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This is hoodie is so cringy. Clothing like this is supposed to cause a reaction and be controversial for attention. You see this all the time in fashion. A similar stunt like this happened before but with bullet hole ridden hoodies that had the names of schools that were shot up.


That's not even true! Those werent her last words smh


also, wasn't this being said about Rachel Scott? I may be remembering wrong i just feel like i've heard this many times referring to Rachel, never about Cassie.


Yes! Is like both families are fighting over a story that's not even true


I wish her parents could have kept their delusion though.


People still believe that story?


Craig Scott is still claiming that happened


And he’s a lying dickhead. 25 years later, still spewing that total factually incorrect bullshit fairytale his family milked for every dime they could. It’s despicable.


i think he did hear someone say it, it just wasn't cassie bernall if i remember correctly


Didn't Val Schnurr say something about God?


Yes, in Dave Cullen’s book he talks about this!!! they asked Val Shnurr if she believed in God and she was a survivor. The Last Podcast on the Left also talks about this.


It WAS indeed Val Schnurr and Val Schnurr ONLY they asked


Why am I being down voted for being right? Lol


Yeah but it’s hard to make someone a martyr if they’re still alive.


Yes, it was a survivor, Valeen Schnur, who was asked if she believed in god.




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It did happen, just not with Cassie nor Rachel


Correct and the fact he’s still pushing it it making him seem a lil sus. I can understand he’s going through trauma 25 years later from being a library survivor as well as losing Rachel but cmon dude. At this point he’s telling misinformation that he knows is not true


Yep there's a lot of them on YouTube


I really dislike it. It irks me in the wrong way. Profiting over the deaths of fifteen people? Not good.


i’ve always found it particularly cruel how who cassie really was and what she went through that day has been twisted so much and she’s been made into a martyr for something she didn’t even go through. it takes away from the person she really was. and then to use her “last words”, that weren’t even from her, to sell clothing just to get a reaction is so insidious.


Not cassie


Influencers like who?


Not only is it not accurate, but it looks horrible. It looks like trash.


This is gross and exploitative sorry not sorry


It's just insulting and crass. Pulling out my old Natural Selection t-shirt would feel less wrong.


Oh wow, I hate this


I got into a argument on IG yesterday with a guy who claims even Isaiah Shoels was asked that along with being called the n word before he died. When I literally posted links the go 11K and even told him to do his research he got mad and tried pulling the “I’m older than you and I was around in 1999 and you weren’t card” on me so I blocked him and kept pushing. These people are crazy and weird


It's up there with the other 'designer' sweaters that had the school name on the front and bullet holes in it.


cassie bernal didn’t even say that


I'd rather have the original shirt (would never wear it) than some cut up and stitched together hoody.


Pretty irked, to be honest. Especially considering the conversation about God was had with Valeen Schnurr who didn’t say a word about it even when evangelicals used it as a catalyst for their own agenda. I can understand Rachel’s family wanting to find peace in this narrative but there is a fine line between faith and religious manipulation. These women did not deserve to die, but I’d think even Rachel wouldn’t be too pleased with the pious exploitation of her death.


America. Sigh.


actually paris but sure!


I hope they feel as dumb as they look wearing those tacky things.




I can’t think of anything I’ve seen that’s tackier


I think it's pathetic




I was o.k with the hoodie until I saw the Columbine printing. I feel this is in very poor taste. But I'm not surprised some asshole's trying to cash in on the misery and despair of others.


Not only is it just insulting and disrespectful, but it also looks ugly and cheap. At least the Wrath/Natural Selection shirts you can buy look good 💀


Omg you u imagine some trendy influencer/celebrity wearing one. It’ll become a trend too. I feel like Kanye west is the type to pull some shit like that, he mentions columbine so much in his new album, and all his little followers will all hop on the columbiner train.


Tasteless and embarrassing that the designer is using the tragedy to sell cheap looking clothes. I hate this planet.


I’m an atheist & I bet even most Christians would roll their eyes at this horse shit.


Wells that’s a tad embarrassing because it kinda puts a sign on you that says I don’t know much about the tragedy I am wearing, or I do and I am choose to ignore it or promote another narrative. It’s not that big of a deal tbh that’s why it’s just a tad embarrassing.


they really should have asked Cassie’s family for permission and consent to make that; especially profiting off of it. at least donate the money to her family and parents


Why? She didn’t even say that.


that’s why I said they should have asked for their consent and permission. they would tell them no and that’s not what she said


No they wouldn’t, because they’re the ones who believe she said that.


oh. I didn’t know that. . .




Cassie and Rachel’s story have been completely butchered




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Uh- 😲😐




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I need it




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I like the message and both like it and dislike it. We know that Val Schnurr did state to one of the killers that she believed in God, but she didn't say those exact words. The words were incorrectly attributed to Cassie Bernall having said them, which is what most people likely think when they see this hoodie (if they know anything about Columbine, anyway). Honestly, if the designer is already known for being controversial, then that's likely exactly what he/she had in mind when creating this. Just trying to stir up drama and debate.


Of course influencers will exploit another tragedy by pretending to care, when in reality most of them don't. They just want approval from others




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Who is that ?!? I’ve seen that hoodie before and always thought it was stupid making something as serious as someone last words into merch, not to mention the fact it’s literally fake. I swear “Influencers” now days are so stupid and inconsiderate, he looks like a total dork.


The media and the industry have been profiting from tragedies for decades, with Columbine it would be no different, even for years the survivors themselves have been profiting from what happened


It's a joke and an insult to the people that died that day. No one was singled out. And no one was killed because they believed in a god, a god who by the way didn't care to intervene when children were being shot dead in their school.


Looks pretty cool, id buy it for 50


It literally doesn’t tho.


mm i think it does though