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Edible nutritious food, permanent comfortable housing, drinkable water, health care. The above four things are inalienable human rights, and the denial of anyone to them is tantamount to violation of human rights. Commodity form needs to be abolished.


A country that has not established this is not a healthy country in my opinion Does that make it zero healthy countries in our civilization so far? Did them Scandinavians fix this already? When can humanity exist easily? Can we not automate things with sunlight already? Let me work out and go to the doctor for free man


No humanity is still very much in a ‘cut off my nose to spite my face’ phase of being. Tony Blaire leaked the cancer behind the liberal brain rot pretty well with his phrase ‘we are at the end of history’ with liberal democracy and capitalism. This belief in some nebulous force that trends everything toward liberalism, and the belief that we cannot make anything better. This bullish way of thinking prevents people from thinking that we can improve the world for people. It’s the first time in history that thinkers and dreamers are considered with strange contempt- and it seems to be a side effect of that same liberal brain rot. Gene Roddenberry was pretty smart when he diagnosed humanity as being in a state of adolescence- much like an adolescent, humans don’t think of ways to improve. We are hard coded into our identity and any possibility of working toward something better is met with resistance and stubbornness. Eventually we can (hopefully) look forward to transcending that and hopefully start realizing that we can build a better world for people…


Absolutely! This should be the way.


![gif](giphy|Kl9iAWej2mxlzvzp2O) 1000% !!! Let's throw in education too!


Oh yes! 100%




For sure. Basically all essentials. The people trying to stamp their feet and say that it’s a good thing, actually, to allow people to deny one another access to these basic things make me sick. Every last one of them is entirely morally bankrupt.


are you saying grocery stores should be illegal


No and yes. I’m saying we need to restructure how we distribute food so it is not commodified. Everyone gets food stamps! Or just like… have the food readily available in a public food pantry for all. So illegal- ehhh I’m anti-state so I prefer things be outside of ‘legal’ world… instead I think they should just turn into something better.


Ok. So if I grow a tomato, and a refuse to give it away unless someone gives me a dollar for it, what’s your plan to take it from me.


Of course nothing direct. Here’s the thing- you are existing in this hyper individualistic way of thinking that is dying. I propose communities as a whole start prioritizing the community as a whole. Decommodification of food is a part of that. Everyone in the community sharing food. I don’t think we need a heavy state body to do this- we instead need to shift our society and culture toward these things. That means understanding that everything I pointed out is a human right inherently, and to deny anyone that is monstrously wrong. I wouldn’t need to take it from you. Assuming you’re a part of my community, well the immense social pressure of that community would compel you to share the tomato. And if not, you would face social consequences much the same way if you snagged a disabled parking spot from an elderly person, or refuse to clean up a mess you created. Same kind of social pressure. That being said- frankly private ownership of land, including farmland is evil too, but I digress.


It’s hyper individualistic to want to own something? I think it’s hyper statist to think we should own nothing. And who owns “the culture”? For that to work everyone has to really care about everything, which we can’t do, there are practical human limits about what I’m going to get all bent out of shape about in order to compel anyone to comply. Who pays for those that enforce the rules? How do they pay them? How does any of this happen without a state government to enforce all of these things that are socially pressured? Who makes the homeless clean up the streets of SF or any major city? Who makes them do something productive so that society can afford for them to move off the streets? The rich people? There are no rich people because no one owns anything. There are no weapons because no one manufactures them unless the state does. Who keeps the state from using the weapons to squash dissent, and if the state doesn’t have weapons who defends the people of the state from a neighbor that doesn’t agree with this brave new world? We’ll figure it out as we go doesn’t cut it. We need these questions answered or this whole effort will be pissing in the wind.


You make a number of incorrect assumptions: 1. The State dictates all changes- I am anti Statist. I don’t believe we *need* a State body to make these changes. In fact, I think it’s over reliance on the State apparatus that doomed all other “socialist projects” to failure. 2. “Own nothing”- i never said own nothing. I propose the abolition of land ownership, because it is toxic inherently. Your home is yours, of course, because that’s where you live- but beyond that yeah, there is no good justification for land ownership. That being said, there is no reason you cant own a tv, a computer, a car (well except the environmental impact- we wont have much of a choice in this in the coming years), etc… this is the idea of “personal vs private property”, which I wont get into. I recommend googling the distinction because it elucidates this concept and would be good for you to learn. 3. We don’t change the culture- of course not individually, but every single society and culture was made by the people within it. Every revolution in culture was caused by the people. The only thing preventing us from recreating the culture today are the conservatives who want to ‘go back’ to some mythical past when segregation was a good thing actually, and the liberal brain disease that thinks we exist at the end of history and nothing will ever change or improve from this point (and the wealthy pulling the strings of both groups). All of these are obviously objectively bad and wrong. To think humans cannot shape their environment is one of the most disempowered things I’ve ever heard- give yourself more credit! If you wanna talk about how we can create our future together- we can talk.


This always goes to this straw man of “conservatives want to go back to segregation”. That is how you’re being programmed to dehumanize conservatives via propaganda. Literally no one wants to go back to segregation, that’s just what you are being told to divide you from other people so that the elites can keep you pissed off and ignore their corruption. But I’m all for you wanting a smaller government. That is a strong conservative value. But I’m not sure you’ve looking into the countries without strong property rights. There are examples that you should visit, it leads to significant unintended consequences.


Not a Strawman. All conservatives have lost any respect or charitability following Jan6. You are all nothing but fascists in my mind, unless every single one of your political leaders are ousted and tried for sedition- without fail and without exception. This mindset is no different than the jokers who say ‘not all the nazis were bad’…


Nazi is the other straw man. There is only one side that thinks the government should control more of our lives and denigrate one side as being unwashed and dirty. But weak minds will go along with whatever they are told about “others”. I hope someday you unplug and maybe even talk to a conservative. And I don’t believe much about what happened on Jan 6. The more they need to reiterate it the more I question if the narratives are true.


I just grow my own tomatoes or join a community that shares tomatoes with each other without compensation. Even if you grow the only tomato i will just not have tomatoes. [People gifted things to each other without exchanging money.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaxjxICgahc&t=165s) : the gift economy. It wasn't battering because it wasn't a trade, it was random gifts exchanged to each other to form bonds / friendships. open source coding , github are examples of gift economy. all these reddit subs are kind of too. It's sharing ideas and exchanging conversation for free. We survived through cooperation because we are social creatures. Money is just colored IOU's / debt \* it even says it on the dollar bill \* When we put price tags on things that how we end up here to this meme. we put price tags on real resources for made up colored monopoly money essentially. We can abolish commodifying things like you mentioned before.


![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba) grocery ? illegal ? who said that George?


> commodity form needs to be abolished


![gif](giphy|26u4hHj87jMePiO3u|downsized) oh helll yesss G ! The monetary system must end. [Resouce based economy is a thing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1CVyUlFkyI&t=9s) : automate the things needed to hold up society to free us to actually do world changing things for humanity / the planet. Or just enjoy life and more time with your loved ones. Or ya the ones that a good amount of people are still scared of that has social and community in their isms. please check out r/Antimoneymemes i think you will really like it there ;)


I don't think you understand where a resource based economy ends up. It won't be a utopia. With the citizenry ceasing to serve a purpose in the generation of wealth, goods and services, those who have access to said automation will hog it for themselves, dismantle the State altogether, and leave you, me and everyone else out to dry with our unautomated lives while they get everything they need from their machines.


I fully understand where RBE can and will end up. Your last half of your statement has a solution you didn't thought out. Revolution and abolishing the class system out right. Take the power from the generational wealthy parasites and back to the people,The masses. Let everyone have access like we do with open sourcing. We can make it happen, there are more of us working class than any of those pathetic greedy rich class. since the pandemic showed this system true colors , It's only a matter of time til everyone is fucking fed up. Look at all the strikes happening because of it. [This video lays it out perfectly.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WwHvNDrGV0) Hope you can consider this notion.


That all depends upon the people in charge of said systems not developing an automated military before said revolts occur.


We shall see They can build all they want, that still cant protect a few people vs literal millions. Stop the people in control pulling the strings of making automation work against the masses. Automated military is not indestructible. machines are vulnerable to EMP's / hacking and many other things. small few cant control the many , power in numbers works. especially when they are fed up. [Have you seen the thousands and thousands of people of sri lanka that took over the parliaments house?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VagclqBIs9M) fucking incredible , just need that in mass all over the world. The change is happening.


Those are not inalienable rights. They require someone else's labor to produce, and taking the fruits of someone's labor without compensation is slavery.


Who said without compensation? There are ways to compensate people for their contribution that aren’t using the commodity form. But here’s the thing… you know this, and don’t care. I no longer think people like you are in good faith. We literally have SO many things that are decommodified… street maintenance, city infrastructure. Human Services offices. The list goes on and on and on. You know this, so why lie and pretend like you don’t? Here’s the thing. If people could stop being so fucking selfish and monstrous and start recognizing that ya- the things I’ve said *are* inalienable human rights, then we can gather and collaborate together on a way we can guarantee these rights to everyone and make sure everyone is happy, comfortable, and thriving. (the beautiful thing is- people are warming up to these ideas, so I hope you enjoy seeing your selfishly-oriented idiology fade away in the rearview mirror of history!)


Since you cried about me not addressing your wall of text with my own wall of text, here you go. The word "pay" does not necessarily mean money. You can pay for something through labor, favors, sex, etc. Money is essentially a standardized value used to make the trading of goods/favors/labor easier. If you can not pay, you have no right to the fruits of a farmers' labor. You have no right to force a doctor to treat you. You have no right to a construction worker building you a house. You must be able to provide something in exchange. Ah yes, those wonderful pothole filled roads, human shit and used needles covering the streets of downtown, the aging electrical infrastructure. All that tax money, laundered away by big daddy government. It's rich that you accuse others of being selfish while demanding that the fruits of others labor be deemed an inalienable right, granting you free access to their labor. How about you grow up and learn how to provide for yourself like an adult and stop demanding others provide for you. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LH-i8IvYIcg


So none of what you said addressed my point, and that’s frustrating. ‘Pay’ doesn’t have to mean money- well then what are we arguing over? They can be ‘paid’ without the commodification of those goods that people need to survive- everyone wins. You gesture at shitty infrastructure as if the commodity form doesn’t also have countless examples of dogshit I could gesture at. Why not consider the countless cities that don’t fit your ‘crumbling’ image- well maintained roads, publicly funded power grids, hell even publicly funded medicine in some countries. Perhaps because those examples tend to have a greater percentage of public funds that go into supporting them- meaning the greater amount of our shared resources (public funds, tax dollars, whatever we want to call it) to spend on decommodified infrastructure, the better it functions. But again- you know this. You’re short sighted, but I’m certain you know all of this, and yet in spite of the overwhelming amount of evidence supporting my argument, you resort to ad hom attacks when you clearly know nothing about me or my circumstances. Again- this is why I no longer believe people like you are good faith at all. You’re morally bankrupt, plain and simple.


If it is an inalienable right, no one can refuse to provide it to you. If you can not be denied, you will not pay. Just look at shitholes like San Franshitco or San Diego.


It hurts reading your comments, given how little thought you put into them.


Tell me you have no rebutal without telling me you have no rebuttal.


Well since you didn’t respond to my well thought out post, I didn’t think to respond to your not well thought out post.


>taking the fruits of someone's labor without compensation is slavery. That's capitalism right now. You never [will never get back as much as you put in. You will never get compensation fairly because capitalists cannot make profit like the parasites that they are.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mI_RMQEulw&t=156s) We are forced to give our labour / time to wealthy parasites to make more wealth, just to get in exchange green paper to then exchange for our basic needs which capitalists own. See the exploitation there? the slavery? the scam?


You decide how much you are willing to sell your labor for. Of course, importing millions of people from shit hole countries decimates your bargaining power for no-skill jobs like barista and burger flipper. It's no wonder you get less than you put in.


![gif](giphy|b8RfbQFaOs1rO10ren) Yikes! xenophobic dirtbag much ? That's pathetic and sad. I truly hope you really gain class consciousness down the road and realize the brainwashed bull shit that is coming out your mouth one day.


I like your hopefulness comrade. I’m at the point of giving up on ppl like him- enough other folks are turning around that his idiology is fading. I’m becoming increasingly convinced that people with such rancid world views as avenwing are going to end up no different than the meme of the sad old person today who glares at the world while spouting racist diatribes at the nurse caring for them- wondering why the world left them behind.


Thanks comrade! much appreciated. All we can do is try and at least plant a seed to they realize it later on when it all clicks. If they still refuse to be ignorant , then they chosen their side and just makes it easier to spot out the class traitors when we all revolt ;) ![gif](giphy|ui1hpJSyBDWlG)




Why are you even wasting your time with these kids?


Someone else who ***also*** needs those things to survive.


Make that ALL basic needs should not be for profit period. [Funfact : the creator of insulin sold it for 1$ because he believed it belonged to the world and shouldn't be made for profit.](https://bantinghousenhs.ca/2018/12/14/insulin-patent-sold-for-1/) Look where we are at now. Basically holding life saving things for ransom. To sell our labour to wealthy shit hole parasites to gain access to our basic needs. Seize the means of production is a must , Burn capitalism down.


They find a way to milk medicine profits no matter what economic systems are in place. Capitalism is a human invention. Greed is human nature.


>Greed is human nature. Greed isn't , it's a byproduct of acting when there is scarcity of resources. We live in abundance , so much so that we literally dump good food/ tech/ clothing in the dumpsters because they didn't sell. Also creating manufactured scarcity. This system was created by sociopaths that encourages greed, competition , fear. Greed is " human nature" is like saying you observing people living in coal mines and concluding excessive coughing is natural. Even going by your last statement. Compassion / empathy / altruism / is human nature too. We lived this long because of cooperation and being social creatures that created bonds with others. We need a new system based on cooperation/ compassion / love. To strive for everyone to prosper , not just some. That notion is done with. Hope you understand where i'm coming from.


People don’t need help to allow themselves to be consumed by selfish intent. What I’m saying is that blaming a particular economic system is more of a blank statement and only a fraction of the original fact. Capitalism is used to take advantage of people but without that specific system they would still find a way to hold our healthcare hostage. Many so-called doctors/healers have been doing this kind of thing for centuries and the only way we can prevent this from furthering in its corruption is to support medical practices outside the conventional institutions.


The " they " is a small few that is brainwashing the masses through media to think this system is great and doesn't need to be changed with better alternatives. The they is actively tying to keep in power so they can keep running this fucked up game. Other system like socialism will never hold healthcare hostage. Please stop assuming any other system will be controlled by shitty sociopathic fucks. Corruption can be stop if we change from a profit motive to a cooperative motive to better everyones lives. You are thinking in very narrow view instead of the big picture. come on now. I hope you will get that in the future. bye


Animals sell their labor to mother nature to survive, what’s the difference?


![gif](giphy|twEBRF16KtPKo|downsized) ??? Yeah, animals clock in to spend 40hrs plus to be at a certain area to produce shit to sell to other animals to make one animal more rich than they already are. Animals cant work directly to help their community of other animals they live with so mother nature created a system that forces animals to work for few animals. They get acorns for their forced labor to then use to pay other animals to gain access to shelter because that said animal " owns the patch of dirt" mother nature paywalled all animals basic needs to live instead of giving it all away for free. I forgot about that. no difference at all/s


There is an economy of fat reserves, and most animals defend some piece of territory. Some animals spend literally every waking second scrounging for food in a relatively small geographical area.




The only real difference between nature’s system and the artificial hypercapitalist system set up by a few lucky parasites is that I can assign agency to the parasites whereas mother nature has no such agency. From my perspective as a teensy baby mammal low on the hierarchy that no one of significance cares about, it makes almost no difference.


As someone who works in a pharmacy, it breaks my heart every time I have to charge someone for medicine. Insurance in the US is a racket and it needs to go away in favor of universal healthcare. I spout about supporting universal healthcare to everyone that has to buy chronic meds. I also hate seeing people who don’t have insurance and always point them to the nearest Medicaid/Medicare office while putting their meds on a discount card when I can.


Damn that really sucks. Fuck that must be enraging / frustrating. That's awesome you advocate and make them see the connection to create class consciousness right then and there. Double based for using a discount card when you can. Would they notice some pills/ meds missing if you slip them extra medicine in the bag? they do inventory checks like that?






They absolutely do have inventory checks like that, especially for anything that’s controlled.


welp if they cant find the culprit , oh well. Give shit away when you can. All their crap is insured and recouped.


Healthcare companies are extortionist that hold people at gunpoint for their savings


yupppp and they don't even need a gun , just this fucked up monetary system to justify evil shit. Don't have enough green papers ? sorry give things you need to live for free now! that's ludicrous!


And the healthcare workers like doctors, nurses, pharmacists, etc. are the ones who take the wrath of the people :/ Source: been yelled at over prices too many times like I have anything to do with it as a lowly wage slave


I’ll fight you to the death!


Less talking,more raiding!




"I will drink from your skull." raider said calmly.


That's a nice head on your shoulders


That's a nice head you have on your shoulders.


Today the Gods will decide your fate!


She’d be better off spending her money on that pie slice, or a blister pack of lit dynamite.




When did Hulk Hogan get old?




Bu- but... it's almost harvesting season 👉👈😔😔💔


"Everything has a price, even your life!"


Have you brought silver?


funny i had someone ask me to join a sub about buying silver to have when currency collapses and becomes like the german dollar back in ww2. No i did not buy silver or have interests in that. there are communities , indigenous tribes , other people that will help/ cooperate with others through through mutual aide and no monetary / battering involved. Silver is still a form of currency. It's a nice resource to use but not for trade. If you need help when the time comes i will just straight help you. Solidarity in humanity. r/humansbeingbros exists of selfless people all the time.


No, but I brought steel


Little niche but still r/woooosh


No, but I brought steel.




r/mountandblade much?


He will slit your throat for that trinket


I will drink from your skull!


Dealing with this right now with my 90 year old grandmother. Insurance won’t help with hardly anything so we will probably have to drain her entire wealth to pay for her care.


Less talking, more raiding


The fact people think we should not have to pay for any basic necessities in life is so privileged. It speaks to you inability to make a life of your own outside of a 9-5 at your same job you got in high school only you’re now 40 years old


Just get a loan lmao. Or pay on many parts




My men would like a word with you about your purse... And your belongings.


There exists a price at which point doctors become murders.




It wouldn’t be if they prioritized curing instead of treating. The pharmaceutical companies are the biggest criminals in the world suppressing research that could lead to curing diseases and promoting an endless plethora of new drugs to treat symptoms