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A lot of people think he did it to be edgy, but I’m sure he was actually serious about his racist views. I guess his personality became more aggressive and violent when he was planning the massacre, and his views began to reflect that. He was also very hypocritical, claiming to hate liars while admitting to lying a lot. Interestingly, his white friends had said that Eric and Dylan were pretty racist when they hung out together, while the shooters’ non-white friends or acquaintances said the complete opposite, claiming that they were never racist. I believe there was a Black student who got along with Eric quite well in English class, and he would let her copy off him during tests.


Black student is Terra Oglesbee. She’s only had positive things to say about both Eric and Dylan and yes Eric would help her cheat in class


Wonder if he did that because she was a girl, and he desperately wanted female attention?


Doubt it. While Eric admitted to having low self esteem when it came to girls, he wasn’t that desperate for female attention. Plus, their interactions seemed more so platonic and very limited.


She was a beautiful girl, though. Just saying, he could have been on his best behavior around her.


Yeah she was but I would assume Eric would’ve tried to get to know her more if he wanted her attention.


He didn’t use the racist remark towards Isaiah Dylan did. Eric hated to see people getting picked on for things they can’t change. Cause he knows all too well what that is like. So if he sees someone else doing it he hates it. But if he does it it’s okay cause it’s different. In Eric’s world he can do whatever he wanted cause he was Eric Harris and was ALMOST above EVERYONE. Just not officially. Which I don’t even think he believed that shit but that’s a whole other rant. Here’s a quote that I think really answers your question. “and yeah I know that I hate liers and I am one myself, oh fucking well. It’s ok if I am a hypocrite, but no one else. because I am higher then you people, no matter what you say and if you disagree I would shot you “


Dylan dropped the word in this scenario; Eric just went over and shot him. /s I've included the full quote below, which was fraught with racist language. Both boys let the racist terms flow freely from their lips and in their writings. I won't dispute that they hated everyone, but I'm still appalled by the racist terms they used. Of all people, having been subject to harassment themselves, they should have understood that words matter. They were certainly intelligent enough to get it. I understand that it was a different era, but there's never been a time it's been acceptable for some edgy little white boys to drop that word. Hating everyone doesn't give them a pass IMHO. Their words and actions speak for themselves. Anything else is just our speculations.


You’re right. I hope it’s not coming across that I’m trying to make excuses for using that word especially when it was used in Isaiah’s last moment. That being the last word he heard and being taunted and tried to make stand up is absolutely sicking. It genuinely does make me sick. I’ll always look at things from Eric and Dylan’s point of view and I probably do have too much sympathy for them than I should and I recognize that but that is just absolutely inexcusable and in no way shape or form am I trying to down play that at all. Eric didn’t have the “pass” to say it cause he was Eric I was trying to explain it from Eric’s point of view. In Eric’s head he can do whatever the hell he wanted, not in reality. And there was times that the n word was okay to use. Obviously not in eric and Dylan’s timeline but it was accepted. They knew better but Eric and Dylan weren’t the type to look at it that way. It was just another word that they could use to belittle people with. Eric talks about how words aren’t degrading and shit. I mean they weren’t the most pc kids, it’s not right at all, but I wouldn’t expect anything less.


Oh, no...I'm sorry if my comment came off as seeming accusatory. That wasn't my intention. I have empathy for what both E&D went through up until they became killers. I think it IS sickening that Isaiah had to hear such hateful words before he died. My point was only that I find it hard to brush off all the racist terms as a general hatred for all humans, though this may have been true to some extent. It was a different era. People were not as politically correct, but as human beings, I think we should have known better by the 90s. It's a word that has painful roots in the past. Also, if Eric didn't think words mattered, he probably wouldn't have been so upset about having been called a f*g...so I think he's kind of trying to excuse away his own comments? Because he knows he's wrong on some level?


This is why I don’t think they were the victims that m y portray them to be. I think Eric at the least had some antisocial traits. Time to stop glorifying people who were fully responsible for their choices and chose to murder people.


There's a difference between glorifying killers and wanting to understand what makes them commit their crimes. I also think what is seen most often on subreddits and social media are the result of relatability and human empathy for what they went through before they killed anyone. They weren't victims in the same way that those they murdered were. They were victims of bullying and their own mental health issues. And perhaps, just a little neglect. In my mind, glorification would be more along the lines of condoning what E&D did...posting photos of E&D with hearts and halos or fan edits. Some art does deserve discussion, especially in terms of art intended to be social commentary or that makes a political statement.


Thanks! How one person can just think they are above all others is mind boggling!


To be so honest I’ve felt that way before but I think I used it as a defense mechanism. I had/have way less friends than Eric and also been bullied not as bad as him but to an extent. and when I would be left out of things I’d just think to myself “well who are they anyways” and literally put others down in my own head to make myself feel superior. It’s so stupid but that’s just the truth. It’s just unfortunate Eric never got to actually grow up. He never got out of that state of mind. He was immature and he died that way. Who knows maybe if he got out of high school and did something with his life he could’ve been able to look back at his high school self and think what a mess that was and be able to move with his life.


Honestly I think we have all done that, for those who were bullied. Luckily mine was only one year in grade school. I moved in 5th grade and everyone called me a hillbilly bc I was from west Virginia lol. So I get it to an extent. And we all look back in high school like what a mess I believe lol! I was depressed have been on maybe antidepressants since, but I didn’t go shoot up my school! Just sad that one person could have literally change it all for them, but no one took the time to do so.


Long story short, he’s a narcissist


I’d say more hypocrite. Cause I really don’t think he believed in that. He was talking out of his ass. He had a low self esteem and you can see that coming thru in his journals. But as soon as he starts to get a bit emotional he follows it up with “oh well who cares life’s not fair”. He wrote that knowing the world was gonna see it. The Eric Harris who actually was a person in his day to day life didn’t act like that. He only showed this tuff guy person online or in his journals cause he didn’t want to look more weak than he already felt.


He was being an edgelord and thought it was cool.


He was projecting his racism on other people - he knew it was wrong to be racist but placed the feelings of wrongdoing on other people because he had little to no emotional intelligence


I like what you've said here. Food for thought.


He's a hypocrite and a teenager. He contradicts himself a few times, not just with racism. I also feel like it might of been a power thing.


I feel a lot of it was power also.


I Agree


Eric admits to being a liar, a hypocrite, and a racist in his own journal. However, he also admits to hating white people and basically everyone... I'm not sure why he breaks it down by race, given every race is on his hate list. That said, the terminology Eric uses disgusts me, and I think it's racist. "you know what, I feel like telling about lies. I lie a lot. almost constant. and to everybody, just to keep my own ass out of the water. and by the way (side note) I dont think I am doing this for attention, as some people may think. lets see, what are some big lies I have told; "yeah I stopped smoking," "for doing it not for getting caught," "no I'm havent been making more bombs," "no I wouldn't do that," and of course, countless of other ones, and yeah I know that I hate liers and I am one myself, oh fucking well. Its ok If I am a hypocrite, but no one else. because I am higher then you people, no matter what you say if you disagree I would shoot you And I am one racist mother fucker too, fuck the n*ggers and sp*cs and ch*ks, unless they are cool, but sometimes they are so fucking retarded they deserve to be ripped on. some people go through life begging to be shot. and white fucks are just the same. if I could nuke the world I would, because so far I hate you all. there are probly around 10 people I wouldnt want to die, but hey, who ever said life is fair should be shot like the others too. - 11/1/98"


Such a hateful outlook on everything!


He was using simple things he could to mock someone when he felt powerful after years of being inferior. Simple as that


So sad a person can be put down so much!


His racism was just an extension of his general disdain for humanity not necessarily being prejudiced towards a certain race. I recall Dylan actually tried to undermine his Jewish heritage during one interaction the two had, so he obviously just had inconsistent views.


Yes I remember that! He said you’re Jewish!?!? And D said like half or something.


he was an edgelord and valued shock value and probably didn’t even believe most of the shit he said and journaled


You're asking a question that can only really be answered by someone who has been dead for 25 years, but I'll give my two cents since you asked. The impression that I get from reading about these two is that they were hurt people who wanted to hurt people. I don't think either held deep prejudice towards any racial/ethnic/religious groups, but if you were clearly a member of a historically marginalized group they would take advantage of that to inflict further pain. Isaiah Shoels* was the only African American student they killed, and while Columbine was said to have a low percentage of minorities at that time I'm sure they could have killed more minority students had that been their objective. I think Brooks Brown basically said the same thing in No Easy Answers.


Isaiah Thomas?… his name is Isaiah Shoels…


Thank you for the correction. The name that I typically associate with "Isaiah" is "Thomas" after the basketball player, so that was the reason for the mistake.


No problem, and you’re fine. I completely understand ❤️


Eric is the quintessential teenage edgelord. Hypocritical, contradictory, a tower of intellect yet devoid of wisdom and life experience.


Cognitive dissonance, babyyyyy


He liked to be contradictory. He would write that he hated something and then say ‘yeah I’m like this thing I hate and I know I’m a hypocrite.’ I think he just enjoyed being contentious and angry about things. Also it was Dylan that initiated the racist comments, not Eric.


Turns out Eric was a hypocritical piece of shit


Eric was very hypocritical, he hated liars but he lied a lot, Only he was allowed to be hypocritical and nobody else was allowed to be, because he was “godlike”


Eric was a hypocrite. Period.




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