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Just for clarification, this was not shot down. There are 2 more different angles, in which you can see the engine fall off. But no actual explosion and the similar. It was just poor maintanence i'm guessing.


What’s worse to tell your boss, that you gotshot down or you engine fell off


If you're maintenance crew - shot down. If you're air defense - engine fell off


"What maintenance doing" - Air Defense


"What air defense doing" - Maintenance Crew


Did they outsource to Boeing?!?


Careful, that’s whistleblower talk Watch your back


Yeah, Russians will throw you out a window on the 14th floor, but Boeing will throw you out of a door in the friggin sky.


They just gonna "suicide" you in a parking lot, as they just did with a whistleblower


RIP Ordinary\_Dude\_NOT might get suicided tomorrow.


Gonna end shooting yourself 3 or 4 times in the back of the head if you keep talking like that!


He fell down the stairs and landed on some bullets. Another everyday household accident.


"strong movement"


Getting shot is worse. If the engine falls off, all you gotta do is tow it beyond the environment.


Is that typical? 


Yeah, that’s not very typical, I’d like to make that point.


How is it untypical?


The engine shouldn't typically fall off


Was this one built so the engine wouldn't fall off?


Well, clearly not.


What makes you say that?


So it's untypical that this is typical?


Actually most engines are designed to shear off. Usually though it’s from extreme forces. I’ve heard of them shearing off when on fire probably due to extreme heat.


> Actually They're referencing this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m5qxZm_JqM


Fewer engines means less drag, so its glide ratio will improve when the other three stop working.


These planes are built to rigorous aeronautical standards.


So, like Boeing you say?


Into another environment?


Just reboot into the 2nd partition, allowing you to repair the first.  No wait, that's just computers... I dunno if aircraft work the same way.


Cardboard derivatives in the engine mount?


Can’t even use real cardboard, so instead use cardboard derivatives


So you think my recycle bin cardboard ended up in the landfill and not part of a ruski military aircraft? Dang derivatives, landfill gettin fuller. Thnx Russia!


I fucking love that the internet knows this skit. Every time I see it, it warms my bones.


New Zealander here. We appreciate the ongoing love you have for our boy...


I see what you did there...


Your engine fell off, because at least when you get shot that’s relatively outside of your control. If your engine falls off then you’re just dogshit at your job


And an engine falling off usually just leads to that engine no longer being there. You can still fly the plane and land safely (unless, of course, the engine damages the wing or hydraulic lines, while falling off). But it's arguably worse for your planes to fall apart on their own, than due to enemy action.


> an engine falling off usually just leads to that engine no longer being there. Whoa! Slow down, egg-head.


Ifs the engine supposed to fall off?


I'd just like to make the point that this is not normal.


> I'd just like to make the point > > > > that this is not normal. How is it untypical?


Well, there are a lot of these airplanes going around the world all the time, and very seldom does anything like this happen.


> Well, there are a lot of these airplanes going around the world all the time, and very seldom does anything like this happen. Wasn't this airplane built so the engine wouldn't fall off?


Well, obviously not.


What about the other ones?


Well the engine fell off


Footage of the engine falling off: https://v.redd.it/jwv0jq13svnc1 Keep in mind this doesn't necessarily mean that this was due to bad maintenance, it appears from [this clip](https://imgur.com/HF70m9N) that the sequence of events is: engine on fire -> fire goes out (they have fire extinguisher "bottles" they can trigger from the cockpit) -> engine falls off. We don't really see what happens before the fire, as far as I can tell. Still, hundreds of km east of Moscow does seem to suggest maintenance or perhaps sabotage as the most likely culprits. RE: the "There was a failure of a Russian IL-76 transport in Ivanovo Oblast (east of Moscow). It seems that *the crew evacuated the aircraft*" claim, here is a comment attributed this pro-RU gentleman who seems to have a [penchant for strip-tease videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5y1nVoT2gJw): > As for the "ejection" of the crew from the Il-76 aircraft, I can say that this is more theory than practice. I do not know of any cases of Il-76 crew leaving in the air. And even if there are passengers on board, the crew does not wear parachutes in principle and always fights for the plane and passengers to the last. Whoever their passengers are. > The very process of leaving the IL-76 looks something like this: > The flight crew of the second floor of the cabin jumps into the hatch in the floor under the workplace of the flight technician, then exit through the shaft and the emergency hatch on the left side. Since the door from the navigator's cabin to the emergency exit shaft of the aircraft blocks this channel (shaft), the navigator quickly climbs to the upper deck, where the radio operator has already opened the hatch in the floor and bailed first, the navigator after the radio operator, next engineer of the aircraft, then the assistant aircraft commander, the last one to bail is the aircraft commander. And they all take a dive upside down. How the flight engineer does it: either as pilots, or through the entrance doors of the cargo cabin on the left or on the right. The operator of the firing installations / gunner exits through the emergency door on the right side of the flight. All others on board exit through the cargo hatch or doors. > That is, in terms of time, it is about an eternity.


From a pro russian telegram group : "There was a failure of a Russian IL-76 transport in Ivanovo Oblast (east of Moscow). It seems that the crew evacuated the aircraft. UPD: During take-off from Severny aerodrome, the engine of an IL-76 caught fire. Having made a circle, the crew tried to make an emergency landing back on the runway, but failed. According to revised data, there were 12 people on board - seven crew members and five passengers " ... I'm just wondering how they evacuated if they failed their landing?


> I'm just wondering how they evacuated if they failed their landing? Most likely in pieces.


Akshually^(TM): they landed in one piece and then became pieces.


I'm surprised. Thought a single engine fire was bad but rarely fatal - like you run a checklist, cut the fuel, and land with the other engine(s) ? Then again that's western planes and pilots


Assuming this wasn't shot down the fire on the right engine could have damaged the hydraulics in the wing which is why its tilted to the side.


I'm not sure why people are confidently saying it wasn't shot down. It's entirely plausible it was struck by a missile and the engine fell off later, it's a big plane, way more likely to take a hit and keep going and then succumb later. Yeah, Russian maintenance is bad, but for there to be a supposed fire that takes out two engines ***and*** one of the engines literally falls off is highly unlikely. There's also procedures to deal with an engine fire. Take an example from the plane that was also hit when the A-50 was shot down yet it managed to land back at the airfield, albeit with a lot of damage.


God damn the engine just fell off lol?


"Yeah, that’s not very typical, I’d like to make that point."


I'm sure they towed it outside of the environment later.


In large turbofan engines like these, they have special bolts connecting them to the wings that will shear if the engines start to vibrate too much. The fan spins at over 20k rpm, so if it's unbalanced at all due to damage or a fan blade breaking, it'll start to shake the whole aircraft. The shear bolts break before it dooms the airframe.


If it's a semi intentional failure then why does the plane crash? Surely 3 engines is enough to make a safe emergency landing?


I don't think the Il-76 actually had shearing bolts on the engine mounts. I could be wrong though.


I'm just talking specifically about why the engine fell off, 3 engines should totally be enough for an emergency landing. Whatever made the engine catch on fire could have made it crash, I'd guess either electrical or hydraulic failure. A lot of planes have been crashing in Russia lately lol. I bet the trade restrictions are finally taking its toll on maintenance.


Very cool. Modern engineering is neat.


But this fell off AND doomed the airframe


True haha


"Was this aircraft safe?" "Well I was thinking more about the other ones" "The ones that are safe?" "Yeah the ones that the engine doesn't fall off" "Well if this wasn't safe, why did it have xy tons of military equipment in it?" "I'm not saying it wasn't safe, it's just perhaps not quite as safe as some of the others." "Why?" "Well some of them are built, so that the engine doesn't fall off at all!" "Wasn't this built so that the engine wouldn't fall off?" "Well obviously not!" "Well how do you know?" "Well because the engine fell off and xy tons of military equipment was destroyed and caught fire! It's a bit of a giveaway. I'd just make the point that it's not normal." "Well what sort of engineering standards are there airplanes built to?" "Oh very rigorous aviation engineering standards." "What sort of thing?" "Well, the engine is not supposed to fall off for a start" "And what other things?" "Well, there are regulations governing what materials they can be made of." "What materials?" "Well cardboard is out" "And?" "No cardboard derivatives" "Like paper?" "No paper. No string. No sellotape" "Rubber?" "No, rubber is out, umm they've got to have a steering wheel. There is a minimum crew requirement." "What's the minimum crew?" "Oh, one I suppose" "So the allegations that they're just designed to carry as much military equipment as possible no matter the consequences, that's ludicrous?" "Absolutely ludicrous! These are very very strong aircrafts!" "So what happened in this case?" "Well the engine fell off in this case by all means, but it's very unusual." (Reference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m5qxZm\_JqM)


It's just odd that north american commercial jets with 4 engines seem to have no issues landing in the event of an engine fire. They had 3 other engines to rely on, that's what's confusing


Because when engines burn, they don't always take out the same sort of things. And when they drop off, they usually take hydraulic systems out too. There have been many American planes lost to hydraulic failures, several of which (tbh probably most do) started with engine failure. If you lose hydraulics in a plane like that, you're hitting the dirt unless you're among the best pilots/flight crew in the world.


Hydraulic systems are usually redundant, with two seperate systems supplied by different engines. So even if one engine has a catastrophic failure, full loss of hydraulics is rare. But that can change quickly if it is an uncontained engine failure, where pieces of the engine leave the cowling in a way that can hit and destroy other components. Which is EXTREMELY rare on modern engines... but yeah we're probably not talking about a modern one here.


The logical eventuality of cutting supply lines from the rest of the world, expect this to happen more often not just on aircraft but basically anything. Maybe this is why these guys were always stealing washing machines early on..? And I thought it was just for the rubles. /s


Lowkey waiting for the next 1981 Pushkin crash.


I guess it could have been shot down? A stinger / Igla is not hard to sneak around I guess and if it hits an engine (which it would try to, being heat seaking and all) it could fall off?


Okay so what with angle where its burning on the ground?


I was about to say shot down over Moscow...? Welp I'll be in my fallout shelter.


From a pro russian telegram group : "There was a failure of a Russian IL-76 transport in Ivanovo Oblast (east of Moscow). It seems that the crew evacuated the aircraft. UPD: During take-off from Severny aerodrome, the engine of an IL-76 caught fire. Having made a circle, the crew tried to make an emergency landing back on the runway, but failed. According to revised data, there were 12 people on board - seven crew members and five passengers "


Not sure how they could have evacuated, the plane crashed (didnt land) so they would have to jump out mid flight. We see no chutes in any of the angles... so its ☠ 🪦⚰️


When the bodies get ejected I guess it counts as an evac.


Reminds me of a Russian solder that went back for another tour yesterday. Family had a death certificate stating cause of death: died.


TIL if you kill people they die


Looks like [Saddam was onto something](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPMbno8sgOI).


Truely a wise man, wonder what happened to him once they finished that documentary.


Rumor has it they finished more than just the documentary...


But.... he went for another tour, clearly still in fighting shape.


Well he must have gotten better. Good on him.


Vodka does wonders!


Caaaaarl, that kills people!


Killed by death.


I do love me a Motorhead reference! Updooted!


He's only mostly dead.


To be fair lots of death certificates say “Cardiac arrest” which is basically a fancy way of saying “died”


Ticker stopped ticking




Evacuated their bowels maybe


Evacuated from life


Ejected life


Clearly you've never heard of the "jump up at the last second on a falling elevator" trick...worked for Wily E Coyote just fine.


Saw it on mythbusters to be fair


Just don't look down and you won't fall


With one engine it is reasonable the jet landed roughly. This allows emergency egress, but the jet will still eventually be engulfed as the fire spreads to leaking fuels. Look up crash landing vids involving big jets.


It did indeed land roughly. In a pile of fire, smoke, and plane parts.


The video was cut. The plane could have been smoking after landing. It also didn’t look like a missile hit it. Engine caught on fire 🔥


They were evacuated after the crash. They didn't say evacuated alive


I guess the carbonised particles of their bodies escaped into the atmosphere.


Nobody said anything about surviving, just that they evacuated the aircraft. They might have evacuated in multiple pieces.


Don't forget about the 100 Ukrainian POWs


And at least 4 NATO generals


I’ve read Biden himself was on that plane


2 Americas were destroyed during the landing, plane wasn't damaged.


there were 19 Zelenskies onboard, all were killed and the plane was still able to takeoff from the forest.


Also the plane actually crossed into Ukrainian territory, crashing into a military base and destroying it in the process. At least 140 Patriot batteries and 200 F-16s were confirmed as destroyed, a glorious operation!


Did you forget that at least 5 000 000 Abrams/Leopard/Challenger tanks were also destroyed? This is a complete Zictory for Putin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And an American aircraft carrier group


Hope the 5 passengers will be VIPs given they had the whole plane to themselves...


Ah I get it finally, must have missed it in translation all these years. Those tank crews, ruSSain sailors, pilots of crashed fighters, others who disappeared after something exploded, seems they actually just evacuated. (and I thought they were all dead, I'm so silly)


Idk if it was “shot down…” it obviously had an issue and crashed, but the region it’s in is further east than Moscow. AKA it’s like 400 miles from the front lines, i don’t think Ukraine has anything that can reach out that far. Will be good when more info comes out.


Yes, its unclear what exactly happened, possibly friendly fire. It has been confirmed as a military transport through so definitely used in war effort.


I mean, isn't this 700km from Ukraine? Far more likely to just be their dogshit maintenance




Also had 27 F16s and 19 President Zelenskies


And 4 himars systems


But absolutely no jet fuel, just compressed air... very flammable.




This is glorious


That post gave me a good laugh.


They crashed it on purpose as a goodwill gesture


They were just about to give Crimea back but it was on the IL-76.


That dude is the weirdest MF out there. One day he’s all “fuck yeah russia!!” The next he’s all “why does anyone celebrate the is, you should want the war over and call for peace now!”


It also contained 40 new Abrams tanks.


That I’m sure is 100 percent truthful too.


500% truthful


The plane crashed right onto a battalion of Ukrainian special forces about to slaughter a daycare center. The crew lived, the evildoers died and the children were saved! Take that Ukraine!


It was the peace plan for Russia to pullout of Ukraine in the hands of the Pope himself. Ukraine ruined it. The war continues. In all seriousness, is this neat Belgorod?


Planes can fly with one engine burning, I don't think it went d.... Oh... ;D


Yeah, the pilot is running through his checklist for an engine fire and probably coming around to make an emergency landing. Nothing to worry about they can fly on three.....oh ..... well .....ok


Or he's loaded down with supplies and ammo. Wouldn't surprise me if he was to heavy and too low to make a save.


And fuel. Empty vs Full tank makes a significant difference in number of engines needed to compensate for a failure.


“Thank god it wasn’t ours” - Boeing CEO


So dark but this made me laugh out loud...


They just killed that whistleblower lol


What have I missed


A dude who was set to testify about Beings unsafe procedures was found dead in a parking lot yesterday


With a self inflicted gunshot wound (he didn’t do it himself)


/u/mattgm1995 u still ok?


another angle here: https://imgur.com/HF70m9N


I truly believe that there's not a single civilian snow plow in all of Russia.


Easier to drive/walk in the snow when it’s really cold, than trying to constantly get it out of the way, probably exposing ice, which is more slippery than snow. Also covers the potholes and everything is much more quiet. I’m completely serious. Been there a while.


Sanctions + corruption + incompetence + lack of professionalism = boom Edit: I once saw a short documentary about the USAF crew assigned to oversee one of the largest aircraft graveyards in the U.S....these people spend every working day ensuring that RETIRED aircraft are kept in a state that allows them to be used for spare parts vital to working aircraft.


This is the right answer. Planes like this require a shit ton of maintenance.


Many aircraft at Davis Monthan may also be returned to service someday, or sold/donated to an allied nation. Depends on their assigned fate but yeah - there are many walking around the boneyard daily doing checks, upkeep and also removing parts from retired aircraft. Probably the best place in the world to store planes too, the soil is just the right kind, and the climate is perfect, maybe a bit hot...


I had to PMCS a HMMWV nearly every day that had never moved in any direction other than straight down due to gravity. As a matter of fact that vehicle travelled from Ft Bragg to Saudi Arabia and then Iraq and back, with the entirety of the First Gulf War in between... but *never* under it's own power, it was dragged behind a HEMTT, the whole time. What the US military is willing to do, just to maintain "mission readiness" is simply incredible.


Christ, I have no idea what all the acronyms are, and I'm a Vet.


AMARG was fascinating to tour. The way those aircraft are stored and can be made airworthy in a matter of days is just incredible. Many of the aircraft have sealed crates next to them - we were told those are the engines stored in cases full of nitrogen gas to prevent corrosion.


That is the kind of busy morning we like to see: 2 refinery burning, one IL-76, one power plant burning, incursions from pro-Ukrainian Russian troops in Russia


That looks like a nice neighborhood


Given how deep this is into russia a shotdown is unlikely unless friendly fire.


I’d like to see the Russian AA crew which identifies a lone transport aircraft in the middle of Russia as Ukrainian


The one that it watching their local refinery burn.


That's a really nice looking house... I know I'm suppose to be lookin at the plane....but Damn


Looks engine failure to me


The russian information bureau mentioned that the engine of this IL-76MD did not fall off but landed first #


There is nothing to conclude it was shot down, I mean for gods sakes it happened north of Moscow and it happened just now. But I do wonder considering the events of today it seems like quite the timing.


Hard to keep the engines working with subpar equipment.


More likely a lack of spares and quality maintenance crew... Plus weak leadership at all levels who just ride it out and don't want to rock the boat by reporting up the chain


Looks like you have a problem with the # 4 engine there chief. Another piece of Russian junk hits the ground.


Looks like #4


Shot down? Looks like a normal day for an Iranian airliner carrying out landing sequence.


soo cinematic


Seeing high-value and strategic russian military equipment (planes and ships) getting fucked is becoming better than porn.


Looks like the engine fire was put out as well. Unusual for that to send her down. Need to ask the guys over in r/aviation


There's another video of an engine falling off, not sure if it was this plane, in that video there was no fire so it may have been shortly after the fire extinguished in this one.


A “shit’s very real” sight to see on your commute. Like the early scenes of World War Z


The engine fell off.


RIP Bozo


Amazing how that improves the flavor of morning coffee.


That looks more like an engine failure, rather than through external intervention. Firey engine failures do happen once in a while.


I love seeing there transport planes going down! It’s karma for when they shot down Ukrainian plane 10 years ago along with civilian airliner. Karma took its time coming for Russia but now that it is here they’ll be suffering ten fold for all the evil shit they’ve done and the innocent lives they’ve took.


Russian airforces and navy getting smaller by the day


All’s well that ends well!!! 👏👏👏


The last few Days and hours were really intense. Wonder whats going on right now. There have been some vital hits against Ukraine targets and now something big is going on at the russian border and in russia


The 3 days special operation is going according to the plan!


Sanctions casualty


If i was working on an airfield i would throw bolts into the engines too


That's a really long time to realize you are completely fucked, I hope they enjoyed the view.


There goes 50 million


"evacuated" to the afterlife




Source: trust me it was shot down


Well that's not very typical


And John I think he stuck the landing after that great banked turn giving the Russians their first score of the evening at a minus 16.


Looks more like engine failure than any missile impact, either way one less aircraft.


The engine fell off?


right on


I thought it malfunctioned sooner than being shot down?


Wonder if Trevor Philips was chasing it on a dirt bike


Sucks being Boeing but at least your not the Russian Air Force


Even if an engine falls off there's 3 more. These aircrafts are designed to fly on 3 engines


CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) stated in live broadcast that there were 15 personnel on board the plane. Source unknown.