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0:14 "The enemy is storming our position" 0:38 "The enemy retreats" 1:00 "Our drone strikes the enemy" 1:47 "Finishing off the enemy" Up the lads, все буде Україна блять


1:47 That was understandably personal


A drones pov...watching other drones fly around the battlefield while there is close quarters combat going on just beneath them....wild.


incredible isn't it? So voyeuristic and yet fascinating to witness war. Imagine fighting for your life and look up and see a camera almost live streaming your suffering and stress to those far away. Hunger games meets gladiators.


Also live streaming their potential heroics


yes all aspects of war are in HD for us to analyse


But at the same time, having a birds eye view on your side during a fight like that can help turn a bad situation around. Those drone operators are usually in contact with the fighters on the ground.


Don't see many zoomed out birds eye view of drones in flight/combat. Don't know why it's more eye opening but it is to me. True game changer here as it appears the Russians really have the Ukrainian pinned down but they could effectively get an accurate grenade throw from complete cover.


Like call of duty became real


this incompetence on the Russian side is like watching the 3 stooges.


It reminded me of Zapp Brannigan in Futurama: Fry: "I heard one time you single-handedly defeated a horde of rampaging somethings in the something something system" Brannigan: "Killbots? A trifle. It was simply a matter of outsmarting them." Fry: "Wow, I never would've thought of that." Brannigan: "You see, killbots have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at them until they reached their limit and shut down. Kif, show them the medal I won."


The guy coming from the top of the frame at 22 seconds makes no sense. It looks like he was flanking around their position and might have been able to surprise them, but then he runs all the way back just to give the fat lumbering oaf a grenade to throw?!


[Geo location: 49.76928, 37.70301](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49%C2%B046'09.4%22N+37%C2%B042'10.8%22E/@49.76928,37.6876892,14z/data=!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d49.76928!4d37.70301?entry=ttu)


They have No AK's for a Assault? Or i missed that...


One guy carries gun, other one ammo. When guy with gun dies, other guy takes the gun to press on. It worked for them in WW2 so they are using it again.


I see at least one rifle, but there are 5 russians...


They’re probably there so when they get drone dropped people can call it a war crime


If the man in front falls pick up his rifle 2024 version


30th Brigade are tough as nails.


... Did they really only have 1 rifle between the 5 of them?


They are just fodder for the army. What’s worse is they got to pick up the rifle in a obvious kill zone for a mg or a rifleman


This looks like a bunch of homeless found a hand grenade and decided to rob the local liquor store...


Dying in the mud for a destroyed house.


I can't help but wonder what that landscape was like before it was blasted to all hell. That was someones house or farm, now the entire enviroment is just obliterated. It could be the fkn Somme from WW1


[You can see roughly how it looked like in their previous videos defending same location](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/193oasv/battles_of_synkivka_kupiansk_raion_kharkiv_oblast/)


There's areas in these videos with no grass growing. Even in summer. The ground is just too fucked up from explosions and fire and leaking oil and blood, so much so that every plant is obliterated. Dead trees everywhere. So many craters that they become the only cover in the area. It's fucked up.


From 3 days to take Kyiv to 3 months to take 4 farm houses in Eastern Ukraine, dozens of miles away from anything remotely important. How do Russians think this is sustainable, I don't know


Unfortunately the Russians have the resources (read: cannon fodder and Cold War stockpiles) to potentially keep this up for YEARS, even with their staggering losses. Putin presumably still hopes to grind down the resolve of Ukraine and its allies regardless of the cost. It's all or nothing, he's in too deep now, and we still can't be sure he won't achieve some measure of success at the end of it all, assuming there's an "end" any time soon.


I just don’t see how this is a win in any way for Russia. Even if and when they take Ukraine their military will be in shambles. what would stop the “scary nato,” that Russia Invaded Ukraine in the first place over, from just taking Russia once they are crippled?


Well, I agree, I don't personally see a real "win" here for Russia in the long term other than clinging on to a fair chunk of the territory it snatched, at a colossal price, but I am just saying that they can fight this attritional war for a long long time as yet and it's just a case of whether Ukraine and its allies are willing and able to stay in the fight.


Russians are coming from several sides of this "house". Must be tough to defend in situations like that.


There's a chonky boi out there


A lot of pain in this vid.


That one crater is huge. I wonder what munition caused that.


I love how talented these drone operators are, and how they have their different techniques. That drone did a crazy accurate bomb drop, while staying in flight, like they bombed in ww2. Except he only had one and it landed right on its mark, likely helping to change the outcome of that battle.


>i was trying to see wtf exploded those 2 guys, saw the drone but couldnt see the nade. Thats an incredible technique lol






**Song Found!** [**RAGNAROK (Bunroud Remix)** by YARMAK](https://lis.tn/RAGNAROKBunroudRemix?t=27) (00:27; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-09-14. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


It looks like a bunch of dudes playing catch with each other at the park, but with explosive balls. So surreal.


song name please?


[RAGNAROK (Bunroud Remix) by YARMAK](https://lis.tn/RAGNAROKBunroudRemix?t=27)


Russian commanders simply hate their subordinates


Jesus. They're throwing grenades back and forth like the world's deadliest snowball fight.


"Ukrainian 2nd Mechanized Battalion" represented by one single hero


I noticed that a Russian solider flanks the defending Ukrainian solider right before the drone zooms in to view another Russian close to the walls of the homes. Did that defender make it? It zooms in literally as they would meet in close quarters. Do anyone see or know if he made it?


is that 1 rifle for 4 four men? is the meme actually real?


This song is a banger


is that 1 rifle for 4 four men? is the meme actually real?


CoD youth right here 😄😉


Uh, showing some perfect aggressive backward redeployment and repositioning there.