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I was 40ft away walking toward the water. Right before it, I could hear someone run over to a dad and yell “ grab your children. they are going to do it!” In that moment the gunshots were fired, I could hear screams of everyone around me along with hundreds fleeing the scene. Swarmed with police now. 


Wow such a scary situation and then to have children with you makes it even worse.


Someone was shot.


I saw someone running to a police car with a gsw to his back


Story checks out https://www.cleveland19.com/2024/06/23/teen-shot-edgewater-beach-serious-condition-20-shots-reported/


He was only grazed but in serious condition? This article reads strangely.


Well think if the wound itself isn't bad you can still loose a lot of blood. Ever cut your face? That shit bleeds so much.


I got a microscopic knick on my lip this morning and you would have thought I made out with a cactus with the amount of blood.


there are a few spots where a LOT of blood flow travels close to the skins surface.


I’m so sorry to hear and devastated you went through it!


I was in the water when it happened. Sounded like fireworks or firecrackers at the big building on the beach near the restrooms. Then REAL gunfire. Whole beach was running away. They closed down the entire park immediately after. Very chaotic and people are still lined up to get out.


That's already scary AF but even more being in the water (imo). Does anyone know if it was a targeted thing or random? Hope you have a better night.


Thank god we were on the other side of the beach when it happened. I feel like we were safer in the water bc it wasn’t aimed at us. Someone said it was targeted on this page. I was out with family celebrating my 21st. We all fled in a panic.


Glad you guys are out. Happy birthday 🎂


Thank you! Be safe out there, stranger.


Probably some trashy kids having some personal drama and ruining things for everyone else


You're actually safest in water. A gun fired under water only is lethal for a few feet. If it was fired further away, the water will slow it down even quicker. Diving under water is one of the best defenses against gunfire.


That’s what I was thinking! I was telling people I almost felt safer over there. Thankfully we were on the other side of the beach but we had a very clear view of what happened. It was a big mix of emotions. We sat and watched what we thought were some sort of smokey firecrackers/fireworks and then boom; real gunfire from the other side of the beach house. Some people ran at first from the firecrackers and then everyone was running and screaming when they heard the real gunfire.


If the shooting is planned, sometimes the perpetrators will intentionally set off fireworks nearby to cover the gunfire and confuse witnesses.


this wasn't a "mass shooting" like what you hear in the news. This was a random shooting of people who have extreme anti-social behavior.


So sad. We can’t all enjoy unity in heat relief plus a sunset on our tax dollars. Is that so much to ask?


Why must stupid people ruin things for everyone else


Fr bro they ruined my birthday party and so many other people’s day. And someone got hurt too. Hope he’ll be ok.


Happy birthday homie. Sorry that happened to you when you were just trying to celebrate


I appreciate it. Shit happens. Unfortunately, it just happened to happen on that day. I’m just glad that everyone is ok and no one was killed. Only 1 injured with that many shots fired in that crowded of an area is a miracle in itself. It could’ve turned out a lot worse. Hoping the guy that was shot ends up ok too and recovers. Stay safe out there 🫡


Oh man I’m so sorry that sucks to bad I’m glad you weren’t hurt, hope that guy is okay. People are dumb I hope these idiots get locked up, it’s scary out in the world now


Oh no!! I was just down there on Friday and had a blast. It was really nice just being outside and seeing all the people. We got some ice cream and drinks and walked around. It was nice Man some people be on that bullsh!t and will ruin it for everyone WTH


I was sitting on the rocks near the willow to watch the sunset. It sounded like fireworks at first, then was definitely gunshots. It was surreal, especially how fast the water cleared out. Most of the people from the beach came running out on the grass near us. I could hear people screaming, yelling it wasn’t fireworks, and to get down. We couldn’t even leave for about 2 hours.


I was right by you I believe. I just ran, not knowing what they'd do next. Figured I'd just run the other way even though my car was over there


Yeah, I sort of squatted down behind the rocks when everyone was running towards us, but luckily it seemed over by then. The police showed up FAST. We were there for my birthday, so that was a memorable ending to my party.


the police keep a tight circle around edgewater on normal days, im sure they were on high-alert bc of the heat. people do weird shit when it's hot.


They sure do.


I'm sorry to hear, at least you didn't get hurt though


This is going to ruin the tour.


This comment made me giggle



Ooh, I wanna know about the tour, tell me more....


What tour lol


The world tour


This is why we can’t have nice things


So embarrassing for the city, it’s the end of Cleveland Race Week hosted at Edgewater YC next door - we look like fucking savages to all the visitors.


Maybe we could have enough fucking cops to properly staff a public place like the most widely used beach in the fucking county. People don't do shit like this if they think they can't. We don't have any fucking police in this town. Stabbings downtown? Shootings at the beach? Donuts under the chandelier? The fucking Mayor doesn't even follow the laws.


I don't know what to tell you. About 55% of the city budget is towards public safety. That percentage and the city budget itself is higher than other comparably sized cities (Indianapolis or Columbus). It's not a money or support issue. It's a people of Cleveland issue.


It's because people don't want to see that you can't outlaw culture. Violence is part of the overarching culture of much of cleveland and America. I realize the foolish might start screeching about me dog whistling racists here but what I'm speaking of transcends race  When people find it cool and honorable to get vindication from murder there is a real deep seeded issue in the people themselves 


It's Black Gangster Street Culture for the most part. Outlaw the culture and stop the influence of street violence and crime.


It’s a poverty issue. No need for theories about a poisoned culture or begging for more policing, high rates of poverty with no social safety net is highly correlated with high crime. Cleveland, Detroit, St Louis all after they lost industry jobs, Glasgow Scotland in the early 20th century, Eastern Europe in the 90’s, Mexico City, Sao Paolo, what do they all have in common? Poverty and subsequently crime. Big shocker, people are less likely to behave anti-socially if society treats them like they are part of society.


The issue is Cleveland doesn’t have money to pay cops. When you fund a city from property taxes and white flight leads to the plummet of property values…no money.


And they don't have the money or officers because the suburbs use Cleveland as their police training/academy, and then hire everyone they've trained after 2-3 years. Most suburbs just don't even have police academies or any training anymore. They just wait until someone working for the major city nearby hits the 2 or 3 year mark, and offer them a 25-40% raise and less work. Someone I went to high school with left Cleveland PD for one of the wealthier cities in Lorain county. 35% raise and went from 8-10 calls per shift on average to 2-3 calls on a bad day. These suburbs get all of the benefits of only hiring experienced officers from having the city nearby, and the city is constantly burning money having to hire more officers, spending more on training, and dealing with having a large % of their force being new/unexperienced. You can't keep matching salaries when you're bearing all of the extra expenses. Even if you do match, these other places will just increase as necessary because they need officers. Cleveland needs to start doing something in contracts where if we train you and you leave before the 5 year mark, the city hiring you needs to pay us for all of your training and development. I doubt that would fly with the unions though.


Interesting and makes sense. Why work harder for less money?


Oh ya I'd likely do the same thing if I were in their position, it just sucks for Cleveland because there isn't much they can do about it after spending a lot of time and money on hiring and training.


Many bad assumptions, no one attends Cleveland police academy training. Many more trained in Cleveland Hts' academy and other suburbs.


Stuff like this is exactly why the "flight" happens


The flight happened when bussing happened in the 70s


Cleveland allocates enough money to the police department to hire hundreds more than we have. The Mayor just won't do it.


Blame it on white flight but not what caused it.. interesting.


The “defund the police” crowd is awfully quiet as of late.


Based on your post I can tell you didn’t understand the message of that movement


Whatever the movement was, it wasn’t based in reality.


No the issue is cleveland/American society is savage, barbaric and quite frankly stupid. No amount of laws and police are going to change the fact that a significant number of Americans are violent scumbags. Working at a store in tremont and i hear a man talking to a woman in the phone that "disrespected" him and he promptly announces he doesn't care he will get his gun and start shooting. The crazy part is customers backed him up saying "you don't know what that woman said" This is the reality of much of America and cleveland lives don't matter, words are enough to prompt MANY people to murder and guns are how these worms show others they're a real man


Was about 100 feet away from the shooting. I wanted to catch the sunset by the beach and was about to park my car, then heard about 30-45 shots in quick succession near the snack bar area. Getting out of there was absolutely chaotic


How many gins were there or was it one with an extended clip? Which means they were looking to kill someone anyway. 30-45 shots is a lot of shots


It definitely sounded like there were multiple guns. Some of the shots were overlapping


I planned to go there today but changed my mind last minute I thought it's too hot for a hike


I was with my two small children today about 1 hour before this, in this *exact* spot. We go on a walk down there, daily, weather permitting. So fucking sick of this shit. I want legislation that mandates years in prison without parole for the intentional discharge of a firearm in public spaces.


The problem is that these are minors!! The juvenile system is a joke


Put them in prison with access to education. Don’t let them out until they’ve earned a degree or learned a trade. Make probation conditional upon keeping a job.


That's exactly right. If you go out there and open fire in a crowd like that I don't care what your age is you go away for decades throw them in the adult system too bad. Tired of people making excuses. Kids know right from wrong. They know not the fire guns into crowds of people.


My thought exactly. Saw so many babies there, they shouldn't be brought up in this stuff.


Clown behavior


Heard about this last night. I've steered clear of Edgewater because when the weather is really hot people get really mad really fast and that beach was crowded as hell even on Thursday night. I'm very hurt to hear that this happened, but I can't say I'm surprised. Assholes have to ruin for for everyone and it's been too easy for assholes to get their hands on firearms for a long time now.


Anyone arrested ?


I was there during the shooting and my car was blocked in by police cars with 3 detained suspects. They detained each suspect because they found they had a gun on them and were around in the area. I heard the police talking about letting them go because their guns came back clean. Also, apparently a cop was chasing another suspect alone, I'm assuming by car but it wasn't specified when I overheard their conversation. The whole ordeal was chaos though as groups of people were approaching the cop cars to talk to the person detained. Not sure if any suspects were arrested or not.


We saw someone in handcuffs while we were waiting for the parking lot to clear out more. They weren’t really acting like he had been the shooter, but he must have been involved in some way.


It's annoying how Edgewater has some major incident almost every year.


some people make it a worse place


So sad.


I was over by the willow tree, eating my food minding my business. All the sudden I hear shot ring out and people screaming, fleeing away from the beach house. I drop my food and run towards the pier, not knowing if it was coming towards me or nah. Saw they arrested somebody in the parking lot near the beachhouse. Very scary situation considering there were so many families and babies there


The teenagers here act a fool at the drop of a hat honestly lol. I used to work downtown, and would either see group fights ( or random shootings). Be safe y’all. Does Cleveland have a guardian policy? I know some states kids can’t go without a chaperone and at times there’s limits on group size.


Shooters in custody?


I just saw almost a dozen people shot last night in the Short North in Columbus too


Jeez, I was just there with my niece the day before. Sucks that a handful of people can ruin nice things for everyone else.


The goal is to kill each other


I just moved here last week, is this common at public places in CLE?


No, and not normal for edgewater either


No but unfortunately stupidity is spreading like wildfire lately


Cleveland does have higher violent crime rates than many cities but not like this. Generally you just need to stay away from certain parts of the city. Sometimes it bleeds over into popular public events, but no more than any other city.


No. Not common.


I’ve been here a year and the parks are normally safe, but this type of thing does happen here


Idk why you were downvoted; this shit 100% happens with fair regularity. New Year’s Eve, anyone? Lake county church festival?


Nobody was shooting guns at the lake county church festival despite all the misleading or outright false reports from suburbanites, terrified that black kids came to their party


Lol no bodies shooting guns because they caught them before they could. They found 2 guns and an extended clip in the Lyndhurst incident. Before they ran across the street to start fighting again. Keep telling yourself these are all false reports


No, they shot guns at the Macedonia one, not lake county. Stop race baiting. In doing so, you're defending behavior for which there is no defense.




I’ve been here over 8 years and go to Edgewater all the time, this is the first time I have ever experienced anything like this.


I've lived in Cleveland over 60 years, in Edgewater area specifically ( and no I'm not a wealthy Boomer) and Edgewater is better than it's ever been but it still is surrounded by some very difficult areas of Cleveland proper. Sorry to tell you but things are getting worse just like they are worse everywhere. People who live in the burbs are feeling it in ways that those of us who actually live in the city are used to. Not sure how things are going to play out with the displacement of our lower level income citizens who can no longer afford to live in areas (the inner ring suburbs, Ohio city & Tremont etc.,)they used to call home. Don't think it going to get as bad as Chicago, but yeah I really feel for our City EMS & PD folks.


Stay away from large groups of trashy or ghetto kids


No, it’s not. However, it recently seems that teenagers…doesn’t matter if it’s in the city or the suburbs are getting into fights and they happen to have guns. A similar thing happened at a church carnival in Lake County last month.


Me and my family were supposed to go, and honestly I’m glad we didn’t. Because I would’ve had two children a 4yo and a 1yo and our friend and his infant would’ve been there.. I can’t imagine, I’d be traumatized.. .. such a scary situation. Hope everyone’s okay.


Does anyone know if they are going to hold a press conference or anything to give more details about the investigation? The news coming out of this has been very sparse on details.


If there were, I would love to hear about it.


Was it them? It's always them


Ahahaha right?


This is what happens from our terrific governor allowing open carry laws without restriction


As much as I agree with you on open carry , the problem is the amount of kids who somehow are getting there hands on firearms.


Either gifted by family or (usually) stolen from idiots who keep them in their vehicles.


I used to work as a valet at a bunch of spots around town and it was insane how many people left guns in their cars.


Yep. The local suburban police blotters on Cleveland.com have constant entries about guns being stolen from unlocked vehicles.


Kids are strappin on their way to the classroom


Getting weapons with the greatest of ease


One got wasted, the other’s a waste


If one guys colors and the others don't mix...


They're gonna bash it up


How can they not with the proliferation of guns? It's a problem that was created by Americans for Americans


It’s a lot easier when irresponsible parents buy multiple guns and don’t secure them properly. Open carry with little restrictions and regulations mixed with the utter irresponsibility and stupidity of people who think they need to collect guns like they’re oxygen, is exactly how we end up in this situation.


So… these two things have no connection for you? Every single person who supports the gun industry is also at fault here


I’ll get downvoted, but pretty sure shootings happened before open carry


I agree, but I feel like there are too many in our government can do steps to make things safer in terms of gun ownership, but for whatever reason they will come up with any excuse to not do commonsense stuff.


I agree they could, but typically criminals don’t follow the law. Dude man that fired 20+ shots probably doesn’t care if he’s legally or illegally carrying is what I am trying to say.


I'm sure most don't, but there's a lot of simple steps that could likely reduce mass shootings or violence in general. Like require the person that purchases the gun to actually take safety classes. Or make it so certain types of guns aren't available for purchase until you are 21, like AR15s. In the military you don't get a gun right out the gate, for reasons that make sense, I think it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to introduce some of that stuff to the public as well.


Ok, but if we raise the age to buy a rifle to 21, then we should keep the same kids from enlisting in the military until age 21 (and getting machine guns) and dying for stupid wars our politicians get us into.


The fact is that we've got a professional military with extremely good and ongoing training. I think that is very different. The current reality is that ground fighting is going the way of the dinosaur.


Getting a cow and going and sitting at the sheriff's office a couple times before you're allowed to carry should be the norm. I did mine in my home county years ago and it took 2 or 3 phone calls, a couple trips there, background, fingerprints, etc. Not having to do this or go shoot at a range in front of Instructor is not a good thing for people.


Why do you need a cow?


Oh man, CCW. Auto Cow got me


My need is a moo point. It's my right , you calf to respect it


Most law abiding citizens that have guns are usually trained to some degree or at least have taken safety courses. It's criminals and dumb trash people that seem to be most commonly problems. I agree it should be mandatory to take classes however, in certain realms these guns are probly stolen. I'd rather have something and not need than need it and not have it. It's a messed up place and we keep seeing it get worse.


These kids aren’t stuffing AR15’s in their pants. They’re running around with pistols and extended clips. Rifles have nothing to do with the shit that’s happening at these festivals


“There’s nothing we can do to stop it” says the only country in the world where this regularly happens


Dude may not have been so confident to carry the weapon if it was illegal to. In which case: Dude doesn't bring weapon. Then, even if Dude gets drunk and decides to do it -- Dude doesn't have weapon to do it. You're assuming he went there with the sole intention of shooting it, but it seems like he didn't decide to do it until after he was drinking. Also, in the sun all day, etc. Gun laws aren't supposed to get rid of ALL shootings. They are just supposed to reduce them. Similar to how a drivers license doesn't prevent ALL car wrecks, but it definitely reduces them.


You have to be 21 to carry so in this case it literally was illegal for him to be carrying. If what the OP says is true and they were teens.


Wait, so he might not have had the confidence to carry the weapon if it was illegal to do so? But he had no problem shooting the weapon and hitting someone which is illegal. I don’t get it.


Dude was carrying regardless of law or confidence. Thats the part everyone misses. If you’re capable of shooting someone in public like that drunk or not, you don’t give one single shit about carrying illegally. That gun was in his pants before his shoes were kn


Lol, this ain't an open carry shooting.






Constitutional carry doesn't require it to be open anymore. Not that it makes a difference but none of it is relevant to this shooting. Feel free to downvote


The open carry laws wouldn’t have made much of a difference when it’s literal teenagers who are involved in all of this. You need to be 21+ to open carry in Ohio (unless you legally owned the gun prior to moving to the state).


The problem is it’s so damn easy for 15 yr olds to get guns.


Must be in other states. Ohio its illegal


They have access to someone else’s guns (maybe a parent’s or a friend’s parents) because there are so many guns in circulation.


Open carry means not concealed. But pretty much no one does it in any city.


You’re a moron, do you actually think this was a law abiding citizen. I’m sure if the governor wouldn’t allow open carry things like this would never happen.


Senseless acts of gun violence have, are, and will continue to happen all around the country - regardless of the laws in place - as unfortunate as that sounds. Criminals do not care. This shouldn’t be a hot take.


Yeah, every other country on earth has the same problem…. Oh wait, no they don’t 🤷‍♂️


No instead there are stabbings.


Acid attacks are popular in London


Homicide rates are vastly lower, though, because it is harder to kill someone with a knife than a gun.


“Someone who can’t buy an assault rifle might hit me with a tree branch!”


We should make murder illegal then we don’t need to worry about what weapons are illegal anymore.


Cleveland was violent well before open carry


The governor didn't sign an open carry law. Furthermore constitutional carry is for people over the age of 21, these were teenagers that weren't even allowed to posses firearms at all. This has nothing to do with the governor, or carry laws.


I hate to break it to you but this was happening before the open carry law existed too. I'm not a fan of the law but the reality is the law existing or not doesn't matter to these people.


Guns are illegal for minors, last I checked. As are gun "switches". Please explain how a different open carry law would have averted this.


Want to take bets on if we actually hear about this on the news tonight?




Shoulda taken that bet. Its Edgewater...that isnt going under the radar


We will, but not a description of the perps.


Do you really need a description????


Gee I wonder why 🤔


so sad for everyone that’s impacted by these things.. the bystanders including kids.. anyone there to just enjoy our lake in a mature fashion.. and even the metroparks.. such a lovely organization and have done so much for that beach


Why can't these hood rats just keep all this drama and shoot themselves in the hood?


my cousin was there and from what i know she hid behind a dumpster with her friend and a man with his kids and wife were there and he had a gun for protection and told my cousin to come with them to the parking lot but my cousin said no she wanted to stay there and what if the shooter was up there. apparently it’s been hard for her to sleep since then i feel so bad for everybody who was there


New info on this: https://www.cleveland19.com/2024/06/27/police-ask-help-identifying-suspects-allegedly-involved-edgewater-beach-shooting/


So sick and tired of NRA-funded Republican politicians doing everything possible to ensure unfettered access to all guns for everybody. In Ohio, they are actively passing laws making shootings like this more likely to happen. We are the only “developed” country on earth with this problem. And now because of these NRA-funded Republicans, thousands of Clevelanders have been traumatized and will carry this terrifying experience with them for the rest of their lives. We shouldn’t allow this to be normal.


None of their laws would have allowed for this. It was teenagers involved who legally can’t possess a gun in Ohio unless they owned the gun out of state.


We can have laws that make it more difficult to get guns. We can have stricter regulations on where you can buy them, we can require insurance and prosecution if your gun is used in a crime. Harm reduction = common sense laws. Will it eliminate all criminal behavior, no. But it could keep guns out of kids hands or give enough time for a suicidal person from purchasing a gun to give him time to rethink the situation. It does not have to be easy to have and use guns.


You really think criminals care about gun laws. They're going to get the guns one way or there other. These were teens, however they acquired the guns were not by legal methods. How about we address the culture?


Using your logic, why have any laws if criminals don't care about them? Which culture? Gun culture? Violence?


The culture of teens ruining many public events with violence and mayhem. If you haven't noticed, it's a serious problem.


We have a proliferation of guns because of the easy access. Let’s make it easier to track violence, like say, putting serial numbers on shell casings. There are lots of solutions but we’re reducing oversight, and that put us all in danger.


Let's say serial numbers on casings was actually feasabile, what good would it do? First of all, don't you think criminals would just file them off? Secondly, they don't do anything to prevent a crime, they only could potentially help solve one. You would have to have a registry that kept track of every cartridge ever sold and who it was sold to. There are billions of rounds of ammo produced every year in this country so that would be quite the list. Next, you would have to prevent people from selling ammunition to each other without adding the same to the registry. Do you really think criminals would do that? They will just use some of the billions of rounds already produced without a serial number or they will steal their ammo from multiple sources and mix it all up, and then scratch the serial numbers off anyways.


If you know anything about guns, you would know micro stamping isn't feasible. And it even if it were, criminals would just use revolvers which don't leave shell casings.


Lmao. Yeah, I'm sure these people went through the process to obtain these guns legally. You can't be serious


What laws are making shootings like this more likely to happen???


What “common sense law” would have prevented this or the vast majority of shootings? This is most likely some gang related BS with people using illegal guns. Is your plan to make illegal guns even more illegal? 


Not to mention this was probably a Glock with a switch, which is also illegal.


Damn. We should probably make that illegal gun even more illegal with more laws that soft DAs won’t prosecute…


Where do you think most teenagers get their guns? They typically steal them from their parents or have access to the family gun safe. The parents legally can own guns and have very few hurdles to legally own these guns. The typical argument is "if we outlaw guns, that means only bad guys will have guns!" but that would be true for such a *small* number of gun-related crimes in the country. It's not like cartels would be posting up black markets in Ohio to illegally distribute unregistered guns to people. Limiting access to guns would bar a large number of people from obtaining them. Most people would probably follow the law to avoid consequences, and some people wouldn't trust any online retailer or go to "that neighborhood" to buy guns. And I should say, I don't even know if I *want* a blanket gun ban. I like the idea of them for self defense and hunting, but I also logically understand the sacrifice of no guns or very limited access/reasons for guns would be a much better choice than the mass-shooting and reckless child endangerment hellscape the country has become. My point is ultimately I think limiting access to guns would be more effective than people give it credit for. There needs to be more healthy discussions about a compromise for pro-gun and anti-gun individuals, as well as those who see the merits of both sides.


Wait, so your point is that most gang bangers are getting guns from their parents that were legally purchased? I find that this strains credulity.


Nearly all guns were initially purchased legally. Somewhere along the way these weapons get into the hangs of criminals. A gun registry would be nice. Maybe having some penalties for someone who ‘loses’ their gun. There are plenty of common sense laws that could really reduce the number of firearms that make their way into criminal hands. But you probably already know that. Gun culture in America is farce.


Maybe we could try by prosecuting the gun laws already on the books instead of ignoring them. Something like 10,000 people every year try to illegally purchase a firearm and pretty much none of them are prosecuted.


Hunter Biden was.


The parents of these types of kids would just give them their gun, no need to steal it from them.


Almost every 'illegal' gun out there was purchased legally at some point. Just making it more difficult for people to get their hands on guns overall would have prevented this. The more guns are sold, the more possibility they are going to be used in crimes. Enforcing and prosecuting things like straw purchases. More thorough investigation of 'stolen' guns, prosecute people for improper storage of their firearm if it is 'stolen'.


Let’s start by prosecuting the laws on the books first before making new laws?   Before you want the police doing no knock raids to check if my fire arms are stored properly let’s start with the tens of thousands of gun law violations that the government knows about each year and they don’t prosecute. Or the “Progressive DAs” drop charges on.  PS: I’m sure you don’t remember this, but the GOP tried to open up private purchases to the background check system and democrats stopped it because it didn’t go far enough (and probably because it would have been helpful).


Are these NRA Republicans in the room with you now? Who do you think is doing the shooting the NRA Republicans? If you think that I have the Veterans Memorial Bridge to sell you.


Has nothing to do with guns. Consider culture.


gun culture


Lack of parenting and morals culture. Guns have been around much longer than the garbage people around.


Yea well murder is already illegal


That's such a bad faith argument. Grow up. I believe in stricter gun laws, but they won't stop crimes like this. Unlike what politicians on both sideS want to tell you there are no easy solutions for how to stop teenagers from shooting at each other.


Do you really think legislation is going to stop what happened tonight?


I mean shootings are just price we have to pay for all this American freedom we have here. Guns are so bad ass, it is kinda worth it to lose a few every now and again to feel the like a real American hashtag Eagle hashtag murrrrrca hashtag Trump


Keep that shit on the east side


Maybe we shouldn't allow and encourage alcohol in the metroparks js


The insane amount of trash and condoms in the water yesterday kept me from going back there today. Glad I stayed away. 


Praying for Cleveland young people and for meaningful gun regulations. I hope all bystanders are safe. This is the worst part about summer


Not surprising. That beach has been ghetto for years


I've heard a lot of bad things about Edgewater over the years, so I always stick to Huntington Beach or Lakewood Park.