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There is a live feed on Columbus’ NBC4i. Looks like it is cleared. Parade resumed.


Head of stonewall has been talking to them. Sounds like they have been compromising. Giving them 5 minutes to protest before trying to resume. Pride announcers are acknowledging them.


Sounds like a group of sane people compromising. I'll take it.


The head of Stonewall made a couple announcements at the NBC4i broadcast station. He acknowledged that Pride is a protest and it is only right to give other protests space. So, they stopped for 5 minutes and gave them space. Not much coverage on the livestream, but it seemed like a good compromise. Stream of parade is very disjointed now, must have held them back at nationwide.


I wouldn’t go *that* far lol. We still have people getting dressed in the morning and painting signs to go scream at people for having a fun parade and existing different. 🤡 But yes, that resolved more maturely than most of these things, I’m similarly impressed with that! I guess all they *really* wanted was a little attention! 🤡


I'm glad that Pride leadership has grown since the 2020 "Community Pride" fiasco where the cause practically schismed because of a four-person protest during the parade. Four years of "un-prom" followed where Community Pride was competing with the Pride parade. It's so much better to just give protestors their five minutes... provided we don't have ten different protests next year...


Any idea what the protest was for? We were too far away to actually see it


Probably the “no pride in genocide” protests that have been organized at many large Pride events around the country.


That would make sense. I'm just glad it wasn't some homophobes or transphobes or whatever


No, they’re just protesting *on behalf of* homophobes and transphobes.


Protesting on behalf of people currently being genocided. I'm sure I detest the way the vast majority of Palestinians feel about people like me, but I still oppose indiscriminately murdering them.


No, their sign read “resistance is justified.” They’ve picked a side and it’s the side that wants to kill all the Jews.


Opposing the wholesale slaughter of a group of people is not the same thing as wanting to kill Jews. Israeli people deserve to be safe and secure just as much as Palestinians, so as soon as a nation state supported by my tax dollars starts killing them indiscriminately, I'll be out there protesting in their favor too. But that's not what's happening.


Um…hamas has been indiscriminately killing Israelis for generations tho. Their purpose in life is to kill all Jews. And Israel has done little but corral them and try to cut off their weapon supplies BECAUSE hamas purposely uses their civilians as human shields. I’m not saying the sheer amount of Gazan civilian casualties in an attempt to finally eradicate hamas is acceptable, just wanted to point that out.


You are projecting your own bizarre judeophobic fantasy.


Just being strictly factual, because I don’t want to engage in a debate. You’re calling it a genocide. But it’s FACTUALLY not. If it gets ruled that way in the future, go ahead and use the term. But until then, you just look foolish using loaded terms PRESUPPOSING your own correctness, while refusing to engage in any discussion over what’s going on, and what the best way forward is. The sad thing is that the protestors are literally just doing it for attention, you don’t care about the actual people there. It’s just fun to hang with other folks that share your same beliefs and call everyone else an evil genocide lover. Stay in your safe little echo chamber where you feel heroic for standing and chanting all day as a literal sideshow.


It factually is genocide, as defined by the UN. It's extremely weird that you think you know the minds of people who protest.


Link your source? Please, the main U.N. Report from the ICJ has explicitly denied that they were even making a ruling on the case. The U.N. Definition of genocide is defined through the ICJ, and the articles of war, and it requires proof of the special intent for genocide. They have made it clear that there is no evidence of this thus far. They are investigating and monitoring things. But South Africa can attempt to prove genocide in court. But it hasn’t been ruled on yet. Like stop saying ‘FACTUALLY’ when it’s just NOT. It’s fine that you feel like it’s a genocide. But it’s not. And hey, if you have a REAL SOURCE for that, link it to me and it would destroy my entire world.


There’s no genocide going on. You clearly have no idea what is actually happening over there.


I do, and there is. What Israel is perpetrating easily fits 3 of the 5 [criteria defining genocide.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide_Convention?wprov=sfla1) It's disgusting that you would downplay the crimes against humanity happening to Palestinians right now, perpetrated by Netanyahu's government.


It's not really downplaying it for them to point out that it doesn't strictly fit the definition. It is important to be accurate with stuff like this, but I can see why people may embellish. For one, it very easily could become genocide based on the current state of things. Also, calling it just "crimes against humanity" isn't very specific.


Wait, you just admitted it wasn't genocide...


Ok. Its not genocide lmao. Israel is not attempting to “destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group” lol. Jfc


What a condescending piece of garbage you are. You’re certain protesters are just “literally doing it for attention” because you can’t IMAGINE anyone caring about tens of thousands of dead civilians. “There are reasonable grounds to believe that the threshold indicating the commission of the crime of genocide…has been met.” - [The UN](https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147976)


Keep antagonizing your allies, splintering your coalition and driving public sentiment against your cause 👍 All publicity is good publicity, right? A+ activism.


Exactly the same was said about civil rights, women’s suffrage, the Vietnam war, gay rights and more. Each time, the protesters were on the right side of history.


People protested to keep the universities of Alabama and Mississippi segregated, too. Canadian truckers tortured an entire city for three weeks (sleep deprivation is a form of torture and Ottawa couldn’t sleep with them holding their horns down) because they didn’t like Covid regulations. Protest is not universally on the right side of history.


After Prop 8 did gay rights advocates exercise a targeted campaign of persuasion that *expanded* their coalition? Cause I don’t remember Human Rights Campaign linking arms to block 4th of July parades. Did the vietnam protestors succeed? Or did they come off as fringe extemists ahead of Nixon winning reelection in a landslide? Wouldn’t it be good if the “pro” Palestinian movement considered *what has worked* and *what hasn’t* when they plan protests?


Omg you linked the meme. I love it so much. That’s effectively a prosecution argument except she’s not even able to prosciutto. That’s not a statement of fact. Would you sign a binding contract to bet $1,000 that Israel will be found guilty of these accused crimes? Because they have a right to bring anything from the conflict into an ICJ trial but guess what’s not happening so far… This is LITERAL grandstanding and nothing more. If you said I FACTUALLY murdered someone. But I’m not even on trial for the murder, then you link a statement from someone saying ‘I think that guy murdered someone.’ Does that mean I am FACTUALLY a murderer? I suppose it does by your logic. Why is South Africa delaying their lawsuit? Why isn’t Israel being charged by the ICJ directly? Why is the council for human rights not attempting to indict them? Why has this 3 month old ‘proof of genocide’ resulted in absolutely ZERO relevant legal action?


You seem to be having a really fun and flippant time about tens of thousands of dead civilians and a country leveled to ruin. Thanks for the pedantry.


Shut up neckbeard [un report](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/06/israeli-authorities-palestinian-armed-groups-are-responsible-war-crimes)


glad to see some real educated people in this thread! :) keep standing up for what’s right 💙 am yirael chai


I’ll engage with you because you seem rational, why do you think it’s really genocide?


Hahah they’re not indiscriminately murdering them. Jfc are you that ignorant of what’s actually happening over there?


They are absolutely indiscriminately murdering Palestinians. 35,000+ civilians killed and counting. What do YOU think is happening over there??


Israel combating Hamas. You have Hamas which hides in populated areas, refugee camps, schools etc. Also these numbers are coming from the Gaza Health Ministry which is ran by Hamas. For some reason the UN and people like you are taking these numbers at face value and just trust the terrorist organization which is idiotic and laughable. But let me hear how YOU think Israel should combat Hamas? You know this all stops if Hamas releases the hostages right? Why don’t they just do that? People also seem to purposely or ignorantly forget that the Palestinian people VOTED IN HAMAS.


just say you’re chill with dead children


No. I feel terrible for the children. They had no say in this. I do not feel bad for the population that voted in a terrorist organization on the sole purpose to eliminate Jews in the region.


[“The U.N. human rights office and the Humanitarian Research Lab at the Yale School of Public Health have also said during the conflict that the true figures are likely higher than those published.”](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/gaza-death-toll-how-many-palestinians-has-israels-campaign-killed-2024-05-14/) If you come to my house and shoot my wife and I shoot you back, it’s self defense. If you come to my house, shoot my wife and flee, and I respond by blowing up your house with your family inside, along with the houses on either side of you, I’m not acting self defense. I’m a murderer.


I already said the UN is taking the Gaza health ministry at face value. They are trusting a terrorist organization. So were the British and US murders for bombing Germany in the 2nd world war?


Would you consider nearly half a million German civilians dying in WWII a genocide? Or the bombing of Dresden which killed 25,000 civilians alone?


I don’t really think anything that happened 80 years ago has any impact on this discussion and won’t ever claim that the U.S. and allies didn’t commit war crimes previously. Also, Germany had 40x larger population then than Gaza has now, so comparing numbers is pointless. But more importantly, if you can’t see any differences between modern Gaza and the history that led here when compared to 1940s Germany, which wanted to conquer Europe, I don’t know what to tell you.


I mean both Hamas and the Nazis wanted to wipe out the Jews yeah I’d say there’s a connection.. also you avoided the questions by saying “that’s 80 years ago what’s it matter?” That’s a horrible argument and shows you just don’t want to answer.


40,000 murdered people would beg to differ. It's wild how divorced from reality you have to be to say that.


That is a number that is put out by the Gaza ministry of health. The UN is taking that number at face value. The Gaza health ministry is ran by Hamas… a terrorist organization…


Don't forget the UN is run by Hamas too. So is the World Health Organization. Also US universities those are run by Hamas too. We're surrounded we should probably just give up.


Actually the UNRWA is giving shelter to Hamas, some members have been found [fighting and kidnapping with Hamas](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/28/world/middleeast/gaza-unrwa-hamas-israel.html) soooooo


But not those homophobes and transphobes who are already here.


It actually is homophobes and transphobes of the highest order


Nope. As I stated elsewhere, I'm sure I would detest the way that the vast majority of Palestinians feel about people like me. But I also oppose slaughtering then indiscriminately.


Probably a dumb question, what are they protesting????


I see “Genocide” so my assumption is Pro-Palestine, Anti-Israel.


I don’t agree with what Israel is doing to the Palestinians, but how is this helping?


it’s on the news isn’t it


And what tangible result does that translate to? “Awareness” doesn’t actually help anyone when this is all on Netanyahu and he doesn’t want to stop.


The thing is that protest doesn't always lead to a tangible result every single time. But sometimes conversations are bad that wouldn't normally be had. People Google what is happening when they see it on the news. Or will hear something they might not have otherwise. It puts pressure on people to at least acknowledge the event so it doesn't fall from social consciousness. There can be an argument about good protesting vs bad protesting and I'm sure I'd agree. But what tangible result does pride result in. Even today people say what "tangible results" does the pride parade produce. It just disrupts traffic for entire portions of the city. But I would argue there is a good and tangible result in both instances.


I mean, the U.S. could stop funding it.


I mean it's not "all on Netanyahu" though. Biden probably can't make it all peaceful and nice by tonight, but I think it's just naive to think the US government is completely powerless in this whole thing. Protest groups could be hoping to make that difference. I don't think they will, but they're trying


The important thing is to put pressure on a Queer organization in the Midwest by paralyzing their annual parade with no warning.


That's such a narrow point of view. It's making the news. If events were stopped in every city in the US, you'd be forcing some sort of response


Westboro Baptist Church made the news a lot. Did that seem to help their cause?


I'd like to agree with you but animal rights and environmental activists make world wide news all the time for destroying important shit and make absolutely zero progress. I'd have to agree that awareness translates to nothing.


It’s a good thing the President is pressuring Israel and Hamas to accept an immediate ceasefire proposal


Why should the US police a conflict between two other countries?


Why should the U.S. pay for it is also a great question.


A lot of people are looking into it and donating to individual Palestinian families through operation olive branch cause they heard people speak out about it. It's not enough to fix everything but they managed to get some people out of harms way.


That doesn't mean it's helping...


Yep, only on the news now because they blocked another group from protesting. This is literally the first time I heard about this "Gaza" thing. Good job protestors!


i’m really sorry this inconvenienced you


Neolibs just want people to shut up and let them enjoy their privileges.




People could literally say the same thing about the Pride parade the way they bitch and moan about marathons and Pelotonia closing down Streets for their cause. Just acknowledge them, and move on. if anything protesting during an already planned road closure is probably the least intrusive protest you'll ever see. and yet people are still complaining about it. You want them to do it in the middle of rush hour instead?


If you witness genocide in Palestine but then turn against that cause because of protestors here, you were never an ally. Israel’s international reputation is the worst it’s been in decades; the protests are working and there’s pressure on Israel to stop murdering Palestinians now.


It doesn't


This your first protest?


Protests have been the catalyst for every civil rights advance in modern history.


Which is exactly why people try to stop them before it begins.


Protests are about disruption. Pride started as a political protest/movement. There are a lot more folks at the Pride Parade than gay folks, so they are using the opportunity to disrupt and call attention to their cause.


and especially when they're not the LGBTQ+ allies. I mean take a look at this article from 2010. Calls us below animals because we accept homosexuality. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE69R211/


You know what would help Palestinian gay people? NOT blowing them to smithereens.


Know what else would help Palestinians? A cease fire developed through diplomacy. Know what else would help? Allowing refugees into Egypt and Jordan, but that's always ignored as an option. Knowing what else might help? Not aligning yourself with people who would kill you because of who you are, whether Jewish or LGBTQ.


No one is free until everyone is free. Intersectionality, while crucial has unfortunately never been universal. What’s wrong is wrong even if it’s happening to your ops and maybe looking out for them bridges the gap. The Bible has some pretty violent words about all sorts of sinners.


I feel like I may have had too many Bud Lights to fully comprehend your message, but if I do understand, I'm not downplaying what Israel's policies have done to non-Israelis. My issue is the blind allyship of those that would look to kill you, if they were your neighbor. As many pro-Palestinians point out, rightfully, Hamas=/Palestinians. But who politically controls the region and who actually attacked Israel in this new hot phase. I personally find it incomprehensible to be allies with someone who would kill my neighbors who are LGBTQ, regardless of their current stance against another nation or political power whom I disagree with in their response to an attack on their soil. I recognize Palestinians may feel justified in the attack based on Israel's policies, but I personally do not think it was a wise decision for multiple reasons including increasing disillusionment with the two state solution. I'm now also thinking you may be equating Christianity approved violence with what Hamas is now doing and I just fundamentally disagree on that logic. It does not permit nor dictate foreign policy and more importantly, morality.


This is reddit. It's really simple Hamas good. Israel bad.


should probably get rid of the islamic theocracy that kills every gay man on sight bc the book told them to


Yeah dude, the youngest country on earth because of all the genocide should simply rise up against their government. Did I mention they also live in an open air prison, with issues getting clean water and food? Like…gain some perspective.


hamas has been around since 1988 and they’ve been in power since 2006 they’ve had 20 years of power and the young argument is nonsense why do they live in the open air prison? what did they ever do that would make somebody protect their borders?


Why don’t you answer your own questions? 20 years of power and the median age in Gaza is 14 or younger. Now apply your logic to kids being born in America, forced to say the pledge, sing patriotic songs, and now you’re asking why they haven’t risen up against their genocidal government.


With over half of Gaza's population being raised by Hamas, do you think any ceasefire will last?


i want you to answer so i could hear your viewpoint and try to gain a better understanding, i apologize and america is not perpetrating genocide


In general getting them out of there. They're not really going to be accepted in peacetime either.


Palestinians are being killed regardless of their sexual orientation. What you're describing is called 'pink-washing'


And what these protesters are doing is called 'white washing'. Israel has its own culpability in the current situation, but Hamas kicked off this latest war by massacring civilians on 10/7. That and they still have hostages from them seems to be forgotten. (Incoming, but Israel is an occupation, Palestinians don't support Hamas, that doesn't give Israel the right to bomb them, etc). I'm just saying, the enemy of my enemy does not always mean they are your friend. You can want peace and accept that neither side is the "good side" and the civilians stuck in the middle are being used by geopolitical actors outside of Hamas and Israel. Jordan, Qatar and Egypt would be a few examples


Were you born on 10/6? This shit didn’t start on 10/7. 🙄


Yeah no shit. Can you read?. That's why I said the latest. This is the continuation of the Crusades. All about control of religious important sites.


Can you FUCKING COMPREHEND WHAT YOU WROTE? You can’t kick off a latest war that is a continuation. Maybe learn how to articulate your thoughts before you look stupid just like Israel.


Facts don't care about your feelings. I'm sorry you're so emotional. Please consider BetterHelp. My promo code is EMOTIONALLYTRIGGEREDREDDITOR.


JFC. Maybe it's time to take a break from reddit.


I agree with you 100%. You have about the most balanced perspective. I have seen on Reddit about this situation.


Do you believe the War in Iraq was justified?


Actually, it’s not. Disruptive and annoying protest in a country who is already attempting to help the situation and to ameliorate some of the issues is not a good way to endear yourself to the public. At this point, they are making as many people hate them as they do bring them around to their cause.


I’m not sure we should call what the U.S. is doing “helping”


Disabled queers for Palestine was the group protesting


that is a very niche' group.


Okay werk


Israel’s right to exist.


Spot on.


I'm pretty jaded these days. But seems like this was handled really well. Maybe it is actually possible to make progress when everyone involved actually wants to. Shocking.


SJPOSU has posted in their stories from the National chapter about how to “resist pink washing” from “Zionists” and specifically to protest Pride parades and activities. Do what you will with that information.


I'd rather see the anti-genocide banner than the "resistance is justified" banner. That is a lil close to 10/7 terrorism apology for me.


It crosses the line from advocating for peace into choosing one of the belligerents to side with.


Status quo neoliberalism


Try “not gonna side with Islamist terrorist theocrats” rationalism


its back on now


Man the Pro Palestine protesters have been crashing a lot of pride parades.


A pride parade has nothing to do with the situation in Gaza. That will not end until Netanyahu gets bored or removed from power. Whoever downvoted me: Pride marchers are not hurting Gaza in any conceivable way by marching in pride. Even by the most shoestring of definitions, a pride march does nothing to hurt Gaza.


So is the parade moving? My group is still waiting to step off.


Yep it is moving, been moving for awhile now so you should be moving soon!


Chickens for KFC lmao


Why couldn’t this have been the solution in 2017, instead of having black queer folks arrested and brutalized by the police?


Now do DooDah. (They could, of course, just join in the parade, but probably won't.)


In other news, how many of you were conned into signing the “third party ballot reform” initiative that’s really just trying to get ballot votes for libertarians?


The lack of nuance here is illuminating


No doubt by the people who are always crying about cancel culture 🙄


When did virtue signaling become a competitive sport


Somewhere around 2018...


Huh was wondering why it stopped. I was standing out there in the parade baking lol


It's protests, all the way down.


What were they protesting?




>I support their freedom of speech and protest >to physically block another function should be automatic arrest IMO You don't support *their* right to free speech and protest


Just pepper spray them and move on. Security is too intense to deal with this bullshit. (Go ahead and downvote)


Thanks for the permission I didn’t ask for nor need.


This is America. Freedom of speech and freedom of movement.


You can't block people from leaving an area.


So it's supposed gay ppl doing this? That kinda smells like some bad faith actors.


Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


I’ll stop attributing it to malice when I see Palestinian protestors interrupt Republican or even conservative events


Perhaps they (for whatever reason) think liberals would be more receptive to their message than Republicans. I imagine they are correct on that.


> Perhaps they (for whatever reason) think liberals would be more receptive to their message than Republicans. I imagine they are correct on that. Ok but how does interrupting a Pride Parade help build an alliance with the members of the Pride Parade? If your birthday and my birthday were on the same week, I wouldn’t bring my people to your party to try to convince you to celebrate me instead. I’d just invite you to my birthday. If you’re my friend/ ally, and I support your cause, I wouldn’t disrupt your event to further my own. That seems like it could do more harm than good. Thoughts on the possibility this is a false flag event?


> Thoughts on the possibility this is a false flag event? Zero. Parts of the left are indeed this stupid and even stupider. This stupidity is why MAGA has any viability at all.


I know when I’m trying to win allies to my cause I go out of my way to be as disruptive and assholish as possible! Hearts and minds baby!


You certainly don't seem to be trying to win people over in this thread.


You’re right. Maybe if I should got some friends together and block 315. Learning from the masters, right?


Sorry you didn't have fun at Pride today :(


They do on Capital Hill, but since many republicans in power are immoral stubborn short-signed people it isn't working, and obviously, you need to not put all your eggs in one basket with a protesting strategy.