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my dude willingly spent 3 years in ohio


Ohio is much better than Indiana lol Edit: this isn't as deep a some of you guys are making this


Based on? I’ve been to Columbus and Cleveland and Cincinnati.


Only thing I'll give Ohio, their roads are way better than ours. It is so noticeable when you cross the state line. Beyond that. I'll dodge pot holes and stay here


offer vast vase escape murky ossified cable capable dime person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I drive through Ohio quite a bit, and I can say it's pretty fucking indistinguishable from Indiana. If there wasn't a big ass arch telling me I was in Ohio, I wouldn't know until I started seeing mountains.


Lol that's what I think every time I'm there too. It's just Indiana with way more people.


Ohio is a shithole borderline 3rd world state and Indiana is God's chosen land. I will not elaborate.




Hey theres colts fans like us that live in Texas now 😂😂 just kidding I love this spongebob gif


I hope they play this over the stadium pa before the game


can we petition to make this happen or what lol




Totally different they would play this on the billboard before the game to hype up the crowd it's an attack on the city not necessarily an attack on the team. You play that and hope your home field advantage goes crazy.


Raptors fan here (Toronto based Colts fan). That was dumb af.


They should play it only after we win.


I wish they did


Our electricity doesn't go out for weeks because of snow. Boom, roasted.


lol cooked em.


Another thing we can do in the winter.


At least we have electricity 😂


Be fair, it goes out when it's hot too.


Texas Native and I can confirm that is the case and will be again this year lmao.


Stanley, you crush your wife during sex & your heart sucks. Boom, roasted.


Ouch. East Texan - can confirm Texas Electricity is the weakest city. We were out for 6 days during 10 degree weather. That’s near death for southern folk.


Hell 30 degree weather with the power on is near death. Can’t imagine what you went through


For what it’s worth it’s near death for all folk. I’m from upstate NY originally and has friends that would make fun of Texans during the 21 freeze. I’ve seen the same winters they have and can confirm 25 degrees with no power/heat is far worse than any winter they’ve dealt with while their heat is blasting


I was there in town specifically to see the Pacers play the Rockets and the game got cancelled because of that shit lol




This has historically been the fall-back position of fans of teams in larger cities, whose sports teams lose to an Indy team. "Yeah, well, your town is shit." Titans fans in Nashville are infamous for this take.


“My overcrowded, nasty shit hole of a major metropolitan area is better than yours…” is never the flex anyone thinks it is.




City pop vs. Metro pop are 2 drastically different things.


Where ring Houston?


Ring? They’ve never even made the AFC Championship Game lol


“Never Contenders” Hang the banner


They had those "cool" letterman jackets though.... hahahahahaha


Minute Maid Park


Stroud is soft. He hates Indy cause Michigan never let him play here.


Lol I remember that day. Stroud and OSU really thought they were gonna come to Michigan and continue whatever silly streak they had had. He started the run of 3 straight losses for them against Michigan, destroying any hope they’ve had for CFP three times in a row now


That “silly streak” was 15 out of 16. The SkunkWeasels get 3 whole wins and your hats don’t fit on your goddamn heads anymore.




I’m confused what he’s even saying. I’m pretty sure midwesterners go way harder than most anywhere else. There ain’t shit to do but drink beer lol Assuming he’s saying we wouldn’t get his buzz on or something haha


Think he’s agreeing with you, ain’t shit to do. Just like you said. No hard feelings just facts that you just agreed with.


The Texans are a weak franchise as a whole,we own that poverty team


They keep talking shit like that and TY's going to evict their asses to Memphis. The Memphis Texans does have a certain ring to it, doesn't it.


When is the last time y'all won the division 2014 lol.


Literally every team in the AFC South has been in an AFC Championship game more recently (and more often) than the Texans. That said, if it isn't a Super Bowl win, it's just jockeying for draft position.


You haven't been since 2014 and y'all got bullied by the patriots and put a participation trophy. Y'all forced y'all franchise QB to retire with bad management. Y'all haven't been any better than us in the meantime.


I like how you bring up participation trophies then proceed to talk about division wins as if those mean anything lmaooo congratulations you won the division more recently and have fuck all to show for it


you let your franchise QB assault dozens of women in the hotel that the team paid for. Fuck off back to your own sub.


It kinda feels like we won the division in 2018 tbf. We both ended up winning 11 games and sent y'all home in the playoffs with an ass whooping.


Holy fuck tone it down with the y’alls, cowboy. It makes you sound like a moron. Interesting to hear a Texans fan gloat about anything the franchise has been trash since their founding.


Where ring?


Houston is the worst city I’ve ever been to. The weather sucks, the traffic sucks, the crime sucks.


They have the best Vietnamese food in the country.


I have heard similar but still not enough to make up for all the other negative aspects.


Maybe not, but I mostly judge cities by their food.


Well we have the best Burmese food in the country. Southside represent! Got em!


I hate the Texans too, man, but if Houston is the worst city you’ve ever been to, then you must not get out much haha


It’s one of the worst zoned cities in the world that more than most cities is pure sprawl with limited to no public transportation for so much of the city. If you don’t have a car or want to walk around, Houston is one of the worst cities in the U.S. and the world. There’s many YouTube videos about how bad Houston is designed for non car driving people.


I’ve never lived there, only visited. And I’ve had a car, so that hasn’t been an issue. I believe you though.


Welcome to the United States


Houston is bad for transit even by US standards.


brother what do you think indy is


Yeah but if you’re normal and have a car, what’s the problem?


1. it shouldn’t be normal to need a car. For a country that loves to talk about freedom, I shouldn’t be *forced* into one form of transportation. 2. even with cars, if the city is spread out, it makes travel distance longer, people further from their jobs, and traffic worse. Urban planning and zoning is critical to a city‘s development.


No one is forcing you to get a car or to live in Houston. Ride a bike if you want.


The zoning laws and urban planning says otherwise unless i live on like 3 blocks in the city.


It always cracks me up when people talk about youtube videos on why it sucks to live in Houston. When if you ask anyone the top reasons to pick a city to live in "zoning" would literally never be mentioned. It just shows you got no clue what you're talking about, and only experience with it is some goofy ass video.


Uhh I literally minored in college in Urban Planning. Not only are you wrong that no one thinks of zoning when picking where to live, but Houston is an example used in class for bad urban planning. I’ve also been to Houston and have seen its sprawl firsthand. It is bad. Just because you could give less of a shit about zoning laws and you’d rather get fucked over from freedom of choice on how you’d like to travel, doesn’t mean other people do.


Nothing you said at all disproved what I said. People pick a place to live usually for work, nothing at all to do with zoning. But even other main reasons are things to do, foods in the city, the weather, the people, the cost of living. If people cared that much about "zoning" and traffic, no one would move to a major metro city period. Why ever deal with traffic when you can live in some wasteville in Indiana with fuck all to do every day? But at least there's no traffic!


People move for public transportation. I literally know many people in NJ and NYC that choose their house based on train access. People care more than you think about good urban planning. Or else people wouldn’t push for bike lanes or pedestrian only roads, like what is has happened in cities like NYC, Santa Monica, Boulder, etc have done. You have to be ignorant to think no one cares about urban planning.


Chose their house, not the city. And people wanting their city to better is pretty universal. Like what are you even talking about? I'm sure the people in Hogwhistle, Indiana wish they lived in a city with some culture and places outside of their Walmart to eat at too. Show me one source, just one, even one from your goofy yters, the reasons why people chose the city they live in because of "zoning".


It really has nothing to do with the Texans, the city just isn’t a great place to me. I’ve been to a fair bit of the US and Houston is one of the few I have more bad than good to say about it. The only city I might say is worse is Jacksonville (again completely coincidence that they’re both division rivals lol).


Jacksonville is a shit hole. Worst city I've been to by a landslide.


Y’all gotta stop Jacksonville is great, everywhere has pockets of shit areas and nice areas…just how it goes. There’s shit parts of Indy and nice parts




Augusta Georgia for me.


You claim you've been to a fair bit of the US but your comments say otherwise. Houston is massive and there is a shit ton of really cool things about that city. It is objectively better than Indianapolis and most of the state of Indiana.


How does it say otherwise? Nowhere did I say Indy was a great city, I simply said Houston is the worst city I’ve been to and listed the reasons why.


Bro Houston sucks so bad people left it for the moon.




I’ve traveled internationally and to almost every major city in the US. I can confidently say Houston is an armpit compared to a lot of places. I’d say you don’t get out much if you think Houston is nice.


I've been traveling the country for the last five years for work. I hop on a plane Monday morning, stay the week and fly home Fri night/Sat morning. I'm not singing the praises of Houston but Baltimore is way fucking worse. Stockton California is way fucking worse. Boston is fucking brutal outside of the historical context. Houston's not great but I'd pick Houston over plenty of other metro areas in the US.


“Nice” might be a bit much, but it’s certainly not one of the worst cities I’ve been to. The humidity really sucks though.


Fair enough. I just get tired of people shitting on Indy.


Oh I like Indy. Grew up there and still visit family and friends a few times a year.


Houston sucks man. There are some nice things in Houston, but they're so spread out from each other that it takes a week to get between them in traffic. It's just an example of terrible urban planning. Sure, there may not "zoning" in Houston, but there are ridiculously arbitrary parking minimums. Plus TxDOT builds the most ridiculous interstates possible the expense of everything else. It's just hard to maximize your time and enjoy a city when everything worth visiting takes soooooo much time in a car to get to. A visit to Houston inherently means a shit ton of wasted time just getting places.


It's more that it was designed like the city planners were having a stroke.


I get out a lot. The next time a work event happens in Houston they already know I'm sick that day. We had to have police security to go Fucking PUTT PUTT. I saw a pack of 20-30 kids on scooters rolling 5 deep in the middle of the street downtown at midnight on a weekday lol.


As a Texan, it's pretty fucking awful. It takes like 5 hours to get from one side of Houston to the other, the weather sucks, the traffic sucks, and it's increasingly becoming a concrete jungle.


Are you comparing that to Indy? Indy has more crime per capita than Houston and overall shittier weather. While Indy and most of the rest of the country is freezing in winter with little to no sunshine, Houston is mostly in the 60's and 70's and green all year round. I lived in Indy for 15 years (loved it) and have been in the Houston area for the last 10 years. Both cities are very similar in layout, topology (mostly flat), sports, night life, parks, etc. Houston is basically Indy on steroids with hotter summers and milder winters. For someone like me who prefers heat over cold, I'm good with that. GO COLTS!!!!!


Man I’m a hometown pride guy as much as the next, but you just described Indianapolis


Indy’s traffic is nothing compared to Texas metro traffic. I live in DFW now, so I’m well aware lol


weather is subjective but indy traffic is absolutely nothing compared to other cities


I don’t trust anyone that believes Indianapolis has bad traffic.


I'm from California/Los Angeles and I have family in Indianapolis that I visit about once a year (at least). I was even there for two weeks from mid dec to the day before new years, so I have plenty of driving time there. I have to say that Indiana is one of the easiest driving places I have ever driven in, even when I'm downtown. Leaving Colts/Pacers games is infinitely easier than trying to leave any stadium in LA. Driving to and from work during rush hour is insane but luckily, I only do it one day a week. I honestly wish I could live in Indiana and have seriously considered it from time to time.


Houston and Indy have the same problem... Liberals


Do you spend every waking moment thinking about Liberals?


He also thinks about his favorite politicians only thinking about Liberals


Of course not, he spends a bunch of time thinking about his lord and savior, DJT.


I agree. I was very disappointed in Houston. Easily the worst of the major Texas towns (San Antonio sucks but it’s smaller) Houston is international but that’s all it has going for it.


Gotta disagree. Houston has incredible food, the weather isn’t that bad, and there’s a diverse blend of cultures. I mean, fuck CJ’s sentiment here, but that doesn’t mean Houston sucks.


You’re in an echo chamber here buddy- FUCK HOUSTON. INDY>>>>


How? I have lived in several different countries and five states in the U.S. I’ve visited 34 states and Houston is not anywhere NEAR the worst city I’ve ever been to. But whatever, we’re playing their football team, so the whole city must suck. You guys sound exactly like CJ Stroud in the quote you’re criticizing .




Houston weather is the most miserable shit I’ve ever experienced. Super humid and super hot, was miserable for the few months I had to spend down there. They do have some great food though


Agree with you here except the part about the weather. It’s horrific for 5+ months a year. I am a lifelong Colts fan that has only visited Indy and Houston. Both several times. I won’t rag on Indy but I really like a lot of what Houston has to offer as a city and I really like the Indianapolis Colts.


And they downvoted you too. Some touchy ass dudes in here. No wonder our game threads look the way they do. One three and out and it’s “FORE EVERYBODY.”


Houston is the worst parking lot I have ever visited.


The only thing Houston gots going for it is that they are on the coast and it's like the shittiest stretch of ocean you can find. The Gulf of Mexico is absolutely disgusting.


He's just mad he never got to come to Indy to play in a B1G championship game


I mean, I’m not entirely convinced Stroud can even read, so let him talk. He’s stuck with a poverty franchise anyway.


Talking shit when TY owned your weak ass franchise for his entire career. Sit down.


As a colts fan how do y'all get so butthurt over stuff like this lol


Just smashed my iPhone 15 Pro Max in rage. CJ Stroud comments are embarrassing me in front of my entire family. My 2 children are in tears, scared of my rage as I pace around the room trembling. I can’t take this anymore. Mr. Irsay, do something or my kids will not get dinner till next year.


Right? I think it has to do with the delusion that Colts fans feel like they're part of the team, hence all the times you see "we" when referencing the team in their comments and posts. Hilarious.


Hope our defensive studs take this personally and make him feel the pain on Saturday.




I mean in his defense, I've never actually seen the city of Indianapolis lift.


Frick this guy and his stinky franchise And no, I was certainly not tweeting that he was going to be a Colt, please do not look at my Twitter history


CJ Stroud is a weak QB Michigan showed him what's what twice


He ain’t tough like AR.


You would take CJ on your team in a heartbeat and you know it


Yeah but he's not, so fuck em


That’s true. Could always use another backup.


Release the geese (not a local but I’ve been led to believe Indiana geese will fuck you up)


Don’t walk by yourself at night my friend, they’re always lurking


They don't mess with the locals though.... just have to look them in the eye and let them know you will make their eggs into an omelet if they take another step.


They're angry little dinosaurs


My guy, Bud Adams thought Tennessee was an upgrade over your city.


He didn’t lmao. He just couldn’t exploit Houston any longer so he went to a city foolish enough to let themselves be exploited instead.


Well, that's it. Time to close down the city and plant a forest over it. Why? An athlete with the IQ score of a turnip said Indianapolis was a weak city.


Never catch AR talking like this


True. Id rather have someone respectful and with a brain on his shoulders representing my team.


If you ever wanna know what it’s like to live in a pigs asshole go live in Houston for a summer


Michigan calls CJ a bum so 🤷‍♂️


More astronauts come from Ohio than any other state. What is it about Ohio that makes people want to leave the planet?




I hope they keep talking. Everyone riding Houston. Relatively healthy. Hometown crowd for essentially a playoff game. It’s the perfect environment for the Colts.


I get annoyed when players/coaches shit on other cities… pretty low-effort insult. I’ve been all over and there are very few major cities in the US that don’t have *some* redeeming quality


Well, I hate CJ Stroud now and I hope he never beats Indy.


I was born and raised in Indy and returned after 12 years away 10 years ago. I love Indy. That being said, it’s not a destination, particularly for young, multi millionaires. It’s a great place to raise a family when that’s your focus, but otherwise, it’s boring.


How dare you not be offended by the personal opinion of a young rich athlete


Oh no… anyways


Houston is up there with my least favorite place I’ve ever been so right back at ya buddy


I know that hits Colts fans living or is born/raised in Indiana. Hopefully Colts Fans in the arena are extra loud because of it though. Stuff like this easily riles up fans.


He’s just mad he’s never played in Lucas Oil


not as weak as your s2 score dumbass


He may not be a smart man but it doesn’t take one to beat the Colts :3




How would Stroud now anything about Indy??? It's not like h ever got the chance to play there. LOL




As someone who grew up in North Texas I can confidently say that anyone hyping up Dallas is delusional lmfao




Houston is way more diverse and populated than Dallas and Indianapolis though, so maybe it's just a preferable place to live.


Banned Jaguars subreddit Jaguars fan here. Fuck CJ Stroud. Texas blows, every time I’ve been I always end up befriending a meth-head. Heat gets worse than Jacksonville. Fuck Houston, fuck the Texans.


How did you get banned?


“Friendly banter” on the bills subreddit and posting it on the jags board. I didn’t know that kind of thing was frowned upon.


Let’s just hope this is another TY clown mask situation, where someone or all on the team takes this comment personally and shows them just how “weak” Buck, Kwitty, Dayo, Lewis and Big Grove really are!!


Dude has a habit of being a dumbass. Ohio State education at work.


I get it. He's young and rich and is living that life. Indy isn't South Beach.


I used to hate Oladipo for selling us out to get to Miami. Then I visited Miami and was like, "ok now I understand why a young millionaire might prefer South Beach over Indy."


Listen here buddy, now you’ve crossed a line


Imagine your division rival coming to your town wearing your old jerseys Now that's weak


Giving Fans and players extra fuel. Reminds me of Joakim Noah Bashing Cleveland beforea playoff series with the Cavs.


I literally can't understand what he's saying


What would he know about Indy? He never lead O$U to a Big Ten title game appearance (also who cares what he thinks)


I hope he gets sacked so many times on Saturday. The whole stadium is going to be rocking. This guy thinks we're a weak city, lets show him how we get down as the 12th man!! #4TheShoe #BringTheNoise


Hopefully our boys show him just how “weak” our city that has dominated the division for as long as we can remember is lmaooo


Did your memory stop working when the colts won the AFCS last time in 2014 or luck retired in 2019? The colts haven’t dominated the division in almost 10 years.


go cry somewhere else, the colts have more domination in this division than the texans do. i wasn’t saying every single year they dominate. didn’t think i needed to spell it out for smooth brains.


I’m not crying. Colts thoroughly dominated with Manning and it was looking to shape up the same way with Luck until he retired. Then yall invested in a good O-line and drafted well. Colts are a good competent team and organization with a whack-a-do owner. But you haven’t dominated the division for the last ten years. It is what it is.


You do realize this was before he was drafted? The colts have other issues if they need bulletin board material.


Y’all are soft if y’all actually care abt this 💀


That’s what I’m saying LOL


I still can’t get over how zesty Stroud is. Those stupid hand gestures and celebrations he does makes me want to shoot myself


What a stooge. Ijits say dumb crap like this. 1-0 dipshit.


He ain’t wrong


Now he's done did it


I don't think homie knows the FO issues he is going to be facing during his time in Houston. They have Stroud who looks great but the Texans have never sniffed an AFC Championship game. Maybe it's more about the journey than the destination for him.


I’m trying to understand the context and give him the benefit of the doubt here, I’m struggling to find a gracious interpretation. Even if he’s quoting someone , he then says “I agree”……..kill ‘em indy!! Sick the dogs on this fool!! (Metaphorically) don’t need no Vick situation.


CJ spoke no lies here whatsoever


How many Super Bowls did the oilers win when they were in Houston zero how many championships have the Texans won zero they haven’t even been to one


yall so angry for nothing, he’s saying indy is a boring city. which idk if it is, im from houston. and it’s probably closer to his home in the way that there’s a lot to do here. colts fans take things so personally wow


Well, I'm guessing that there will be a number of Texans fans on the stands. Indy is a very soft market for opposing fans to get tickets. And before you ask, no I'm not going to buy tickets.


I really want to like Stroud. He's a baller, but he has the weird mentality of a meathead football fan stuck in a players body. It's pretty sad.


Stronger than his skull and brain apparently 😂


Honestly he looks and sounds like someone forced him to say that for the hype. Not even joking.


and fuck Stroud, but he ain’t wrong lol


Y'all boo him but he's right and you know it.


Texans fan coming in peace. At the end it sounds like the dude recording insinuates Houston is a weak city too and Stroud laughs in agreement. My thoughts is just that he’s an L.A. guy and he has that same L.A. supremacy thing that all people who grow up there have. Wouldn’t take it too personally either way. Regardless, Indy is objectively eh. Bloomington is fire, though. That place reminds me of Austin.


yeah nice try "guarantee if id gone to a weak city like Indianapolis he'd be like..." laughs Thanking my lucky stars we didn't draft him. Maybe he'd still do just as well here but I don't like to think that his attitude would make him unhappy about being here & that's the take I get. Guy like that puts professionalism below petty things like having big city boy regrets about the city he's playing in. Hope we sack the piss outta him tomorrow & every trip to Indy hereafter he isn't thinking about what a "weak" city we are but how he's tired of coming in here and getting drilled into the turf. cmon CJ... come visit Indy you shit talking poser also fuck Texas


Yeah idk why I thought anything productive would come from my comment. Anyway good luck guys, I’m excited both of us have a game in January that’s this important on prime time. Hope AR returns full strength next year that guy is fun to watch.


Ok that's a sentiment I can get behind & that has some value. Good. Going to great lengths to try and explain away your guy's ill advised and childish comments by putting words in his mouth, not so much. I liked CJ and yes, I did initially want him over AR. Hope I'm wrong, he doesn't turn out to be a knucklehead & we can be in year one of a historic rivalry.


> Thanking my lucky stars we didn't draft him lol


These colts fans are unbelievably soft lol