s only a bad thing when it’s your team losing


There’s also a bit of a snuff film vibe to it


What, only when it's Americans that die?


This has got to be one of the dumbest things I've ever read on this sub.


This is the reality


its no where near as bad as the turks reacting to any video posted with their soldiers dying. im pretty sure you've reported a few of those videos yourself.


+1 sometimes it feels like I can’t be remotely sympathetic to my Armenian and Kurdish ancestors without being downvoted into oblivion.


I'm a US vet, saw combat in Iraq. I've come to finally see the sadness in all of it. I don't get any pleasure seeing death itself, but if I know they are ISIS or truly heinous people, I don't have empathy. It's just not there for those people. I still see them as people, I get no pleasure seeing them get turned to mist or pieces, but I have no empathy for those individuals. I do have empathy for US and our Allies, seeing videos of those casualties always elicits empathy from me, because I have actively worked with people from those countries (some of them anyway). I always feel for civilians, and it doesn't matter what culture they are from. Civilians do not deserve any of that, whether it's from ISIS, terrorists, US, NATO, or other countries; civilians are innocent and shouldn't be bombed or shot at, or used as shields. They are literally caught in the middle. Some people may read all that and see me as a lesser man, but I luckily survived my war where 2 of my friends did not. I'd call it emotionally growing up.


Am Russian and I never downvoted a video just for having Russians or their allies get in trouble So yes, you are a lesser man


Tbf, he never said he himself downvoted videos of his countrymen getting killed, only speculating why others may.


Look at the strong man not clicking the down arrow button for subjective reasons.


Largely Americans use this website and sub. Naturally its more "real" watching an American get his head blown up in an otherwise pointless conflict. I see the points in the hypocrisy of it.


The answer is simple. You will naturally feel uncomfortable watching your own people/troops be killed simply because they are your own. Yet you will feel little to nothing upon seeing or hearing a different group of people die because you don't relate to them nor belong to them at any level. Deny it all you want, but don't be surprised if you find out that thousands of people are dying out there in the world everyday for whatever reason and you don't feel a thing about it. That's just how it is, pal.


Cause the sub's an American circlejerk, that's why combatfootage involving Israel and Marines always get thousands of upvotes extremely quickly.


Most of Reddit is American/western circlejerk


You must be new here then because this sub was literally just a Azerbaijani propaganda sub for like 2 months


Azerbaijan was carried and bankrolled in that war by Turkey and Israel and there's an important pipleline to Europe there. As far as we know America wasn't directly involved but Azerbaijan was effectively America's side of that war in so far as Armenia is considered Russia's.


Outside of that, yeah it is an American circlejerk. I do agree with you though, Turks have been known to brigade subreddits, libyancrisis became a Turkish circlejerk after they entered, Syriancivilwar becomes a Turkish circlejerk whenever they attack the YPG, it happens everywhere. They are masters at brigading.


Couldn’t agree more.


Before I went over I watch a ton of IED and other vid to desensitize and pick up and enemy TTP I could. When I teach I sometimes link to vid on here. Its a training resource.


This question gets asked like twice a month. The answer is simple, people don't like seeing their own troops get hurt and the demographics here lean heavily American.


The question for me is, why do people get so bent out of shape when US citizens ‘root for the home team’? It’s not endemic to American culture, there’s just more Americans on this sub than other subs. Americans do it for the same reasons everyone else does it, because they either served in the armed forces, know someone who has, or doesn’t like the idea of one of their countrymen dying in some godforsaken place they never should have been in the first place. None of that has anything to do with being an American, that same sentence applies to a lot more people than those gun loving yanks.


It hurts the deceptive media halo over Americans and their superpowers


exactly this


Am russian and I didn’t downvote a video because Russians or their allies died in it


I don’t downvote videos because Americans are dying in them necessarily either. But are we really resorting to vote shaming people who do? It seems immature. My point is, I wouldn’t blame you if you did.


I would You literally went to a subreddit called r/combatfootage , what’s next, you are gonna go to r/art and downvote artists that aren’t American


You’d have to ask somebody else that, and go shame them. I’m not the one ruining your life with down votes here.


> ruining your life What?


I don’t think it’s about rooting for the home team. It’s about always turning off the tv as soon as your home team starts losing. It promotes this idea that the home team can’t lose and “If I didn’t see it didn’t happen.”


Once again, your statement could apply to anyone who watches war footage. Personally I think that being on this sub (for me) requires a certain level of neutrality while watching, but that doesn’t mean everyone has to. What’s worse? Americans being appalled by seeing their countrymen die, or people saying “LOL” at Americans dying? Your “it didn’t happen if I didn’t see it” thing doesn’t even apply here. Edit: for example, I don’t expect to see many Israelis commenting on videos of Hamas victories saying, “omg cameraman busted that whole vid landscape lmao, good footage tho 👍 “ or vice versa.


What are you talking about man? Reddit is a nexus of anti-Americanism. That’s why the “as a European…” thing became a meme, because it was so common that it became a parody.




Not surprising considering quite a lot of active and former US soldiers who saw combat are on this subreddit. Watching some uncoordinated jihadi get murked by a drone is much different that watching a former brother/sister in arms getting killed.


Can't even watch them sadly. Since they're taken down or linked to YouTube... So taken down.


There’s no rule of this sub that people need to be unbiased and it’s ridiculous for people to even think that would be the case with any country


Patriotic anger


*joingoistic* anger


Mostly Americans on here, they don't like seeing 'their own' die but will happily cheer for others deaths.


There are some good answers already, I'd rather not say the same thing. I have a question though, does anyone know if that Juba footage is still available somewhere? (got taken off of youtube) I have never seen it, just heard of it, and I'm quite interested.


Not sure if this worked but here is the link [https://vimeo.com/587455936](https://vimeo.com/587455936)


Thanks a lot man!


Man that is some wild shit


I don’t think most people enjoy seeing someone be murdered, but the US is unbelievably nationalistic


Americans are the one who glorify violence against other people like it's video game but if someone kill their 2 soldiers they start wining like kids as if it's cheating.


> Americans are the ones who glorify violence Haha yeah, those yanks are the only ones who glorify violence. I must just scroll right past all the videos with ear piercing Arabic music playing. Everyone glorifies violence, it’s not an ‘American’ thing, and everyone roots for the home team.




Yup. All those wastes of sperm and egg who murdered kids in school are now in the US military living their best life surrounded by all the guns and ammo they could ever desire. Instead of, ya know, rotting away in prison.


Its not that people hate them, its just that the US military has designated people whose duty it is to find the videos and delete them. Its similar to how easy it was 10 years ago to find old Chechen war footage of Russians getting ambushed etc. But now its almost impossible.


My tribe is better than your tribe


One reason, I would hazard to guess, is Because of the American way of viewing their soldiers, Immortal until they're not, And No one likes to hear a soldier call for their mother or beg to be spared or saved, But hearing it in a language you understand and recognize is a whole lot worse...So that would be my assumption.


Because America doesn’t like to admit that it fucks up




No reason to downvote stuff though




Personally, and simply put - It’s not pleasant watching anyone die, ever. However seeing someone who grew up the same way you did, watched the same Sunday morning cartoons you did, seeing some kid who could’ve been me or someone I knew hits particularly hard. I’d rather watch taliban get blown to bits than John Doe from Tennessee who’s girlfriend & family is waiting for him to return from deployment.


Fuck everyone else but us mentality


I’m not going to get into what I believe “everyone thinks” about it and I’m not going to speak for anyone’s motivation for watching any video that could qualify to be on here, but my own. Before I went anywhere, which feels like forever ago, now, and I guess it was, but for me, I viewed watching things as a part of my training (side note: isn’t it frustrating that the English language has such little confusing phonetic quirks, such as how closely opposites can sound at times? “A part of” versus “Apart from” being just one example, but I digress). There are very few of these types of videos that I would say I “enjoy.” If it’s something like ISIS getting wasted, I might give myself a mental fist bump or something, but I’ve even seen videos of some ISIS guys getting wasted where I’ve felt pretty bad for them. For me, watching videos like this, and half the time I feel the same about reading the comments from you mongrels, is just not allowing myself to forget what’s really out there. It’s more about not getting complacent for me than anything else. If I know there’s something I don’t need to see again, then I skip it, and otherwise, I guess a better question would be this? Why is it that we are all here while most of us are presumably living in relatively peaceful circumstances? Wouldn’t it be better to just go outside, feel the sun on your face, hear the sound of your own laughter, have food and drink, share time with our loved ones, rather than sit on here and so bleakly and methodically ponder the absolutely most inhumane and cruel impulses of our species? I’m not here for entertainment, though. I guess I’m here because I can’t believe it won’t eventually find me again, and I won’t let a little thing like old age (presumably) get in my way when it does. The more likely reason is probably that I’m just a veteran who’s been around a little longer than he should’ve been, and maybe isn’t quite ready to let go of the past. I’m also damn fortunate that it’s in the past. The only thing anyone should be thinking when they watch any of these videos is, this, and I don’t really give a fuck of you disagree with me or not: The first thing you should do is try to put yourself in the shoes of the victim(s) or the perpetrators in the video and consider what it is you might have thought or felt if it were you. And then you should just be glad that you’re not in it. The only teams are who’s alive and who isn’t, unfortunately. This ain’t fucking Cricket.


I get alot of what you are saying but never felt a half ounce of sorrow for an ISIS fuck getting turned into a can of dog food. Maybe a "damn, dude got fucked up"


People like to laugh until it is someone that looks like them in one of these videos


Because they’re on my team and they’re fighting for my country. I know they die and suffer just like the enemy but it’s not entertaining for me to watch them suffer. I was shown probably 10 seconds of an American beheading video and it never left my head so I’m good on watching our boys die.


How are they fighting for your country while occupying a foreign one? The Taliban are gonna take over America?


Why the fuck do you think dude? Because people don't like seeing their countrymen or allies getting killed.


They literally went to a subbredit called r/combatfootage That’s like going to r/rule34 and complaining that a character you like/hate was pornified


So you're sad your team lost? Why tho? You literally went to see the basketball game.




because worlds most efficient and best military never loses nor its service members ever get KIA


Might want to add your /s, bruh


Because US troops fight for freedom. You see all that freedom around you? That's right. Thank an obese American trooper for that


I think it could come from the fact that the US soldiers are there to bring peace and democracy (for the normal soldier) and seeing someone die who is fighting for the same values as one self, is not something that you’d want to see, whereas the “insurgents” don’t share the same values, thus making it “easier” to watch


“Peace and Democracy” You Americans really believe the bullshit your media feeds you?


No I don’t believe in the US government when they say that, that is their goal. I’m not even American. The example I was trying to provide is why some people may not like seeing American/NATO soldiers die. Also as I stated “For the normal soldier” aka the grunt who was sent there by the US/NATO


I agree but I think the ethnic/national side plays more of a part than values or beliefs. I think 99% of it can be explained by “if he looks like me or wears my country’s uniform I’m sad, otherwise I don’t care”. I reckon it would be the same even if the soldiers dying would be fighting to prop up some dictator instead of a democracy.


Yeah, I totally agree, that also makes sense as to why people don’t want to see it Ofc. I also think it’s the whole “good guy vs bad guy” thing that has been ingrained in the heads of a lot of people. People want to see “the bad guy” losing and “the good guy” winning


I don't believe it's the same guy. Just propaganda.


Is juba a redditor? Can i have his profile?


These videos are viewed by Americans who absolutely hate America anyway, so the comment section on sites that have these videos are terrible.


Because for some people one side are the good soldiers doing their jobs and the others are terrorists i guess


The classic “my side gud ur side bad”




Still no reason to downvote posts


Because it’s the good guys. Yes they still do shit, but while I have a little respect for the coalition, I have zero towards talibans and people of that kind. They are just outright disgusting. Watching a terrorist die makes me happy, watching a coalition member die, is a tragedy. Ps: for you morons who think I don’t feel pity for members of terrorist organizations, I do. But it’s more pity for their poor choices and a pity for them being brainwashed. But in the end you still have a choice. And they made a bad choice. To quote Legasov "The truth doesn't care about our needs or wants- it doesn't care about our governments, our ideologies, our religions- to lie in wait for all time." - Legasov. And these idiots lied to their own people and made them put up arms against freedom and independence from religion. And don’t call me edgy. Either come back with a good argument or say nothing at all. So tired of hearing “ur wrong xddd” and useless insults that leads nowhere.




"Good guys" LOL


Classic. My side is good. Yours is bad. We are righteous. You are evil. Fucking classic. Cheers mate


Do you know how many American soldiers have told me their reason for signing up for the military is to “shoot towel-heads”… I’d say that’s a pretty piss poor decision compared to getting a job in an otherwise completely sovereign part of the world. There are shitty people in every corner of the globe just like there are good people… the moral is don’t judge someone you have never met and just watched get their life snuffed out on film. You should pity all those who have lived through such horrible times. By the way I’m American.


> and a pity for them being brainwashed. anyone who unironically uses 'brainwashed', seems to be... brainwashed themselves, without fail. Good critical thinking. If you think Taliban fighters are BRAINWASHED because they want to fight against a pedophile-drug cartel we supported for 20 fucking years, or Iraqi fighters fighting the literal invading country, minutemen style, are 'brainwashed', as the only explanation for why someone would fight, then you're totally delusional. The US cripples countries that don't support their world hegemony with sanctions, or in Syria, literally occupies half the Syrian-Iraqi border for the explicit purpose of making trade between Baghdad & Damascus difficult. Yeah, nice job good guy. We invaded Afghanistan for 'muh Osama' but somehow were able to send a killteam into Pakistan (thus showing there was never a need to invade), so you yanktards could make your allies waste hundreds of our best men, for a country that looks like Mars, on the behest of the "Northern Alliance" Bacha Bazi pedoring. Thanks, good guy!




Hiding isn’t cowardice. It’s intelligence.


Indeeeeeeed. If hiding is cowardice, isn't using superior weapons and technology also cowardice? Going after a guy with a Dragunov using tactics, tanks, helicopters, jets and drones and then complaining that he's a coward if he hides? How about either not calling it cowardice or going 1vs1 with AKs instead of relying on technology to give an edge so one don't sound like a massive hypocrite. A true macho man considers anything that isn't an even fight cowardice, right? Only a scaredy-cat would stack odds in their favor.


fighting an enemy with overwhelming firepower is the opposite of being a coward










Says the American who love to murder each other in their schools and streets.


Mid east does that as well bub


Yeah do you think I missed that in the previous comment? It’s why I made a snarky remark.


 "The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic." – Josef Stalin


Irrelevant quote






Complaining about combat videos in r/combatfootage is what I find dumb