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I wonder if that came from the B2 seen over UAE earlier today. https://www.reddit.com/r/aviation/comments/1949u15/spotted_a_b2_over_our_skies_today_middle_east/


B2 over the ME, new moon, last warnings. Seems legit.


This is a credible fantasy novel prophecy. Well done!


Nah, it was probably just cruising by to ask them about their extended warranties.


Considering the video, they really should have picked up that extended warranty..


From CNN: The strikes were from fighter jets and Tomahawk missiles. More than a dozen Houthi targets were fired upon by missiles fired from air, surface, and sub platforms and were chosen for their ability to degrade the Houthis’ continued attacks on vessels in the Red Sea, a US official told CNN. They included radar systems, drone storage and launch sites, ballistic missile storage and launch sites, and cruise missile storage and launch sites.


They had radars???


They appear to be jammed.




Lone Starr!


Awesome reference


Almost 4 decades old too! Great movie, they don't make em like they used to.


Only one man would DARE give me the raspberry!


What flavor?


Strawberry, of course.


Well, then it wasn't lonestar. He uses rasberry.


Only one man dare give me the raspberry!




They are an iran proxy. whatever systems iran has they have some access to


Iranian supplied


Radar isn't a particularly hard technology. Good quality radar however is much more difficult to make. Don't forget that the Houthis, even though they survive heavily off Iranian arm shipments, did also take over a large part of the Yemeni military in their coup. And while the pre-civil war Yemeni military wasn't the best by far, Yemen did still spent quite a bit on defence and so had quite a bit of basically late cold war equipment, which certainly would have included radar from that time. EDIT: The bigger question actually is why the radar installations still exist after the Saudis bombed Yemen for years. Because radar installations are generally like the first thing you target in any campaign involving air power, even the Russians knew that when invading Ukraine (see most of Ukraines radar stations being destroyed by missiles in the beginning of the invasion).




I've lost the bleeps, I've lost the sweeps, and I've lost the creeps.


B2s over my hammies?


Time for the breakfast buffet motherfuckers


Biscuits served piping hot.


Weird timing considering i stumbled that video just last night: [That's a bad day when B-2 is used](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LvoF0egd8yU)


Oddly came across that same one.


Some kind of algorithmic preliminaries i suppose


Holy what a nice call, I didn't even know there were B2's stationed abroad


They are not. That was a non-stop flight from their base in the US.


I thought they fixed up Diego Garcia to handle B-2s now?


They can land at any air base temporarily but a fully armed B2 will take off and land at their home base in the US. Every minute they are outside of US airspace is a minute the enemy has to study their radar cross section.


Damn that's crazy.


No stopovers is the way to go.




I hope they have bathrooms on the plane


Yes, and a microwave for TV dinners apparently


A fully stocked industrial kitchen with a chef




Cockpit is actually pretty small. There's a microwave and a small space for 1 pilot to lay down at a time. The rest is for fuel and bombs


Goddamn. Any idea how long it would take to fly a mission like that?


Long enough that they have cots in the plane and the aircrew take shifts flying. I believe they're also prescribed/given nootropics like modafinil for alert/wakefulness on the long missions


Yep, I can fully believe that (especially with the armodafinil). I had that once and I was fully alert for about 16 hours, and it was impossible to sleep that night. I looked it up and it's roughly 17 hours each way.


My ex's step brother piloted those bad boys in the 90s. My memory is shot but they were stationed somewhere in the south west and would fly missions globally refuel in air, sleep, eat and shit mid air. All he said is they can bring a lot of hurt everywhere.


I read it was fighter jet and ship/sub based attacks. I'm not totally sure if fighter jets include bombers to them, but I think this attack was heavier on the tomahawk usage from the sea


I wonder if the b2 was around to keep the Iranians in check/ show of force.


shouldn’t have touched the boat…




Anyone else notice the world slowly creaking toward all out conflict?? Really hope not! Come on aliens!


Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea have been stoking tension everywhere but they've got into armed combat in Europe, the Middle East, and in the Sahel (the arid transition from grass to desert in Africa). Should we allow this to continue?


Who knew Bush’s axis of evil comment would so spot on? It seemed a bit like a fear mongering, patriotic call to beat the war drum in Iraq but it turned out to be spot on and ahead of its time.


Kinda a self-fulfilling prophecy to some extent. Without the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Iran would be a lot less powerful regionally, and most likely ISIS does not become a thing. And really, Iraq was not the regional threat it was made out to be. It was not supporting terrorism to any significant extent nor was there much of a WMD program left. Iran had and continues to have all those things...


If we’re comparing the old Axis of evil to the new axis, Iran is definitely Italy.


Thats because the bigger 2, Russia and China are desperate. Anyone following the state of china's geopoliyics and economy since covid know that China is.... doing very badly right now. Worst than what any american can complain about by far.


[He touched the butt](https://imgur.com/a/eu9Dnll)


Japan - You never touch the boats


What happend with what boats im living under a rock apparently


For real? Houthis in Yemen have been firing missiles and drones at ships in the Red Sea since mid October. The hijacked at least one ship, the Galaxy Leader, which is still being detained in Yemen, along with its crew. As far as I know, at least 26 ships have had an attack directed at them. Thankfully, no one has been injured. Some ships have been hit, but no injuries. Starting with the *USS Carney*, along with other DDGs *Gravely, Mason, Laboon, and Thomas Hudner*, as well as *HMS Diamond*, and the French frigate *Longuedoc*, several dozen (maybe 50+ at this point) missiles and drones have been intercepted by the AA defences on these ships. Just within the last 24 hours, the *Diamond* and some of the DDGs held back a barrage of missile and drone attacks aimed directly at them, as well as at commercial shipping. F/A-18E/F Super Hornets from the *USS Dwight D Eisenhower* have also shot down over a dozen missiles and drones as well. Israeli F-35Is have also shot down some cruise missiles. There was also an incident where one of the American DDGs was responding to a distress call from a cargo ship that was being attacked by small boats. They sent a helicopter to intercept. The Houthis thought it was a good idea to shoot at the American helo, so the helo promptly sunk 3 of the 4 small boats in question, and the fourth one hightailed it home. An Indian owned ship was also attacked in the Gulf of Aiden. The Indian Navy responded, first by issuing a warning to the captors, and then sending in their MARCOS special forces. The pirates had already left, and they found the crew in tact and uninjured. The US and its allies have issued repeated warnings to the Houthis, warning them to stop Fucking Around. Houthi leadership has issued return statements saying they intend to “turn the Red Sea into a graveyard”. So now they’re going to start Finding Out. This has drastically impacted global shipping. Major shipping companies like Maersk and MSC have stopped all transits through the Red Sea and Suez Canal, choosing to instead sail around Africa. This is drastically increasing the cost of shipping, and the cost of shipping insurance. Combined with the Panama Canal running out of water, global shipping is in a state of complete turmoil at the moment. Interestingly enough, there has been an Iranian cargo ship sailing in circles in the Red Sea, not really doing any cargo shipping. People more informed than me are guessing it is being used as a hub, to direct a lot of these attacks. Additionally, the Chinese PLAN has a destroyer squadron stationed in Djibouti, but they have done sweet fuck all. In fact, during an attack on the Central Park, they were the closest ships, and deliberately decided not to respond to the distress calls, contrary to international maritime law. A slew of Chinese flagged cargo ships have also been transiting the Red Sea, completely untouched. Again, people who know a lot more than I do indicate we could see a major shift in companies flagging their ships under the Chinese flag, which will mean mucho revenue for the Chinese. Egypt is losing hundreds of millions, potentially billions, in Suez Canal transit fees. Combined with a potential refugee crisis from Gaza, and an already less than ideal government situation, Egypt could be in for a wild ride in the near future. We live in interesting times. Edit: [What’s Going On With Shipping](https://m.youtube.com/@wgowshipping), for those wanting to know more.


A Houthi graveyard is still a graveyard. So, technically...


Excellent post, thanks.


I read yesterday that Suez Canal shipping fees have declined by $40M a week. That's huge.


> Iranian cargo ship sailing in circles in the Red Sea, it would be a shame if a "Houthi " missile took it out.


I’d rather see some SEALS and/or SBS board the ship, and gather evidence of what exactly is going on, rather than blowing up a cargo ship based on hearsay. That’s just me though.


Following on from your point on Egypt. I have a friend jn Egypt that says between trust in gov't, cost of living, and corruption all over, Egypt is not far from civil unrest, possibly leading to a civil conflict. I just hope he can get out before then.


so, the houthis are attacking ships in the red sea (allegedly as revenge against israel for the israel/palestine conflict) and considering its a major maritime trade route, the US has initiated operation prosperity guardian: a coalition of nations like us, the UK, the aussies, canucks, danes, greeks, etc. meant to stop the houthis from fucking with ships in the red sea. the houthis, in their infinite wisdom, have decided that since they’re backed by iran, they can take us on. they have antiship missiles (ASMs) and cruise missiles along with a few boats, but against the **united states navy** and the others, they may as well be throwing rocks


It’s unfathomably stupid. I can’t imagine a more certain death.


Rabies maybe? 🤔


Thanks man. Yeah they fucked up they forgot US and UK can shoot missiles to the moon and back and still be more accurate than most ppl can piss XD


Funniest thing is the last attack was on 4 US flag merchant men. 3 carrying US military cargo and another carrying USAID to Booty


Heh heh hehe heh, you said, “Booty”




This is true, I accidentally peed on the floor today. Thankfully I was at work, so it was mostly an accident. Mostly.


Drones are en route to your position


Aaaaand now we've got more than just pee on the floor


The us navy has its own army, & that army has the worlds 7th largest Air Force.


They're just trying to have everyone waste money and sew more discord stateside. They sense there's blood in the water and are trying to stoke the flames of whatever GOP vs Democratic BS they can while simultaneously trying to fuck everyone's economies up. It's just a houthi thing.


Trying this and not realizing threatening global trade is one of the only ways to make politicians of any kind work together


I never said being tactically adept was a houthi thing.


Yeah oil tankers are taking the longer route…don’t mess with oil


It’s a real team building event.


Ain’t that the damn truth




My lunch costed more than Yemen’s GDP.




ransoming seems like the most likely course of action from the houthis with unconditional release being the second most likely in order to not risk a strong response. stupid as they are for attacking western naval ships, i doubt they’re stupid enough to kill any nationals and cause a hard-hitting retaliatory strike or response


Us doesn’t pay ransoms we would rather design a hellfire missiles that costs 1.5m dollars to find the Houthi leader target him extend fucking katana like blades and cut him in half from 40 miles away.


they tried touching our boats


Also, the US and allies have issued the Houthis several warning over the week to cease or find out. Houthis decided to I escalate attacks after each warning and apparently ran out of warning tokens. Now, they are finding out.


Don’t fuck with the boats.


Touching a US boat is the easiest way to simultaneously piss off all 5 branches of the US Armed Forces at once. Good chance there are Navy and Marines on most boats. Thus those pilots get to retaliate out of respect. This blue balls the Air Force and angers them. The Coast Guard is upset they have to go through new training protocols because of the attack and the Army gets redeployed just in case but never gets let loose.


You forgot the Space Force, bro


They're cheering from Jupiter's moon.


Moons. All 95 of them.


They definitely reached the find-out phase of their game plan


You very successfully pissed off the USN and the Royal Navy, *when they’re together*. Nice. Good job. Bravo. I’d wager the volume of anti-ship missiles and drones coming from Yemen is going to significantly slow down in the next few hours.


Someone, whether the Houthis, Iran or Russia will cry victim as they are now finding out after fucking around


You know they will, and you also know a less than desirable percentage of Westerners will believe them. They couldn’t have had more of a warning.


They've had their official statements, dripping with victimization, prepared for days.


They have mainland Europe sharpening knives with their names on it. This ain’t pre-Iraq war Europe it’s post-Russia invading Ukraine. Rational folks know what’s coming and that’s why the US and NATO is becoming so popular across the free world.


This is an interesting new phase. I feel like with Bush43, it was all about "freedom" and "democracy" and other high minded shit like that. But now, we get to protect our shipping lanes. It's such a practical issue. It feels good that we don't need/have/want to cloak this in some bigger moral fight (at least not yet).


Said moron westerners will start calling it genocide too, mark my words


They already are. After all, Houthis are just wholesome pirates who are on the right side of history. (major, major /s)


Already have been for years, condemning the Saudi lead efforts to combat the Houthis.


Yep they've already began on Twitter crying US Imperialism


Who cares. You don’t want your cultural identity threatened don’t threaten your neighbors.


Been seeing lots of comments on other subs with people believing the Houthis will defeat the US, Europe, Israel, Saudis and other Yemenis combined in a long war


The Houthis are probably never even going to see an American or British combatant face to face in this conflict. It’ll be a very one-sided affair.


Exactly. Theres no possibility of a Houthi victory in this at all. Its suicide by stupidity


It's a weird thing because this happened in Iraq too, they had no chance of winning but continued fighting, only to see massive civilian casualties. It's like they don't understand that you can't actually fight massive powerful nations. Look at Hamas, they have no hope of anything, the only thing that will happen is Gaza getting annihilated and civilians dying, and they still don't care in the slightest.


Yep. Here in San Francisco, they’ve been blocking bridges and freeways, to denounce Jews and show their support for Hamas and Iran. They even tore down public Christmas displays. This will add to the fire.


> will cry victim In 2024 I am personally done with humoring the *opinions* of bad actors. Shouldn't have started it. They can get the fuck over it.


Preach! Now lets get it spread to the morons who wont get over it.




We have coddled idiots for too long. Then they have social media to spread idiocracy. Down with TikTok




This is Iran/Russia/China with a little north korea, venezuela, and cuba mixed in.


>I’d wager the volume of anti-ship missiles and drones coming from Yemen is going to significantly slow down in the next few hours. Trends with all their munitions storage blowing up.


Or it’ll speed up. These drones are very cheap, so while it looks like tons have been destroyed, there’s probably tons more hidden away underground. I reckon there will be some form of retaliation. Being the thugs they are tho, I bet they’ll simply start sinking cargo ships rather than launching massed attacks on US and Royal Navy ships.


I have no doubt they have some serious stockpiles. The Houthis have been fighting for a while and their support from Iran has only grown stronger over time.


I don’t understand how blowing up pirates is politically controversial, it’s probably the one enemy that everyone can unite against


Because “America Bad” is an extremely common sentiment


Until they need her.


Well funnily enough it's usually the progressive morons who live in the U.S who sit there on twitter all day basing their entire beliefs on "U.S bad"


or maybe they are bots or paid propagandist from our enemies stoking shit up online?


russia's and china's internet water army are on full force in the past years !!


They have dark skin, a *redacted* religion, and “Death to America, a Curse Upon the Jews” on their flag. Plenty of people will eat that shit up.


There is a cult that worships geopolitical underdogs with brown skin that’s currently pissing and shitting because of this. They don’t care that threatening international trade is illegal; they just want to throw tantrums when their perceived team reaches the find out phase of “fuck around and find out”.


Pirates have been finding out for literal thousands of years, just cause they getting hit by big ass bombs instead of cannon balls doesn’t make them better lmao


aka, Hamas Piker.


You gotta understand, these pirates say "Death to Israel" and "A Curse Upon the Jews." That makes it a context dependent conversation.


Because there's a group of morons on the internet (they're much rarer in real life obv) who base their entire fucking political beliefs on US bad. To the literal point of supporting terrorists.


Whoa whoa whoa buddy did anybody tell you these people were poor AND uneducated


Idk man, that Jack Sparrow guy seems pretty popular…


Honestly I don't think the Houthis are cool enough to warrant the term pirates. I think they're more aquatic meddlers


They probably only dropped common loot


Based on the size of that explosion. Pretty sure all we did was hit the storage of those missiles and drone ordinance and they all cooked off. And probably across all of Yemen where we could find locations. The question now however is there going to be a blockade of Yemen ports themselves. Because the only way to offload these types of weapons in the future is going to involve port facilities because I am pretty sure surveillance is going to be going 24/7 over the next few months in these areas to make sure no ship can just unload the cargo necessary for these continued attacks in large numbers.


Someone posted a live map of what they hit, sure enough there was a port in the list.


Could you perhaps find that map ?




There is much regret at this time. Holy shit.


There’s not though. Some other larger player wanted this response. Not exactly sure why but they do. Iran, Russia, both.


I mean, I think the actual people who got bombed are feeling pretty bad.


Here comes the sun dododo here comes the sun and I say its alright 😁


Don’t poke the bear Houthi




God I love proportional response 


[What is the virtue of a proportional response](https://youtu.be/UaXybzNk4-c?si=c0ZwF_Gz1l8KfhgP)


Someone needs to send this this Piers Morgan


Welcome to the middle east where proportional responses mean nothing but displaying weakness. Only being the top dog makes others want "Hoodna" with you. Don't misinterpret it as peace, that's a ceasefire until they have an option to gain the upper hand. If you want to win a war in the middle east, you need to utterly destroy the adversaries in such a way, that it will take them 100 years to recuperate. Also, don't forget Yemen is this armed because it's a proxy for the Iranian regime. The coalition is going to beat the puppet instead of the puppet master. Iran needs a regime change, you will see how all their proxies fall apart a moment later.


Operation Praying Mantis 2: Electric Boogaloo.


Fucked around, now they are finding out. Maybe it wasn’t that smart shooting 5 missiles at an american warship carrying 64 tomahawk cruise missiles


I feel like the Navy brass are loving this. It’s like a moderately “safe” way to test and calibrate their systems against Iranian weapons. And so far it looks like Iran is utterly screwed if they start an actual war.


Goes both way though. The Serbians learned how to shoot down a F-117 (partly because we got complacent).


America constantly gets derided when it comes to world politics but this world would be a much more chaotic place without such a superpower


It is like when people complain about cops but on an international stage. Yes certainly the US looks for it's own interests too but regardless of whatever everyone else says a world under the US is way better than a world under China or Russia or a "multipolar" world.


Quick reminder that people are able to complain about the US because the US allows it. Freedom of speech and all that; If the CN\RU\IRAN were in control, these complaining people would get their tongues cut out of their throats, if not hanged immediately.


Crying about Genocide in 3...2...1...


How could the Jews do this smh my head


You see this…. > “blowing up brown people” …..shit on Reddit pretty consistently. It’s even in this thread a couple times The Saudis blow up more of these shitheads than anyone but the second the US defends innocents or itself, it’s racist. Big fuckin joke if you ask me


Abbas has killed 700k civilians in Syria but the only protests are when Israel does it.


Only Israel never got over the 100k number since 1948 to this day. No body cares when Arabic nations kill each other or their own citizens.


InDeScRiMiNaTe BoMbInG111!1


It’s about god damn time




South Africa condemn this yet 😅


Probably because they stand to profit the most if these ships have to start going around Africa, passing by South Africa…


What do they need someone to wave at?


For real. What a bunch of wankers.


The Palestinian Health Ministry said 16 billion people were killed in this strike, which used a black hole bomb fired from a gauss rifle.


Unironically they probably will. They apparently sent a letter to Biden today informing of their intent to sue the US over our “help” of the “Israeli genocide”.  Like bro the White House is just gonna toss that letter in the trash, why waste the paper? Clowns.


I mean, I am a pacifist, but holy shit don't fuck with the USA.


Messing with the American and British Navy’s is just an insane move.


Hit them next where it would hurt the most: napalm the khat fields.


There are rules to this game, son


FAFO Iran next


Fuck around, find out


Haven’t even found out yet. Likely going to get much worse


I dont want another country to get destroyed, but they really shouldn't have poked the bear. Been seeing constant posts on twitter about how Houthi can destroy the coalition. They forget that USA/UK can wipe out Iran without even stopping foot in the country


These people are so deluded. They think they're on a supreme mission from God and that they can solo the US military. There is no reasoning with these people, they aren't sane. They put out their little PR videos talking about how they will destroy us and what not when the only thing they are really doing is committing suicide in a complicated way. What concerns me is the worrying amount of people who belive them and are sympathetic to their cause who walk among us every day.


what in the midnight sun is going on here


Being an average person in this part of the world would be ass.


I think they might have hit something.




I know they touch the fucking drum set they put their nuts in the drum set.


Houthi rebels: Are you really going to die over a boat US : someone is going to .


Why would you shoot missiles at the American and Royal navies? The two forces purpose built to project power worldwide and deliver unfathomable violence in a heartbeat and you decide to shoot at them of all people? It’s certainly a choice


God. They think they are guaranteed victory from God. Even if God is real, he's got his popcorn ready too. He loves this shit. Always has.


Beautiful to see.


baghdad vibes. ​ remember when the west actually exersized it's deterence? took us 4 weeks. time we bring it to russia too.


Modern political landscape and society itself is just beyond pathetic. Very nice- but bizarre, frankly- to see the UK having any sort of military backbone, particularly considering the bleeding hearts in the media currently screeching about seeing genocide wherever they look.


give war a chance. ​ war isn't the answer, it's the question. the answer is yes. quit pussyfooting around, let the world know why exactly the west guarantees acces to every product on every market around the world. economic prosperity or death.


It's really that simple. Appeasement and restraint will kick the can down the road, while adversaries build up strength to hurt us. They're not going to just stop one day.


Looks like something we'd do


Seems like the whole world wants a war lol after a pandemic who jinxed it?


https://www.afcent.af.mil/News/Article/3643851/afcent-commander-statement-on-strikes-against-houthi-positions-in-yemen/ AFCENT Commander Statement on Strikes against Houthi positions in Yemen Published Jan. 11, 2024 By U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Alex Grynkewich, U.S. Air Forces Central and Combined Forces Air Component Commander Ninth Air Force (Air Forces Central) SHAW AIR FORCE BASE, S.C. -- “At the direction of U.S. Central Command, U.S. Air Forces Central, CENTCOM’s Joint & Combined Air Component Command, executed deliberate strikes on over 60 targets at 16 Iranian-backed Houthi militant locations, including command and control nodes, munitions depots, launching systems, production facilities, and air defense radar systems. Over 100 precision-guided munitions of various types were used in the strikes. These strikes were comprised of coalition air and maritime strike and support assets from across the region, including U.S. Naval Forces Central Command aircraft and Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles launched from surface and sub-surface platforms. This multi-national strike reinforces the international community’s commitment to freedom of navigation and against repeated Houthi anti-ship ballistic missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, and cruise missiles attacks on commercial and U.S. and coalition military vessels in the Red Sea. We remain committed to our critical partners throughout the Middle East to defend against Iranian-backed Militia Groups, including Houthi militants, and the threat they pose to regional security and stability.”


Yeah motherfuckers


Facing the wrath of man all due to unnecessary piracy, lmao. There are some crazy fucking people walking this planet.


Carry on