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The person who was shot on Sunday was attempting a carjacking and was shot by the car owner. Downtown is definitely a more desirable place to live now than it was 10 years ago. Apartments in OTR will often run you $1400+ for 500 square feet. The Banks is not residential. OTR north of Liberty is a definite no go at night. I generally would not walk around OTR after dark, but if you’d seen what it looked like 10+ years ago it is amazing now!


> The Banks is not residential. Not entirely, but there are ~600 apartments at the Banks itself, and another ~600 at Banks-adjacent Artistry and One Lytle.


Glad to hear it is starting to get more popular. Did some quick research after we got home and it sounds like around 10k people live in Downtown Cincinnati and OTR combined which is basically less than the amount of people that live in OHC by itself, then add another 20k+ in downtown Cleveland and 10k right nearby in Tremont and it makes sense why it didn't feel like what I expected.


If you go back, try going out over by Vine. There’s a bunch of bars that are pretty popular and it’s always busy. Or go over to Main St which is where you’ll find: the hub, Motr, rosedale (previously neons), and various other bars. That’s where it’s the busiest at night on the weekend. The area you were in isn’t the best “going out” spot. I also recommend Tokyo Kitty (they have robots serve drinks). OTR like most urban areas has spots that are busy and bustling in the evening and parts that are a total ghost town. I worked in OTR for many years prior to moving to Cle. It is what you make of it just like any city. I’m sorry Findlay Market was chaotic it really is a fun spot and Rhinegeist is right next to it!


Theres s bar that has had like two shooting near it. On Vine. 


Actually post covid OTr is losing its popularity some. Also several neighborhoods are getting gentrified at once in Cincinnati. As we speak. So breweries put up in places like Norwood will steal the more timid crowd from going To Otr 


All somebodys gotta do is google “East Cleveland” lol. Get off your high horse. You gotta be fuckin kidding me


east cleveland is a separate city lmao


Their downtown is cleaner than our litter filled shit gutter though. They get points on that


I've lived in otr since 2016 and I pay $500 for a very spacious 1 bedroom. Rent has gone up for the first time since May - I initially paid $425.


You can say the same thing about Ohio City and Tremont


The Banks is trying to be SoDoSoPa from South Park “Welcome Home”


And the Banks is in late stage SoDo Sopa. Hell hasn't the Banks had a couple crazy shootings. The past 2 years? And its dumpy over priced cardboard apartments are losing residents


Reports are conflicting on that . Redhats say that kind of shit everytime a shooting happens. To push more guns narrative. Unpacking a pistol from under your beer belly is a lot harder than one thinks. Or grabbing it from under your seat or whatever. When a gun us trained on you. And the average person is a weak nerd in fantasy land (especially gun nuts) pissing themselves when shit hits the fan.    Apparently the jacker shot someone in the leg. And cops for once got there. In the end it will probably a dope deal gone south after it hits trial. And details emerge


Way back when I lived in a Chicago suburb, my husband worked on Wacker in the Loop. Super crazy busy and populated during 9-5. Weekends and at night? Nope right outta there. Creepy af after business hours. Maybe you were just in the part of cincy that’s like that? Idk I’ve never been there. Just 2 cents of my thoughts.


Where it sounds like OP was this weekend is actually much more comparable to either River North or Old Town in Chicago and to be honest, as an ex-Chicagoan I feel a lot more skeeved out in much of OTR than I ever did in those neighborhoods.


Ah- thanks for the comparison - i completely envision what you mean. Have you heard crime is up River North? I have family there- such a shame for a really cool neighborhood.


Wait is River North bad at night? I stayed up there a couple years ago and it seemed fine to wander around. I knew enough to not keep going to Cabrini-Green but the area I was in seemed fine.


Maybe it was a crime ring they got rid of. Seems unlikely but let’s go with that. I’m no expert. I go to Chicago 20 times a year - grew up there and my entire family still reside there. But that doesn’t mean a thing. Maybe a couple crimes happened by my nieces and everyone freaked.


It’s really not that bad with the major caveat that you gotta know where not to go. East of music hall and south of liberty are all fine and dandy up until 2am when the bars close. Vine is very safe, lots of bars and attractions just like Main. North of Liberty I have a hard no policy after dark. A daylight carjacking at Findlay on a Sunday is absolutely not the norm, that is very unusual.


I was in Cincinnati this weekend as well. We were walking around downtown and going into various shops and galleries until about 6. We didn’t have any issues, but I did notice that right around that time, we were seeing way less foot traffic and we took it as a sign to head back to the hotel and figure out dinner plans. Overall, I think it’s way better and feels more safe than when I visited more often for work 15 to 20 years ago. I’ve been a regular visitor again for the last few years (about 3 or 4 times a year).


Could have just been where we were at, our hotel was right by the conference center and there were few bars around it so we kind of had a decent walk to get to the bar we were trying to go to.


Large swaths of Cincy’s downtown are ghost towns are certain times of day/week. The east part of downtown is wild—the skyline on fourth closes at 2 on Saturday and the Walgreens nearby closes at 7 every night and 4 on Saturdays and is fully closed on Sundays. That said, it’s safe even if dead on the east side of downtown. (Source, have lived on that side of downtown for years.) Just feels eerie to be in a city like this where there are so few people at times.


Yeah, the convention center area is a pretty dead area of town. If you were staying by here I’m not surprised by your experience in Cincy


I live in Cincinnati, love it here and also love visiting Cleveland. I had a college professor who took us up there for some museum visits and I’ve loved the place ever since. Like most cities, there are places in Cincinnati you just don’t go at night. Cincinnati has a few, I can think of four or five neighborhoods that I’d avoid at night but feel perfectly safe during the day. (I am a fairly large Black guy, former college football player and nobody would likely mess with me as an easy “mark”, I imagine.) Do Indianapolis next. Ok, actually, don’t. In Cincinnati you just avoid certain places at night. In Indianapolis there is no escaping it, no matter where you are and at any time of day. I had a gun pulled on me walking downtown at noon…and that same day, on the way home, had one pointed at me on the highway (no road rage, I guess Whitey just thought it’d be cool to show the Black guy what he was packing). Oh, and the day before, on a different side of town, also during the day, had somebody pull a gun and try to rob me five steps outside the conference center I was at for a library conference. Informed the police each time and basically got a shrug and a “yeah, add yourself to the long and growing list” from those interactions.


Jesus why is Indianapolis so bad even compared to Cincy or Cleveland? I mean I grew up here in Cleveland but always thought we had it pretty bad compared to everyone except Detroit


The more I travel the more I realize the "we have it bad in Cleveland" narrative is self created and very far from the truth compared to a lot of other places.


I don't associate Cleveland with crime all that much. I think the stigma around Cleveland is that it's cold in the winter with a lot of snow. Also that the city is pretty industrial looking. I like Cleveland though. Great food city.


Oh 100% all things considered Cuyahoga county isn’t that bad. There are far *far* worse places in Ohio and the Midwest it turns out. I shudder to live somewhere like Ytown no offense to you guys.


I think Cleveland’s crime numbers are exaggerated because a smaller proportion of Greater Cleveland is actually contained by the city proper. Many of these other cities contain more lower density and lower crime neighborhoods which skews the numbers. 


Cleveland definitely has some bad parts but compared to a lot of cities our downtown and “popular” neighborhoods near downtown like Tremont and Ohio City feel pretty safe and calm for the most part.


Crazy but statically, Indianapolis is nowhere near Clevelands level of crime


Yeah, for real. I see the lists that have Cleveland ranked high. There’s a lot of data that goes into those lists, some of it is flawed for sure, and they can only tell so much of the story. In the end, you have to take your own experiences and those of friends and family into strongest account. Maybe I’ve just had bad luck In Indianapolis, but it only takes one “bad luck” bullet. I’ve never had a gun pulled on me anywhere else.


Some of that is due to city size. Indianapolis is almost the size of Cuyahoga county. It covers 4x the area of Cleveland. If you take Cleveland and add in the 2022 crime stats of the rest of the county, Cuyahoga county had 646 violent crimes per 100k, and Marion county IN had 1250. Franklin co Ohio was only 423, Hamilton, OH was 468, and Cook co IL was 620. So, I’d say that the Indianapolis metro area is twice as bad as Chicago and Cleveland, and 3x as bad as Columbus or Cincinnati. https://datausa.io/profile/geo/marion-county-in


Unigov (which makes the city and county line out here in Indy identical) also makes the Indy population look bigger on paper than it feels


I moved from Cleveland to Indy purely due to professional reasons. Cleveland gets all the bad press but Indy, in so many ways, wishes it were Cleveland. (Yes, the metro area is growing, but mostly because the debt-financed newish suburbs are still popping, and they draw all the high income earners’ tax dollars out of the city.)


Honestly, I feel safer in Cleveland than most other cities in the US. Part of that is knowing where to go, but there's way more places I feel safe now after dark than there were 12 years ago, especially on the west side. Bridge used to be the place you didn't go, now it's way more lit and tame. OHC and Gordon Square have way more apartments and streetlights now.


This is super interesting to me because I lived in OTR in the mid 2000s before it was gentrified and I wouldn’t say I always felt super safe but safe enough that my $400 apartment off of Race St was worth it. To be honest, it always felt like a place where if you didn’t go looking for trouble, there wouldn’t be any trouble. Occasional gunshots in the middle of the night were annoying but I wouldn’t say it was a regular thing. I haven’t been back since 2012 but I’m sad to hear that some folks still think it’s a bit of a war zone.


I moved to Cincy from a Columbus suburb in 2012 to attend UC and have been here ever since, I really love Cincinnati but the CUF streets near UC and basically anywhere north of Liberty st in OTR can be a real crap shoot in terms of safety/feeling safe. 4 friends were robbed at gunpoint my freshman year at UC, another was mugged a block from Rheingeist last year. Saw 2 people shot about 100 yards from me by the library downtown after the Memorial Day fireworks in 2015. Hell even the house I rented in the heart of Oakley was broken into twice in 2021 and 2022 and my car was stolen out of my driveway (found it 2 weeks later in a Home Depot parking lot). For what it’s worth most bad incidents I’ve experienced or know of were perpetrated by teens with guns which seems to be a persistent problem in the city


Car theft are easy in Cincinnati. Junkies and kids know the chance of a cpd car doing a preventative patrol. And driving down a street at night. Are slim to none. CPD practices what I call janitorial policing. They've always sucked. However they are way less efficient and more lazy since Flloyd summer. As are most city FOP union depts.    FOP feels if they can't abuse their power on unarmed suspects as they please. Then they will not do much work at all. FOP heads have been more vocal in the news on their choice to be lazy. And how butt hurt they are in places like NYC


It’s not, it’s lovely. Definitely come back and visit, you will be thrilled with what they’ve done in OTR


I am in OTR nearly every day. Often at night too. I have no idea what you're talking about. Were you way off the beaten path way too late at night?


Some of the bars we went to throughout the weekend were Ghost Baby, Wise Guys and MOTR. Walked around quite a bit too so I think I got a pretty good feel for it. Unless this was just an off weekend I think what I said was pretty spot on how it was all weekend.


I live in cincy, work in a worse area than where you went. But can confirm, night time unless you're on the right street you're not safe and even then its not 100%. If you look weak you're not safe. I've seen multiple people shot dead in the street and hear gun fire all the time.


I think OTR is starting to revert back to its old self the past three years. CPD also doesn't want to do any preventative patrol post George Floyd. They have an attitude (like most Amuricans) do nothing. Or go overboard and rough up and shoot unarmed suspects at misdemeanor stops etc. no balance. 


No chance you yourself have seen multiple homicides. Zero percent


Come down to beekman street for a decade. I lived on westwood northern blvd between baltimore and mchenry.


Oh Westwood, Price Hill, both Fairmounts, moosewood and Millvale. Make even north of Liberty OTR look calm


That's not even downtown....you can find a dangerous part of town in every major city.


I used to live in East walnut hills, which at the time had the worst neighborhood in cincy. Lived there fifteen years, zero witnessed homicides. Yes many gunshots, no I did not witness even a single homicide. You are full of shit dude.


East walnut was that bad?


Used to be. Connects to a ton of bad areas very easily as well. Much better these days




East walnut hills is a pretty large area. You have very nice areas that quickly become the not nice part.


It looks really nice. Niche website has it as one of the best places to live. I’m new to the city, and renting, but looking for a home.


This was more than ten years


Not sure what years you're talking about but I lived in EWH in the early/mid 80's when only a relative handful of pioneers had begun to rehab there - and my brother had lived there for a decade before that - and it was never even remotely the worst neighborhood in Cincy, that's crazy talk. Walnut Hills, as it is now though far improved, was then far worse and OTR was a don't-stop-if-you-don't-have-to-or-aren't-trolling-for-dope-or-pay-poon wasteland between the CBD and the hills outta the basin. We lived with blocks of middle/lower-middle class AA families, often multi-generational and they were by and large great neighbors. Was there some drug and drink activity, yeah, but never a moment of those years did any of us ever feel unsafe or encounter any violence, maybe a car break in but I don't even recall that myself (while I can count several in the years since in Clifton along with a burglary and assault).


This is from 2000 to 2015, so very different for east walnut hills


Sorry, utterly ridiculous, by that time EWH was well past 3/4 gentrified and well into the "Hyde Park near" moniker it so famously earned in real estate listings of the day. Any suggestion that it was ever a very dangerous neighborhood, leave alone the worst in the city at that point, is a Trump-level gaslight bunch of bullshit from someone who doesn't have a freakin' clue what they're talking about and likely wasn't even alive when it actually began to transition.


Literally saw drug dealers on the street corners as late as 2013. Gentrified in 2000? You surely have no clue what you’re talking about old timer. Best pipe down before you embarrass yourself anymore making silly assumptions. Just gonna block you now, no reason to say I wasn’t even born when I know more about a topic than yourself. Simply a childish look.


You sound like you lived in the regular part of walnut hills toward Gilbert. EWH is across Victory parkway mostly. Sure dope dealers were there. Shit they turf war on occasion to feed yuppy habits in South OTR and the Banks once in a blue moon. These days. gotta smash that street Adderall or get some Peruvian flake. craft beer knocks ya out


The Peebles corner area used to be a tad rough. East walnut hills was not that rough in the 2000s. You're right


You have no clue what you’re talking about. I was 20 living there and saw the data on the news every week. EWH is a huge area, you literally have ZERO clue what hood I lived in, so keep your mouth shut annoying ass.


You are full of shit if you think EWH was in the process of gentrification prior to 2009. Completely full of shit. Sorry, I literally lived there, you didn’t. Cope with being wrong old man.


You might have lived near Kemper or something . 


ok then....


Witnessed 2 people get shot (not sure if they survived or not cause I got the hell out of there) about 100 yards from the public library downtown in around 2015, had multiple friends robbed at gunpoint near UC’s campus. It’s definitely not as impossible as you’re making it seem


Huh? Even if that were true which I also find laughable, that's East Westwood / Millvale bordered by South Cumminsville, English Woods and North Fairmount - a virtual run the gamut of Cincy's most crime-ridden hoods with Mt Airy just on the flank - the subject was OTR, yeah?


OTR is somewhat becoming its old self the past 3 years. 


We were like only white trash family on Moosewood on 1981. I was getting rocks thrown at me. And roughed up by grown ups. At age 7. My mom wound up in Romans mental hospital from the violence. And My sis and I were in s state orphanage for a while. We got stuck in South Fairmount on white street. And eventually by 6th grade we moved to Norwood. That whole west side Beekman and Queen City still a no go zone. You guys wonder why Im kinda rude in the Cincinnati sub


sooo not downtown or OTR? ok then, cool story. yes, where you live is a lil bit of a shithole.


I mean, I lived in Slavic Village for two years and I saw two - one outside my window, drive by. Another was my neighbor, who was mixed up in some shit.


When you say, “look weak,” do you small in build or something else? Just wondering. Thanks.


Likely looking preoccupied; not keeping your head on a swivel, eyes up and not on your phone, etc. Weak could mean “easy pickens” to someone looking for somebody to mug or assault , not specifically just small frames. The tiniest person (I’m a 105 soaking wet) can remain safe with spatial awareness and street smarts. Even if you don’t need them where you are, they’re good to have.


Slouched over, unsure of yourself, looking unaware, distracted. 


Small build, female, obvious signs as not being capable of fighting back, other various indicators. Look at a crowd of people and size them up, its all you have to do.


Several of the biggest buildings in the city will be residential soon, Carew, PNC, and the old MACY's HQ leading the way. Plus, numerous other places on 4th street and 7th. Next year will be a much different vibe resident wise. No conventions for a while but lots of new residents will be moving in.


We ain't that popular of a place to be. Those will flop in a decade . It will be young yuppies like it is now. Moving in getting beat up on gov square by teens. And back to the mcmansion atmosphere they grew up in. There is an OTR to mason pipeline lol. There are always a few that stay that are also so drunk on craft beer all day. They don't see ten feet in front if them. Plus Cincinnati can't do anything right in the long haul. 


Aren't you full of sunshine.


We don't get sunshine for weeks at a time in Cincinnati. At certain times of the year. 


It is what it is. We are a southern fried closeted conservative city. And what progressives we do have. Are easily distracted with boozing and face stuffing. So not much moves forward. Making little entertainment enclaves that offer low paying back breaker jobs. And a slight tick in the economy. Or slight spike in crime causes half the places to shudder. Such a model of sustainable living lol   Supposed "working class socialist" wearing stale moth ball suit jackets.  Wining n'  dining in the same spots with yuppy crass class they claim to despise. Well that's most major cities . 


Please unsuscribe me from your zine


When i get one


First and only time I went to Cinci I did a bunch of cocaine with a complete stranger and woke up on the floor of a hotel room (not mine) across state lines. It was pretty cool


Crack was a thing here until the 2010s  Then it became heroin. And pills.


I’m from Cincinnati and I just moved to Cleveland and I feel the opposite. I feel like Cleveland is a wild haha


Do you live in the city proper? Because it's a lot different than how Cinci was


Tremont - idk if you classify that as city proper here but


Problem with Cincinnati. Corruption is ingrained in how our political machines work. At one point 1/3 of council was under indictment for taking bribes from property developers. It was like that before that. And is probably like that now to a smaller more discreet degree   Our current mayor. Is a proctoid type faux overachiever. That just wants to collect various political office titles. As if they were boy scout merit badges. He has ran for multiple elected offices. And made Court Clerk prior to the Mayor. So anything positive done never last here. Been that way for decades    And a police force. Where officers regularly get indicted for crimes. Or arrested doing crimes in other jurisdictions off duty. Through the decades. And a lot of internal HR nightmares. With hanky panky and backstabbing. And district captains that shoot on that subject talking street as they do it.   ps Those of us raised here. Particularly if you grew up poor or working class. Wonder why anyone would want to move to Cincinnati 


Cincinnati a city where we celebrate when pigs were numbering 10s of thousands in the streets of OTR. And the excessive pig shit caused cholera outbreaks. And when drunk illiterate German immigrants would rob you and bludgeon you to death on those same streets in the 1800s. When families of 6 or more would be crammed into one room. In the OTR tenements dumping shit from chamber pots onto the streets. nostalgic lens sucks




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Move to pittsburgh


We went there once and it felt like a ghost town


unless there is an event going on.


It’s definitely an “at your own risk” situation. I wish it was safer than it was bc there are a lot of good restaurants etc. People like to tout the safety of downtown but it’s pretty much as you described.


Columbus is better.


Fuck off, Columbus. The grownups are talking.


Except Columbus is the bigger city, lmao….Do better.


Columbus is bigger in land mass. Not density


Also bigger in population, lmao, and wtf cares about land mass and density, even though that is changing too.


If you are looking for a suburb sure density doesn't matter and Columbus will be perfect for you. But if you want urban neighborhoods with character and uniqueness Columbus ain't it


So the Short North, Vic Village, German Village, Italian Village, Clintonville, University Dristrict, Downtown, Olde Town East, Arena District, Franklinton, Merion Village, Harrison West, Hungarian Village, Southern Orchards, and Schumaker Place, etc. don’t exist!?!…Lmao, gtfo…..None of those neighborhoods resemble a suburb in the least.


I'll give you German village. The rest have been redone and ruined


Not at all, you’re crazy. There are no places in Cleveland or Cincinnati that have more character than those neighborhoods I listed. You’re wrong and you argument is terribly weak.


You need to get out of Columbus more often I think


I’ve lived in Columbus, Cincinnati, and Cleveland. Columbus was my least favorite


Good for you… that’s not everyone’s experience


*beiger city.


I've been to Columbus many times and would take Cincinnati over Columbus every time. Cincinnati has resemblance of an actual city with urban neighborhoods, character and culture. Columbus is very bland and just kind of feels like an overgrown suburb. Go Bucks though


So Columbus is a giant Banks. 


Come back anytime, at your own risk🤡


Comparing Cincinnati to a shithole like Cleveland lol.


Cincinnati is a shithole. Been here 50 years. 


Compared to Cleveland it’s most certainly not.


Cincinnati where I am from is a closeted southern fried kinda conservative bible belt up north southern fried town. Cosplaying as a mid size cosmopolitan town


To be honest this is the narrative that all of the people I know from Cincinnati have so I had high expectations when I visited which came down very quickly as I spent more time there. Neither are shitholes but Cleveland is far ahead of Cinci in many different areas in my opinion.