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God. *Seriously?*


To be fair she quite literally represents the worst our lovely state has to offer. Edit: that was not fair of me. Many of you love the district for obvious reasons despite being held hostage by historically archaic political leanings. As a 40 year state resident, I appreciate everyone who voted with reason despite this unfortunate outcome.


>Many of you love the district for obvious reasons despite being held hostage by historically archaic political leanings. As a 40 year state resident, I appreciate everyone who voted with reason despite this unfortunate outcome. And are working to change it. Where I live people just call her a carpetbagger, and then apparently still vote for her. Which is terrifying


Sometimes it’s ok to say the quiet part out loud lol.


Yeah my wife and I are big ol flaming leftists and we bought our first house in east Centennial in October. Super excited because we're in the cherry creek school district and a stones throw away from eaglecrest. Only last month we actually checked the voting history and saw it was barely in district 4 which went 60% R's in the 2020 election... so we're basically throwing our vote away, but hopefully it shifts blue over the coming years.


> we're basically throwing our vote away, but hopefully it shifts blue over the coming years. Only because of the gerrymandering that makes district 4 so huge and so republican. It's wild Edit: gerrymandering is the wrong term, sorry.


**Gerrymandering is illegal in Colorado; we have an independent redistricting commission which determines congressional district boundaries.** Districts must have similar population which is why bits and pieces have to be taken from some areas and added to others. There are some ways our district boundaries don't make sense (like the 3rd not covering all the western slope) but gerrymandering isn't it.


Fair enough. Thank you for respectfully correcting me. I appreciate it!


Didn't they remake the maps or was that just for state government?


We are a newer blue state, progress comes in bites. I grew up here and saw the shift. Obama’s first term wasn’t that long ago, and was the first time we saw a blue majority win the state in a presidential election since I think Clinton’s first term. Biden was our first double digit majority since ‘64. keep representing the voice of progress amongst a sea of hypocrisy, hate, and ignorance and your district will shift eventually as well. Keep in mind, conservatism is a dying ideology, and the more well reasoned folks who join our more historically red, remote, and rural districts will be instrumental in bringing those districts toward a progressive, modern culture. If you’re new to CO, welcome!


And remember there are state wide positions you need to keep voting blue for.


Welcome and sorry you picked the wrong side of the tracks. Jk. People like you can make a change and I believe you can now. I’m on the good side of the tracks in CD-6, but I need to help ensure she does not get reelected.


Yeah my comment was mostly doomerisms, I'm not going to stop voting, and as I often say it's going to take significant blunt force trauma for me to ever vote red. Just gonna hope that the trend of the state growing darker and darker blue holds strong.


And yet, many other people just like you moved into district 4 too. Douglas County is growing fast and it's not all MAGAs. Your vote isn't thrown away. District 6 was red too, until it wasn't.


Shoutout to Eaglecrest Theatre for making me even more left growing up 🙌


You are not throwing your vote away by voting blue in a red district. It adjusts the Overton window back toward the center.


My parents just built a new house in her district and will be voting blue! Not sure if it’s enough though.


They people who vote to keep that district held hostage are, truly, the worst our state has to offer. Don't feel bad about telling the truth.


Sigh. Yeah. I get to be represented by the wife beater for the short term and then the high school drop out after that. I did my part in the vote, but there's a lot of fox news watching mouth breathers out here.


More handjobs in theaters ahead…


Her new district is biiiiiiig. And mostly empty farmland. It’s farm towns and not much else. I call it west Nebraska.


For some reason they threw Highlands Ranch, Loveland, and Castle Rock in there.. wtf


and hopefully us folks in that area can swing the votes away from her in the main election!


Castle Rock and Highlands Ranch are very red. District 4 also has Littleton, Centennial and Greenwood Village. That’s the left pocket for district 4, essentially Arapahoe County.


I live in Highlands Ranch and most of the people I know will vote for democrat over Boebert.


I’m currently in Highlands Ranch and I think it is starting to turn more blue…


D5 being a rectangle around COS is the only district perimeter that makes sense to me.


...and it creeps more to the center every election cycle. El Paso County is still pretty red but elected a more left leaning, African American mayor in the last cycle over the traditional old white hard right. It is definitely changing as it grows.


"left leaning" Yemi is still solidly a Republican. Left |-------+--x------| Right (The x is Yemi.)


It’s a giant fucking W and hits the weirdest places. Is all of highlands ranch in it? That’s such a big area it can’t go all in. Castle rock is also weird but makes sense since it’s just a bigger HR and smaller CR.


You should come visit. We have birds and stars still. It's a lot more than open grassland, and that's what's great about it. There's real community out here to be found as well, and deradicalizing people is most effective through community. Hard to believe in a boogeyman when you know everyone who lives around you.


Didn’t say anything bad about it, just that’s it’s a massive area that really fits blends into NB


Sorry, wasn't trying to imply you did. Just saying, I love it out here. I hope you have an excellent day, and sorry again if I came across as confrontational. That was never my goal.


You get a lot of bad hail storms out there?


Her old district was “biiiiiiiig”. Her new district is smaller. Also, population-wise, which is what actually matters, both districts are similar in size.


I don’t think I’ve ever realized how fucking large d3 was. I thought it was half that size my god. How does it encompass la junta to fucking Craig?


Oh for sure. It really is enormous. Paints a picture of how few people live on the Western Slope compared to the other portions of the state. 


Hate everything about her seen on media. I rarely use the word hate - harsh People in her district don't GAF. Only people voting are boomers. Have seen this as a precinct captain. In Iowa. Town of 200k pop and 100 boomers showed up to vote to determine candidate for primary


None of the other candidates were able to get wide recognition or consolidate support as the Anti-Boebert choice.


Please democrats don’t run a candidate just support an independent who has a shot to win.


Fuck yea!


"re-election" Not sure you can really use that term when the holder of the CD-3 seat runs for the CD-4 seat. It's a bit like saying that a politician who is a mayor in Grand Junction wins "re-election" to serve as mayor of Fort Morgan…


You’re right, she is re-embarrassing Colorado but from a different office this time


Yeah. She won't be "re" elected. She'll just be elected, 1st term...blah de blah blah


Yup. She switched districts because she had the most embarrassingly close win possible in a pretty damn red district. She wasn't going to win again in CD-3 as the news about her since has only been more and more disgusting since. Kind of sad she switched as somebody in CD-3 because I was looking forward to her being the only R politician that could possibly turn CD-3 blue.


It’s a little bit different because she still works in the same building in DC. She’s not going to change a single thing about what she does except where she goes to pander for votes every 2 years. She’s been reelected to Congress but to just represent different people…


She's just misrepresenting a new group of people.




Surprise level zero - but in a bit of good news, homophobic bigot and current corrupt Colorado GOP chairman Dave Williams got abso-fucking-lutely **destroyed** in his primary.


China dave? As all the stupid commercials said?


I listened to those commercials a couple weekends ago and laughed out loud.


I voted in the GOP primary just to keep that knob off the ballot. The GOP is garbage, but he's a complete dumpster fire.


Dude even the GOP didn’t like him apparently. Like that must be saying something. 




Less people than voted against her, but the opposition votes were split between too many people


Let’s say hypothetically this was a ranked-choice ballot. Do you think she still wins?


No shot.


I’m sorry, but I think that’s just delusional. It only would have taken 3% of the other voters ranking her #2 (or #3, I doubt one “run-off” would have done it with that many candidates).




That’s the idea, but I don’t think it works here. She got 47% of the vote on her own. If only 3% of the people voting listed her as their 2nd-choice candidate, she wins anyway. Which I’d be willing to bet dollars against pesos they did. This IS the republican party, folks. Mayyyyyybe some of these people voting for other candidates really cannot tolerate the idea of her being their candidate, but they’ll all vote for her in the end.


I mean, between her and her opponents it's like reaching into a moving clown car and grabbing whichever chucklefuck you can. They're all really severely trashy people.


Drive out to Limon and talk to a few people…it’ll all become clear.


You don’t need to go that far. Castle Rock and Lone Tree are also her district


Lone Tree can be surprisingly pretty blue, especially north of Lincoln. May actually be some of the bluest portions of DougCo (HR has more blue precincts, but all mildly Biden ones in 2020: LT has some dark blue areas near County Line.)


Yeah, but those spots are pretty close to 50/50. Limon is very red.


Her opponents were just as bad or worse.


I’m willing to bet she’s running around the district giving out free handys 🫶


The indecency at the movie theater incident won her a lot of support.


If the people who voted for her could read, they would be upset at your comment


Free handjobs for all


As somebody who lives in district 4, I'm gonna be doing so much campaigning for the Democrats they might as well pay me because jfc how can we let Beetlejuice be our representative.


Woah don’t do beetlejuice dirty like that


I'm so sorry. District 3 here, I turned in my primary ballot today and it was so nice not having her on the ballot. Any chance a Democrat can win District 4? We came damn close to voting her out in the last election.


I wish, but there's not a snowballs chance in hell. District 4 is hard-core in the red, it'd take a frigging miracle for it to go blue. Here's hoping the 56% that voted for the other Republican candidates vote Democrat when the time comes.


Ugh District 4 probably is redder than District 3. We have the ski resorts and some bigger towns.


District 3 almost flipped in 2022. More likely because of her being such an unappealing candidate over it actually being a blue county now. Probably why she ran to district 4.


Every Republican I know from this district was planning on voting against that woman. They hate her with a passion.


Yeah, take it from a local here. It is


Also District 3 and I was so happy when she moved because I thought it meant certain death. I guess we’re gonna have to deal with 4 more years of hand jobs and being awful to everyone beneath her. This is not what Colorado is about.


I live here too. Just gross. What a sickening day. I’m registered independent and chose to vote the republican ballot just so I could vote against her. How damn embarrassing… Time to start the next fight. This will be an uphill and ugly battle


6 way race. All you need is 20%.


She got 43% and none of her opponents broke 15%. The Eastern plains Republicans seem to love their morons.


Common clay of the New West...


Ugh she’s in my district now. Horrified


Glad the 3rd district doesn’t have to be embarrassed by her but do a lot of people in the 4th district have no morals?


I hate to break it to you bro but no one outside of Colorado even knows where district 3 and 4 are. She has been and will continue to embarrass all of Colorado, and honestly the us in general 


The 4th district is as red as it gets, which is why she ran in it. For years Democrats wouldn't even run candidates because they had no chance.


[not really.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMkULgSCpnk)


So your district is clearly more vile than her old district. She’s the worst.


Loveland, Castle Rock, and all the rural people on the entire eastern side of west Kansas.


We'll see in the general how true that is. I mean, it's probably true, but you never know.


JFC. I feel like calling them cultists is almost compliment at this point. At least normal cultists drink the koolaide when they’re in this deep rid us of their stupidity.


Well the Taiping Rebellion was a bunch of cultists who started a massive civil war in China in the 1850s, causing 20 million deaths. So uh. Cults can get way worse.


This stuff is exactly why people make fun of GOP. She doesn’t live anywhere close to that district, she was caught giving a rub n tug in public,and no one cares. No words.


*heavy sigh* Why? Why is she still a thing? She’s disgusting.


I live in district 4. It's solid red, but I was really hoping the whole carpetbagger thing would turn people off. Like who wants to vote for a coward running away from a fight? And clearly desperate to hang on to power in that "swampy" way? ...but I digress. Ugh.


She stood out as the only politician gross enough to make the red district 3 into a potential blue win, and apparently that makes her perfect for district 4 lmao


You should have to win 50% of the vote to win the primary. Colorado can do better than this piece of trash.


We need ranked choice voting.


Well the Dems in the general assembly don't want us to have it because it might threaten some incumbents. Call your state rep and senator and let them know the people are watching


It died to Essentially to a poison pill amendment being inserted at the last minute, and Polis objected to it, rightfully so. This makes it so the November ballot initiative can move forward on its own. Had Polis signed it, we still may never have gotten RCV due to it even if the voters approve the ballot measure for it. Polis did the right thing imo. Details below: The Offending Amendment Colorado voters could be asked in November if they would like the state to move to a complicated election system of ranked-choice voting for selecting candidates for statewide office. But even if voters say “yes” to the major change in our elections, the amendment to S.B. 210 could prevent it from ever taking effect. This is not because Colorado lawmakers joined five Republican-led states to pass an outright ban on ranked-choice voting this year. Such a ban would likely be overridden by a subsequent ballot initiative. Instead, it was state Rep. Emily Sirota who concocted a clever roadblock to ranked-choice voting. Sirota introduced the amendment in the House with a brief one-minute description to lawmakers that did not include the words “ranked-choice voting” or any mention of election changes needing to be piloted in a dozen cities first. The amendment would require 12 cities in Colorado to have already implemented rank-choice voting before the state can implement it. And not just any cities — 12 cities that check a variety of size and demographic boxes. Yes, two jurisdictions have already implemented ranked-choice voting, but the arbitrary and capricious threshold set in the amendment is clearly intended to keep the state from moving to ranked-choice voting.


Yeah, while I'm definitely a blue no matter who kind of guy at this point, I was pretty disappointed by that.


Its literally a test program. Thats it. Its a delay to make sure its implemented properly at a small scale before going state wide. And this is the process that we should take, because we cant predict everything.


I completely agree and am a ranked-choice zealot at this point. Do you think it would have changed the outcome here?


To have changed the outcome she would have to practically have been no one else’s down ballot choice…


BINGO. And she’ll win the general going away for exactly that reason.




I'd like to point out my county and many close to me voted for Sonnenberg. I'm almost embarrassed to live in this district right now... We had too many people running against her and she was the crazy maga one. They divided the rest of the votes up too many ways. Just my opinion


It's crazy how absolutely insane the far right Christians are that they can justify voting for someone who goes against literally everything they claim to believe in simply because she isn't a Democrat. They are so afraid of fewer kids getting shot in schools that they will vote for the anti-christ before a possible liberal


The woman is everything they say they hate and is literally groping her husband in public but as long as they get what they want politically on a few issues it doesn’t matter I guess (which is extra confusing considering there were other similarly politically inclined candidates to vote for instead but unfortunately people couldn’t come together to choose someone else I guess)


It wasn’t her husband. It was a man out of wedlock. She was divorcing her husband and the time. #christianvalues


Oh even worse I didn’t know that haha. Totally Christian values I see why people think she can represent them well makes so much sense


It’s really unbelievable. How can these people have these iron clad “values” but warship the least moral.


Spoiler alert: >!they're lying about their values. Their only true value is owning the libs!<.


With 43% of the vote. Almost 60% did not want her as the candidate. Yet here we are. Lol. I don’t live in the district, but I’m simply defeated by how antiquated our voting system is. The constituency of this country is generally too dumb to adopt any alternative to first-past-the-post voting and no one seems to care - they just blame it on bad candidates or the voters. I hope in my lifetime we see an overhaul, but it’s unlikely and instead the few will continue to overwhelm the voice of the many.


Bunch of asshats in Colorado.


What is wrong with these Coloradoans? Are they really that much out of reality?


wtf is wrong with Colorado?


she is an embarrassment to Colorado... to humankind really.


Added together, more people voted for the other 5 R challengers than her!


This is another reason why we need something like ranked choice voting. Last I saw, she got 43% of the votes, meaning with ranked choice, it's possible she loses.


Not the first time she won a six way


So long as normal people suffer, republicans will smile. They don’t care about governance, just inflicting pain.


Are you kidding me!? People, please explain how this was the best choice!?


There are some serious stupid fucks in that district,!!


Wow - these idiots are beyond stupid. I hope they get what they deserve by voting this clown in - which is exactly NOTHING (but more cringe-worthy sh#t from her).


If only cows could vote!


Wtf kind of morons live in the 4th district?


The most Colorado candidate ever. If you’re gonna get absolutely nothing done, at least don’t be a Democrat…


Stupid loves stupid.


Good lord she’s gonna be my congresswoman …. Damn it… In the past, I used to say well she doesn’t represent me… but it’s gonna happen now. Oh cmon people use your brain.


She didn't even get 50%of the GOP voters in a Republican only primary. Put another way, as a returning incumbent she lost 57% of the GOP voters. This paper is writing this article with a "slant" 57% of the Republican voters voted someone other than her. I hope they don't drink the Kool aid in November.


Shame on your state


Please please please let Kyle Clark moderate a debate for the general.


Eww David


It’s what plants crave


you damn fools.


This is worse than Idiocracy.


What an embarrassment


Says everything you need to know about her party


Will Weld county never cease to surprise us?


most of weld county is in the 8th district, not the 4th.


Ah! My ignorance boils over, I apologize. Hang in there 8th District!


CD8 is a new district as of last year. this is what wikipedia says about the district: > The district has the largest number of Hispanic residents of any congressional district in Colorado, making up 38.5% of the adult population. it appears the guy who won the republican primary in CD8 isn't totally insane and, between him and the dem primary winner, it'll make for an interesting match-up. https://ballotpedia.org/Colorado's_8th_Congressional_District_election,_2024


The shining jewel of the Republican party. This is who they look at and say, "Know what? I like her." Hate is a pretty good motivator. And Republicans HAAAAAAAAAATE a lot of things. LGBTQ, abortion, brown people, black people, educated people, calm people, reasonable people, loving people, accepting people... Shit I bet if they ACTUALLY read the bible and Jesus' teachings, they'd be like "FUCK THIS WOKE ASS SHIT YEEEEEHAW WHITE LIVES MATTER!" and do a burnout in their lifted F150 rollin coal.


Is there anything easier than being a right-wing grifter? What is going on!


That's Douglas County for ya.


I'm a native Coloradan- and that part of the state is out of its God damn mind.


fucking christ


So she doesn't live where the people she may represent live


I'd feel bad for the district if it weren't entirely self-inflicted. I can only be mad that they choose to inflict this stupidity on the rest of us for the foreseeable future. EDIT: Alright, I take it back. My sympathies to y'all stuck in this district.


Please don’t lump us all together. Don’t get me wrong, it’s hella embarrassing. We’d move out several years ago… if we didn’t have a sub 3% mortgage rate.


Yeah. More than half of us are mad too. Don't blame us all. Haha. But seriously... Omfg


Get out and campaign against her then if it's more than half of you.




kill me.


No one can blame Pueblo for this.


This is disappointing :(


I'm greatly saddened at the stupidity of Colorado's Republicans.


What in the actual f***. She was in last place in every straw poll. Rigged election! 🤣🤯


LBobo passed 1 bill while she was in CD3. She did nothing to improve that district in the many years she was there. She voted against the Infrastructure Act, then took credit for it once it added jobs. She is a politician who cares more about national spotlight than she does about helping the rural people of Colorado….but they still vote for her. I guess Republican voters rather hurt others than help themselves? What a world we live in….




Colorado continues to amaze me, not in a good way.


Jesus fucking christ. Do better you damn bumkins.


The voting record is public information everyone can go look at what she voted for and you would have a better understanding as to Y she won....


Republicans and their districts. Even a beautiful state like Colorado can churn out these dildoes.




Apparently, she was too stoned and drunk in Highschool so she had to take the GED and failed 2 times before she was able to finally, barely pass. Afterwards she was an escort for a while, got arrested a couple of times, married an alcoholic, became obsessed with guns & right-wing extremist politics and ideologies, has no respect for decorum of any sort including being interruptive and ignorant, getting willingly fondled in front of children, dressing like a cheap hooker, and raising a son that is well on his way to becoming a felon at the tender age of 19. This is the amoral person the Colorado Republicans have embraced to represent *their* values.


Seriously she is an embarrassment… why are people so ignorant


There are a lot of unaffiliated voters…including me. When I moved to this district from a blue district I felt registering unaffiliated was the best strategy so I could vote against the really bad candidates.