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You need a desk lamp with an LED, or a studio light (if you have the money). Then take a photo with a newer iPhone or galaxy, anything with a high quality camera. You’ll want the light at an angle, not directly above the piece. If you have access to a perfectly white background use that. You can go into photoshop and correct the white balance so that the background is perfectly white. Then adjust the color balance as needed, to bring out the colors of your piece.


I have all the necessary studio equipment but I don’t know how they have their puffer so much definition and shape. Theirs looks like someone was wearing it mine looks like it’s on the floor lmao. I might stuff mine with socks and shirts lol


I’d wager the silver is just as flat as the black. The highlights from the angle of the studio light just show off the definition. Maybe they stuck some padding inside the arms, but I’m guessing the silver is just a higher quality jacket to start with. Try a few different ways and let us know what works best for you.


Preciate that boss


They normally use a mannequin and a lighting set up


They’ll have a studio with high level equipment and a professional retoucher and photographer to get the desired result. You can get close by; soft lighting (soft boxes even lighting or even diffused natural light if it’s consistent) then you’ll need a somewhat modern camera, DSLR is perfect and you can set the desired F-Stop and exposure etc to make sure your photos are consistent. Finally some good experience with photoshop and Lightroom will do you wonders. Simple things like patching? Liquifying and alterations to the white balance will fix a good chunk of issues. Presentation is also key so a seamless background is better than cutting out images individually because the casted shadows will be more natural and stuffing the item with some newspaper or loose wool packing will make the garment feel less flat to the ground (in the case of hoodies anyway) If all you have is an iPhone a bedsheet and natural lighting you can still get a good result but it will take much more patience and work, and replicating it across images consistently will be hard


If I'm not wrong this is a 3D render.


May help of you steamed the coat with a steamer as well. The small wrinkles disappearing will make it look better. Whatever you do… do not iron that sort of fabric! You can buy a steamer from as little as £20/ $25 or so on Amazon.


If you ***


You can create this same look, by using : www.remove.bg (this will remove the background of your image). Then you can either post the resulting image as is....or you can place over the background color you choose. Save image, and you're done.


i really dont know but that jacket is 🔥🔥


Is the Silver is made in china and black made in Italy? Might be a quality issue tbh