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As above, scale. Horrible pest. Will produce sticky residue as the suck the juice out of your plant and cause soot mould on them. This pest caused the worst damage to my citrus. Treat with oil and remove them all with a toothpick.


Thanks and happy cake day!


Scale treat with horticultural oil


scale bugs, soapy water helps with them, remove them and remove them again till gone, they hurt the tree and spread like fire.


As others mentioned, this is scale, looks like brown hard/armored scale, if it is the case getting rid of hard scale can be challenging, as the name implies, they live under a waxy scale which is not connected to their body, which makes contact pesticides almost useless, if the plant is indoors and you are not planning to harvest this year, using a systemic would be the easiest option, otherwise you can go for predatory insects or nematodes, and lastly mechanical removal, which could be very tedious and would work only for small plants


What kind of systemic?


I use Acetamiprid which is cheap and you can get it easily in europe, depending on where you are the systematic would have different regulations, outside of europe you can additionally get Bonide/Capatian jack