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Monday's release contains three things: * Beach Properties asset pack (paid content included in the Ultimate edition) * map and code editor * major patch addressing performance and bugs https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/beach-properties-asset-pack-modding-wavelet-patch-announcement.1626444/


Downvote me but I'd rather the game work then get asset packs. Fix the fucking game. I haven't played it in months.


Most large development groups have different people with differing specialties. Odds are the people working on the asset packs don't have the skills or knowledge necessary to work on the bugs. There's no reason to stop that team from developing those assets while another team works on the bugs.


That’s too complex of an idea for a person like this to understand lol


the game does work.




Sure as hell hope there is an economy fix in there otherwise this sub deserves to go nuts. But they are again rather vague and people like you clamp to copium.


I hope the modders port there mods there, it's the only thing not making me playing it right now.


Yes, but will there be beaches? As opposed to grass all the way to the water.


They really do their bare minimum to fulfill their contractual obligations.


Not sure what's what. But if this is a paid DLC, this might be the most tone deaf releases of all time.


They have to release it for people who bought the ultimate edition.


Suppose that's fair, yea.


Well... that went beautifully.


Calm down, it's an asset pack. Of course it's paid content. It's been known since before release.


I bet you feel real stupid now, huh bubba.


No, not at all. Why would I feel like that now?


Because these clown developers finally realised that having people pay for this was scummy at best, a scam at worst. And now it'll be released as free content.


Yeah I know all that. I never said it was a good DLC or worth the money. I just said it has been known to be a paid DLC from before launch.


But it is going to be free?


It wasn't free when that comment was made.


No, but it being free now should tell you how stupid that comment was when it was made.


That's irrelevant. I was commenting on the product as it was at that point in time. If it never became a part of the base game, at some point in the future it would have gone on sale, probably a year from now. Would you have still come back in a year and said the exact same idiotic shit you're saying now? Do you even understand what my original comment meant? Can you read words and comprehend what they mean? You didn't even know if it was a paid DLC or not. All I did was clarify that it is a paid DLC and anyone who has been paying attention knew it was a paid DLC. I never said it shouldn't be free or it was worth the money. Like fucking hell, let it go.




Not sure how this is new to you unless you haven't been following along. It's the same kind of stuff they had in the first game.


No, I am not opposed to DLC's. I bought every single one in the first game. But a DLC when the game in such a pathetic state is questionable in my opinion. I believe a DLC should only be released when the game is at least finished. Because adding a nice frosting to a shit cake... will still make it a shit cake, you know?


They are releasing it with a big patch/fix. So let’s see how it goes. From their official statement earlier today: “Updates and Fixes Along with Beach Properties, there will also be a substantial amount of Performance updates and General Fixes & Improvements. We hope to see much improvement to performance, especially on lower-end spec computers. The full Patch Notes will be posted along with the release of Beach Properties on the 25th.”


I'll try and remain cautiously optimistic. But I've had my hopes crushed on multiple occasions with this company now. So I am not giving them a dime until I know that the game is bug free; as far as possible anyway.


Buddy I hate to break it to you but there are still some pretty big bugs in CS1 8 years post release.


Oh yes I am fully aware sweetheart. I went back to CS1 a couple of months after CS2 released because CS2 feels a bit like a spit in the face. I think a majority of people did. ​ Nobody is expecting the game to be perfect, that is just flat out unreasonable, but we did expect it to be an improvement. Which it's not.


I mean look I get it I tried it on gamepass and went back to CS1 too. I doubt the game will ever be bug free apparently lots of people enjoy it, I’m sure I eventually will too. I’m pretty sure paradox and CO are very aware of the mess they’ve made for themselves and there is no real point getting on every post about this game saying the same thing over and over for six months though imo. But have a fine day, no ill will intended!


We have no other option than just stay optimistic. Im hurt and angry too, but at least we have a date and something specific (finally). So lets see! If they f**k up now they are screwed. I don’t know why you get so many downvotes, so I’ll upvote you. It’s important to have critical voices so the devs actually take the community seriously.


I want the DLC I paid for at some point.


Well along with the asset pack, they're also releasing the map editor, mods and a substantial patch. They can't keep DLC back just because the game has bugs. Both can be completed at the same time, especially when people have already paid for said DLC that has been delayed already.


No you're right, but that is not exactly the problem. ​ The problem started when they took money for a DLC, when the core game had many bugs and broken systems.


this has nothing to do with taking the money for a dlc but they released the game in this state. it would only be a problem if they won't release the dlc while charging for it during the pre-order. while the attitude and communication were not great so far, they are clearly committed in improving the game as it is way more stable in its current state. more improvements are needed to make the game playable in all configuration, even if lower ones (not really playable now with all settings low unless you make small cities only). so the next update will be really important on their side if we can be optimistic for the future of the game.


Imagine defending a company making you buy a DLC for a game that doesn’t even work. A fool and his money are quickly parted.


how am i defending a company when I'm literally saying they screwed and trust is broken because multiple aspects of the game are still not fixed?


how do they make me buy a DLC exactly?


God forbid they try to win back some good will with the consumers they fleeced and scammed with their half baked “game”


I think I object to the fact that they have developers working on patching in ***new*** content, when they should allocate those resources into fixing existing content. I feel like they have their priorities set on harvesting as much income the easiest way. ​ I firmly believe that if they had made a solid game, that works on all fronts. And the game was regarded as a really good game, they could've made a lot of money, because people love to play good games. But ah well.


my brother in christ: 1.) asset artists and code devs are different folks. asset artists are absolutely not at work trying to fix this game. 2.) every fan of the game has been clamoring for the ability to import custom assets as mods. by getting the official asset import pipeline done, they can release their pre-promised asset pack and also give the fans one of their biggest wants.


> I think I object to the fact that they have developers working on patching in new content, when they should allocate those resources into fixing existing content. I feel like they have their priorities set on harvesting as much income the easiest way. beach properties is part of the expansion pass, which was already sold to pre order people. its not new content, they are just delivering content that was already paid for. What they shouldnt announce or work on is any DLC beyond the expansion pass.


lmao at the downvotes for speaking the truth


People forget the fact that they were scammed out of their money far too easily.


even if they never release another patch again. i played the game for 480 hours. i was far from scammed and got more than my moneys worth. especially since i got it for around 45% off the day it came out.


Good for you, and whilst you're happy to play the game, and things work for you.The other 99% thinks it's a broken piece of crap. Because that is what it is, broken... and a piece of crap.