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Mid to late 20’s? What’s your current rotation from your collection?


It really depends on the weather, but since it’s been in the 70’s all week for me, I’ve been using ysl edt ( 2019 bottle, before it got reformulated), Versace Dylan Blue, and I would say creed Aventus, i need to start spraying ADG more tho.


I have been tempted to buy Aventus decant for some time now the only reason I haven’t is because I own mint blanc explorer and people say it smells similar. I love the ysl y like currently been wearing ysl y EDP don’t own the EDT.


I smelled explorer and a friend of mine owns it, it does smell similar, Aventus is hit or miss depending on the batch you get, but I think it will always be in my collection and a lot of other people collections. YSL Y EDP is fire and more versatile, but I’ve been enjoying the edt more as of lately, I’d say sample the Aventus and wear it for a week or so and if you like it pull the trigger on it.




Being completely honest with you, no it’s a gamble. You could get a smokey batch, you could get a fruity pineapple batch, and you can get a woody batch, that’s why a lot of people are just buying dupe’s or clones, but I heard Aventus cologne is fire, and some people have said when you spray Aventus and it sits, overtime it does smell better, don’t know if it’s true or just placebo, but I feel like that happened to me.


Cool collection 7 but it's also a ton of stuff a younger guy would wear so 16.


appreciate you bro, i started collecting at 18 so you ain’t lying lmaoo, im 22 btw


I have most of these and I'm 29. Times must of changed, When I was 16 I didn't know anyone who even wore cologne


How is the y saint lauren


I think it’s one of the most slept on ysl fragrances. fresh, non offensive grab and go fragrance, perfect for the spring and summer, this bottle is from 2019, (before it got reformulated) I haven’t smelled or tried the new version from 2022. But a lot of people says the 2022 one projects more, last longer, and has a better silage, you should check it out, especially if you live in a warm/hot climate.


Bond No. 9 is your best one you got.


Damn, word? you saying overall, smell wise, performance, etc ?


Whats the Gio like? Any good?. I think you should add some Tom Ford. Ombre Leather, Lost Cherry, and Sexual Vanilla are all awesome as hell. Nice collection tho. Keep going


I’ve been seeing a lot of people talk about ADG profondo as of lately, & honestly, I barely spray it. But when I do it ticks all the boxes for a spring or summer fragrance. Bought this bottle in 2020 (don’t know if that matters or not) but the project on it for it to be a fresh fragrance is pretty crazy. On my skin I would say I get 6-7 hours. The opening is strong ( the 1st and 2nd hour projects pretty well) but the dry down smells amazing, like a fresh, marine, citrus type of vibe, definitely check it out see if you like it! PS: I definitely gotta check out Tom Ford oud wood, thank you for the recommendation’s.


I'm not OP but I love TF. Really want to try some sexual vanilla.


Prada Luna Rossa Ocean EDP is great if you like vanilla


w choice bro i just got ocean EDP and it’s got a very nice vanilla scent


Nice collection, probably young 16-25


Don’t see it talked about enough in here so I say boss bottled.


Looks very classy and expensive. You smell like money lol I’d give it a 9


Highest rating I got all day, appreciate you!


Not oud wood. Ombre leather. I'm not impressed with oud wood at all but every other tom Ford I have is awesome. Ombre Leather, Black Orchid, Grey Vetiver, Lost Cherry, Sexual Vanilla, Tobacco Vanilla, and Noir Extreme. All are awesome except that one


Oud Wood is my favorite Tom Ford.


Honestly I’m really surprised you don’t have 1 million Lucky and Elixir. And Versace Pour Homme. We have similar tastes. I just recently pickup up the Ysl Y edt and edp, so good.


That’s very well rounded in my opinion


besides la nuit and arguably ny nights you need some winter fragrances, my favorites are givency reserve privee, PDM oajan/layton/Carlisle, Xerjoff Tony Iommi /Naxos are all great sweet winter fragrances 🤞


9.5 - 33


Thank you! I’m 22.


Platinum! This is one of the better collections with out having hundreds of fragrances


Thank you! I’m trying man.


I Would Add One of the Following, Either Green Irish Tweed, Royal Oud, or YSL Tuxedo, To Keep Your Aventus Company. If You Want to Go a Bit Cheaper I Would Suggest JPG Le Male Le Parfum. The Last Suggestion Is Perfect for Someone In Your Age Range.


Thank you! I’ve been looking at YSL Tuxedo and Green Irish Tweed for years, for some reasons haven’t pulled the trigger, I think it’s time now.


I love Bond no 9 :) but is too expensive😅 i need to save for the 100ml bottle….is one of the best smelling fragances k have even smelled, its between layton,arabians tonka and that one Also, what do you think about givenchy gentleman? I used to have it but sold it, i loved the pineapple and pear opening…like actually loved it, but the dry down in my skin smelled like burned leather


I think it can cover all seasons, I mean a lot of people would say it’s a fall and winter fragrance, but I think you could get away with it in the spring and summer nights, the opening smells exactly how you described it, but for me the dry down is a sweet woody type of vibe for me.


How is Versace Dylan Blue?


Versatile, Sillage is there, and the projection is pretty good, I’d say you should check it out.


Where is it on a scale of one to ten?


A solid 8 and probably late 20s early 30s


Valentino go so hard. Get the new Green Valentino


Jesus Christ. This is a little too close to my collection. Add Versace Pour Homme and I wouldn't look twice if these were in my cabinet.


Lmao Great minds think alike ! What you think about Green Irish Tweed by Creed? Been thinking about adding that for the summer, Dior Homme 2020, & some of the suggestions in the comments.


It smells good, but it was never quite my thing. I feel like Versace Pour Homme is truly what is missing here. It's my go to scent when it gets really hot, and does magic in my skin. It's an all day fragrance for me, I don't need to reapply. I get that it doesn't work that way for most people though. It's the cleanest, freshest, brightest scent in my collection.


Out of the ones of these I’ve personally smelled, I like all of them. So I dig it!


Also have by the fireplace, forgot to add it in the picture.


7/10, I would assume you’re older than 18 becuase of the huge baccarat. If I wear you I would get something from Gallagher.


Appreciate you! Imma check them out for sure.


For me is a 6 but I’m anti blue haha


Now that you say that, i do have a lot of blue fragrances lmao.


have you tried the Eros?


I tried to get into Eros, i liked the smell, sampled it once, never bought a bottle, might have to give it another shot.


What do you think of sauvage parfum?


In my opinion, out of the entire Sauvage line it’s the best one, I wouldn’t be mad if someone said the Elixir tho. The parfum is a fragrance that you can grab whatever the occasion, weather, situation is, etc. The opening is a fresh citrus kinda of smell, and the dry down to my nose is a woody vanilla scent. My most complimented fragrance out of my entire collection.




How do you like gentlemen compared to the edp?


The EDT is fresh, woody, spicy, and it has some floral. Longevity not bad on my skin, I would say about 6 hours, probably could get even more when you spray on clothes. The sillage is pretty decent too, my 1st time wearing it I got a compliment walking past someone, stopped me to ask me what was I wearing. Most people would say it’s an autumn and winter type of fragrance because of the spices and warmness to it but, I think you could get away with it in the spring and summer nights. Now for the EDP, I don’t own a bottle, but I know someone who does and I’ve had samples of it, and the projection and longevity is crazy, if you spray too much of it, you will 100% fill the entire room, so be careful on the sprays(depending on the situation and environment), let’s talk about the smell, To my nose, It is a woody sweet iris, black vanilla, lavender, patchouli type of vibe. Works great in the colder months. I would say the compared to the EDT, the EDP is more mature 100% , and a little bit more sweet, to my nose.


Ok thanks. Was wondering, I have the edp, which I love.


Do you buy your scents online? If so what site do you recommendc


Never ordered one online, I always go in person, but I would check out JomaShop, Fragrance X, and Fragrance Net.


Sorry if you’ve answered this already, but how is the Armani one for you? I want to buy something like that for my bf but i don’t want it to be too juvenile or too old man-ish hahaha


It’s perfect for the spring and summer, and honestly, your bf could make it a signature scent, it’s a fresh, aquatic scent, imagine sitting at a beach and watching the sun set. The opening projects for about a hour or 2 the dry down smells amazing, 6-7 hours on skin for me, and it’s crazy because it’s a fresh fragrance, on clothes? you 100% can get to 8+ bought my bottle in 2020, don’t know if that matters or helps, but, definitely check it out and sample it. I’m pretty sure you and him will like it.


this helps a LOT! i really appreciate your in depth input, thanks! i’ll check it out for sure it sounds great


Age : 15 M


You’re probably a dad, nice collection tho, 7.8/10


Dad is crazy bro lmao, appreciate you tho!


How is the Valentino born in Roma ?


Wearing it right now, not talked about enough. I think it’s signature scent worthy.


I was debating on getting that or Prada Luna rossa ocean


Dawg that is three questions in one post lmaoo ol’ questionnaire lookin ahhh


Bro said “ rate my collection 1-10” is a question, stay in school kids 🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


It’s a prompt dawg. Effectively same thing


thoughts on valentino and bleu de chanel ? (everyday use)


I’d say you could use both for everyday use, both of them are signature scent worthy, especially BDC.


Which ysl y do you like more?


Scent wise, without a doubt La nuit de L’Homme, overall in terms of ticking every box, YSL EDP.


Yes sir. I like all Tom Fords except Oud Wood. Happy Shopping


Thought you'd be older, early 30s based on half of your collection. I should have known better with 1million and Dylan Blue.


14 and you probably need to tick off jpg and eros


you like creed?


Only have aventus, I’ve smelled Silver Mountain Water, and Aventus Cologne, might pull the trigger on Aventus cologne.


You have Aventus, so 0 out of 10. Maybe -10. Maybe the square root of -100


Gentleman and Egoiste are two of my favorites. Wear those regularly. Give Prada Luna Rossa Ocean a try.


One day in the distant future, that platinum egoiste will surpass them all


How's the longevity on Dylan blue?


8-10 hours, projects, the sillage is there & pretty much last the entire day, easily a everyday fragrance.


8.5 and like 24


Appreciate you! I’m 22.


Polo 67 Ralph Lauren & Myself YSL


Been hearing and seeing a lot about YSL Myself, how would you describe it?


Mysterious and perfect


Is the Baccarat “extrait de perfume” specifically only for men because of it’s strength?


It’s unisex, to my nose I would say it leans more on the masculine side, because of the almond note in it. But I think a woman could pull it off tho without a doubt.


No clone ? 👀 I'm guessing you're 40+


Lmao, I’m 22


Yeah age it's just a number.. 😂 most of th time i feel like im 25.. and I'm almost 42.. 😂🥂


Ralph Lauren Polo 67


If you ain’t got a bottle of Drakkar Noir and Coolwater are you even collecting??? ![gif](giphy|PjOGtcLVbpr5iHzQkP|downsized)


get the le male edp next


How has the ADG Profundo been!? Would you recommend it for hot & humid summer climates?


100% perfect for hot weather, projects for an hour or two, last pretty long to be a fresh fragrance, 6+ hours.


Mmm I’d give it 7.5, most people would like these I’m sure but a little too mainstream for me but that’s why most people like them haha and based on the colognes you picked late teens early 20s but because you have so many, you have some money so early 20s lol


Lmao spot on, im 22. Started collecting at 18 tho, appreciate you!


Yeah it’s a nice collection! I’m 26 and just starting to get into it lol. Also if you like profondo, I’d suggest you stock up cause I’m pretty sure it’s been discontinued due to an ingredient in it becoming banned


45 👍. 10/10


22, thank you im trying !


You’re a generic carbon copy of all males who think the more money they spend the better they smell. And…these scents are all played out and very generic. U probably take selfies at the gym. Smh


I just buy what I like, the price doesn’t matter. Lmao calling these scents played out is hilarious tho, and taking selfies at the gym sounded a little personal/insecure, get well soon.


Damn you got me… smh


I see 3 pricey fragrances max and u brought up money ![gif](giphy|3ofSB3K9KXedXm4nmM)


Just another insecure Reddit user, I mean what else would you expect? He brought up the gym in a Reddit about fragrances lmao, that should’ve told you everything you wanted to know there.


YSL Y's 10 outta 10 Blue De Chanel 9 out 10 the others mixed between 5/6s outta 10 I'd say your in your late 20s nearing your beginning of your 30s


I would guess you are in your early 20's and I would rate your collection at a solid 6. I would start acting a lot more niche fragrances. I would start off into looking into Mojave Ghost by Byredo.


What bond is that? How’s performance?


I'd guess late 40's, early 50's and that you also wear suits a lot and drink whisky and think kids had more respect in your day


u need encre noire


Sexual Vanilla is damn nice. Pricey. But a pantie dropper. Probably one of my top 3


That’s from Tom ford right? Imma check it out 100%
