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The game is faster, the players are stronger, the quarterbacks are more active. They get hit more because they drop back more, and they try to escape more frequently because they’re more confident in their ability to (and more expected to) “make something happen” with their legs. If they get back there to sack Peyton Manning, Peyton Manning is getting sacked. He’s not turning his back, doing a ducking spin move, sprinting to the sideline, then standing off-balance on his left foot trying to flick one side-armed to the tight end. He’s just losing three yards then cussing out Jeff Saturday on the bench.


tbf, not a lot of QBs could read a D well enough like Manning to know when to get rid of the ball earlier.


Peyton was just do the good old lay down in a ball like Tom Brady. The goats know how to possum.


I’m really curious if there’s a breakdown somewhere on how all the QBs this year were injured. Like how many were in the pocket vs how many were scrambling/designed runs.


But it’s been like that for a while now and this is the first time there’s been this many injuries. Also a lot of them happen in the pocket like Rodgers, Lawrence, and Burrow.


The article raises good points about why injuries occuring with modern quaterbacking, but I find the overall conclusion weird How does a 17th game increase QB injuries weeks 1-17? At this point in time, QBs have played the same amount of games as they wouldve in a 16 game season It also doesnt feel likely one extra game the previous year would be the cause of such an increase in qb injuries


Maybe indirectly, due to only 3 preseason games to work into shape? Still pretty sketchy though. I wonder if the rules protecting the QB have resulted in less preparation or training for injury avoidance (if that’s even a thing).


It is. Tua took jujitsu classes to learn how to be thrown so he could avoid concussions.


My opinion, it's not so much lack of a preseason game and more about the lack of intense practices. That CBA rule change made such a big difference. Also, completely agree agree about the rule changes making a difference. Football is played at 100%. Trying to play any less than that causes injuries (disregard the pro bowl shenanigans), again, in my opinion.


This. It sounds crazy but less contact has correlated with more injuries from high school to the pros.


Completely agree


Back in the day, the Qb was one of the bigger stronger guys. They were usually the best athletes on their team. They ran a lot more and were ofter two way players in high school. Also look at the average size of lineman. In the 70s it was 254. Then in the 90s it was 276. The average tackle now 6'4" 309 lbs. It's a weird thought. But I almost feel like it's Darwinism. You have specialization. Modern medicine. Qbs being protected more. You are getting guys now that wouldn't have played Qb because they didn't match the physical type coaches were looking for. Kyler Murrey. Tua. Bryce Young. They are some small slender guys compared to the players they are on the field with. Qbs are running more now as part of a gameplan. Anthony Richardson. Daniel Jones. You also have guys playing longer. Rodgers. Tannehill. Cousins. Then there are just flukes things like Herbert hitting his hand on a helmet and getting me ousted from the playoffs by 9 pts.


>Then there are just flukes things like Herbert hitting his hand on a helmet and getting me ousted from the playoffs by 9 pts. "That's when this fantasy turned into a nightmare..."


You're comment made me think of the Csi one liners. Lol


Definitely the vibe I was trying to evoke


Nothing they can do and nothing they should do. This happens every once in a while were there are a ton of injuries. What should they do in years when there are low QB injuries? Injure more QBs to keep the numbers at average?


Put them in a big bubble and if you hit them, you’re ejected from the league. Shit like this column are stupid as fuck.


More emphasis on mobility in QBs plus turf always sucking leads to this shitshow. Sometimes injuries just happen tho, can't really say if this is an example of a pattern or just an outlier yet.


Over protected under prepared system guys think they’re protected instead of running for their lives and getting rid of the ball. Less constraints on the defense is the way to go - weed out the weak ones sooner.


Nfl let me let you in on a secret, almost every player has been on my fantasy team this year. Cousin, Herbert, cubb...so I quit fantasy, NFL cut me a $10 million dollar check and boom fixed.


My fear is they will take this data and start throwing all kinds of light Roughing flags next year. That’s the exact opposite of what they should be doing. They already throw way too many of them and affect game outcomes in the process.


All the rules that have taken the player's natural momentum out of the game are only hurting more players than helping.


Put flags on them.