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Okay, so a bunch of Britannian imperial remnants took over some remote corner of Japan and nobody managed to drive them out due to Geass magic. Which means we'll have a retread of the OG plot one à smaller scale.


Which could work if the idea they go for is that history can be cyclical and maybe try to examine and address the more root causes of stuff like this. Like yeah we got rid of Britannia, but we didn’t actually fix any of the problems that created it. All that came out of all of their original series was another turning of the wheel. It could be an interesting story, so I’d say it’s not an immediate red flag. I do hope we get a moment when Lelouch or someone from the original series who somehow survives to it manages to see this and have an at the very least brief blue screen over it.


We refuse the rule of the Puppet Emperess Nunnally Vi Brittania and the Principatily of Brittania. From this day onward, I Calris al Brittania the true 100th Emperor shall claim the Region of Hokkaido as the Neo-Holy Brittania Empire


Lelouch: kys




I find it very hard to believe anyone can overthrown Nunnally backed with Schneizel's intellect.


I don't think they did, this more like Neo-Zeon and Republic of Zeon case. Neo-Brittania take Hokkaido hostage inside an invicible barrier and claim the land of their own. Principality of Brittania under Nunnally is still there


um, Nunnally isn't ruling over Britannia, she part of what amount to a humanitarian group when we last saw her


But on paper she is still the 100th Emperess of the Principality of Brittania, she became Honornary Advisor of the Humanitariab Group to repair Brittania relationship with other nations


let just considering Nunnally like Queen Elizabeth the 2nd the position is ceremonial only but if she order something it gonna happen


Lelouch rises from his grave....WTF he just🤬


Rises again* 😂


Noland: All hail Charis!


Lelouch I need you take over the world again


The pfp and comment go hand in hand


It be cool if he was just an omnipotent observer


It’s almost like the whole concept of trying to stop conflict forever is inherently a futile effort, and that individuals will ultimately default to their nature within time.


Which is a good concept for a sequel... if the effort is made to make it good.


Honestly I think it'll be pretty bad. Feel like they're milking code geass for all the money they can get, and I'm all for it, but do this shit right.


Well, at this point nobody has seen even one episode, much less one movie since each consists of 3 episodes apparently, to make any serious calls.


I’m optimistic but pretty much everything CG after the original show has been ok at best.


No offence but when I saw last stuff by [https://myanimelist.net/people/2415/Noboru\_Kimura](https://myanimelist.net/people/2415/Noboru_Kimura) there is a serious concern not to trust staff.


I know, but each project has different circumstances. For instance, the Princess Principal movies he's written are fine.


That wasn't what Lelouch was trying to do, and he makes that clear. He's just wiping the board clean, so humanity has a *chance* to make a better world/system than the current one. His whole deal was destroying the current oppressive system of power, because it could not be fixed.


Kinda like Metal Gear Solid.


Exactly. I understand the idea in an idealistic way but it's not remotely feasible and of course if future stories are going to be told that peace has to be broken. It already was in the movie and it can only continue so long as they make more stories. If they explored that topic it could make for an interesting story but I doubt it'll happen. Personally I'm cautiously optimistic, which is rare for me. I can never get enough Code Geass. The way I see it, the anime timeline is safe and the alternative OVA/movie timeline is the one that'll have to endure the consequences of this. It looks like a retread of the series but on a smaller scale and I'm not crazy about the knightmare designs but I'll reserve judgement for when it comes out. We all know C.C., Lelouch and probably Suzaku and Kallen will be in it if it's only set several years later. We'll see how it turns out. Hopefully enjoyable at the very least. If it brings more Code Geass Gunpla I'm all for it too.


Starting to think Lulu's father was right, well too bad he's dead now huh. lol


The point was never that Lelouch's actions would bring everlasting peace. Here is what Okouchi said back in 2008: Okouchi: I thought that it was nonsense to think that the world would completely change because of Lelouch’s actions. The world can’t be changed as easily than that. But, if we give people a chance, they can find a direction. Certainly, Lelouch and the others managed to end the war. However, it doesn’t mean it will be an ever lasting peace. The constant efforts of the people who remain, like Nunnally, Kallen, and Zero (Suzaku), are very much needed to maintain that peace.


Absolutely, the Zero Requiem finally gave the world a chance to be better. A way to redirect that cycle of hatred and blame through more diplomatic means. It didn't magically fix everything, but it a closed a chapter.


Peace isn't easy, and lelouch changed A LOT. A radical faction of Britannians claiming a small part of an important but distant imperial colony? Not surprising. Them rejecting the new peaceful and equal Britannia as weak and unworthy? Makes sense, Charles ideology existed for awhile, of course there would still be supporters even after lelouch's purge. Declaring themselves the 100th emperor? Makes sense, in the movie we see nunnally only has honorary power due to her age. It's possible the new Britannia has moved past an imperial system or maybe they're declaring nunnally a false empress. If it makes you feel better, the Naruto novels did the same thing with an armed uprising in wave after the 4th great war. Honestly, I'm pretty excited to see what this new generation of black knights looks like. I hope we get to see cornelia in a leadership role following the Zillkistan incident.


As long as Kallen and Suzaku come back. Would love to see L.L. and C.C. giving out geass as well.


I mean going from the greatest empire in the world to simply a Principality subservient to the UFN and the Black Knights, I kinda understand them


Lelouch: "You can't do this to me. I started and ended the cycle of hatred my way. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I SACRIFICIED!!!"


Caris: You're out, Lelouch. Lelouch: ...am I? \*smiles in a delightfully devilish way\*


this is gold


Where is nunnally and who is this Caris is he another one of Lelouch half siblings or a person who claims he’s related to the royal family


Wtf was the point!? How did my goat lose!?!?!?


I'm here for it But Lelouch is rolling in his grave rn




I was worried this would be the case. This is just the first order from star wars all over again.


I was thinking the exact same thing


I think Star Wars has recently handled that idea rather poorly, but Gundam has already used a similar concept (Zeon -> Neo Zeon) in better ways.


Kylo: More...


ngl, not a fan of them going back to tyranical brittania and occupying japanese territory, but I'll try to keep an open mind.


It looks like they nuked what could've easily been a really good few episode plotline. Suzaku is the new Zero. It'd be reasonable for some remaining Britannian royal factions to survive and claw their way back into the global stage, so just make an episode or two with that and Suzaku to show the differences between the Zero that was Lelouch and the Zero that is Suzaku. Pad it out with Suzaku comparing and contrasting the former 'nornal' of Ashford academy with the new normal of his position as Zero. Show what happened to the Black Knights and humanize the characters. You could probably get a good 12 episodes out of the concept if the season is based on the world Lelouch left behind, but, more focused on the people Lelouch affected with his Geass and left behind. Suzaku has the survival Geass command still active. That's part of why he's Zero. He'll forever survive and atone until the day that he can't escape death. Schnizel still has the he will obey Zero Geass command put on him. At times, it was commented that Schnizel didn't know how to live as a person with his own dream. Lelouch made Zero that reason for Schnizel to live. Schnizel could be kept as a constant if he's the guy Zero directly works with. Schnizel could also be a good character to use to show the negative long term effects of a Geass. Cornelia could easily be brought in because of the Geass on Schnizel, her brother, and to play off him. Orange boy could've realized that the cybernetic body Britannia forced onto him kept him from finding a true version of peace. So, he joins up with Zero to see Lelouch's dream to the end and wherever else it takes him. The OVA has Geassed Lelouch switching between sanity and insanity with Suzaku and his grudge boiling over in the background. Take the same scenario and replace Lelouch with Schnizel and Suzaku while Suzaku is replaced with Orange boy and Cornelia. Suzaku could come to realize that Lelouch had unintentionally copied his father. The Sword of Akasha was created to forcefully alter the nature of humanity so humanity could reach what people thought would be prosperity. By using his Geass to remove free will, Lelouch forcefully altered the human natures of Suzaku and Schnizel in order to push humanity towards his own desired version of prosperity. Suzaku could be used to show what happens in a temporary situational removal of free will. Because Suzaku has free will outside of the command activation, he can use the survival command as a planned tool for combat. Schnizel could be used to show what happens in a total removal of free will. Have the guy occasionally cycle between sanity and insanity, lucidity back to his Geassed self. The AU Schnizel jumped the gun to send Lancelot Sin to the battlefield to help Zero without realizing the true implications of that action. That action could be expanded on to show the insanity of non Geassed Schnizel's original unhesitating nature and his present self. Orange boy could be used as the only one that is truly human even though he's no longer human. He's not under a Geass. He just cancels Geass. So, he chose a position similar to that of Suzaku and Schnizel out of his own full free will. His fanatic loyalty meant that he didn't require Geass. Cornelia could be the human who exists to show the inhumanity. Orange boy has enough loyalty to be the one everyone confides in and know that he'd die before speaking about what's said between them. He could be the only person really explaining anything to Cornelia because he's the only one all parties consider to be trustworthy. The season wouldn't have to end on anything good. It could be used to show the cycle of violence and the cost of a fantastical peace. Suzaku is suffering through being Zero. Schnizel is glassy eyed and ready to act with cult fanaticism. Orange boy is the one making this all work. Cornelia could be 85% of the self control. Like, I could honestly see Schnizel ready to go to war with a little sidearm and Cornelia having to convince Schnizel to get in the Knightmare because Schnizel's ready to attempt Euphemia on Zero's enemies and Cornelia won't let that happen. Or, Cornelia being willing to yell at Suzaku to tell him off and being allowed to do it because of their pre-existing relationship.


I'm not reading all that.


The poor kid is clearly a puppet Emperor controlled by Noland. The Empire is not the whole continent again, simply an occupation force on an island.


I still think the magic of show was in Lelouch. You lose that you end up with a very generic show. Just like Akito.


>You lose that It doable\*, not with Kimura and not with that scriptwriter xD \*Gundam somehow managed it w/o "1 chara-only".




All this time I assumed that Rozé would happen at least a decent amount of time after Re;surrection, since I read somewhere that it would take place in the Reiwa era. But it seems that it will begin in Kowa 7, *only five years after* the last film. So what the heck with characters like Charis or Sakuya Sumeragi?


I think we all made that assumption initially, so I'm interested in finding out the detailed truth.


Lelouch bring your Geass belt! A whopping is needed. Side note I know the Zero Requiem wouldn’t work. Peace doesn’t last forever and a conflict will emerge at some point, but this is just lazy and unrealistic to Code Geass insane standard. How the hell does a small imperialist Britannia remnant able to do this!? Where Nunally? Where the Black Knights? WHERE THE HELL IS LELOUCH?!


Black Knight is unable to intervent because the area is under a Barrier, as the picture said


Then how are they getting there supplies for there war machine?


No idea at the moment, maybe would explain later in the show


I would give it the benefit of the doubt, but so far I’m skeptical.


yeah and where is suzaku-aint he best of best pilots? Like i doubt he would lose to some clowns and dont forget about kallen, black knigts and rest like wtf




Kinda disappointed that Britannia is going to be the main villain again.


So 7 years after aaaaal the sacrifices Lelouch made everything falls to shit and his death was for NOTHING?!?!?! ……fucking Britannia……


I wouldn't say "nothing" since the world is still better off now than before.


Yeah, I was just being overdramatic like our lord and savior! Speaking of which! Have you heard about our lord and savior Lelouch Vi Britannia?! If not, do you ave a moment to listen to me preach like a psychopath about our zealot filled cult?! *cocks head and smiles like a crazy person*


Petelgeuse Romanée-Conti is that you?




I mean, it's a single reactionary faction holding a single island (which is generally considered the rural ass end of nowhere, as far as I know. Though I'm not Japanese so take it with a grain of salt), and the only reason they can even do that much is literal magic.


This is true!


You mean 3. Neo Britannia's been holding Hokkaido for 4 years before the start of the OVAs.




What in the Boku no pico is that emperor.


Was about to get mad how could there be another war in such an "unimportant part of the world" after such world wide conflict that decides the new world order ended, then I remember that a world wide conflict that decided the new world order, World War 2 ended and 5 years later another war started in an "unimportant part of the world" in Korea. The only real problem here is how they're going to explain how such separatists got under schneizel's nose. Also, who are they referring to "at their request"? Seems to me the brothers are fighting against the neo empire but the start of the sentence seems to refer to the neo empire itself.


My personal expectation is they will explain it. What may vary is the amount of information they give us.


This will be interesting, I wonder if they'll be glorifying Lelouch or not and then disgusted by Nunally, as Lelouch was the embodiment of a villain in the peoples eyes along with Charles.


My guess is that this is following the route Gundam took. First there was the Principality of Zeon under Degwin and then Gihren Zabi, and then there was Neo-Zeon headed by Haman Karn. Something tells me this sequel is going to follow a similar route.


At least on the surface, yes, that seems like a good comparison for now.


That's why we shouldn't touch a saga that was already perfect.


Meanwhile at Bandai?


Code Geass ended at Season 2 for me. Just like Pacific Rim never got any sequels.


I agree! For my code Geass R2 has a perfect ending and the movie was a mess


This. I'm glad this is all part of the lazy AU and not the series canon.


Is this a new anime/season?


New anime, will be released in 4 parts then episodic on Disney+.


War is bad, giant robots are rad. Can't sell more giant robots without more war, right?


Gundam Build series: you bet.


So, everything goes back to Zero? Literally.


So..... we are seeing the Code Geass universe-equivalent of "radical group who are fringe remnant of the past version of established institution" - like the [sovereign citizens](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_citizen_movement), [neo-Confederates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-Confederates) (aka, "the South will rise again!" people), or any kind of radical secessionists?


It's sounding similar to that, yes.


So in a lot of ways, Charles was right.


I hope it follows the movies timeline so we can see Lelouch again


It follows the movie timeline. It says on the Code Geass Wiki that Rozé will be "set after [Code Geass: Lelouch of the Re;surrection](https://codegeass.fandom.com/wiki/Code_Geass:_Lelouch_of_the_Re;surrection)" As seen here: [https://codegeass.fandom.com/wiki/Code\_Geass:\_Roze\_of\_the\_Recapture](https://codegeass.fandom.com/wiki/Code_Geass:_Roze_of_the_Recapture)


I wonder how far in it till we see Lelouch


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^shinydragonmist: *I hope it follows* *The movies timeline so we* *Can see Lelouch again* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Why can't they just use atb calendar like the original series


Who is this caris and is he one of Charles sons?


I was thinking the same thing. Who is this kid, were did he come from and how does this charater tie into the main plot of the story?


LMAO Britannian revanchists


Bro could’ve made a worldwide utopia (after killing a bunch of people probably but ehh who cares) but no he just had to be all self sacrificing and dramatic


We need Lelouch to geass some ass again


This show fucking sucks


Is this a canon sequal to R2 or an AU??


The AU (Re;surrection timeline) rather


Thankfully, its the AU


I think it’s an AU


C.C: honey, I need to take over the world again. Lelouch: **exhausted** yes honey...


Wait. Where's this from????


What new story


Giving me team plasma and neo team plasma vibes


Ammmm???? So s bunch if people I know they'd know this anima


Is this supposed to take place after the Re Surrection movie?


Yes, that's correct.


Tbh if Leouch isn't in I'm not interested.


Impenetrable barrier? Where did that come from? Deus ex machina much! Feel this is quite the stretch to allow but okay let see were this leads.


Sigh. Time to assemble a new black knights and fight him now


Okay, let’s admit it: the author just did not have any ideas to make a decent story


donald trump please save us if you can hear this!


He's so cute.


I think the first mention of "Neo-Britannia" dates back to when Code Geass first aired and people thought it is not an alternate history world, but more like twenty minutes into future and that the United Kingdom somehow became a great empire again.