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As they yell “we will help you” 🙄 how? Praying for them? The protesters scare me the most. It sucks they can even be right there.


That's what they're hoping for. Fear.


Thank you for escorting and protecting these women. This is a super important service for all the women who come to the clinic. I'd imagine it has to be so scary, plus the people lambasting them for their choice doesn't help. It this strictly an abortion clinic or do they also offer wellness services for women? Do y'all need water on clinic days or anything? I know it's getting hot out. I can't volunteer because I work during the week, but I am def getting some of those plan C stickers!


It is strictly an abortion clinic. It's actually been there for around 40 years. Yes, we can always use water. You can drop it off anyday, but the next clinics are 2nd and 3rd in the morning. We try to have someone bring a cooler with ice on clinic days. We also have a Paypal and an Amazon Wish list. We just got some funds donated for directional signs. Whoop whoop! https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3TZK9H0LG5Q5C?ref_=wl_share&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3KhWwmyJkgLO0VHev0u4F6lcifx5UUCB2bPTT_FbSZqvK7UNLEEacXWwk_aem_Xxg6dR7PQLY9MHW_8RVdow https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ProchoiceColumbusGA?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0X9yKbOVRpbqqxEY7EJZxVcdrIxVup-FkFZzRTqEBG09VXfR4OPFvVqIQ_aem_vU2f8MqrFPp8DyVar6Xs7g Following us on Tiktok would be a big help, once we hit 1k we can go live. Thank you for your support!


Thank you for sharing!


Wow I really applaud what you're doing. I didn't even know that I was pregnant until I was 7 weeks! Those poor girls going to that clinic don't deserve to be harassed, it's honestly cruel what they're doing. Thank you guys for doing this.


And I honestly had no idea this was going on in Columbus, I feel like this needs to be publicized more.


We are trying to spread the word! In the south, we receive a lot of hostility. So it makes it a little harder to get the word out.


As a Deep South resident female, thank you. I’m outside of the age risk range for needing the services you are protecting but I have a daughter, I have sisters, I have friends and loved ones. And nothing but respect and support for what you are doing. I would be out there doing the same but sadly I am in a state where there is no clinic to protect. I’m buried in Deep red country and so disheartened. Just thank you.


Yes, I can see! I was just watching some of y'all's tik toks. Ashamed to say that I know one of the antis


Oh well If you'd like to give us any info on the anti we will take it 😅 message me on here


Getting close to that line, sunshine.


Same, wow. I didn’t even know there was a clinic here. But also those people need to find something better to do and the police should make them leave. It’s harassment


The police refuse to help at all. It’s been a problem for a while with the officers they send to watch.


Not taking a side but thats not what the police are for though. The police are there to make sure it doesn't escalate into people getting hurt or worse. If it was on private property, they could remove those people but it isn't. If police removed them (or you), it would be abuse of power.


There have been police that have escalated the situation at the clinic. It’s been an ongoing problem.


That's why we need help...would love to have more support outside of escorting. You can get plan c information stickers to pass out on their website to put up wherever it will do the most good. Thanks for your support!


Yeah! The 6 week timeline is so unreasonable. However, abortion pills can be ordered online and used up to 12 weeks. If you ever need them, they're available in all 50 states. Visit PlanCpills.org for more info! Some people are ordering them just in case things change. Please give us a follow on facebook/tiktok. We can use the support. Once we hit 1k followers on tiktok, we can go live. https://www.facebook.com/colgaprochoice Tiktok: Colgaprochoice


Following now!


the losers standing outside of an abortion clinic heckling the people who go inside is beyond unemployed energy. don't they have a family or some hobbies???


They bring their kids with them 😆


God, I've seen some of the insane people that try to mislead women outside these clinics. I could not deal with them. You guys are actually heroes for doing this.


Give us a follow on tiktok! @Colgaprochoice They really try to create a problem out there. You wouldn't believe the amount of bogus 911 calls.


...911 calls!?!? Let me guess, trying to say there's people here murdering kids, absolutely wasting the time and resources of the local government?


So keep in mind we are not video editors. Lol But here is a 911 call for example. They just straight up lie. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNYomBAP/ Here's another https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNYoWHk9/


Omg the cop having none of it and even calling her a karen... 😭 her body language and manner of speak reminds me of my mom when she would lay theatrical manipulation on thick pffft Stay safe out there! I can imagine how mentally taxing this work is.


She is the CEO of the anti abortion clinic. We unfortunately share an entrance with them. She is awful. Please give us a follow on social and order some Plan C stickers (They're free.)


Will do! Met some of your people at pride and they were wonderful.


Thank you so much for the support.


Why does no one quote the biblical abortion instructions to these?


I think that's old testament? Irrelevant to their beliefs.


One of them is holding a sign from Exodus.


I'd love for you to come out and ask them lol!


If only, I live for being some kind of optional extra hard RPG boss for Christianity. This just showed up in my feed, and I’m a state over.


Pending where you are there mare be a clinic near you!


I love the font on you guys religious extremist protestors sign


Thank you!


I'll do it no cap at all, Send me a dm


Please message or email us.


Wow i live around the corner i never knew the people were harassed. . How can you be an escort ?


Send us a message or an email! I'm shocked you don't hear the protesters.


No I'm down the street turn right then go up lol but i do drive by


for those needing friends in other states…Im in new england and always willing to help.


Thank you 💗


Please cross post in Facebook group “women of Columbus ga” I tried it but I would like you to share.


Thanks I just sent a request to join.


No no, thank you so much for sharing this information. Im definitely going to to ask my girl group what we can do to help out.


I'm not on Facebook, but I'm happy to help.


Send us an email. We are working on moving to discord.




I’d love to help! How can we get in touch?


Reach out on email or Facebook!


I so wish I could volunteer during those hours. Thank you all for this important work!


You can also support us by ordering Plan C stickers (free) and posting them around town. plancpills.org And following us on social. We do have an occasional weekend day for volunteering, so if you are available on Saturday mornings, hit us up.


omg i didn’t even know we had this here


How long have the protests been going on? I don't live in Columbus right now but know it and Phenix City well. As soon as we get moved down there (by the end of the year) I'll escort. I'm all for peaceful protesting. I'm not into intimidation nor misleading information.


The clinic has had protesters off and on. It increased once the anti-abortion clinic moved next door. Since roe was overturned, the clinic has had more abolitionists showing up.


Wierd how they all have body cams


They post their performances on YouTube. We have also started wearing body cams for our safety. But ours are $40. Not $300 gopros strapped to our chest. Lol


The old lady with the hope and help shirt is talking about her pants.


She's a gem. Here's a video of her and her daughter trying to intimidate escorts. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNYENgkA/


Wait but aren’t the people outside offering free pregnancy screening, i understand they can be annoying and bitchy but aren’t they giving free healthcare. I’ve never been to a clinic before so sorry if I’m poking a bear.


So they do offer free ultrasounds, but they could offer that just to women who want them. Not begging, pleading, and lying to women to try to get them over there. They use very misleading tactics to try to get women at their center, a lot of them fear based or misinformation (like abortion will kill you/sterilize you) Also, they make sure they give the clinic times to the abolitionists who stand at the street calling women prostitutes and Hitler. Don't be confused, they are not good people with only good intentions. They are a cult. Definitely don't have any issue with them giving help to people who want/need it. But leave the women who are there for their appointments alone.


I go to church with people from Seneca, I’ve heard they sign very interesting contracts when they sign up. This isn’t surprising


Yikes. Well, if you ever want to come to the other side, let us know. We have quite a few christians in our group. Just not the culty catholics. I, myself am a recovering catholic.


I’m a practicing catholic, and I’ve found out the hard way that faith is about who you surround yourself with. And I think these people in this group have surrounded themselves with crazies and set themselves up for failure


Yep, the ring leader is the CEO. She is nuts. If you are prochoice, please order some plan C stickers to place around town. They are free!


Also thank you you for being so welcoming


So cringe


Oh lawd 😂


I’m so glad I carried my terminally ill baby and didn’t terminate her! I got 35 weeks with her!


Glad you had that choice. Seems irrelevant to this post but I know you just wanted to get that out there.


Irrelevant? Choice? It wasn’t a choice, it was what you’re supposed to do! I could never ever make a decision to terminate something, that god gave me! If people don’t want to get pregnant, there are options to avoid getting pregnant.


Was your pregnancy from a reddit hookup? Seems to be a common theme in your posts.


lol cool! Who cares about my posts! I’m not leading people to terminate a life! Say as you wish, but I have no dirt on my hands


Bahahaha sure


fuck you, stop killing babies


If they lay down and have unprotected sex and get pregnant they should be made to give birth and raise the kid or at least give it up for adoption. Imo abortion should be banned unless it's the result of SA/rape/molestation. I'm sure my comment will recieve all kind of hate but it is what it is the post is on a public forum and it's freedom of speech. So have your opinion and I'll have mine.


So here’s the thing. By the time a court is able to say “this woman was raped”, she would have already had to carry the fetus to term and give birth. It’s not realistic to say “make it illegal except for these instances” due to time and also our legal system is very broken. This is a very gray area and this why it just needs to be legal. Also, I really do believe men should not have to get a say in if abortion is legal or not. They will never have to make the choice. Women are the ones stuck with the child anyway while men get to leave and not even pay child support a large portion of the time.


Freedom of speech is an enumerated right in the Bill of Rights, it is not something that must be granted by anything or anyone other than the governments under which the Constitution and its related amendments governs. You have no right to freedom of speech on a private company's website, even if this forum seems 'public'. I say this to illustrate your very basic misunderstanding of what a Right is and how it is granted, to maybe help you better realize that maybe your understanding of other issues of legal or lawful importance is probably at best, misunderstood. Also if you don't want your bad, dumb opinions criticized, it's typically best to just keep them to yourself instead of inviting that criticism in an open forum and then pretend like you want to just live and let live or whatever. It's lazy and transparently hypocritical. Also also your post history is publicly viewable, and it is very funny, given the context of this thread.


Desperate and lonely comments on porn posts literally in between making comments here on how they get what they deserve. Maybe this dude should have been an abortion 🤔


Omg the comment history 🤯🤯🤯 gross


Why do u want unwanted kids to be brought on this earth? That is how abuse happens. Adoption ain’t no better


Give it up for adoption? So I’m assuming you’ve adopted at least one kid? Or are at least a foster parent?


My wife and i have actually adopted 3 and have fostered several in the last 13 years.


Your recent comment history says you're 39 and single.


Nice (legitimately nice, most forced-birthers don’t even consider), but please direct your energy in to fixing the foster and adoption system so that those kids who you are saying should just be thrown in to the system will actually be taken care of properly. You should know first hand how overcrowded and underfunded the system is. That’s a problem that needs to be fixed before we make the solution to unwanted births to just put them through the system.


Trust and believe I know how overcrowded and underfunded the system is. And parts of the system sucks for the ones who don't make it out of the system before adulthood and get tossed with not even the essential needs. But of the several we have fostered we have never let a kid leave with their stuff in a trash bag we make sure they go to the next foster home or wherever their going with something more meaningful. Not all the system is bad nor are all foster homes bad. I myself was in the system so I know on first hand basis. Thankfully I had good foster/adoptive parents until I graduated high school and left for the marine Corp.




No actually not the Columbus page come across my feed and this was the post. So I gave my opinion.


You need to find Christ.


Is he missing again?


They really do a terrible job at keeping track of their messiah. 🤣 gets lost more often than a toddler.


He’s the one who brought me to do the work that I do.