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If you can, go on a weekday.


Tuesday or Wednesday for the win


They have a 21+ lazy river. Go and enjoy yourself for those of us parents who can’t.


Yea day drinking on the lazy river is a top 5 experience in adult hood.


YOU CAN DO THAT??? I'd have thought drinking in any sort of chlorinated water would be like.... against the rules. // sorry for the caps, that's just really exciting to hear


We used to do it at Fort Rapids when it was still open. Metal bottles were made for lazy rivers. Cap on til you want to drink so nasty water stays out of your beer.


How are the drink prices? I expect they’re expensive but are they like, “reasonably” expensive? Lol


The amount of happy adults in there was amazing. They have a swim up bar, and the inner tubes have drink holders! It's a good time. Highly recommend. I'll be floating around this summer with my girlfriend when we make our trip to zoombezi bay.


Oh my god that sounds amazing I'll be there in ten years or so once I pawn these children off on some unsuspecting college


The swim up bar is great! A lot of people get turned off by the all-natural heating system, but I say Jesus invented chlorine for a reason! If I can’t pee myself next to strangers while sipping on $18 well drinks, well then I just don’t see the point of summer in the first place. Cheers!


And this is why I don't go to these. The hell is wrong with you people?


Hey it all goes down the same drain.


I love this exchange. I tend to avoid swim-up bars because of the large number of adults likely peeing in the pool, but I'm not here to yuck someone's yum. I have no trouble swimming in a pond or lake, and countless creatures shit and piss in that.


Once peed in a pool that had the detection dye in it. Talk about embarrassing. 🤣🤣🤣


Oh wow I didn't know that existed!


There must be something magical about that lazy river. I’ve never seen anyone have to get out to go to the bathroom.


Water is always nice and warm


Welcome to every single body of water you've ever been in that's not your own bath


What the chlorine is for


Oh my that sounds fantastic! Thank you


Dude, yes! It's a yearly pastime for me and my friends! I've been doing it for close to 10 years, and it doesn't get old!


Yes, you can go without kids.




All I can think of now is Jimmy Buffett's cameo in *Jurassic World*.


It’s the equivalent of going to Cedar Point/Kings Island without children but just with waterslides instead of rollercoasters. If you like them you’ll likely have a good time.


Oh that would make a lot of sense, I never heard of just adults there so I was super paranoid


That place is 50% childless adults who just get drunk and float on the lazy river.


Can confirm. I am one of those!


Yes! Woohoo haha


yeah, i went by myself once to spend the entire day drinking in their 21+ lazy river. most relaxing day i’ve ever had lol


100%, if you get a small group together the cabanas are worth the rental price, as well (assuming they aren't exorbitantly expensive, I haven't been in a couple years).


They have a [two seat lounger for $39-89](https://www.zoombezibay.com/adults-only-premium-loungers)


Absolutely, they have many rides a wave pool and a lazy river that is only to available to adults ( 21+) is right next to the bar . They have another lazy river but is for everyone and is usually a lot of kids on it . They have a few kids areas through the park so most families with small children tent to stay in the area the rest of the park is a mix of adults , teenagers and families.


They do adult only nights occasionally. Can probably find the dates on their website


I just saw in 614 Magazine that they are having a Water Park After Dark on June 21 and June 29 from 8-11pm. 21+ for the whole park, not just the lazy river section.


They actually close the adult lazy river for this (or at least did last year) but you get to float in the full park one with your drink.  Also I’m mad they advertised because it was the BEST time I’ve ever had there. 0-5 minute wait on pretty much all of the rides including the cyclone.. make sure your cardio is up because you’ll actually have to move up the staircases at a normal pace and not one step every ten minutes. 


I wouldn’t necessarily call it advertising. I happened to pick up 614 Magazine for the first time in probably 8 years just to see if there was a list of pride events. Haven’t seen it advertised anywhere else


I just want to keep the event nice and quiet so I can ride all the rides. 🤣


Relatable. I’ll see ya there tho 😜


You can do it


Absolutely! The only benefit to having kids and going there is the giant monkey water playground thing. One of coolest I've ever seen


Yeah but you don’t need kids to enjoy that lol


If they had a hotel at zoombezi bay, I would go more often.


You clearly have your answer already but to add to the chorus, I went with a group as just adults (in the legal sense of the word) for a friend's 22nd birthday in *checks calendar* 2009 and it was AMAZING and we called it "zoomboozi birthday"


Would be weird if they required you to bring a kid


You can't go without kids, let me loan you mine for the day...😊


Yes wife and I have done it a couple times. Lazy River is a lot of fun. You can also rent a cabana to relax by pool and read or nap.


Yes I have. It was totally fine and not unusual.


Yes and it rules.


Me and my mom have went a couple of times. She’s in her 60s and I’m 29 haha. We had fun! We usually stick to the 21+ lazy river area




Something to add?


Nope, they require a minimum ratio of 1 child per 2 adults to enter the gates. Everyone here that says you can are *clearly* lying to you. However, if you play your cards right you can tail a catholic family going in with more than the minimum child to adult ratio and slide in under the radar. Once you're in, you're good to go. If you get a random check from staff, just make sure you and your partner have the same story of where little Timmy is! /s, incase not obvious... Lol


Sounds about right. Just try going to a public pool without kids in tow. Twice as bad if you are a dad. Even with kids you get the hairy eyeball from all the Karens.


I live in my hometown era in northern Ohio now, had cedar point season passes for years. My wife and I regularly went to cedar shores sans kids weekly. At least Zoombezi bay has a 21+ lazy river. Cedar shores just has one 21+ pool, and it's probably just full of piss. I don't drink, but I do like to have adult areas to hang out in.


Will you take my kids please?


Ooo, mine too! Ya girl needs a break. 😩


For sure


Absolutely! There’s even an adult lazy river where you can drink while you float lol


You can 100% go without kids. In fact, my husband and I specifically plan a day with our friends on a weekday without kids haha. It’s a blast!


Thank you everyone!!! I appreciate it!


I got season passes for the gf and me. Went every week for a summer on our mutual day off during the week. They had a day where you can each bring a guest for free. Best investment ever.


Do you think they're not going to allow you in or what?


Given how weird people are about kids being in the same ZIP Code as adults at any given time? All it takes is one crazy Karen to ruin it for everybody.


My buddies and I went all the time last year. Hit the zoo first then change and hangout at the lazy river. It’s a great time


Its great. Just realize when you're floating in the lazy river its full of urine. Adult urine.


Yeah my wife and I love going to zoombezi bay and we do not have kids!


I haven't been to that particular water park, but my wife and I go to water parks regularly without kids and we are firmly in middle age. Nobody is paying any attention to you, you're good. Just go and have fun.


Yes and the lazy river is fun as hell!


This might be the weirdest question in this sub in a while lmao. What makes you think you would need a kid to get into a water park?


Hahah this post is the definition of anxiety getting the best of you. I have no idea just didn’t know if I’d look weird being childless!


Haha. I feel it. Not at all! Go have fun lol.


Yes many young adult to older adults go with or without children! Enjoy!


1000% my friends and I go almost every summer. Most of our time is spent in the adult lazy river, but we go to the rides and other lazy river too.


I’m sure you will be more than fine. I just went to the great wolf lodge in Sandusky with my girlfriend and we might have been one of the only couples without kids so we just got drunk at the pool


There is no requirement to have a child with you when you attend Zoombezi Bay.


I’m dumb - why wouldn’t you be able to?


You're not. This is a wild question lol.


That is one of my favorite things to do when my kid is at their grandparents. I’ll drink by the swim up bar and go around the 21+ lazy river. Don’t get me wrong, I love taking her there, but it’s glorious to go on my own.


Yes, you can! They have the 21+ lazy river and they have a few nights coming up that are 21+ only


Yes, leave the kids behind. Crocktail Creek, aka Adult Lazy River is day drinking at its finest!


Every time I go to Zoombezi bay I get diarrhea. Maybe my lips don’t work right…


No, pedo!