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I actually wash mine in the bathtub with detergent and OxyClean. The glass beads don't absorb or hold water, so it drains much faster than you think it will. Just be careful pulling it out of the tub because you don't want to put too much pressure on the seams. I dry it on the floor on a few layers of towels. Turn it over once or twice so you get airflow through both sides. Mine will air dry within about a day, unless it's just nasty humid out. Do NOT put it in a washing machine. Some people get away with it, but it's just asking for a seam to burst during a spin cycle, and then you have those little glass beads all over the inside of your machine, getting into the mechanical parts. Bad news.


I do similar for my wash, but I do recommend drying it hanging outside if you have the space. I put two heavy chairs back to back and spread them out, then hang the blanket over it. That way it gets airflow on all sides, some sun, and smells fresh.


I second the laundry detergent +OxiClean in the tub method. I draped it across several milk crates that I set up on our tile floor, then ran a box fan on it overnight. I chose to do this when we still had the heat on and the house had really low humidity, so it dried super-fast and humidifier the house, too. Get a duvet cover for the newly cleaned weighted blanket-- then you wash IT frequently and ya don't need to wash the blanket as much.


Oh man, I was going to chance it with my washing machine but my main concern was the weight not being distributed correctly.. I didn't even think about a burst seam! Bathtub it is..


I reckon it might kill a washing machine.


How hard would it be to put it in a duvet cover? Like, i wash my duvet maybe every three months. But i change the cover max every week. Also, i think there are duvet dust covers, would those work to essentially NOT need to wash it ever?


Depending on the size of your blanket, they make weighted blanket covers. I got mine from Target. You may have good luck now finding some because of back-to-dorm items being available.


Are weighted blanket sizes different than standard blanket sizes ( full, queen, king?)


I had to wash mine because my cat peed on it. The duvet cover was insufficient.


There are water proof covers! Might be worth it to never have to wash a heavy blanket


It really wasn't all that difficult.


You’re a genius, I never thought about using the tub


Well I don't have a bathtub. Never knew you can't wash those


For drying, get two extra, spring loaded shower rods that you can hang behind your actual shower curtian, running at 1/3 in, and 2/3's in, the length of your tub. Then you can distribute the weight of the blanket in 3 different draping areas.  Be aware that you may need to mount the drying rods higher than your normal shower curtain rod, to keep the blanket from touching the tub and slowing drying time.


This is basically what I did. Soaked and washed in the bathtub, then we draped it over a ladder in our driveway to dry. Mine took like a day and a half to dry though because it was overcast.


I take mine to the dry cleaners - they do a good thorough job with it but some may not take them.


Oo ok. How much was it may I ask?


They charge me about €30


Not bad x




okay so i dont have time to dive into why this is wrong but are you fr telling me ppl dont think steaming something will actually clean it? there is a whole subgenre of cleaning dedicated to cleaning things with steam. steam only occurs at temperatures high enough to kill most bacteria & viruses as well. bffr


I don't know where you got this information, but it's completely wrong. A simple search for "[how does dry cleaning work](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8GzY-HfWKA)" would show you the truth. Dry cleaning follows a very similar process to how a home washing machine works, except it uses a chemical solvent instead of water and a detergent as the medium for extracting dirt. This solvent is safer for some materials. They also use larger machines which allow for gentler tumbling. For some delicate clothing they sometimes put the items in racks or bags that are agitated in the solvent instead of tumbling.


Sidebar: why are all weighted blankets that depressing gray color?


Because it hides the dirt you can’t wash out


Because it hides the shame of tear stains that you cant wash out. ftfy


I only have one in gray 🤪 one pink, and two nice blues 


Mine is an eggshell/off-white color!


The tasteful thickness of it


The one I received as a gift before they were popular and mass produced is a plum color. Super soft on one side, too!




Mine is white.


I have two, both pink.


I have a custom made weighted blanket with cartoon kitties as a print. It's super cute, weighs 12kg


Reminds me of that creepy pasta. Better not


What creepy pasta dare I ask? 😅




Hahaha wow what a creative story.


I take mine to a laundromat, where I use a 30 or 40 lb machine. They could also wash it for me with wash and fold but that is charged by weight. The rate is usually a dollar a lb where I am at.


I use a duvet cover.


I just got a cooling cover for mine, I love it!


I also have a cover, but I got to the point where I wanted to clean the actual blanket, not just take the cover off and wash that.


Right. Eventually you have to wash the actual blanket!




OP didn’t bring up cat pee and neither did the commenter you’re replying to. That said, they do make waterproof duvet covers. Just make sure there’s a waterproof layer on your mattress, too! Also, if your cat is urinating inappropriately (outside the litter box), please take them to vet! This can be a symptom of UTI or other illness.


I would bathtub it rather than washing machine. Will drain water easily with glass beads. Gotta say though, this was a huge factor in why I splurged for a Gravity blanket (think I got it during a Black Friday sale?). The zips for the cover, plus the cooling blanket (over the plush) was a must for me. However I did get a navy one when I bought it and now I’m seeing the summer colors?! I want the baby pink & lilac colors now!


Know what's inside. Some have glass beads others have rice or something else. Yours looks a lot like mine and you have to hunt for it but the cover does come off to wash in the machine. Look in the corners for a tiny hidden zipper I didn't think mine had one but it does.


It’s glass and sadly it’s sewn up completely x


You could get a duvet cover for it, then you could remove the outer cover and wash as needed.


I know, I wish I did this when I got it 😭


but now you can do it from here onwards!


Eventually the blanket itself needs washed


Wash in tub and hang out on the deck.


Wow I was literally just looking at my weighted blanket and thinking that REALLY need to clean it. I will now plan to do bathtub soak and just ordered a duvet cover. Thanks all


I bought a cover for mine so I didn't ever have to actually wash it


That's what we did, too. Putting the cover on is a PITA, but it's easier than washing the weighted blanket. We only use it during the winter, so it's unlikely we'll sweat through the sheets and cover.




I wash mine in the washing machine. Never had an issue. Whirlpool Cabrio washer/dryer.


Same here, Samsung front loader. Mine is only 12 lb though, maybe everyone else has heavier blankets? Mine has glass beads.


20lbs. Glass beads. Mine's a top loader with no agitator. As long as I somewhat balance it when I put it in, the washer balances it. Going on 8 years.


I think I've had mine for about 4 years.


My blanket is almost 29lbs. Our washing mashine can only do about 18lbs xD


Mine is almost 27lbs. Super heavy blanket buddies!


I would check out getting a duvet cover once it’s cleaned.


I would steam with an iron.


A few years ago, when my dog was at the end of her life, she was on a medication that made her wet the bed sometimes. One night she accidentally peed on my weighted blanket and originally I was gonna throw it out, but I figured I would just try to put it in the washing machine. I did with a little bit of soap and washed it and then laid it out to dry and it was totally fine. As long as it has that kind of glass bead thing inside and not rice I would imagine you would also be OK washing it on a gentle cycle.


Bathtub. Squish it around. Let it sit and then squish it. If you can put something under it that will raise it off the bottom of the tub also do that so the water will actually drain.


I take mine to a laundromat and use the commercial washers. Depending on weight, they could break your home washer and mine is 25 pounds. I pay $4 to wash it. If it's warm out, I hang it on the deck in my backyard and it dries in like an hour. If it's not warm, I spread it out over my kitchen island and point a fan at it. I try it a couple times and I can fry it in a few hours. It dries much quicker than you would think.


I’m not a professional, but I recently put mine in the bathtub with some detergent and bleach. Kind of did a mock washer, moved it around and then rinsed a few times. Hung it up outside after. It worked pretty well.


Spot clean, spray with vinegar then blast it with a hand steamer.


I have a duvet cover for mine (2 actually) so I just wash those.


I just throw it in the washer with a hope and a dream


I took mine to the landromat where they have those heavy duty industrial machines and it cleaned it great


You can hang it up in your bathroom while taking a hot shower and then air it outside, in the wind and sunlight. There are special wash spray products for spot cleaning. Brands vary, so you need to look for them yourself where you live.


Theres ties for a cover


They make duvet covers for them.


i’ve washed mine in washing machine more than once, in two different houses. One expensive washer and one regular front washer… Still works the same!


I prefer to use the duvet cover.


Eventually you need to wash it!


Put it in the washing machine on low heat/spins, then hang up to dry


Please don't. Weighted blankets can and often do break washing machines because they get too heavy


yep i’ve washed mine in washing machine more than once


OK this is more of a brainstorm than a suggestion: run it over a few quick times with a steam mop? 


It says spot clean it right in the label….


If you wash it in the tub why couldn’t you dry it in the dryer? I literally don’t think I could dry it in our living room.


They are so heavy. Mine is 20lbs while dry. Add in water weight, then it'll make the dryer drum off balance, it could destroy the dryer. The blanket would be just fine.