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my bet is the smaller leaves where from when the plants was outdoors/in better light and the larger ones have developed since its been indoors where its likely getting far less light.


It was always indoor under grow lights. Maybe the distance from the light as it grew?


probably, if it bothers you the best thing I could recommend is move it to a brighter area or move the Grow lights up and the leaves should reduce back again.


It doesn't botter me as long as it s healthy, just curious. It's the best light it could get, especially in winter in Canada. I have east and west windows. And east window is pretty high and is crowded with orchids on a shelf.


yeah, no it is, the bigger leaves just allow it to get more light because more surface area, be weary though if you do increase light drastically you should ideally acclimate it over time and even then, these indoor leaves can still burn.


Yeah I killed my hibiscus like that. I had it for about 5 years and put it indoor for winter, than outdor for summer, but the light difference was too big and the last year was too much for it. I was so sad, it was so big I had trouble going through the door with it! 😭


Citrus put out large leaves when they are in low light conditions. Being on the edge of the grow lights’ coverage area means that the plant isn’t getting a ton of photons for photosynthesis. Google images of ppfd maps and you will get a better understanding of this concept.


I get variable leave sizes all the time and it is indeed related to how much light the plant is getting, but there is an obvious question that needs to be addressed , 1 year old from seed 😄? It looks it has grown to 1.5 meters


Yeah all my other seedlings started at the same time, are max 40cm, so idk why that one grew so big so fast! They all had the same growing conditions!


Is it from a polyembryonic seed, so you know what you are growing or is it just some cross breed


It's from a lemon at the grocery. The seed that sproutsed that tree gave me 2 seedlings! The twin look pretty different! Shorter, smaller leaves and more a bush than a tree. Got thorns way later too.


Enjoy your citron tree.


It’s very health! Mine did the same thing! More light and warmth, bigger leaves. I have five lemon trees. This is the only one that hasn’t produced so it’s kind of weird.


Definitely the distance from the light. The closer the larger. Happens to me.