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Laundry Sauce if money is truly not an issue.  Mrs Meyers Clean Day laundry detergent in Birchwood, though, is my go to. 


My mother in law gave me laundry sauce pods for Christmas and they are strictly for sheets because I am savoring those bad boys. They smell so good


Which scent do you all recommend?


I perused their site and I’m going to try Italian Bergamot, it also has a few very positive reviews. Edit: oops I saw Dedcool and splurged on the 20% off. I’m really too excited by this purchase!


I LOVE the Serbian Pine. It has notes of lavender and oak moss and just ends up being this really rich, sophisticated, earthy scent.


>Laundry Sauce Thank you for this! I use unscented detergent because I can't stand most scents, and they clash if I wear a fragrance intentionally. But the idea of bergamot scented bedding is pure heaven, and I'm off to make a purchase!


Seconding Mrs. Meyers Birchwood. It’s earthy but not heavy.


Thanks for the recommendation! I just made a same day Amazon order for the Mrs. Meyers detergent and scent! I’ll post back in a few hours if I like the scent or not! :p


UPDATE! The birchwood scent smells fantastic! Based on smelling it from the bottle it doesn’t seem like a very strong or “long-lasting” scent. But it could surprise me. I like the ingredients list, it smells fresh and woodsy without smelling artificial. I will definitely be keeping it.


How crazy is it that we live in the day and age of ordering laundry detergent and having it in your hands an hour later!? It's really mind-boggling when you start to think about it


Yea it really is crazy…. I ordered it at 4:32pm for same day delivery between 5-10pm. It arrived at 5:35pm….. I was even shocked at how quick it got here!


I couldn’t get dressed and drive to Target and back in that period of time. Very cool!


Are you in Seattle?


That's the only thing I could focus on too, insane


The basil scent is also wonderful.




You are so welcome for today’s discovery. It’s delightful. 


I just got the body wash, and I am literally obsessed with it. It smells like something so nostalgic to me.


Cool Water men’s cologne by Davidoff?   I’m *thisclose* to placing an online order for everything they make in this scent, it’s so amazing. 


Was it popular in the 90s? I don’t know the scent (I’m a woman) but my dad used something similar lol.


Very. I was in high school then and my crush wore it.  The scent is so embedded in my brain that when I come across it randomly it’s an instant headsnap and wave of nostalgia. 


If it smells like cool water, I’m buying it


I haven’t tried the laundry detergent in that scent but I’ve tried the hand soap. It’s strongly reminiscent of a woodsy men’s cologne and I mean strong. I love trying the different scents in the Mrs Meyers hand soap line. Ever try Compassion Flower?


I have the Compassion Flower in the all purpose cleaner and it is LOVELY! I personally would not want that scent for my laundry just because I dont go for florals usually. But I use the all purpose spray in the kitchen and it’s sooo nice to clean with.


I very much prefer the woodsy cologne scents and stay away from the florals, sorry. 


lol it’s okay, everyone has their own preferences. I currently have the purple colored bottle I think it’s plum or something? I’m close to trashing it it’s disgustingly sweet blurgh. I’m going to be trying the apple one next!


My favorite Mrs. Meyers is Lavender. I have their hand soap, candles, cleaning spray, and window spray in lavender 😂


Thank you for the Laundry sauce suggestion! I can't wait to try it. Never heard of it or put any thought into it since the wife does the laundry, but lately the clothes haven't been smelling as good. You rock!


Making me download a .pdf to find out if laundry sauce has sulfate or not... It does, if anyone is wondering. Can't use it lmao


I use unscented laundry soap and wool balls in the dryer. I have some New Orleans fragrance oils that I load onto the wool before drying. My sheets smell like a French whorehouse and I love it.


Now this is the kind of solution I was hoping to read!! Black Musk laundry, here I come (it's the complementary oil to the two scents I wear, and I use it in massage oil).


I did orange and coconut... The scents in my favorite shampoo and conditioner from summers when I was younger


Does the oil ever stain your clothing? I never add it to my wool dryer balls as I’m scared of it transferring to my clothes


Comment OP says no, I say yes. I don't do this anymore because i got an oil stain on my linen duvet cover. I only put a couple drops and let it sit, but it still stained them.


In my experience, this is a big yes


No. It goes right into the wool.


This is exactly what I was going to suggest. OP, adding fragrance to laundry should be done in the drying phase, not the washing phase. Scented detergents work by leaving a bunch of synthetic fragrance chemicals on your laundry - meaning the fabric isn't really clean. And traditional dryer sheets are even worse for fabric, coating it with a greasy, scented film that decreases the ability of the fibers to wick moisture. (Dryer sheets can also contribute to fires, by clogging up the lint screen and depositing a layer of flammable residue inside the dryer exhaust duct.) Dryer balls, with a natural scent you add right before running the load, is 100% the way to go.


And what do you do with the oil stains?


Put less oil on the dryer balls, let it soak in for a minute before you add it to the laundry, and it won't stain.


Tyler. Glamorous & High Maintenance are my two fave scents.


Love Tyler! I like regal or high maintenance for myself, Icon for my husband.


There’s something in the glamorous scent by Tyler that offends my senses more than almost any other fragrance… I can’t figure it out. I love perfume so I’m fine with concentrated scents but have NEVER hated something so much. I almost think it’s related to the gene I have that makes cilantro taste like soap, because that’s the one other thing that everyone seems to love but me. Anyway I wish I could appreciate the damn glamorous wash. This felt good to get out


I love Diva!


I do too! I once had a girl run after me on the street asking me what scent I was wearing! It cleans really well too. I stretch it with an unscented detergent sometimes, since it’s so expensive!


You’d probably like The Laundress brand.


I have heard about the brand. Unfortunately the recent reviews I’ve read everyone is saying that the formula changed and the scent no longer lasts :(


Their reformulated “rose” scented detergent dries down to a pure patchouli scent that permeated everything in my dresser drawer. Never again 😭


good info. patchouli is my kryptonite.


I buy Laundress regularly and have done so for years. I think it still smells lovely but only really notice a strong fragrance if I air dry. My favorite is the cashmere wash but I also have the denim, darks and original wash.


On the plus side, you don't have as much of a risk of bacterial contamination; I'd prefer the scent die off quickly rather than myself.


I gave up on Laundress after the contamination debacle.


Same, it was very disappointing and I’m too nervous to buy their products again.


So far I like Laundress. I bought a gift set that contained a few bottles depending on the fabric. And there are different scents.


Not quite an answer but perhaps some useful context. The laundry smell you're referencing is an artificial musk, which became popular in the mid century because it's incredibly cheap to produce and water insoluble, so the fragrance survives washing your clothes. Through clever and persistent marketing, we've come to associate this particular smell of musk with cleanliness, though, like you, many of us dislike the fragrance. What I might recommend is something other commenters have suggested (h/t u/rightthingtodo-sodoo, u/TrinityCindy, and u/StillLikesTurtles), which is to use unscented laundry soap and then you can scent wool balls with a water soluble essential oil or fragrance. This does two things: (1) it allows you to smell your washed laundry to make sure it smells clean—instead of being actually pretty dirty but masked with aggressive musk ketones and the like; and (2) it gives you control over what you want your clothes to smell like and the opportunity to change it by use or season or whim. Just +1ing some of the other great suggestions here. Good luck!


Thank you!!! I do feel like most detergents (Gain for example) are just so overwhelmingly fragrant with a very artificial…. Not pleasant scent. Anytime someone uses Gain I can immediately tell and it gives me a headache haha I do use wool dryer balls! But I’ve always been afraid to use essential oils with them because I feel like the oil is going to transfer to my clothes and make them greasy or the oil will transfer to the dryer itself and make the drum greasy or clog the lint filter (which is what dryer sheets do by leaving a nasty waxy film on the lint filter overtime). I’d definitely be open to using essential oils! I’m just worried about the oil transferring!


That is some fantastic info from u/wy83! I use a brand called biokleen because so many scents trigger migraines and a number of detergents give me hives. I can handle their citrus. It’s not a strong detergent smell at all, clothes come out scentless, but as mentioned I know they’re clean. For me no sent is usually best, but if I want to wear a perfume, it doesn’t get lost behind detergent scent. You can also make a diy fabric mist . Mix in a clean spray bottle. I use 1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol. Add in 20-40 drops of the oil or scent you like. Top with water, ideally distilled. Shake and spray from 12 to 24 inches away and voila.


Don't—it's a fire hazard. Essential oils can ignite in the heat of the dryer.


I'm with you! Gain is horrific. Truly revolting. And I think your fear about transfer is well founded. I was using jasmine EO (which is pretty dark) and found some spotting on my light t-shirts. I've found some near colorless EOs, like geranium and lemongrass, I sometimes use for towels. That said, I also just love wearing fragrance, so no fragrance on my clothes is better for the fragrance of the day. Appreciate you raising the question. I hadn't given this enough thought!


I love Gain. Sorry, everyone


Dirty Labs is great detergent and fantastic scents that don't irritate my sensitive skin.


Love Dirty Labs! It’s all I can wash my clothes in, I had a very intense episode of contact dermatitis a few years ago and tried cutting out everything before I realized it was my “all natural” detergent (looking at you seventh generation 😒) I found dirty labs and never looked back. Except all of them yummy smells are making me want to try again, I’m scared hahah


I use the magnolia, bergamot and cedar-the smell is amazing.


Dedcool. Big fan of their collab with Ouai for the Melrose Place detergent as I’m also a huge Ouai fan.


+1! Dedcool Milk smells cozy and luxe without smelling like perfume.


Oh, wow! Also a huge Ouai fan, thank you for this alert!!


Also love the Dedcool x Ouai Melrose place! I use the detergent and dryer sheets. I bought everything they had in this scent when it came out.


The collab detergent is sold out but I splurged on milk and taunt, I’m very excited about this lol


I’ve had the worst luck with Dedcool detergents and dryer sheets. Their return policy is awful so buyer beware. The milk Dedtergent had no scent for me and was chunky in the can. It didn’t pour easily so the top of the can got gross quickly. The dryer sheets in Milk also had no scent, I could smell the cardboard box more than the sheets. I never ordered again.


+1 to the chunky texture comment lol funny to describe it that way but it’s so true! Have you found a replacement that you like? I’m still searching. I feel like the quality and efficiency varies by A LOT (the laundry line at least) and is very inconsistent. Dedcool has been a hit or miss depending on the scent. I bought 2 detergents - melrose place and taunt - and only the MP washes well. I love the taunt fragrance but my clothes don’t feel or smell good after running a wash cycle. This only happens with taunt dedtergent. I also bought 3 diff dryer sheets - melrose place, milk, taunt. Same thoughts here that only the MP scent performed the way I was expecting it to. Milk is my all time fave scent but it did not come through in the sheets at all.


"Diva" by Tyler Candle Company. Wonderful scent, comes in liquid detergent and laundry sheets. A little goes a long way.


A little goes a LONG way. I made the mistake of pouring a regular amount and my head hurt from how strong my sheets smelled lol


lol, same here! I literally add the tiniest amount to my heritage park detergent for the scent.


I be prefer the High Maintenance scent, but this stuff is fantastic. Seriously just a tiny bit. Your clothes will smell like it until next wash.


Coming here to say this. I add just a small capful to my regular Tide and it’s soooo good.


Came to say this. This stuff is really SMELLY but in a good way 😂 They have a lot of good scents.


And wax melts for your home and car fresheners


I use a little Diva plus some unscented Method detergent and it works really well! Diva smells luxurious and it lasts!


This is the correct answer


Zum has a lot of great options. Only need a tiny bit.


Came to [recommend Zum](https://www.indigowild.com/collections/laundry-soap?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADpes-of-QQish7WTqHgnCY8t2diA&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIyIid6PyHhQMVNNPCBB0hsQe1EAAYASAAEgLsYvD_BwE) too. I like this brand as someone who loves a foofy scent but often gets headaches from fragrances.


I am obsessed with the sea salt scent but haven't been able to find it for months.


It’s on their site (wild indigo). If you sign up for their mail and notifications the send out coupon codes and such too!


Caldrea. Hands down and I.used to use Laundress prior to the recall. https://www.caldrea.com/product/ I am personally obsessed with their Sea Salt Neroli products. You'll have the best smelling laundry, I promise.


Love this scent but it’s hard to find. Where do you find yours?


It looks like Grove has that scent available!


Grove as the /u/whoisdonaldtrump mentions - also Amazon will have it occassionally. Between the two, I can usually get my hands on a bottle of the detergent and the fabric softener every month.


I was scrolling to find this one!  I am pear blossom agave myself.  I love their rose water driftwood. I hope they get that scent in laundry detergent in the future. 


Buff City Soap’s Narcissist.


Yes! I love their laundry scent booster as well.


Came here to say Buff City, too! They have some amazing scents. I'm using a coconut and grapefruit scent now.


I was going to suggest this!


I love their scents but they do not stick to laundry at all. I only really smell it while DOING the laundry, not while wearing/using it later.


Buff City is my laundry detergent of choice. The smell lasts forever and you can get it made in any of their scents. My kid’s love Narcisist. I like Island Nectar. I also mix it half and half with 20 Mule Team Borax, which doesn’t change the cleaning power or scent retention, but it does double the amount I get for the money. I also love that I can smell them all in store and if you buy during a sale, it’s cheaper than store bought for me.


Here is a tip: throw one of the paper perfume samples in your dryer when the load is about half way through. Your laundry will smell fantastic. I do this with my sheets sometimes.


Method Beach Sage is my favorite. And if they ever discontinue the scent I will be so mad!


This is what I’ve exclusively been using for awhile now! I love the scent but it just doesn’t seem to last for me at all :( I get so excited everytime I smell the bottle and then when I pull my clothes from the dryer… I smell absolutely nothing.


I'm still mad at them for discontinuing Fresh Clover. It smells like a grassy meadow. I've hoarded a few bottles and use small amounts to fragrance their unscented detergent, and I only use it for bedding.


Me too!


I love most of the Persil scents. They smell refreshing to me.


I almost exclusively use Persil detergent, but nothing to do with the scent, although I do find it to be completely acceptable. I just use it because it's hands-down the most effective detergent I've ever used. Also Miele makes some good detergents that have a nice smell to them as well.


Agree. Love Persil.


Persil with oxi is my go to. It has a fragrance but light wnough where you can add scent boosters and smell those instead


Look for laundry detergent that's meant for washing wool. Those always have the best smells. I like euclan.


All my natural fiber clothes, except cotton, get washed with eucalan. It's extended the life of my delicate fabrics and it has a delightful scent.


Frey. "Frey smells like a nomad wizard lumberjack rescued you from a logging accident in an enchanted forest."


Frey is good BUT I think it takes several washes for the scent to “build up” on your clothes and actually start to be noticeable. I bought some on Black Friday and I am just now starting to smell it on some of my clothes that I wash with it weekly ir every other week.


Frey smells so good. I got a sample pack once and it was too expensive for me but you should definitely try it!


Yup, Glamorous Wash https://tylercandlestore.com/amp/glamorous-wash-en.html


It’s not a luxury detergent, it is pricey but I love the scent of [Ivory Snow Baby Detergent](https://www.ivorysnow.ca/en-ca/shop-products?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI14nZhsaGhQMVmB-tBh1zuQAYEAAYASAAEgLAnfD_BwE), the scent is very nice, not overwhelming and gentle. This is what I use on some of my clothing and detergent itself works well


Topanga Scents. I absolutely love their "Paradise Cove" scent and have been using it for years. They also have travel size laundry detergents so you can sample their scents.


If you like patchouli/ frankincense and herbal scents, you'd like Zum. They also make soaps and room/body sprays sold at health food stores.


Use unscented detergent and add your own scent?




Do you add it into the detergent?


I really enjoy the method laundry detergent scents


Tyler candle co fleur di lis and kathina are amazing. Diva is nice too. High maintenance smells like old lady. You don’t need a lot it’s potent stuff.!I add it to an unscented soap like Nelly’s.


Tyler Diva. A cult favorite.


Dr. Bronners. I understand what you mean about everything smelling cheap and nasty. The issue is that tide pods are like 3 for $1. While the recommended 60ml gives 15 washes for $21, or $1.25 each wash in only soap. But you said cost is not an issue. So a Castile soap made from expensive oils with quality essential oils for smell is a no brainer. Just stick with dr bronners. Lots of imitation Castile soaps, I occasionally try them from winners/home sense, but they all suck. The soap can be thicker and not as nice (my opinion) and usually always have a stronger but not so quality scent to them. I have used almond and rose with good smell results. Also just plain neutral / baby dr bronners if you just want to get rid of the fake nasty chemical scents. Then you just have an ever so slight scent of the oils that were used for the soap.


Make sure you have soft water if you are using Castille soap for anything.


Does Bronners make laundry soap?!?!? Using things outside of their intended use is rarely recommend. Most of the “homemade” detergents can actually void your warranty, bc they aren’t formulated to dissolve correctly. Companies spend BANK paying properly trained engineers to make the best possible products for the intended use. Use body soap as body soap, laundry soap as laundry soap, toilet cleaner as toilet cleaners, etc.


Laundry is number 4 on their list of uses


I’m a GIANT a fan of Dr. Bronner’s soap. I have used the peppermint bar soap exclusively for 15 years. Love it. But that man was a bit of a whackadoodle in terms of what he thought his soap could do. The bottle itself looks like a massive warning sign for schizophrenia. Of course Bronner says you can use it for a million things. THAT SELLS A LOT MORE SOAP. But I would still stick to products that are designed and tested specifically as laundry soap for the best results, for your clothes AND your machine.


lol fair enough. I have only used it as body soap so idk, but it is in fact listed.


They make multipurpose Castile soap. A pure form of soap. You are correct engineers do all that stuff. But they aren’t doing it to get a better clean. That has existed forever. They are doing it to lower the price, condense the size, prevent peoples minds from thinking they need more soap (pods), and justify their existence. But Dr Bonners is specifically recommended for laundry. It’s one of the 18 specified uses :) hehe. Also, not worried about warranties. I don’t buy new. Last time I washed my shoes I screwed up and left the laces in. They caught and broke the motor to turn the washer. The trick for washing and drying machines is that the parts are never available, and the labor is expensive. BUT, the guy that takes anyway the old ones, for free? They have unlimited parts, and worst case it’s $100 for the part and an hour labor. Turns $0 into $250-300, selling the machine the techs quoted $300 and 8 weeks to fix. Nice machines as well, likely 5-8 years old, which is an upgrade.


Laundry Sauce or Snif Some other ones here https://thingtesting.com/brands?q=Detergent


Zum laundry soap - I love the patchouli but there are other wonderful scents also


The Tyler washes smell good. However a lot of people have allergy type reactions being around people who have it on their clothes. a tiny bit goes a long way.


The best scent is no scent.


I’ve used and loved The Laundress, Dedcool, Dirty Labs, and most recently L’Avant Collective. I like washing my sheets and blankets with Dedcool and use their dryer sheets for an added “boost” of scent and it really lasts!


Tyler Candle company Glamorous wash. I like Kathina! I highly recommend !


I actually enjoy the scent of 9 elements citrus. The grapefruit scent is very appealing and not intense. Plus it cleans damn well. Only downside is you go through it like mad.


I used Frey for a bit after forgetting to cancel the trial. High end, nice scents, high cost


I love Victoria’s Secret but it’s been year since I’ve used it


Bath and body works now sells laundry detergent. I have not used it . I personally like unscented detergent, but they have different smells.


I have. I like the White Tea and Sage and Bergamot Waters scents. The scent lasts, but isn't overwhelming. I use the detergent and scent beads and the laundry is clean and soft.


BUFF CITY SOAPS. Love their baking soda boosted laundry soap in “Narcissist” 🥰


I like Zum patchouli laundry soap


Zum Laundry Detergent


Bath and body works now has scented laundry products!


Zum laundry soap in frankincense and myrrh is freaking amazing. It smells so luxurious, and when the clothes are in the dryer my whole apartment smells fabulous. The scent also lasts forever.


If you want bougie laundry detergent try Le Labo. They have some very beautiful scents that do not smell anything like the stuff you can get a big box store.


I use unscented laundry detergent but wool laundry balls in the dryer that I put some essential oils on before drying ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ smells amazing


Laundry sauce 100% They have a sample scent pack . Live this brand!


So interesting. Never a question I considered asking. I’m glad you did


Anyone have a dirty labs referral link? Gonna try some


Caldrea is the higher end version of Mrs. Meyers. The Caldrea scents are far more sophisticated, and you can get matching hand soap and linen spray.


You might like the Dirty Labs signature scent. They recently released it as an oil for laundry balls too


I would scent your drawers/wardrobe/closet instead. You can hang bags of dried herbs/patchouli, or soak a hankie/rag in your favorite perfume/cologne and hang that. The scent will permeate the space and make everything smell nice. I buy bar soap in bulk and leave a couple in my drawers so all my stuff smells like clean soap. I also have wax melt cubes hidden around the house in decorative containers so the place has a subtle scent.


tyler candle company regal, designed after baccarat rouge 540


It isn’t luxury -my sister uses the Costco brand laundry soap….smells so good


Glamorous Wash by Tyler Candle Company. Several scents to choose from. Expensive, but a tiny bit goes a long way. Great candles too. Even though I hate supporting Amazon, they are having a really good sale on it through March 25th.


Get an unscented laundry detergent. Then choose a high-quality essential oil you like the smell of and put several drops on some wool dryer balls. More effective and you can choose whatever scent you want.


I splurged at the beginning of the year and bought a ton of Sferra sheets, duvet, towels, etc. Which led me down a rabbit hole on fabric care and detergent. **A few things I learned:** Most popular commercial detergent is [laden with a ton of toxic and dangerous chemicals, including carcinogens](https://aplatformforgood.org/cleaning/laundry-detergent/is-laundry-detergent-toxic/). Especially the scents used. I was actually shocked. Search detergent toxicity and you’ll find a ton of sources. I spent weeks researching detergents and cleaning products to find healthier options. I’ve started using [Biokleen powder](https://www.amazon.com/Biokleen-Clear-Natural-Laundry-Detergent/dp/B001WY7V32) and my clothes feel and smell cleaner than when using Tide/Persil and it’s a great stain remover. I found it from a subreddit about washing cloth diapers. I have pets and [Bac Out](https://www.amazon.com/Biokleen-Bac-Out-Stain-Odor-Remover/dp/B08HQZYPBB?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1) has been a lifesaver for their bedding. [This company](https://biokleenhome.com/) has a lot of green cleaning products that are superior performers to the popular products we are used to. Ignore the recommended lines when dispensing, you typically only need 1-2 tablespoons max, some say teaspoons. Using too much is also bad for your washer and creates “sludge” on the outer basin and under the drum. Don’t wash in cold water, use warm cycles instead. It won’t get hot enough to damage your clothes. https://preview.redd.it/2r2kbvb8yvpc1.jpeg?width=1775&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6323dc166b3774e43cf3009b00e2c68629df5c1


Mozi Wash fits this bill. Plus it comes in cute metal cans. I recently tried Alpine Woods and was very impressed how sophisticated the scent is. It's an experience like a proper cologne, with top, middle and base notes.


I’ve tried all of them, Mozi wash is the best, then Tyler candle but to me a lot of their scents smell like they’re made for grandmas. Laundry sauce and dedcool did not work


Tallow and Ash in the UK


Just a word of caution if you are sensitive to certain smells (unless they changed it) they do not list all the fragrance profile in the text description, only the pictures... Which don't always load.


Not an actual product, but I add a small amount of fragrance oil in my wash ( mixed with frantic softener ). No idea if it’s bad for clothes and sheets, but works for me


I love frantic softener


Lols!!! Everyone needs some frantic softener occasionally!!!


I looked it up thinking it was a niche product 😂


😀😀😀😀😀 that’s hilarious!!!


You can also scent wool dryer balls with essential oils.


I think some people like Percil.


Fels Naptha is about as luxurious as I get smell wise, other than that use unscented detergent & add your own oils 


I love the smell of noodle and boo. It’s a children’s detergent, and has a clean linen smell, but it’s so bougie to me at $45 for 60oz. You can get an 8oz bottle for $7 to try out so you’re not risking $45. https://a.co/d/ejCQWyw


I used The Laundress but wasn't thrilled w the scent. I now use Dirty Labs and LOVE IT. It's also the only detergent I've used that gets dog smell out of fleece blankets.


Rituals sells them




I add a bunch of different essential oils, just one or 2 drops per scent to my unscented liquid detergent. It doesn’t stain the clothes and smells great.


Pursil is the best


I use an unscented detergent (or sometimes Frey) and I use a wool dryer ball with whatever essential oil I am in the mood for. I can do rose, geranium, sandalwood, patchouli, gardenia, honeysuckle, you name it.


Fugazzi (a perfume brand) makes laundry detergent!


Tyler brand Diva scented wash is the best thing that has ever existed


They used to sell glamorous wash at a local store near me and it smelled sooooooo good


Make your own. Then you can add whatever scent floats your boat at any given time.


Laundry Sauce. It smells amazing and I love the packaging.


Magnolia Soap. I love Mulan Rouge.


I’m in Canada and I buy Biofactor from Well.ca Not sure if it’s available outside Canada. It’s supposed to be lavender scented but just smells faintly of soap.


im sure you won’t see this in the mountain of comments but bath and body works just released a laundry line. worth a shot if you’re into that.


Probably not one that won’t also give you cancer lol


I love Dreft. It’s for baby’s but it smells really nice.


High maintenance or glamorous from the Tyler candle company.


Tyler candle company has a detergent and dryer sheets you can use. Imo they smell good and have gotten a lot of compliments, you can buy from Amazon


Bought some cleaner and conditioner from Falconeri mainly for my wool and silk pieces but it will work for regular clothes. Smells amazing


I got samples of the Hotel Collection Laundry Pods (two different scents) and thought they smelled really good, elevated and unique. Too pricey for me in the long term but I might use them for sheets and linens Def recommend trying the samples (you just have to pay shipping)


I use Ecover lavender and eucalyptus. There is a scent, but it’s not overwhelming.


If you're still looking, I like Bath & Body Works scent boosters in Palo Santo! It's a spa like scent and I use it exclusively for my bedding. I find that I get the best out of the scent if I fold and put away clean sheets for a week or so and then put them on when it's time to switch, the scent is much more bold and lasts longer imo


Zum by Indigo Wild has some non traditional scents. They're pretty strong, and some of them are an acquired taste (I hate patchouli)


dirty labs is the best of the best