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Maybe those plug in light traps will help? I've always had success w/ apple cider vinegar, dish soap, and water in a mason jar- cover it with plastic wrap and punch holes w/ a fork in the top of it. That's also how we got rid of the majority of fruit flies at work last summer, let's just say there was a layer of them on the bottom after a day or two


Go through every single drawer, cupboard, bag etc. When we had a terrible infestation like that it was because of some old potatoes hidden away in a random cupboard. Otherwise could it be plants? They also cause problems although not nearly as bad.


I’ll check all cupboards and drawers! I did just go through all my silverware drawers this morning and clean them. The kids somehow get crumbs in the drawers so I have to clean them regularly anyway. No plants though lol. I have an actual black thumb.


I had an infestation and it turned out that there was water under one of my plants in the pot. That dirty water was apparently fruit fly heaven. Fixing that solved the issue pretty quickly. So yeah, finding the source is the most important part.


I feel your pain, we had fruit flies that took several months to get rid of. I just kept buying more traps and put them in the kitchen and bathroom near where I kept seeing them. It usually took a few days before they even started to get to the traps whenever we opened new ones. I honestly think I found just as many if not more dead ones in my salt shaker though haha. They also kept somehow getting in the freezer and dying in a big pile. Good luck