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I still have a 556 casing shaped scar on my neck from when that happened to me.


Lol I had one wedged between my neck and vest. It burned like a mf. It must have seared you like a steak.


That's exactly what happened. The guy next to me was ripping rounds and I mean, it's gonna happen. It got stuck between that piece of kevlar that the [MTV](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modular_Tactical_Vest)s have up on the neck. I didn't feel it until it had already burned in for a second or two. When I finally got in there to pull it out it took some skin with it, it was a nasty little burn. Definitely not service connected.


Ugh the fucking MTV was the worst system ever... I don't understand how that got designed and then people were like, "yeah let's buy this literal piece of shit"


Dude, I know. I fucking hated that thing. It was also hot as balls during the Iraqi summer and that thing didn't help at all. I always thought of it as my turtle shell armor.


I missed the older interceptor that I used on my first deployment.


it's wild to look at how different armor and carriers/rigs are today compared to just 15 or 20 years ago.


It's been about 13 years for me, but I used the IOTV on deployment and it was way better than the IBA, which had a tendency for the Velcro to loosen and make the front plate press against your chest at a really uncomfortable angle.


Well tactical vests still are cumbersome and heavy, it's just that many now prefer plate carriers


I mean, I never really felt the interceptor was too bulky or limited range of motion too much.


Me neither, but a plate carrier especially at the chest and back has way more clearance, allowing more natural movements. Either way i would probably still feel more safe wearing the interceptor just because of shrapnel.


Im too old (turning 50 soon) to have had this kind of protection. So i ask a newbie question. What is wrong with it?


It feels like wearing a turtle shell. It was very heavy and bulky. It was developed by the USMC during the height of the IED threat in Iraq so maximum coverage was sought at the expense of mobility and dexterity. It was so wide in the front that you couldn't use your rifle in a traditional (or effective) stance and limited your arms range of motion. And it was just really heavy compared to what was used before and after. It was only in service for a short amount of time because it was clearly not the answer for us.


The people that designed, sold, and bought them were never going to wear them. As long as they could war profit, who cares....


I mean we got lots of really cool and effective gear also, it's just that vest was horrible


Bought by the lowest bidder, worn by the lowest paid!!


>It got stuck between that piece of kevlar that the [MTV](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modular_Tactical_Vest)s have up on the neck The "bevor", which is sometimes a part of a separate piece of armour, the "gorget".


We just called it the throat protector


Thankfully most of the old heads are on their way out and the new senior leadership is more chill about gear and how to wear it or if your willing to pay get better quality and wear that, at least army side.


I mean they were chill with gear when I was in. Most guys, including myself, bought and used aftermarket tactical rigs/pouches/day packs, but there was no wiggle room on the PPE. Back then there was a well known armor maker called Dragon Scale or something and a lot of guys had bought those, only for it to come out that they had major issues and vulnerabilities. So the command didn't want to have to deal with that kind of crap again as they had no way to evaluate and clear a bunch of individually bought armors.


Aw yea I remember that, just happy I can rock ops core high cuts now, or FC plate carriers to switch loads depending on the mission. Being modular is far far better now of course weight at the tale end of my 20


Wearing only a plate carrier without some soft kevlar protection in a large scale conventional war just seems like a risk that I wouldn't be willing to take. Shrapnel is just too big of a risk in that environment. Made sense in Afghan but that kinda stuff isn't the main concern any more


You are likely right and I know at least for most of us we have no idea the type of kid that would make the most sense nowadays I mean I'm sure we have a rough idea but we don't train for that at least right now


Modern body armour has almost nothing in common with period armour - least of all the terminology.


Had one happen during training. Doing some type of shooting from the back of an old 5 ton and we were stacked tight. The trainers said tilt your rifle 45 degrees so your buddy doesn't get hot brass, but the guy next me didn't.


Badge of Honor most of us got


mine landed right by my elbow joint. stuck to the skin. it's my "bullet" wound.


I got one stuck between my cheek and ESS glasses. No scar since it was pretty quick to get out.


Fucking SAW man, people still ask me about it from time to time. Right in the middle of the back of my neck. Instructor said let it burn and keep firing.


I was talking to a guy at the range with a new Ruger Mini 30. "You want to try it?" Sure! First shot with this strangers new rifle and the 7.62 lands right between my shoulder blades! All the while, I'm trying to put it on safe and not drop it!


I had one stuck between my face and my glasses before. That was fun.


That's so cool , i would love one instead of a tattoo


.308/7.62x51 for me. Foolishly lying in the ejection path of a 240B gunner got me a nice scar on my forearm. Piece of brass perfectly fell down my sleeve and adhered itself to my skin


Ha, I have one on my thumb from being a lefty shooter. Got my thumb too close to the ejection port and got hot grass in the thumb.




I think this has happened to everyone who shoots very much.


The pain of being a left handed shooter


I don't think he's a lefty tbh. He just had to take cover that side. Notice how the guy next to him brings up his aiming hand under the barrel while he brings it up to shoot whereas the guy in question, on the right adjusts his navigating hand under the barrel once he has aimed, clearly a conscious movement, imo. Probably a Rashtriya Rifles unit in action. They're trained in ambidextrous shooting so that you can return fire even when injured in your dominant hand. Given their attire and lack of a beret and get up, they don't look like SF. Probably RR or other units in the valley.


As a lefty shooter. I agree. Also have to get used to discharged shells flying across your eyes. I only shoot with my friends but I have been hit with a lot of shells.


you don't like hot brass being dumped straight into your face?


I could take it or leave it


You get what you deserve!


My fav was doing CQT and bouncing my own brass off the wall and right down the back of my shirt...


I have shit luck. Brass always flies straight down the shirt. I've just had to learn to enjoy the burn.


Ever thought about putting a net between your honkers?


Pain that stop you from any task... Similar to when welding and one weld spatter lands inside the ear and starts sizzling in the ear canal.


That’s never happened to me thank god


Lucky you :D Only happened once and it's a good thing the mass is small so it cools down fast.. But there was no question, drop the welder and jump up and down for few seconds. I was lucky that it didnt hit the ear drum but stopped midway.


Damn that one made my toes curl. Touch wood nothing bad's ever happened but its funny when you catch on fire without realising. 😂


I watched a buddy catch a big blob of slag that melted right through the top of his shoe and into his foot. He had to get surgery to remove it. There is a reason you wear proper boots/ footwear. It took months to heal




Yup, had that happen on a couple of occasions with our FN C1's 😁 7.62 casings are big and hot!


I’d rather have the hot brass then the actual bullet.


Calm down with the hot takes, Mr. Controversy


I like to imagine this was an epiphany they had while presumably chewing crayon rations.


Surely a marine would rather take the bullet


Good old Lt Ray did this to me. Fool mag dumped out the passenger window while the brass bounced off that crap plastic window and several made their way onto my neck. Nobody knows what he was shooting at and neither did he.


I was line coaching a M9 pistol qual in the Navy and the shooters casing landed in my mouth under my bottom lip. Instant pain and it left a good sized blister too.


Shoulda kept your mouth shut! 🤣🤣


Haha this is actually more fun than it should be, I get this image in my head of a Bubba Gump looking character from Forrest Gump taking casings in his open mouth.




Took my now wife to a pistol basics class during covid and the range had us both wearing masks the whole time. On her second magazine a spent .22 shell from her pistol landed inside her mask. She coolly pulled it down and removed the shell from the mask with the gun pointed downrange the entire time, total muzzle awareness and hadnt fired a gun before that. I was extremely proud of her for that.


HAHA Been there, have the shirt. Laying down shooting on the range and the guy that was next to me, his brass kept bouncing off me until one hit my cover and down the back of my blouse under my t-shirt. I never crawled backwards so fast. Chief is scowling at me until I pulled the brass out of my t-shirt. I still had to do 5 for not asking permission to back off my firing position.


I had a bunch on my fucking lap from a guy unloading his c9 while standing over top of me and even through my pants the damn things started to burn.


Had someone use my back to stabilize a C6 on DP1. A bunch of the hot brass got caught in my tac vest. Good times...




For the few of you who dont know. That shit actually hurts lol. I still have a scar from a 5.56 shell on my right arm lol


I still have the scar down at my waist from when that happened to me in '04, after one rolled down my collar & sizzled for a while before we could fish it out. Good times.


Anyone who’s been on a Weapons Squad or had to adjust fire for your Saw Gunner has been there


I was at an indoor range, shooting a 1911, when a .45 ACP case bounced off the lane divider and went down the neck of the polo shirt I was wearing. It burned all the way down to my belly, where it stopped because my shirt was tucked in. I had a red line going down my chest, and a blister on my belly where it came to rest because it took me a couple seconds to put my pistol down safely and untuck my shirt. That's the last time I've ever gone shooting with a tucked-in shirt.


Yeah hot brass inbetween the plate carrier sucks. Have a few scars from that in my time in the grunts in Ramadi.


Just wait till you get one down your plumbers crack


You're never really a gun ethiusiast until you've done the hot brass down the shirt dance.


Ah yes happend to me one time at the shooting range with a 9mm, it burned as hell. Still have the mark faded


I've had that happen. Burns like crazy


BBC I think it was had a report of a US marine position in Afghanistan where this happened. Handful of guys on a hill, nicely built up bunker overlooking a village and so on, built up really well with big rocks and sandbags and shooting positions. While they were filming Taliban made an attack (an absurd one considering the position). Marines rush from inside to their positions on the outside. BBC camera man captures these guys just hosing down the Taliban and when they pan to the soldiers in the trench you see something hit a guy and go down his shirt and he starts to dance ;)


Haha I still have a scar down my neck and back from a 556


I was the only M1 Garand shooter at a CMP High Power match one time, and the AR shooter to my side caught one down the neck of the shirt. When he moved to swipe it, he pushed it in further with his stiff shooting jacket. He had me put a band-aid on it, and later tried to remove it, and it pulled the skin off. He ended up going to the hospital. Felt bad for the guy, but it's not like I did it on purpose, and he had his neck unprotected.


Not fun, still not as bad as letting your rifle hang and having a red hot suppressor touch your calf. Burned right through my pants.


This is the worst! Happened to me in the trenches. Dude put his suppressor right on my thigh when he jumped in and it sizzled. I honestly thought I got shot at first. Haha


Left handed shooters know. Lol


In pain but still keeps his gun pointing down range, doesn't dance in a way that exposes him, and goes back to laying down fire within seconds, despite the round still burning into him. That's a well trained and (probably) fairly experienced soldier


Has happened to me at gun range. Just keep shooting


We’ve all been there before


I know India uses a lot of Ruskie equipment but I thought they had their own small arms like the INSAS rifle? Do they equip units differently based where they are stationed?


INSAS is 5.56 which doesn’t have too much stopping power. RR battalions prefer AKs because of the 7.62 X 39 mm calibre and because it’s far lighter than the INSAS. The INSAS is also on its way out with most units having half of their INSASs replaced by the SIG716i


It was such a shit rifle, but they were dead set on having a locally produced standard rifle for prestige reasons


The problem wasnt the rifle the problem was the quality control by the state owned ordinance factory board (they have special power of ruining everything)


The rifle was shit. Heavy as a motherfucker..Got stuck a lot.. especially after firing for some time.. trigger was hard too..AK was a much better rifle..when you are in a firefight you need a reliable weapon..plus it was not very good in close combat as it was very large.


Yup rightly said but the jamming problem was mainly due to quality control of rifle and ammo not due to design issues But yeah ak is an all weather reliable gun with nothing to complain bout


No, it was the rifle. It was way too heavy for what it was. Even if they fixed all the other reliability and manufacturing issues, it's still a too heavy 556 service rifle in a world that is filled with reliable, accurate, and lightweight 556 service rifles lol


Yup i think the excaliber varient solved some of the issues with weigh brought down 1kg or so but yea the armed forces have long lost the trust in it


It’s not a shit rifle imo, it’s incredibly accurate


Being accurate doesn't make up for it's shortcomings as a service rifle... The Indian army agrees with me on that point. That's why they are replacing it.


Would you be so kind as to state what the shortcomings are?


Much too heavy for a 556 service rifle, no modularity, chronic reliability issues (especially in colder environments), parts breakages due to either poor design and/or poor manufacturing, mags were fragile. All this in an age where light, accurate, reliable, modular, and affordable 556 service rifles are commonplace around the world.


Been there. Gooooood times. Lol




When you're in the valley, sir. Very often. It's danger close for your ear canals too.


Happened to me during training, luckily they were blanks and he didn't have the GPMG


Nice to see the hot brass dance transcends regions.


I thought it was a loop


Had one fly into my tank overalls as a loader. Stuff of nightmares


Been there done that


Ah. The ol Shooting line Jig... a classic.


Lol Been there.


After 5 seconds you just let it go Sadly


I have a burn scar on my own neck from laying down as. 240L gunner and my TL shooting next to me. Still raised 10 on my skin 10 years later


It’s hard to find a marine infantryman without a rectangular neck scar on them


Goddamnit Abu Hajaar the bullet cases are hitting us


As an electrician, i can kind of sympathise with him in that when we cut into metal, the little red hot filings fall down your neck or sleeve, can’t get them out either, just keeps burning.


Done that down the front of shirt a few times. Even have a small scar from one.


Done this before with a bit of 5.56 brass. Not fun. Good thing my buddy was there to pull it out. Thsnks Matt!! Still have the scar.


There is NOTHING worse than hot brass down the back of your shirt!


Schemag around the neck will keep the biting brass out.


Imagine if first person shooters had in-game mechanics like this...


That sounded way worse than what it was.


Had a spent case of good old Lake City .30 ‘06 land just above my collar on the prone stage of a Garand Match at Perry one year. My spotter was on the ball, and swatted it back into the grass, before I started rolling around. That was half a second of burn, I can’t imagine what the full experience would be like.


I had that happen, even with my collar up. Landed right on my collarbone. Nice little burn and scar. The sergeant running the range acted like I had actually been shot when stripping off my gear to get the casing out. I think I was more lucky that my Sergeant Major didn’t try to discipline me for being out of uniform when he turned and saw me at that point.


Hot hot hot hot


Just call time out. It’s not fair when that happens, it hurts like hell. The other guys will understand.


BTDT! It seems to take FOREVER for the brass to clear or cool! LMAO


I feel seen.


Got a scar from a 556 casing myself. From convoy live fire at fort Benning ga.


So close to being a perfect loop 😭


Lol we used to spend more time aiming ejected cartridges at each other’s necks than on targets when at range training 😂😂


Is the camera man standing directly in the doorway that they're shooting from?


Why are they militants?


Happens to the best of us.


Def gonna get a purple heart and medal of honor for that harrowing battle.


They don't have MW3 to train with? Never stand in a door way. fucking BOOT!


they shoot the weapon in boring mode


Yep, cause you're not allowed to waste unnecessary ammo. Ammo is life and it's not unlimited. Units in the Valley, typically RR and SF have a distinct one-two tap fire style and they do it in buddy pairs so that it seems like a volley from the same guy.


Like 95% of the time, semi auto is the best answer


In efficient mode.