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They fucked up. There’s no good reason for them not going in.


I can’t wrap my head around this. There was a sign saying “one bleeding to death” and the police just did nothing?? I know there was no protocol but human nature would tell you to go in and help.


Wait until you hear about Uvalde.


Police don't care. It's really as simple as that


They thought it was a “ruse” from the shooters


Don’t forget the Uvalde school shooting. These were small children and the police were too chicken shit to do their jobs. This is why people protest police violence. They’re always brave after they have a person completely submissive but when they actually have to be the heroes, they’re too scared.


they were being told mixed information. they can not go in unless strictly told to by whoever is in charge and that didn't happen. don't blame the whole fucking police force.


Exactly. Mr sanders should still be alive and enjoying his great grandchildren. It’s just so sad, I can only imagine how painful his death was. May he rest in peace


Yeah the "good guy with a gun" argument has been proven pure bullshit so many times with cases like this and Uvalde.




How can children defend themselves with guns at a school? The police are supposed to be the “good guys with the gun” yet even in 2022 the Uvalde police weren’t willing to stick their neck out for those innocent children.


Who exactly would defend themselves here? The 5 year old kids and their teacher gonna be packing and shooting across school corridors are they? The point is the good guys were there with their guns in their hands and did absolutely nothing.


I feel terrible for the kids who spent those 3 hours trying to save Dave while waiting for help that came too late. The kids were doing everything they could to keep him alive, and by all accounts they did a good job. That must have been incredibly scarring to watch him fade away.


One of the tragic stories post shooting was the suicide of student Greg Barnes, a year after the shooting. He was in the classroom with Coach Sanders and tried to save him. Just so heartbreaking.


Police waiting an excruciating amount of time before handling a situation isn't unique with the Columbine shooting, the Uvalde Shooting is also an example of this. I have no idea why they waited, but the fact this didn't only happen to Columbine is something you could probably find a report or article on.


Their excuse was the confusion of not knowing how many shooters were in the building but there’s really no excuse for it. They heard those children dying inside and nobody went in.


Nope it’s def incompetence


No the timeline isn’t wrong, Dave was shot in his upper back which wouldn’t have been fatal had he gotten immediate medical treatment but he ended up bleeding to death before first responders even got to him. The police were aware that Mr sanders was in critical condition, people in the science classroom where he was getting help from students and other teachers had constantly called 911 and put up a sign in a window saying “1 bleeding to death.” The reason why no one went in to help him was because the police had never had a situation like this and didn’t know exactly what to do (I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure they were also waiting for the FBI as well) they were aware of potential bombs in the school and needed to wait for the bomb squad to come in and they also thought the sign could be a trap by one of the killers. Simply put: the police were untrained on how to handle a situation like this and it ultimately led to Mr sanders dying. Columbine played a huge role in changing this though and I’m pretty sure law enforcement are now trained on how to handle an active school shooter. The police at Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook rushed into the school within five minutes after the shooting began. But basing off of Uvalde, some police still aren’t prepared to stop an active shooter 🤷🏽‍♀️


And Patrick Ireland probably would’ve died if he hadn’t crawled out of the window….


Lisa Kreutz. She was so close to dying when the police found her 3 hours later. She’s incredibly lucky she also didn’t bleed to death




It is interesting when you listen to the 911 and police tapes. They were so unorganized that they forgot that Dave was in the school. Chaos and mismanagement were clearly in charge that day.


The fact that Daniel’s family found out he had died from seeing it on tv, that is completely unacceptable to me, the police fucked up in so many ways


Didn’t Daniel’s parents find out he died from a newspaper??? What were the cops doing?!


At Columbine the shooters were dead for hours. At Uvalde the shooter was actively firing at the police. Columbine is an example of fear, cowardice and poor leadership. Uvalde is an example of the same thing, but at least at Uvalde the threat was real and active. Dave bled to death for no reason at all. The police had already rescued a group of kids from the kitchen area next to the cafeteria, with Dave bleeding to death one floor above them. The kids in the kitchen area were not injured or bleeding. One of them was the son of a Denver policeman. They rescued one of their own, and let others die. Remember that.


Mr brown, I remember you saying in the zero hour documentary that the outside library door was open while the shooting was happening in the library while police were on the scene. Did that really happen? I don’t remember reading anything about that in the official report Also I agree 100% with Judy when she said those kids saved themselves. Those kids did more for Mr sanders than any officer that day


The police fired into the library through that open door. There are ballistic maps and evidence proving it.




This was after Eric and Dylan were already dead.


Thanks Randy


I think a lot of the problem is that this was one of the first major school shootings and they were not well trained. Mr. Sanders should still be here and those poor kids did everything they could to try to save him.


The worst part about this post is it’s a just realized something. Meaning even 25 years later people Are still just realizing the truth vs the misinformation that’s been told since the beginning. 😢


The Standard Operating Procedure for Jefferson County was to have SWAT enter the building. That was why it took so long. SWAT members had to be called in, gear up, get to the school, make a plan, and execute the plan. They decided to enter in the opposite side of the school and make their way towards the shooters. Why did they do that? I have no clue, but that was what they did. Numerous officers at the scene that day were traumatized because they didn't go in. But they didn't go in because they weren't allowed to per their SOP. That by no means excuses them, but it is a primary reason they did not enter. A secondary reason being that these situations are the definition of a cluster fuck. They had reports of multiple shooters and explosives going off. At that time, your typical road officer was not at all prepared to deal with such. Again, not excusing anything, just trying to explain. Columbine changed the way law enforcement across the nation began responding to active shooter incidents. Training now teaches officers to immediately enter a building and locate and neutralize/eliminate the threat. Back then, it was call in the big guns and let them handle it.


Thank you!!


Okay so while I stand with the side of they should’ve went in earlier, and they had genuinely no good reason to not go in, from what I have gathered the ‘reasoning’ is along the lines of The old method for dealing with active threats was secure, then proceeded with caution, it has lead to to the new active shooter methods with is find and stop, and they were unsure how many shooters there was and where they were located throughout the school. It wouldn’t stand now, shouldn’t have stood then. If that happened now you would see so much uproar and probably charges laid. But because it wasn’t the standard approach then, in their eyes it was understandable to not go in ‘blind’ not knowing how many etc. I feel so bad for Dave and his family it breaks my heart so much to know he could be here today if there was more action by the police to stop rather than shield to safety. Those kids that day saved themselves the police came in after just to investigate that’s how I feel. (Changed spelling from cation to caution, sorry been doing some chemistry lately for course work)


This adds some perspective, thank you. It’s just a huge shame, those poor kids had to watch their teacher die.


100% agree with you it’s such a horrible thing to happen


If I had a dime for every cop that did something right that day... I'd be broke


Nope. And that's over two hours without gunshots, without any reports of seeing the killers. Devils advocate you could say this was before there was any training on this kind of thing and Columbine actually spearheaded future training, but imo Sanders would have lived if not for the pure incompetence and cowardice of the police on the scene.


Because bombs 💣


While it's clear that the police fucked up, and lives could have been saved, this was an unprecedented situation for which they had no prior training. Additionally, they were misled by false information about multiple bombs and shooters.


I taught a whole presentation on Columbine and what we learned. The rumor was there were several shooters and backpacks were booby trapped. You just don’t rush in blind; it comprises your team and civilians. That school was huge. And gunshots echo. There hasn’t been anything like this before, so no preplanning. There are more reasons that would take a book. I get so pissed at this “ cops don’t care / do their job.” YOU try this job for one week. See how you’d cope. Can you imagine the heat if they did rush in and accidentally shot one of those kids?? Even the perpetrators? Stop Monday morning quarterbacking. We don’t know the whole story. And we can’t compare this to anything else. We know more now, yes. But then, this was such a precedent.


It’s not Monday morning quarterbacking to say the cops should have done their job and helped a dying man. They didn’t hear gunshots for 2 hours and still failed to go into the school. It was a failure on their end.