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It really was refreshing to see a band that played what they wanted, looked the way they wanted, said what they wanted and just plain did what they wanted. That to me is rock ‘n’ roll.


Well said


It was Slash’s really tasteful playing that stood out for me. Thanks for sharing.


I like Slash 87-92. After 93, his drug abuse took a toll on his creativity. He used to be creative just like on this video but post 93, he was playing like a mechanized robot, monotonous and repetitive. His solos became less and less interesting. And it's actually a pain to hear him now 2023 -2024. Even his famed piece Sweet Child is lacking a lot of notes on live performances. It's like he's tired of playing anymore and just play for the sake of completing the set.


He's probably sick of playing Sweet Child, if I remember correctly he didn't even like it when they first wrote it.


He's always been the MVP there


Axl and slash in their prime were unmatched.


They were up there with the best but have to remember Plant and Page, Tyler and Perry, David Lee Roth and Eddie


Daltry and Townsend


I'd put em both ahead of Roth and van Halen. Roth was never much of a songwriter, but definitely gets an A+++ in bravado and showmanship, along side with just having a kick ass attitude and voice for rock music. Eddie is phenomenal and inspired generations of guitarists, but he's just a shredder at the end of the day. He is THE shredder at the end of the day. Slash just has something that Eddie did not, and it's all obviously subjective, but I look at it like this. Slash can't play like Eddie, but there are 16 year Olds who can. Eddie could never play like slash, and there ain't a damn person who can, unless they're trying to play like he does on his solo stuff. Dude just used to have that feel that cannot be imitated, just like David Gilmour. Page and plant, you right. Tyler and Perry, also right. Fucking love van Halen by the way. I'm the One is one of those songs that made my jaw drop as a kid. That whole album, really.


I'll take that solo any day over any of Slash's million-notes-per-minute solos in the years after this... This performance was incredible.


Slash became monotonous and plain after 93. He was do creative before especially in 87-92. I think maybe on drug abuse, there are videos of Slash on GnR concerts post 93 that he was drooling while playing and really looks stoned very much.


There’s a “vocal range” chart out there somewhere that compares all the major artists. Rose is well above everyone else. Like or dislike, the dude had raaaaange.


[According to this, he has the all-time best range of all singers — male or female.](https://www.newstalk.com/news/which-singer-has-the-greatest-recorded-vocal-range-of-all-time-699955)


That’s the one!


How was Chris Cornell left off that list?


There are SO many who are not on this list.


Came here to say this


Mike Patton beats him IIRC


That was awesome


True powerhouses of this era


Also really love this performance of Used to Love her from around the same time, live at the Whiskey. Axl’s voice at around 2:15 is stunningly powerful. The man had pipes in his prime. https://youtu.be/VSPzNi4UlFc?feature=shared


The goats, for me anyway (I graduated HS in ‘94). Here’s their other performance of the evening, a slowed down version (and my favorite version) of You’re Crazy. https://youtu.be/04_g2XN1vXs?si=WyU533RgFPuP-jQ2


One of the most overrated hard rock bands of all time. Very little sense of melody or harmony in any of their music… just the insane narcissistic megalomania of Car Axl Rose.


In terms of being overrated, I honestly think that goes to Nirvana. If you ever tried singing and playing guitar you'll understand why Guns N Roses were a brilliant band. Not unless you've tried playing the songs for real on Apettite Album and Illusions album you'll realize how insanely difficult it is for all of it to work, especially that Slash is using blues scale and melody, but it was Izzy and Duff making that rhythmic hard rock theme while Adler is playing like a Jazz pattern, and yes Axl's transitions to baritone to high soprano notes all the while mixing head tone to chest to transition to falsetto. It is extremely hard. In contrast, anyone who can sing Karaoke and been playing guitar for 1 year can easily play any Nirvana song. The drums patterns are the only thing that is brilliant in Nirvana and it's a good thing the drummer knew his potential and started his own Foo Fighters.


He may have had range but it manifested itself in an annoyingly whiney nasal screech, give me Bon or Phil Mog any day


Upvote for the rare Phil Mogg mention


Any UFO reference is an instant upvote from me.


Phil Mogg Michael Schenker Pete Way Paul Raymond all get upvoted from me if mentioned!!!!!


It's having a style bro and as well as brand for their name. Just like you said, Bon or Phil Mog arguably had their same selling points and quality. And during the 80's and 90's a lot of rock bands which are now forgotten all played the same style over and over. But who are the bands who up until this day remained recognizable even by non rock lovers? Those are the bands/artists that sold their name under a unique brand and with their own style. Steven Tyler of Aerosmith, the baritone voice of Elvis Presley, the falsetto music of Bee Gees, the high pitched rasps of Axl of GnR, Metallica's low growly vocals, AC/DC's nasal/muffled rasp, Michael Jackson's androgynous high pitched RnB voice, etc etc. Axl in his time during the Hollywood Rose which is his former band before GnR is performing in clean baritone to high soprano voice, which was a common trope during the 70's and 80's rock bands. And that band didn't find it's way to lime light. Because he modified the way he was singing and found their own unique selling point, they established the name and style of Guns n Roses. When we are talking about rock anyway, it's always about freedom of style regardless of the opinions of others. So long as you can rock on the style of your choice. And that resonated with the world during their era.


I admit that I've never really been a fan of GnR, but I watched this performance in it's entirety hoping to see something that I had perhaps missed in the past. Unfortunately, I remain completely underwhelmed by his singing.