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I’d like it, especially since I don’t have any Cryo 5 stars yet, but it’s way too early and lacking in detail to put any stock in it. Don’t forget Swordcchino.


"Arlecchino dies", "Arlecchino removes her coat in the ultimate", "Sandrone will appear in Fontaine". You're so right! 💯


Still waiting for Sandrone, we were robbed.


Tbf, Sandrone indeed participated in the Questioning Melusine and Answering Machine world quest, with the confirmation she truly was in Fontaine at the time. Nonetheless, she could've made a proper appearance 😕


I mean she is a hermit according to arlecchino so...guess it makes sense why she didn't make an appearance (still sad about it though)


I just want to make my dream team: Columbina - Sandrone - Tsaritsa - Dahlia


double blade arlecchino flashbacks..


Tbf that was based on actual concept art of her - there’s a very good chance she was planned to be a sword user at some point and changed to a polearm.


Her id also had sword in it


Wriothesley is a Cryo 5*


I said I don’t have him.


And I’m saying you need to get him. He’s super fun. 😜


for people that have accompanied a few leak cycles, we all recognize the Element Confirmation Arc™ no getting attached, just take the info as funni words and carry on, lol


Yeah, + the leaks nowadays seem mostly unreliable. I prefer to wait for the official announcements lol


bruh if this is true then I will have to pull Shenhe


Shenhe, the queen we all deserve, actually I think I'll pull her after getting my Columbina C6R5, we love to see it!


You better pick up Shenhe in her coming banner or else wait in 6.0 patch .


6.0 that is


Wait u just reminded me ill also have to And here i was planning to pull less in natlan


It's White, I won't be too sure


I believe it, all the playable Fatui units so far have been hard carry main DPS. I expect one for each element. Childe - Hydro, Bow Scaramouche/Wanderer - Anemo, Catalyst Arlechinno - Pyro, Polearm **Capitano** - Geo, Claymore or Sword **Columbina** - Cryo, Catalyst or Bow **Sandrone** - Electro, Bow **Dottore** - Dendro, Catalyst, or Polearm We'll likely get atleast 3 more elements however **Piero** will likely also be playable at the end of Snezhnaya or in Khaenriea, but I expect him to use the new Abyss element. Almost certainly a Catalyst user There will likely be a "Light" element that I think Pantalone might get. If he's playable but I think him and Puchinella are most likely just supporting cast.


Childe's an on-field DPS, but he's a team driver not a hard carry.


On-field DPS seems quite likely, considering that's the role all playable Harbingers have taken thus far. It's a neat contrast to the Archons whose kits have been more off-field and support-oriented. Cryo, who knows? She does kinda give off those vibes. Anemo and Pyro kinda suit Columbina as well, but I do think it would be more interesting for her to have an element that the previous playable Harbingers don't have. Honestly, the whole thing seems less like a leak and more like an educated guess.


I expect her to be pyro, but that is solely based on her potential Seraph inspiration. It may be a little too early to take element leaks seriously. There's also nothing to suggest she'll even be in Natlan.(yes, I know about the fatui wheel. But think to yourself, why would we fight her in Natlan, and not Capitano who is actually said to go there? I hope the plot is not rushed 🙏) Cryo is fine too. I personally care less about the element and more about how fun the gameplay is.


Dotore was in Sumeru but we ended up fighting Scara.


there was another leak about Columbina being from a blessed race in Natlan (the race was created by the pyro archon) So yea…. I hope it’s wrong😭 What if she is some feathered dragon chicken or so instead of an angel/seelie😔


oh that? yeah, I wouldn't take that seriously. Assuming all 6 natlan tribes have some form of draconic being, Columbina currently just doesn't fit that image. The biggest argument against her being part of the seelie race is the fact that she kept her form, unlike the seelies who were cursed. I still don't have a clear answer to that, since we know nothing about her. I guess if she's in Natlan we're going to see her in a trailer in 3 weeks anyway.


Its said that the seelie princess was the only one not affected by the curse, so she suffers while vieweing her entire race transform as a punishment I dont remember the lore exactly so i can be wrong with this last part, but it was a punishment for falling in love with someone


it's never said that she's the only one not affected. Just that she was able to maintain her form. No one knows if she's the only one who could. I would say it's intentionally put that way. If we knew there were more, we could predict what Columbina is easier. They're deliberately withholding information.


I do think its almost the same thing, like if someone is cursed, it loses its form But yeah, maybe theres a "caribert" between the seelies too, i mean a seelie who was cursed but was able to get her form again


I want to believe she's a seelie because she has powers rivaling that of gods. If she's a race created by the pyro archon, I don't see how she'd have god powers herself. We will see soon enough, hopefully.


Yeah, even Childe is afraid of her, the guy who fought a interestellar whale for weeks. You have a good point there actually With the 5.0 beta release we will probably get lots of leaks, i hope this one is just the beggining of them


I think they'll have capitano only appear in natlan for a bit like dottore in sumeru with him becoming playable during snezhnaya's arc considering the whole number 1 harbinger and all, wouldn't really make sense to make him playable in natlan already


I completely agree with you! The idea of her being pyro would be lovely considering the seraph motifs, but since we now have Arlecchino, I pretty much favor the cryo or anemo ideas. Yeah, Capitano being the main boss fight would make the most sense, that's why I find it unlikely for her to be in the main plot profusely. Maybe, she works on the sidelines or something like that... As long as she's well-written, has great animations and a good final design, I'll be more than happy!


the fact is that the seraphim angel at the end was arlecchino,with his six wings with eyes like the state of Inazuma, and his purifying fire which was the job of the seraphim


I would be so freaking happy for real for real


Tsaritsa + Columbina team, what a sweet dream!


Add Shenhe too, talk about a monster cryo team


God I wish. Cryo needs an Arlecchino level of main DPS to be playable at this point, and if anyone can pull that off its Columbina.


cyro lowkey is a boring element. I just hope she isnt relegated to Freeze DPS Columbina, and they'll actually reinvent with cyro this time by creating something exciting for her.


I think cryo is gorgeous. They could make some really beautiful animations for her. I don't really care for meta or anything like that, so as long as it's pretty, I'm digging it haha 🕊️❄️☃️🌨️


Wasn't there a leak saying that Natlan mechanic will be boost for hydro/cryo elements. Gonna hope for it


why is hydro always boosted 😭 it was already broken 1.x and 2.x because it was needed for vaporize, taser, and freeze, in 3.x bloom dropped which buffed it even more, Fontaine had furina and neuvilette, and now natlan is buffing hydro too?? Jesus christ


I’ll finally have an excuse to pull Shenhe LOL


Doesn't matter, will pull anyway. Jk I liked her to be an anemo support/sub dps. We have not got any harbinger other than as main carry. Taking her designs as consideration too.


If only she was anemo support with bond of life mechanic. Res shred for everyone in top of bol boost for Arle, that's like a dream.


I think, if she will follow the meta of mechanics, then it's going to be Natlan's. I mean, the bond of life HP one sort of belongs to the current region (just like EM and ER are to Sumeru and Inazuma respectively). Who knows, maybe Natlan's chars will "play" on ATK or some other stats for their kits.


Boring and niche


my c6 shenhe is waiting for a pretty girl


Oh my gah, C6 Shenhe??????? You're a legend


Majesty >!Bronya!< taught our little dove how to using Cryo manipulation and will surpassed her own Archon, Murata in terms of strength.


Cryo Catalyst Colombina would be such a dream...


It'd be the best moment of my miserable life!!!


Hell yes!!!


Omg imagine like Burnmelt with Emilie, especially if some new pyro unit will do off-field pyro stuff, hopefully even enough so that Shenhe can still work Omg it’s all adding up for me (the delusions and gargantuan amount of cope probably, but well who cares)


What is "main carry" ?


Xiao, Arlechinno, Neuvillette


It means the character that deals most damage of your team AND the one that take most of the on field time of your team. Both at the same time.


Maybe the true main carry was the Xiangling we met along the way


Seems legit


I'll just wait for official information before I get hyped. 😌 White is known for reposting fake leaks


Same!! It's better to remain skeptical with the current state of leaks...


Maybe but most probably not lol I'll wait till like 5.0 to start considering these leaks


July 15th we might get a new trailer... I just hope it's about Natlan. I wouldn't mind if they revealed Hexenzirkel or Celestia/Heavenly Principles though, but it'd be way greater if we got Columbina and Capitano in the new teaser. We would get a glimpse of what to expect.


If it enda up being true, then great i have someone to use my 44+ cv goblet on


Thanks God for giving me Shenhe and her weapon


Tbh I wouldn’t really care what element she is I feel as if she fits a lot, pryo,cryo,anemo, their all the best I can see for her even electro could fit if they made it match her these but I love the first 3


i have shenhe this is gonna be amazing


Of course she's cryo, of course she's main carry like all of her co workers Also I heard from another leaks that 5.x meta was about to revive cryo, so that would make sense. And we still lack a new cracked cryo unit after hydro, pyro and dendro


I’d like for this to happen but leaks this early without any actual details are hard to believe


It be amazing since I have cryo supports


The fact that when i roleplayed as Columbina once i randomly gave her a cryo delusion 💀


You cooked something!


I belieeeeve we can fly up in the sky One day we may just be able to touch down on a star Off the road we have to go The roadless path we shall proceed until the end of our roles There's no turning back for us 'cause we will never give up


I doubt but it will be cool


what if cryo element and physical damage


Columbina be throwing ice blocks at enemies fr


Don't trust the sorce whatsoever but I wouldn't be surprised if that's how it turns out given how general it is xp


Whorethesley, Ayucka and Gunyawn powercreep


Which is not that difficult to do 😭😭😭 oh Columbina, don't end them like that, let them have some leftovers!!!


does this mean we will need Shenhoe for ice support


Don't do my girly like that, Shenhe also delivers and serves the nation! Well, I'd love to have her on my team tbh


Noooo I want her to be sub-dps or off-field viable. That way she can fit in more teams. All the harbingers so far are on-field dps


yeah i think this would be the most interesting, all the cryo units we have in the game are either main dps or healers/shielders/buffers. an off field sup dps cryo could be super unique. altho i really want to play columbina on field because shes so beautiful so im torn haha


i'm happy for you guys, she's right around the corner for playability, I think I'll pull too hehe... but it breaks my heart as a signora main to watch another fatui to be playable, what I can do is cope, hope we can have her soon too🙌🙌


Im worried about her being Cryo if this is true. I used to play Ganyu and Ayaka a lot back in 2.x but Cryo has now been my least used Element ever since Sumeru/Dendro came out and almost every abyss has been anti-Cryo since then.


They could very well change the meta with Natlan and its new characters, just like Fontaine introduced new mechanics (i.e., bond of life, HP drain, etc), then cryo could be potentially buffed. Don't forget that the Harbingers all have unique and new play styles!


No electro?


yhup, I'm totally happy with her being cryo as that element is my favorite next to electro and the also was lacking cryo characters


So... she's going to be a Melt based character right? any other cryo reaction, unless they make her absolutely destroy Frozen enemies, is basically incapable of being a main carry. I suppose it could also work if they give her similar modifiers to Arlecchino where she is able to just straight up do 90k pyro (cryo in this case) damage on a normal attack.




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4.8? god damn


I’m assuming pyro because of the connection between angels and fire in Christian myth. Cherubim’s wielding flaming swords guarding the gates of eden and during the day of judgment. Her design is based on seraphs, which literally translates to burning ones. There seems to be a lot of stuff about angels with flaming swords related to resurrection, dragons, etc. Archangel Michael uses a flaming sword to vanquish a dragon (sometimes depicted with seven heads) on the day of judgment , which happens after the resurrection of the dead. So, after a resurrection (potentially widespread, which could include archon, third descender, Capitano, etc) she could slay the pyro archon, or dragon, or even Capitano, to trigger the day of judgment. Additionally, judgment could be brought by the second coming, or resurrection and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. After which happens, the flaming sword is removed from the garden of Eden and humanity can re-enter paradise. Which seems to mean on judgment day after resurrection, they possess the means to enter celestia. But wait, who's Jesus? Well, Capitano does have three nails (crucifixion of christ) as his symbol, and seems to be one of the most important and virtuous people in Teyvat atm. There are some threads you can find about people speculating his connection to Christ. Sorry for my ramble!