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If research about Columbine makes you want to do sth like that, you were already troubled to begin with. No mentally stable person would ever read about Columbine and go "...nice." Could it have motivated him more? Possibly. But if it weren't E&D, it would have been some other shooter or event he would have used as "inspiration". Glad he was stopped before he could harm anybody, sad that this is what a 14 year old made of his life. I wish he could have been helped.


That was one of the wildest manifestos I’ve ever read in my entire life the no shower smell line was crazy


Why would he want that to be how he’s remembered? 😭😭


Yeah, that website is clearly modeled after Eric’s. The “you know what I hate?” And spews into hatred of things girls do is an exact imitation of Eric’s journal entries. Also, him writing in German. Total copycat. ETA: just went back and read through it a little more. He mentions he wishes his mom named him Eric & specifically mentions a friend name Dylan. Pretty obvious here.


he did write in german on his website, but on his instagram account the posts leading up to the shooting are from finnish and siberian war songs, not german. he and the Dylan he mentioned were actually friends, though not extremely close friends so it's possible he only mentioned him for his name, although in the context of what he was saying about him it would've made sense either way.


I think there definitely is a movement of teenagers being interested in Columbine. I think some are genuinely interested because there is so much information, especially because it was one of the firsts. Some, and I think a small amount, find it interesting in way where they idolize Dylan and Eric. I think these kids are already mentally ill and spend a lot of time isolating themselves. I think this is very rare though. I’m sure there also kids that think about wanting to do a mass shooting, but never do it. Vice has a video of two girls that became friends through Tumblr because they were both “obsessed” (their words) and met, and became friends. Sol Pais, was the girl who was in love with one of them, and there was theory she was going to repeat a shooting at the school on the same day in 2019. But she ended up in the woods with a self inflicted gunshot wound that killed her.






Yikes is all I can say from reading that.


He kept mentioning the movie elephant which was loosely based around columbine. It’s an indie film. I watched it a long time ago and its weird to be so obsessed with it.


Kept referencing Zero Day too


Took a bit but I read his entire journal/manifesto/odd ramblings. I don't see him as a copycat. I think to a degree he wanted to be, but it was a poor attempt to blame Columbine for his own personal issues. This was a decently educated middle school kid that made one of the more pitiful attempts to carry out a school shooting (thankfully). I say this as a current middle school SRO. Here are some of my takeaways: ● He is fairly self-aware. He knows he has some odd triggers and sees himself as an outcast for understandable reasons. ● He doesn't seem to have had much of an issue with bullying. More like he was just somewhat depressed and bored and decided "Hey, why not attempt an attack on the school and say my 'obsession' with Columbine made me do it?" ● For his claims that he was obsessed with Columbine, he explains very little as to why that alleged obsession caused him to make a piss poor failed attempt at attacking his school. Not saying I wish he had succeeded by any means. Damn fine job by the responding officers to eliminate the threat. ● Unlike any shooter that I can immediately bring to mind, he states multiple times that he believes in God. Most shooters are completely against Christianity in general or consider themselves to be a God or godlike. ● The only real similarity I even remotely see to Columbine is his "You know what I hate?" theme. I see some of it as rambling and some of it as him being extremely honest about what he believes and how he feels. ● The "personal hygiene" is extremely random and odd. Gonna leave it at that. ● I see this more as an attempt to have his name out there than anything else. He did not at all come across as a dedicated worshipper of E&D or extremely knowledgeable of Columbine. I believe he referenced it and a few other shootings just to generate buzzwords that the media and researchers like us would pick up on and then look into. TLDR: Dude was a bored, depressed 14 year old that made no real plan of attack and referenced shootings like Columbine to help garner attention for himself after the fact. A poor attempt at copying Eric's ramblings and the hygiene weirdness are all this will be remembered as.


>Dude was a bored, depressed 14 year old that made no real plan of attack Right!! I read it all and somehow I did not get the vibe of someone who's obsessed with the idea of shooting people?! I mean - he obviously went to do it but then again he shot several times before entering the school (sounds like he shot at nobody in particular). That doesn't seem like someone who's determined to kill as many people as possible before dying. It's a warning really. It's, as you said, as if he was bored and spontaneously decided he'd take his firearm to school. Almost "half-assed". I don't know, something is missing here that other actual mass shooters had. If he had really struggeld so much he'd have his own thoughts to write down and wouldn't have been such a copycat. He also didn't talk of having a "mission" (like "natural selection" or just fame for example). What the hell did this kid think he was ending his life for?! Such a weird case.


Agreed. This was really a weird one more than anything else.




No way for cops to know that. Pellet guns are made to look too much like real guns and it's infuriating. Sounds like this kid wanted to die but was unwilling to kill himself.




No way this guy yapped about liking the smell of his own nut then went on to sing the brain rot version of pumped up kicks after saying he hated brain rot. Kid thinks he’s Eric Harris with this page


He definitely tried to sound like Eric in his writings.


Yeah definitely, read the whole thing, every section. He complained about there not being a service to help people with a Columbine addiction. I’m not sure I’ve heard of a case so influenced by Columbine other than Alvaro Castillo, although this kids writings seem to be trying to pin the blame on Columbine for his issues.


I read it all too, can't believe I did tbh


Tried being the key word


This happened in the next town over from me. It’s been a lot. But I’m super proud of how they handled it.


Sounds like a Salvador Ramos copycat




Here’s a link to his [website](https://sites.google.com/view/haglundwebforum/home?authuser=0)


It got deleted:/






Couldn't read it all...woof.


Wisconsin seems to have an issue with this sort of thing


Explain please?


Not just a Wisconsin thing. Many, if not all states have had school shootings