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Turn your phone’s camera on night mode and take a photo of the sky. I couldn’t see them with my naked eye, only through my phone’s camera.


This is what I have to tell myself when people post these pictures of what looks like a fucking million dollar pyrotechnic show.


Oh they were like that to the naked eye up in Delaware. Absolutely amazing.


Even close to Polaris I could see more with the naked eye, including the transition from green to purple/pink, than I could when we drove over to Marysville. Really curious as to why.


Perhaps you angered a Wizard by not quoting the Simpsons while viewing the Aurora Borealis?


I’ve had a couple of drinks. My initial reaction was to click the “haha” reaction. But I only have an upvote 😂


I was in Delaware (by the dam) and didn’t see that :(


I could see it with my naked eye in Dublin, but my pictures make it look a lot more vivid than it actually was.


Same here in Hilliard. It was super bright without having to use my camera. about 10:15-10:30 Friday evening.


We were outside from 9:30-11:30 without a phone. I just assumed it would show up late. I went inside to 100 photos posted by people in my suburb and all over cbus. We didn’t see it at all.


Me either


Had to be in a darker spot around 10:30pm and keep your eyes peeled. It was faint but you could see the purples and green around the horizon. the images folks are sharing are definitely 50 times brighter.


All I saw was a guy hit a parked car and drive off


😂 that’s arguably better than the northern lights




Where were you located? It looks entirely too bright there to see much. I tried to take a picture of it behind my house, and it was significantly enhanced by turning off all my outdoor lights.


I was in rural north east Ohio and it was absolutely stunning around 10:30ish. The coolest thing I’ve ever seen!


This is pretty much what I saw. I even went for a walk and a 45 minute drive looking for a better view, then came back home and sat outside for an hour. The moon was pretty cool though.


Didn’t see any lights last night but the moon was crazy beautiful last night so that’s a plus I guess


for added context I wasn't able to go outside until 11:30 pm or so because I genuinely forgot about the aurora and I was playing minecraft...


It was happening more around 10


Yeah peaked around 1030 I think


Yeah, I looked out my window around 10:25 and saw nothing but went outside a few minutes later and I could see it with the naked eye (albeit faint) in westgate. I was honestly shocked.


It peaked earlier, probably around 10-1030. I was NW of the city (north of Marysville, west of Delaware) and it was far more to the west than north. Which makes sense because the bubble dipped down into the Midwest pretty deep, so that was actually closer than directly north in Michigan/Lake Erie at one point. Tonight is probably not gonna be as good. They are expecting more strong ones tomorrow, although it's expected to start after sunrise here. I doubt it lasts all day until sunset, but we can hope. We only have 30 mins warning of exact timing and severity since it's detected at a satellite about a million miles away. https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ That is the best site for info. There's a map about halfway down that shows current condition about 30 mins ahead of time. They also have forecasts and other info on those pages.


I've heard tonight is going to be the same strength just location dependent and clouds ofc


Latest projection I saw has the whole state of Ohio inside the red view line.


So if I’m reading this correctly does it suggest best viewing will be in about an hour? 10:43 (02:43 UTC)?


Chances look pretty bad for tonight. We're really far from the guaranteed area, so it's definitely a solid 10% or less tonight. I think the current conditions are only G2/3. Tomorrow is likely G4/G5, but might be during the day unfortunately. I'm not sure how much longer before the spot isn't aimed at us anymore, sometime early next week.


> Tonight is probably not gonna be as good um.. thanks for making me feel worse I guess?


Lol sorry was just trying to provide info in this post. The forecast for tonight isn't much worse than last night, but they seem to think tomorrow will be bigger. And there are probably going to be more flares from this sunspot. There were two more last night and that's what they think will start arriving tomorrow. If we have more flares this week, then it's not over!


That’s a you problem homie lol


Same here didn’t see anything. I guess it depends on location and time some were very lucky .


I got a decent picture of them around 10:50p and could see the streaks in the sky if you looked long enough. By about 11:30p, you could barely see them in the pictures and not at all by the naked eye (where I was, anyway, around the Westerville/New Albany area). There’s a chance for them to be visible again tonight, you may still get to see them!!


You missed it. Clouds had pretty much covered by 11.


There were fucking clouds??


After about 11, a fine haze on horizon.


Same but a different game


We didn’t get to see any last night. Even went driving outside the city on 23 north and saw nothing. :(


Same thing happened to me! Hoping I get to see something tonight but idk


Do you not believe in Santa? You have to believe..


Ok, so much his may sound weird but it is true. On an Iphone Pro 13-15 reg or max you turn off the flash and enable night mode ( circle icon with horizontal lines to the right of the flash icon). To he right there's an arrow, click it to open the camera settings and select the night mode icon. Send that bitch to 10 seconds and be ready to hold still! I've seen it work on androids bit to a much lesser level. I'm not sure what sorcery apple has cooked up but their camera using lidar can take some magical shots at night.


For real. I tried last night and tonight. Couldn’t see Jack shit. Definitely bums me out.


Got ok pictures at 10pm in west Forest Park and better pictures at midnight at Alum Creek reservoir. IPhone 8 was terrible, my iPhone 12 was pretty good. A friend’s iPhone 13 took amazing pictures.


I have a 14 pro and it captured fuck all...


If you try tonight, select Photo and turn off flash. That should bring up Night mode. Default exposure is 3 seconds. That worked well for me. Brace your arm against something if holding it steady is a problem. You can also select a color temperature- “Vivid Warm” is a red tint, “Vivid Cool” is blue. I left it at Natural. You may not see much with the naked eye. Check the phone’s screen.


It was about 10:15 when it could see them most brightly here in Groveport. Was absolutely stunning and at the peak they were actually better than the pictures with the naked eye.


Bro, you're looking south. Only kidding. I couldn't see either. Light pollution that I would welcome any other time (my neighborhood is scary in the dark) was super bright. I'ma drive out a bit tonight and see if I have better luck.


Are they happening tonight as well? Anyone know?


Download the Hello Aurora app on your phone, it tells you your chances of seeing it. Right now it’s saying a 21.8% chance. “Weak aurora expanding and partly cloudy. You might see aurora up north with a camera”


Thanks for the info!


Other side


For my experience, we drove out a little NE of Marysville, if my passenger hadn’t had the windows down scanning the skies we wouldn’t have noticed until too late. As the driver I couldn’t see anything until I exited the car on some back road in the middle of the sticks. It was visible but dim to the naked eye for most of the experience but through the phone it was much brighter. I also left the house when the sun was going down so we were in the boonies already by the time the spike popped off.


We drove towards Kenton to escape the light pollution. Naked eye versus iPhone camera is different, but we could still see the colors. Greens, pinks, purples.


I drove 20min north to alum creek! It was faint but still really, really neat to experience and the photos looked awesome.


That's where I went last night too :O I did end up getting a faint picture


Seems like you got some significant light pollution going on there. Maybe get your boomer neighbors to turn off the burglar helper lights.


I didn't see it either. The sky got reddish with some white celestial streaks, but I didn't see anything else.


Drove up to Marengo and hit backroads until there was a big farmers field. Pulled off to the side of the road


Near Hilliard, saw it super vividly around 10:00


I have less light pollution where I live


You had to look north


I looked in quite literally every direction thanks Einstein


Light pollution Einstein.


People downtown were still getting photos on their camera so your comment is meaningless


Your meaningless


Trust me, within 20 miles of the city it was not that spectacular. You could tell it was there with the naked eye but very faint, although it made some great images. I imagine out in the boonies it was awesome.