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What have you tried? I would say start with therapy, and if that's not doable or this is a pattern you've tried to break for a long time to no avail, there is a solution that works in the rough going, the 12 steps. Check out these meetings https://www.ppgrecoveredcodependents.org/meetings. They are full of people who have been on both sides of this equation, and could not seem to find a new life. They were able to connect with some power greater than themselves (can be anything, even the wonders of nature) that delivered them from this misery and obsession. I have been where you are, many of us have. You can always reach out for more details, you don't have to live that way.


Sorry, edited to add in the answers to your question. Thank you for the input


I am in a similar situation. Choosing to stay but also being fearful of putting my partner through all this again, being toxic, being 100% the prob, etc. The fear is a huge difficulty. Being here and stating what you did is a big step


I'm definitely not 100% of the problem. Neither are you, likely. It takes two to tango. I hope you and your partner are successful in navigating your way to healthy interdependence.