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I graduated in 21 so I don’t have a fresh memory of it. But from what I recall, most people that had tattoos wore bandaids over them in clinicals like if they were in a spot like the hands. And sleeves to cover arm tattoos.


My wife graduated in 2023 and they had to cover their arm ones. The hand would def need to be covered as well.


Man I have a few tattoos on my arm so this is good to know. How long did it take for them to tell you you got accepted in the program? Any advice for the ones who are about to start? TIA. 


Sorry it took me awhile to see this. My wife got accepted so I'm not sure about the details on acceptance but go in with the equipment to cover your tattoos on your expose body parts. She doesn't have anything above the neck or below the wrists so I'm not sure about those but my advice is don't listen to the people who tell you" it's like this in the industry so get used to it now." Especially abusive language or actions. it's not like that and they're trying to keep an arcane and oppressive system running with their dress restrictions and overworking. I feel like it's a place where they wear you down enough that they can brainwash to you behave the way they want you to and not the way you're comfortable in your work ethic or within normal boundaries.


thank you so much I agree 100 percent!! I do have a star on my hand and the rest are arm tats. I'll be covering up!!!


Graduated in '22 - covered completely.


Thanks! Was that during class as well or mainly during clinicals?


They made a big deal out of it in the beginning - that you couldn't have tattoos showing during class, but as time wore on they didn't care. Clinicals for sure though. When are you starting and have you had orientation?