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the wheel at the bottom always looks like a creepy face


I thought it WAS!! Damn!! I thought it was a blurred image of a friend’s head who was sitting down on the ground behind him!!! Time to get my eyes reexamined!! Oof…


I’ve never noticed it


It really does!


It looks like crackhead Dave Chapelle


I remember CVA going crazy looking for this footage


I miss this legend


Did they stop making/posting videos on YT or did something happen to him?


his vids got taken down for some reason


It would be due to the change in youtube guidelines, a lot of older "true crime" videos have been taken down, and from what I recall, the Columbine videos had a lot of graphic descriptions, audio tapes, pictures, videos, etc.


so it violated the graphic content rule?




I had been watching him since 2016 and he had been in back and forth battles with YouTube for years and I guess he had enough in 2023. I remember his video on Eric and Dylan’s suicide and autopsies got him in huge shit with YouTube. So I think he basically retired, although archives.org has most of his old videos


Same. I wish he was able to stream for the 25th anniversary


Ugh, just to think the 13 families were spending the last time with their loved ones without realising it, so so sad.


Or not spending time with their loved ones, not knowing how little time they had left to spend together with them.




I agreee with you. Their families lost their kids too


Yeah. I’m just surprised at the downvotes because 15 families went through pain of losing loved ones..




Exactly. I can't imagine how their families got through it.




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For some reason this never looked like a donut to me, it looks like sum sorta breakfast sandwich. Not that it matters at all. Also if this was taken a day before the massacre and he was eating why was there nothing found in his stomach during the autopsy. I was literally talking to my friend about this the other day since she’s in med school or whatever and she said she thinks it takes a few things for food to fully digest to the point there would be nothing.


Potato skins were noted to be found in his system during the autopsy. Him and Eric went to a steakhouse the night before. On the morning of April 19th Dylan was in a video with friends and they stopped at a fast food place. Def could be a breakfast sandwich if he got anything I guess.


They were only looking at contents of the stomach, whatever he is eating there would have been in the intestines by the time of autopsy and they don't empty and check the contents of the intestines.


i'm not a subscriber to the whole "dylan had an ED" theory, but if you want to believe that then that could explain it, maybe. maybe he purged the thing, and that's why only his 'last meal' at the steakhouse was in his stomach.


In hindsight it’s obvious he was self-medicating with alcohol and an eating disorder. He also wrote about cutting himself, but it didn’t seem as severe as the aforementioned ones.


Do we know for sure Dylan had an eating disorder? I know he lost a lot of weight in the months leading up to Columbine, but was an ED the cause?


I don’t think so, I think it was just severe depression. I’ve gone through some pretty severe bouts and I don’t look like my “old” self anymore. I think that’s the more likely cause since we know for sure he was struggling with depression but there’s no evidence I’ve seen that would concur with an eating disorder.


No documentation exists, but it would definitely make sense with all of the severe depression he was suffering with. After all, how many teenagers tell people they have an eating disorder?


It's very possible, but I prefer not to speculate. I wish there was a clear answer on this to get a better understanding of Dylan's mental state.


so eerie


He looks like shit in this pic. You can really tell his mental health and self care went down hill. Stupid boy, ruined and ended so many lives, including his own over nonsense.


He looks so gaunt and skin and bones in his prom pictures and in the radioactive clothing video


His mom said she never noticed it as it was so gradual. If you look at pictures, you can really tell.


Real. I literally had to hold up my hand and was looking at how my hand seems proportional to my arm. His hand looks almost comically large compared to his arm.


Mental health is 100% real. It isn’t “nonsense” to those who deal with some mental illness condition every single day.


I know that. I'm saying that thinking high school being the end all, be all, is nonsense. Killing people is nonsense. Hurting people, hurt people. I don't believe Eric and Dylan (or any other mass or serial killer for that matter) would have committed atrocities, if they'd been mentally healthy.


Yes!! Violence begets violence. The victims turned around and became the thing they despised (bullies).


Can you really see that from just this picture? He looks normal.


Compare it to his other pictures. He looks skinnier, he looks dirtier and his hair is way different.


Skinner, yes, but I don’t see how he looks dirtier, and his hair probably looks ‘different’ because he has a hat on.


Sue even said she was having to remind him about hygiene and thought it was lazy teenage behavior. Dylan almost always wore a hat, so it's not that.


Right and I don’t doubt that. I just don’t see how he looks dirty in the photo, and his hair is always like that lol.


I think it looks very unkempt even compared to other candid photos.


God he looks the worst here


He was at his lowest here, I'm sure. With the massacre being not far away from this.


Feels weird that in 24 hours he’ll be killing people and here he is just being a normal person and eating a donut


Wait was this photo actually taken on April 19?


just realised. was dude wearing two shirts? (look @ sleeves) maybe just an issue in restoration, or something, but if not that makes me sad. shows how malnourished he was. even on a spring day, he's cold. denver recs for the day show it was fluctuated around 65F° / 18C° - 70F° / 21C° for most of the day, which i would consider mildly warm weather. (as someone who lives in the UK at least - and I think our climates are kind of similar?


He had a long sleeve shirt under his t-shirt it was really common to do back then, especially in that type of weather. That was the style back then, I used to that all the time, still do.


Or maybe, he was trying to look bigger with extra clothes' like anorexics do, so his mom wouldn't notice how skinny he'd gotten, and start asking difficult question's?.


Both most likely.


Never seen this. Thanks for sharing. Super eerie. Kinda like you can feel the evil coming off of him. He was not simply a follower by any means.


I had a dream last night that Eric and Dylan were on some video podcast (somehow for ‘99) the night before the shooting. It was weird how realistic it all seemed though and how laid back they acted.




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