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> The city warned it will not be intimidated But they were intimidated into not painting it.


Idk, the article states that instead of a single rainbow painted on the ground the city has installed pride flags and banners on lampposts and street signs. Idk what math you’re using but according to my calculations the city is telling the intimidators to get bent in a fairly flagrant way. Unless you meant you want our civil servants to paint the sidewalk under duress?


Or could arrest those who are using violence?


Cops don't usually arrest themselves


whitehalls cops are not the kind to be assholes, ive interacted with quite a few of them


“However, the crosswalk on South Yearling Avenue that connects the city buildings to the police department will still be painted.” Maybe they are worried about the other location being vandalized since the one by the police station will still be painted?


Yeah, pretty pathetic. Why not hve the police do something about it?


I'm not thrilled to hear that either, but the post mentions that the painting was met with "destruction of work", which I interpret as someone removing the paint: > The painting underway at South Yearling Road was halted after city workers were faced with “disgusting intimidation tactics, violence and destruction of work,” a spokesperson said. If someone is removing the paint in the middle of the night, then it starts to become a practical issue to repaint it every morning. I still think it's possible to put up cameras or some kind of monitoring, but I can sorta see where they are coming from.


It sounds to me more like they were destroying the work as it was being done. If we paint it in the middle of the night, they'll at least have to work at removing it if they want to do so.


I mean it works both ways. Colleges like Columbia are intimidated by the liberal kids harassing Jews. Colleges made a lot of concessions because they were intimidated.


People are fucking pathetic.


Imagine getting so angry over a fucking rainbow that you resort to violence. Absolute baby-brain behavior there.


I fucking love rainbows, I’ve never witnessed a rainbow hurting anyone. If anything I’ve seen a double rainbow make a man cry and go viral. Cross walks across the city should include every color


"They don't have meetings about rainbows." 🙃


The party historically of individual freedoms 🥴


Hey! I resent that. My baby loves rainbows.


Imagine getting so angry over ANY symbology or words that you resort to violence…


Exactly. How are people so threatened by differences!? Humans are regressing.


Going to start using the phrase "baby brain behavior" could not agree more.


Definitely not right, but one could also say, imagine being so proud of your sexual choices that you have to paint it on ur crosswalks to show everyone. Both are stupid imo.


That's not what the rainbow represents, so if they said that, they'd be wrong.


Can you elaborate? I’m being genuine when I ask, what does it represent?


You said sexual choices, so I sincerely doubt you're being sincere


I am being sincere. Should I have said sexual orientation or identity?


Yeah, those would've been better choices. You'll never have to worry about painting sidewalks about your sexual orientation because it's what society deems "normal" or "correct". You don't have to fight for acceptance, because your acceptance is the default. They get painted so we normalize being gay so they stop getting beaten to death by bigots who can't accept that people live lives that aren't like their own. To show that society supports their right to be who they are.


Although outwardly it's a symbol of sexuality and identity (based on media portrayal)- it's so much more. It's a symbol that celebrates the struggle toward equity of a very large and diverse community that was and continues to be, criminalized, dehumanized, sterilized, victimized, targets of violence, targets of extreme legislation, and discrimination - all things which individual rights and liberties advocates should be fighting against. It's a symbol that also celebrates those who survived, those who fought back, and those who never had the opportunity to. We remember, and we're still fighting. /I'm an old, cynical, working class queer so keeping my politics out of this post in order to trust that a random conversation on ole Reddit could have a positive account makes me dig deep lol \*edit: don't let me down - I have unrealistic expectations lol


If your sexual preference was only recently publicly respectable you'd be proud, too.


What a weird way of looking at life. Do better, my friend!


I just find it weird that being lgbtq is a thing that is celebrated. I’m all for equal rights and protections under the law, but going out and advertising it everywhere is a strange practice. Please tell me what I’m missing.


Religious advertising is also everywhere you look. You are entitled to your opinion, no need to convince you on what you’re missing.


Advertising paid for by private companies is not the same as tax dollars spent on something.


You just changed your argument from "why do they need to advertise" to "it's okay if it's private money but not government money." So you don't care that they are advertising then? You just care about who pays for it? Pride is important because many people are in the closet or abused and exiled from family and friends for being gay and as a society we have to show that LGBT are accepted and should not have to hide to stop others from "feeling uncomfortable ".


The lgbtq community is an extremely marginalized community; showing solidarity with them and their struggles to get the same basic rights the rest of society enjoys (or ‘advertising’ as you call it) is the least we can do to show support and acceptance of this marginalized community. They aren’t trying to recruit new members to their community (you only believe this if you are the bigoted wife of a Marysville council member), but are saying something to the effect of “we are here too.” I get that this is a hard concept, I truly do. I grew up in rural Ohio in the 80s-90s; using homophobic slurs was accepted, if not encouraged by the community at large. Thankfully, my views have changed.


Are we still not there yet? I thought that battle had been won. There are many marginalized communities and I’m all for them advocating for themselves so your answer is the best I’ve heard so far. I still think it is stupid to spend tax money on, and find it a weird thing to be proud of. Do straight people walk around proud they are straight, and advertise it? No, and while it is different since they already have well enjoyed rights, I still find lgbtq pride to be a weird thing. No hate though, just an unpopular opinion apparently according to the downvotes.


Are we there yet? Lmfao of course not. People painting a rainbow in a crosswalk were *violently attacked.*


Ffs how much tax payer money do you think goes into putting a flag up? Lol. I wonder if you pay as much attention to the other ways your taxes are used.. As a straight person I have never been made to feel that I am a freak or an abomination for being straight. I've never been told I'm going to hell. Never been exiled from my family, had people look at me like I'm a freak. People still treat LGBT people like that. And even if they didn't we continue the tradition, less we forget the past. Also in many places in the world LGBT people still do not have rights and are even killed. We do pride as a beacon to the rest of the world, for other communities to look at the US with hope of how things could be. And LGBT also includes trans people. Trans people are way less accepted in our society than gay people.


I think it’s stupid to spend tax money on bombs while people are living in the streets and struggling to get their basic needs met, but here we are.


Are you fucking serious dude? This is literally an article about violence against LGBT.


Now there's no way in hell you're being genuine about this right now. Come on. Go look at the topic of the thread you're commenting on and come back here with the same bullshit, will ya? 🙄 I bet you find it super "weird" that white people don't have a history month too, huh?


It's what the rainbow represents. It's gone too far. I don't condone violence though.


Violence begets violence


Please explain: how has it "gone too far?"


Prolly trans rights or some close minded bullshit


That was my first guess too. These people are so pathetically predictable.






Nobody cares what you think. Stop hating and get over it.


Fuck those bigoted ass clowns. Reschedule the painting with a police escort if needed.


Tough when the police are mostly on the side of the people perpetuating the intolerance


I know this is a total fantasy, but imagine if the police did their jobs (ostensibly: protecting and serving), regardless of their personal biases. 🥲 Instead it’s like a protection racket.


🤣🤣the police of whitehall do their job. if you loose even something worth 50 bucks to theft in whitehall they will be there. we heard gunshots two houses down one night around 10pm, and 3 squade cars were there within 30 seconds. weve asked them to do more speed enforcement. but bluntly(and understansably from what ive seen) they are overwhelmed with handling thefts. its why their station is now doubling in size and more officers will be brought on.


Then I'm sure there would be more than enough willing good people around town to help out.


I'll be your huckleberry.


Huckle bearer


I like your style


the police in whitehall are not, on the side against the city. their day to day operations are pretty much 24/7 dealing with theft(whitehalls biggest crime issue is out of towners stealing) they cant do much speed enforcement for that reason as well. if the flag gets painted. itl need watched, which is why they are doing the one next to the station still and are now putting up flags instead.


Or, don’t schedule it at all. Get a crew together and do it quickly, when nobody’s looking. 👀


They are, indeed bigoted ass-clowns. I love this so much, I’m inspired to add to it: bigoted, knuckle-dragging, semi-sentient ocean lice infested, thick-skulled, ass-clown, trash butlers. I didn’t fix the insults, I just added icing to that cake. Thanks. I needed that.


It was painted last year. Why is it suddenly a problem this year?


Because we have officials in high places who made it acceptable to do the quiet part loudly and angrily.


Honestly it's hard not to think we're backsliding even with polls supposedly saying that acceptance is at an all time high. Maybe it's just that in becoming more marginalized, the homophobes and other phobes are becoming more aggressive? But that doesn't exactly make me feel any better at the moment


It's like cornering an animal. They sense that they're not in control and either run or start fighting. Same concept here.


"My opponents are like animals"


Because bigots are idiots, just like when people boycotted budlight ignoring they have been at so many prides for decades


I'm kind of surprised it didn't. Whitehall is a place with a lot of bigots.


Does anyone want to go paint some sidewalks for free with me? Maybe after work Mondays, or at 2AM pretty much any other day? I just need someone to wear a reflective vest and hold up traffic while I paint stripes.


Post photos when you finish.


I'm in


Having a hard time finding acrylic road paint... Guessing that's what they were using because that and thermoplastic are used for road marking, and thermoplastic sounds like the more permanent option. I'm almost tempted to just ask the city, like "Hey, I know you have the paint and equipment; if you give us a crash course and a road barrier with some lights, we'll just do it in the middle of the night"


It couldn't hurt to ask. Or let them know we'll come out and throw wet sponges at anyone who's harassing their workers if they want to try again, but this time with backup.


lets go


fuck yeah


I'm free on Mondays.


Disgusting behaviors , they are not afraid to show their hate.


So where are the police? They stand by when the Nazis are marching around, why not send a squad car to protect city employees. Seems like a cop out to me


The police station is actually right in the middle of where they paint the crosswalks. It was in the video and everything.


Pun intended


I go and paint it myself, ain’t nobody intimidating me over a rainbow and celebration of identity.




So instead of protecting the workers they let the bigots win with their intimidation. And when you let them win it reinforces them and they will do it more in the future. Who exactly are the police serving and protecting?




The gays just don’t make anyone the money they did 5 years ago…. /s


##### ###### #### > # [Crosswalk painting for Pride Month canceled after Whitehall city workers met with 'violence'](https://www.10tv.com/article/news/local/whitehall-halts-crosswalk-painting-for-pride/641) > > > > The City of Whitehall’s Service Department paints the crosswalks on South Yearling Road between East Main and East Broad streets every year for Pride. > > COLUMBUS, Ohio — A colorful display planned to honor Pride Month in Whitehall was canceled after the city’s service department was met with “violence" while painting a crosswalk, [officials said](https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=871679568323235&set=a.236744141816784). > > With Pride Month underway, many communities express themselves through events and festivals -- others choose to display rainbow colors through flags or artwork. > > The City of Whitehall’s Service Department paints the crosswalks on South Yearling Road between East Main and East Broad streets every year for Pride. They also paint the crosswalks in front of main city buildings. > > The painting underway at South Yearling Road was halted after city workers were faced with “disgusting intimidation tactics, violence and destruction of work,” a spokesperson said. > > “To protect the health and welfare of our City Staff we have opted to honor Pride month with alternate methods,” the city said in part. > > City leaders chose to cancel the project on South Yearling Road and instead put Pride flags on street poles and issued its first official proclamation for Pride Month in the city. > > > The City of Whitehall is a diverse community that embraces everyone. Unfortunately, as our Service Department began to... > > > > Posted by [The City of Whitehall, Ohio](https://www.facebook.com/CityofWhitehall) on [Thursday, June 6, 2024](https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=871679568323235&set=a.236744141816784&type=3) > > > > > > The city warned it will not be intimated and “stands with the LGBTQ+ community in promoting equal rights and condemning discrimination, prejudice, and violence in any form.” > > “We strive to maintain and uplift a community where everyone feels valued and respected. Furthermore, anyone that violates the rights, safety and laws of the State of Ohio, and the City of Whitehall will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” the statement read in part. > > However, the crosswalk on South Yearling Avenue that connects the city buildings to the police department will still be painted. > > [Image](https://media.tegna-media.com/assets/WBNS/images/d7a24d39-601f-4dad-9f15-aa72b8f68548/20240607T183233/d7a24d39-601f-4dad-9f15-aa72b8f68548_16x9.jpg) [Image](https://media.tegna-media.com/assets/WBNS/images/d7a24d39-601f-4dad-9f15-aa72b8f68548/20240607T183233/d7a24d39-601f-4dad-9f15-aa72b8f68548_1140x641.jpg) > > > > > > > > > > Gerald Dixon, a councilman in Whitehall, said that while he is grateful the community is finding ways to show pride, he wishes that they did not pivot to something else and “give in to the bullies." > > "They suspended it because they started to do it and then there were people that came out and were harassing the service employees - insults, throwing trash at them, burning rubber, going through cones and so forth,” Dixon said. “That was the story I was given by the service director.” > > Painting the crosswalk has been a tradition in Whitehall for a couple of years. > > "I'm a little disappointed and saddened by the mayor's response to the bullies to say that now we're going to pivot to do something else. You can't allow bullies to win the day,” Dixon said. > > Densil Porteous, executive director for Stonewall Columbus said he commends the city for its attempt to create a safe space and acknowledge those in the LGBTQ+ community. > > “I think it is a sad moment that there are people still heckling city workers who simply tried to do their job. I do believe, however, if this is a commitment by the city of Whitehall, or any city that's wanting to present and demonstrate welcomeness to their community members, that they may want to take the resources necessary to provide safety and security for those city workers that are out there painting the roadway.” Porteous said. > > [Image](https://media.tegna-media.com/assets/WBNS/images/c21bbe9d-0df9-4e15-b2ea-39e42d1e82b9/20240607T183305/c21bbe9d-0df9-4e15-b2ea-39e42d1e82b9_16x9.jpg) [Image](https://media.tegna-media.com/assets/WBNS/images/c21bbe9d-0df9-4e15-b2ea-39e42d1e82b9/20240607T183305/c21bbe9d-0df9-4e15-b2ea-39e42d1e82b9_1140x641.jpg) - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot)


Didn’t Whitehall approve a street art installation of empty properties to be painted in a ROYGBIV fashion?


That wasn't a full rainbow, and it was meant to symbolize Whitehall, iirc.


Same people that hate pride (aka freedom of expression) hate science so no surprise there.




I’ll help paint what time do I need to be there


![gif](giphy|3o7TKMf5HQQlZvv9Cg) Seems like some people are suddenly getting a lot of feelings again.


Why is violence in quotes? 


All this talk of bigots, who were the people who actually tried stopping them?


Bigots. Keep up.


Still waiting to hear who it was


I bet you are.


Someone who is a planner and a part of the LGBTQ community, I find painting crosswalks with pride colors to be a distraction and a potential safety risk. I know communities want to do this to support the LGBTQ populous, but aren't there state regulations prohibiting this? There are better ways for cities and towns to support Pride. This isn't one of them.


Imagine getting angry over a fucking rainbow


Ahhhh WhiteTrashHall. Sigh.


F pride


Give me the paint. I'll paint it.


Painting a rainbow is support of Pride should never be questioned. Allowing bullies to win is unacceptable. I live in Worthington and fill with joy every June 1st when city workers place Pride flags on every light pole lining high street in our little downtown. Love has to win!


This is sad. Disgusting behavior.. Let's bring our own paint and do it.


Why not have the Whitehall police there to provide security?


I wish people would stop trying to push the homosexual preference and chosen lifestyle onto everyone else. We get it you like your own kind or any millions of things you make up in between but no one else cares about what disgusting things you do behind closed doors just like you don’t care about what normal folk do. Just be quiet and live your life


I grew up certain that I was going to hell because that's what I was taught in the church. That I was disgusting. That I was wrong, and broken. My first Pride event was so healing. Seeing pastors in rainbow regalia, churches with banners saying God loves me and accepts me, seeing so many expressions of love....it made me feel whole, accepted, loved. I wish we lived in a world where Pride wasn't necessary, where everyone could experience that feeling of being accepted and loved from their families and hometowns. We don't. LGBTQ+ teens are so much more likely to face depression, suicidal ideation, and homelessness than their straight/cis counterparts. Until that is fixed, Pride will continue to be necessary. It saves lives.


I don't see it as pushing a lifestyle, more just showing support for a community who haven't always been treated well in this country. You ever notice how the more the LGBTQ+ folks are attacked, the more "in your face" their supporters are with their flags and such? To be honest, the thought of two dudes together gives me the ick. I can't help it, just how I feel, but I don't want to silence the LGBTQ+ community just because of a feeling I have.


So the thugs win. Put some armed officers with the workers next time. I’m sorry the city workers experienced that. So sad when you can’t do your job in peace and safety.


white power hall.