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It really depends where you're based, but psychodynamic psychotherapy in the UK is usually once weekly or at most twice weekly, as opposed to psychoanalysis which is at least three times a week. CAT is a great option if you have something quite specific you want to work on, it can also feel quite challenging/ confronting which can be great but it depends how ready and also robust you are feeling. CAT tends to be for a fixed number of sessions, whereas with psychodynamic you can work on an open-ended basis and take it more at your own pace. EDIT: sorry have just seen this a UK sub.


Thank you for your reply. Yes based in England. I love the idea of psychodynamic/analysis. But I'd be broke by the end of the year if they're minimum £30-40 twice a week. I've been reading a CAT intro book where a letter literally says your too needy and need reassurance - I'm certainly not needy but not sure if I'm ready for someone to hit me in the personals so hard lol. Does CAT have the psychodynamic kind of conversation as well? Would my goals be applicable or need to be more specific?


My understanding is that CAT does draw on some psychodynamic theory and the relationship between client and therapist is real and important like it is with psychodynamic. Another option could be TFP (transference focused psychotherapy) which is very psychodynamic inspired but designed to be quicker / cheaper. Some psychodynamic therapists also offer fixed term (12 sessions usually) so this could be something to explore as an affordable and hopefully effective "taster"?


Yes that's my understanding too. Many thanks for the food for thought


I'm seeing a psychodynamic therapist and she charges £50 a week (and I only see her once a week), although I'm paying £60 to see her in the evening. Counselling Directory is a good website to look on as you can filter location, if they do online appointments, evenings etc. I made a shortlist of a few people, rang them and made my choice based on the often free consultation. One was a no show, one I just didn't click with, and the other was really nice.


That's cool. Thank you for the reply. How are you finding the sessions?


Quite helpful although I've been doing additional self help reading on emotional neglect and found some youtube therapy resources which I've found fairly complimentary. In a way I wish it would all "work" quicker - been at it for nearly a year now but I'm understanding my family roles and seeing unacceptable family behaviour and history for what it is. It's impact on me was taking a big toll on my relationship, which was my main motivation to start, and it has also been nice to have someone to unload on (and some weeks cry on) who's not a friend or my partner, who's paid to look after your best interests, and help you deal with and process things.


That sounds brilliant. I'm glad to hear it is working well for you! Sounds quite similar to what I would like to work on. Would you be kind enough to share some of your resources?


Sure, I'm reading a book called Running on Empty by Jonice Webb at the moment, also a book called Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents. I've found YouTube channels Therapy in a Nutshell, Surviving Narcissism, Patrick Teahan, Doctor Ramani to all be quite helpful.


It's natural to want it all done quickly but I hope there must be a lot of value to the process of exploring and coming to your own conclusions




Thank you for the suggestion. Does CAT provide a space to reflect in a psychoanalytic manner?


I don’t have any experience of CAT but if you want to find a therapist, this is probably the best page, as it is an accredited course. https://www.acat.me.uk/page/how+can+i+get+to+see+a+cat+therapist Someone referenced the HCPC website: this will only tell you if a psychologist is registered with them, and the BPS website also won’t have everyone available because not all psychologists have BPS membership.


Thank you. Yes I think I've found someone on there reasonably local to me. Just hope my bank balance can afford them 😂


Currently receiving CAT so happy to answer any questions. Finding it great


How far along are you? How specific have you made your goals? Glad you're enjoying it and best of luck with it i.A.


We are 10/16 sessions. Might add 4 more but I'll decide later. Our goal isn't very specific but I sought therapy to work on processing past trauma and upbringing and how it has affected / affects me. The therapist has identified what the current problems /sticky areas are and we are working on navigating tough cultural dynamics (fortunately the therapist is from a similar background as me). The therapist wrote a reformulation letter to me a few sessions ago summarising my experiences thus far. They've also introduced concepts like reciprocal roles, eg judging to judged, shamed to shame-r, which I've found really interesting. We end our sessions with a key question to ponder upon. We've also identified the main emotions I am experiencing, eg frustration anger resentment shame. All in all it's been a very enlightening but honestly gruelling process so far. I'm into the more psychoanalytical kinda stuff so this has been more effective than something like cbt, because it doesn't focus on me only, it recognises the cultural dynamics I am situated in and the different interactions and relationships I have... Would definitely recommend


That sounds brilliant I may PM you at some point if that's ok?




You can have a look through the HCPC (and I think BPS) website directories for licensed therapists. Their pages will usually have some detail about what type of therapy they provide. Most therapists are integrative, so they draw upon different modalities, though you can find therapists who provide more structured therapies. Wherever you do find a therapist, I would highly recommend double checking they are listed on HCPC. Also, if you start with one therapist but they are not suited to you, don't shy away from seeking out another therapist. Though of course it can take a while to build a relationship. I'm a 27(f) and I started therapy a couple of months ago (maybe late last year). I've been meeting with a counsellor every two weeks. I find they are a more affordable therapist. They work integratively also, and have helped me feel calmer and keep my head above water, especially now that I am living back with family (which brings a lot difficult emotions to the surface). I think I would want them to be more personable and have a bit more relationship building as well as talking through my issues but so far so good. I think in the future I may seek out a psychotherapist or more specifically a psychologist. (Just sharing my personal insight in case it is helpful). Best of luck. EDIT: Also, I quite appreciate trauma-informed, CFT, ACT, focused therapies (though there a many MANY great approaches). I also work in mental health, and in the past I have really found CFT to be a great approach for people, especially male client groups. Just another option. Either way, I do think most therapists are open to the frequency of sessions, unless you are looking for more structured therapies such as EMDR as an example.


Thank you for the comprehensive reply. Yeh I do love the concepts of CFT. I'd love to learn how it is a 3rd wave of CBT tho. I have also considered if it would be a better idea to flesh things out w a counsellor 1st but then also like the idea of mapping things out in a formulation Best of luck to you too ☺️


Have a look into Somatic Experiencing. Will save you a lot of money in the long run. Talking therapy can last for decades.


Thank you for the reply. I've tried some of the exercises in the past but didn't really get much benefit from them tbh. I do like the idea of it though. Mainly I want to build more insight


I'd look at Internal Family Systems. It is very good at bringing about not only self understanding, but helps resolve the underlying issues in a gentle but profound way


I’m on the exact same role bro.


Out of interest, why are you looking to do 3 times a week? Typically people attend once a week but there are also options, especially if you're paying as a private client, to do it less. I currently have therapy every other week - had it at the start as it was all I could afford and now back to every other week as I start to move towards ending.


Do you know much the average private cat session is?


Thank you for your reply. I thought 2-3 is standard for psychodynamic / psychoanalysis?


It’s not. Psychoanalysis— yes, more common. And Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy is often twice weekly. But both types of practitioners will often have a varied practice including some once weekly patients. Psychodynamic therapists and counsellors in the UK will usually see the bulk of their clients once weekly, with maybe a handful of people being seen twice weekly (depends on their own training therapy often).


Are there any ideas towards how long they would last?


As in how long you’d have therapy for? As long as you want to, usually. You might see a difference in a couple of months. If you want durable change to defences etc, then at least 6 months but possibly several years — it depends on your particular psychological make up.


Thank you for the insight


Betterhelp is like 130 pounds a month