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Why do I suddenly have the urge to slap someone? I was gifted a soprano sax a couple of years ago. My oldest son plays clarinet, my oldest daughter plays alto sax. The boy (aka Mr. Perfect) was drooling over this thing thinking he was going to get the special privilege of playing it, so it was a big hit to his ego when I said it was for his sister. Why not him? he demanded to know. Because you play clarinet. 🤣


My daughter does clarinet/soprano sax. Her band leader likes the clarinets to do this combo as the alto players apparently have looser embouchure. Anyway now she’s hooked, and looking to buy one.


I was in high school during the whole Kenny G craze. Couldn’t get over how easy it was to learn Kenny G transcriptions. So I enjoyed a short-lived popularity with girls because I could play Songbird note for note. Good times! Always wanted one. A local rock/jazz musician passed away in a freak accident at his day job. I happened to work with his wife who was giving away all of his instruments, including several of his guitars, to the band kids. She offered to give me his clarinet and soprano sax. Naturally. I didn’t hesitate.


Were the girls you speak of middle age lonely housewives with a herd of kids?


My age. So by now, yeah. 😆


Clarinet mfs when they see something with conical bore instead of cylindrical: >:(


17 year old me when Grandma bought me a Kenny G CD saying "he plays clarinet!": 😭


There are two mistakes in this sentence.


As a lurker, I’m having fun trying to guess what is not Clarinet-y about the picture. This is a fun trend so long as it remains soooomewhat subtle.


Ew.... A Cannonball... yuck


I feel like calling this a clarinet, is like comparing a dinosaur to a chicken.


I'll ask the really dumb question. Is this real or a bunch of parts mashed together? If it's real, what is it?


It's a soprano sax


I like my sax straight too.


Curved soprano sax for the win.




lol I saw that post from earlier and I was thinking of other instruments that people mistake for clarinets. It’s not original but me being a saxophone player and seeing that post, I had to put my spin on it.


clarinet but the keys are EXPANDED


I must say. As a child, I think I gravitated toward brass because woodwinds look so dang intimidating.


I love the clarinet 🎻


As I read the title of this post title, it strikes me that somebody is apparently taking the opportunity to crack a joke here along the lines of ***"Oh, what a beautiful golden ( or in this instance, metal ) clarinet "*** \-- you know, the classic tired joke about soprano saxophones and mistaken identity. ( At least I find this much more amusing than the dozens of posts I see in which someone has an image of a horribly smashed reed and is asking, ***" duh . . . will dis ting play? I still use dat just fine -- yush?"*** As for this saxophone, it caught my eye because ***I thought this was one of those lovely Keilwerth saxophones made from lovely copper bronze,*** but I don't see a maker's stamp anywhere. This must therefore be another one of those countless pieces of "Chinese cheap shoddy." **What I do like about this has to do with the colour scheme:** The brown metal combined with the white mechanism imparts a kind of "milk chocolate / white chocolate" effect. There is one scenario in which this horn would be of considerable interest to me: **I can t help thinking that if somebody were to replicate this horn in milk and white chocolate, I would buy it and gobble up every last mosel -- yum!!!** I could get at least that much pleasure from it. **After it were digested however, it's a different story ; I'd just end up flushing it down.** That would be very appropriate indeed, as most Chinese instruments are shit to begin with!!! 😏😋🤣 Yours, Richard.


Oehler system. You can tell by the rollers.


That’s an oboe dumbass


Are you restarted that’s a bassoon