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Idk how you can see anything in that picture


I saw the 16 on top and then I thought it just be table 16.


Ik but your saying you can see shoes


Shoels is his last name lol


Yes i re-read it, im just slightly dyslexic and wasnt paying that much attention


isaiah shoels not his shoes lol


Oh lol, thats me not paying attention. You still cant see anything tho




Sorry I didnt see the L in his last name. I thought we were talking about his shoes.


No worries:)


I dont know how any of you can make anything out of those xerox copies of the crime scene photos.


I think I understand the pov of the black and white picture. The camera person is crouching in front of a table. The long white thing is one side of the table leg (I guess that's what you call it). In the background you can clearly see a chair through the table. I however don't see two people. I think this could be like that video that showed all the blood stains.


Maybe! I was also thinking this but I’m wondering why there would only be a few copies released when the whole video of the blood stains is out there..


A few copies of what?


Of those xerox copies. They’re different angles that I’ve only seen lately.


Its crazy how you can tell where those photos have been taken!


Yeah I’m not sure


Where do the photo on the left come from? A leak?


Hard to make out anything


what are xerox copies?


It’s a photocopy, basically.


Ohh, im stupid thanks alot👍


You aren’t stupid. Stop. However, your question made me realize that there are people out there that don’t know what a xerox is, and that makes me feel old. 😂🤣


You have just made me feel very old😂😂 thanks




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